Recomposition: Maintaining weight while losing fat



  • zackpeters
    zackpeters Posts: 10 Member
    TinaZ2018 wrote: »
    Hi! I haven't done sports or worked out seriously in my life. I haven't stepped into a gym since about 13 years ago. I've been extremely sedentary to the point of getting overweight and having health problems. So for my 34th anniversary I've decided to change my life style. I've started working out at home consistently, cleaned my diet, ate with a deficit (25% I suppose, if I really have a TDEE of 2000 kcal... this is another issue 'cause the online calculators give me a range of 1700 to 2300 kcal), ate a higher intake of protein (2g/kg) and did 90% strength training. I've lost about 10 kg and I am at ideal weight (57 kg at 168cm) since the beginning of July.
    The next step is to find my real TDEE. As in the last week of weight lose I had an intake of 1500 kcal, I've started to gradually increase my intake. I am currently at 1700 kcal but I need a longer period or time to evaluate my body's reaction. At 1600 kcal I got down to 56.4kg. After four days of eating 1700 kcal, I am at 57.2 kg.
    I recall that during weight loss, when I've upped my intake to 1500 kcal that I was full ALL the time and now, eating more and nothing else changed but I am hungry very often. I wonder if it can be due to increased muscle mass and even though I've gained a bit, 1700 kcal is not my actual TDEE? I hope it's closer to 2000 cause I'm sooo hungry. I should mention that I have a desk job, so my life style is still sedentary if I take the workouts out of the discussion.
    Ok... to get to the point. I want to remain around this weight and do a body recomp. I know it's years of work but as I am a first timer, I know I'll have results faster than others. I already achieved things that I've never thought I could like 33 push-ups/set (couldn't do one correct knee push-up in January), muscle definition on my arms and back, areas where I've always had lots of flabby fat.

    I have no idea my BF% because I can't find a DEXA scan in this city but according to measurements I have 23.26% and according to the calipers 21%.

    I don't know if I should increase my calories to 1800 next week or not but given how I generally feel, I think my body needs fuel. I already drink 2-3L of water per day, so it's not thirst, I eat 3 main meals and two snacks, exercise an average of 1hx5days a week and my macros are 40% carbs, 28% proteins, 32% fat (used to be 40/30/30 until two days ago).
    I don't want to bulk (and eat with a lot of surplus) but I do want to gain some muscle mass and I don't care if that means the scale going up. I've measured today and even though the scale is the same as 10 days ago, I've lost 1cm off the belly and booty, so I suppose that I've put on a bit of muscle.
    Honestly, I'm a bit lost, so any constructive advice will be appreciated. Thanks!

    Are you following any particular lifting program? It sounds like you are just doing your own thing at home, so I would suggest finding a good, established, progressive lifting program to start with. And I think you are on the right track with your calories, you appear to be at a great starting point for a recomp. Up your calories a bit, and see how you go - adjust as needed. If you find you are losing weight and not gaining much in terms of strength, up your calories a bit. If you are starting to gain weight, lower them a bit. Determining calories burned isn't an exact science unfortunately, and your exact burn will in fact change from day to day, so pick a number (1800-2000 sounds reasonable for your current weight), give it 4-6 weeks to judge how you are actually tracking on that amount, and adjust as needed.

    You made some great progress in these photos! Way to go!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member

    Great results - well done.

    My gym has a Boditrax unit too and I find it pretty reasonable for a trend over time if used same time of day / same fed or fasted state.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    FitForL1fe wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Hadabetter wrote: »
    And when your body needs protein it looks first for amino acids circulating in the blood stream. Failing that, it will get the protein it needs to maintain/repair your vital organs from your existing muscle mass. This will kill any efforts at body recomp. So your protein intake should be spread throughout the day in 3-4 roughly equal doses to ensure that you always have those amino acids available to your body.

    For this reason body recomposition is not compatible with intermittent fasting.


    sigh now I need to stop being a *kitten* and buy some casein

    Sucks for those of us who are allergic to casein :/
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    HAS415 wrote: »
    What is casein? Isn't that the stuff in like jalapenos that make them spicy? Hey do they sell that in pill form because I hear that hot stuff speeds up your metabolism and I can't really have much of that because of my ulcers.

    Casein is the naturally occurring protein that is in dairy. Its not manufactured and only available in protein powder form. It already exists. The powder just isolates it. Casein is one reason someone might be allergic to milk, if it isnt lactose intolerance.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    FitForL1fe wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Hadabetter wrote: »
    And when your body needs protein it looks first for amino acids circulating in the blood stream. Failing that, it will get the protein it needs to maintain/repair your vital organs from your existing muscle mass. This will kill any efforts at body recomp. So your protein intake should be spread throughout the day in 3-4 roughly equal doses to ensure that you always have those amino acids available to your body.

    For this reason body recomposition is not compatible with intermittent fasting.


    sigh now I need to stop being a *kitten* and buy some casein

    Sucks for those of us who are allergic to casein :/

    I think I may be. How. did you find out?
  • CameronWhittaker
    CameronWhittaker Posts: 26 Member
    I started trying to lose weight in September at 180kg and dropped down to 150kg by new years but eating less and lots of cardio. I mainly did cardio and not much weights, I got pretty depressed at how much strength I lost. At 180kg I could bench press 130, deadlift 180kg, and squat 150kg. At 150kg I could barely bench 70, DL 100kg, and squat 80kg.

    So I started a weight lifting plan, iv made some gains while still losing weight. I'm almost down to 130kg, can deadlift 150kg, squat 90kg, and bench 90kg. This isn't huge by any means but at least I'm retaining and gaining a little strength while losing significant weight.

    Iv still got a chunk of weight to lose, hopefully, I can keep my strength maybe even get stronger.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I start my cut again in May but am so scared I’ll lose everything I’ve built, most specifically my strength. In terms of a reasonable deficit to retain strength I would aim for .5 lb loss a week, but to hit a 20 lb loss that would take me 40ish weeks, isn’t being in a deficit that long also harmful when trying to retain? Sorry for the length, I’m already stressed about my upcoming cut 🤣

    Being in a reasonable deficit for a long time is not harmful, that's the point of reasonable, it's not the stress on the body unreasonable would be.
    You could have 5 lbs @ 1 lb weekly and be reasonable, until moving to 0.5 lb weekly.
    Might benefit from a 1 week diet break at 10 lbs left, and 5 lbs left.

    To retain strength - don't drop the weight on the bar.
    And increase the weight on the bar for squats & deadlifts by the amount lost off the body.

    You'll have to cut frequency or duration, but keep the intensity - ie weight on the bar.
    Drop sets, and/or reps, to keep the intensity just as difficult.

    Obviously don't expect increases during a deficit, wrong time to increase everything in a diet.
    But can maintain.

    Weight training to do during fat loss -

  • jennacole12
    jennacole12 Posts: 1,167 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    I start my cut again in May but am so scared I’ll lose everything I’ve built, most specifically my strength. In terms of a reasonable deficit to retain strength I would aim for .5 lb loss a week, but to hit a 20 lb loss that would take me 40ish weeks, isn’t being in a deficit that long also harmful when trying to retain? Sorry for the length, I’m already stressed about my upcoming cut 🤣

    Being in a reasonable deficit for a long time is not harmful, that's the point of reasonable, it's not the stress on the body unreasonable would be.
    You could have 5 lbs @ 1 lb weekly and be reasonable, until moving to 0.5 lb weekly.
    Might benefit from a 1 week diet break at 10 lbs left, and 5 lbs left.

    To retain strength - don't drop the weight on the bar.
    And increase the weight on the bar for squats & deadlifts by the amount lost off the body.

    You'll have to cut frequency or duration, but keep the intensity - ie weight on the bar.
    Drop sets, and/or reps, to keep the intensity just as difficult.

    Obviously don't expect increases during a deficit, wrong time to increase everything in a diet.
    But can maintain.

    Weight training to do during fat loss -

    Thank you so much! I just read the whole thing and found it very helpful, although I may need to read it a few more times to make sure I pulled everything, there’s a lot of info in there. And by cut frequency or duration you mean.... I’d essentially squat the same weight, as my standard working set, but rather than 5 sets of 5 or whatever.... I may have to cut down to 3 sets of 5?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    See if this posts
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Strange - I've got a post that is pretty simple getting hit by a MFP front end keyword blocker.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    As that article mentions, you can drop 2/3 combined of frequency and volume to maintain, and do something that will increase your daily calorie burn more than lifting in the saved time, so then a reasonable deficit allows you to eat more. That's the metabolic training he references and why.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Can't get rest of the post showing the math on what 2/3 of 5x5 is.

    Argument 1 passed to KeywordBlocker\Library\KeywordContentFilter::matchesWord() must be of the type string, null given, called in /var/www/frontend-d96ce2dcd89ea7/plugins/KeywordBlocker/Library/KeywordContentFilter.php on line 70
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited February 2021
    I start my cut again in May but am so scared I’ll lose everything I’ve built, most specifically my strength. In terms of a reasonable deficit to retain strength I would aim for .5 lb loss a week, but to hit a 20 lb loss that would take me 40ish weeks, isn’t being in a deficit that long also harmful when trying to retain? Sorry for the length, I’m already stressed about my upcoming cut 🤣

    If you want to get lean enough for a BB show/competition, you will lose strength, no doubt about it, you cannot expect to want to BB, powerlift and do strength type sports at the same time...on a serious fat loss BB depletion phase you will be as weak as....or are you just cutting weight/fat for a weight class competition in strength sports? I gain/maintain strength on most cuts, but I am a strength athlete, not a BB...
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Moving this thread up as some people are looking for it. Great thread!
  • Silvergrizz
    Silvergrizz Posts: 37 Member
    Just found this thread yesterday after a search on building muscle. tremendous amount of info, just started reading through the thread, going to take me a couple of weeks at least. I see it has slowed down recently, but glad I found it. Still a lot I don't understand, but will hopefully pick up along the way. I assume most people have achieved their goals over time. hope there are a few just starting this journey that will tag along. Within 10 lbs of goal weight after 4 months, started weights last month. From what I read to date, appears I was on transition to recomp and did not know it. Body fat still over 20%, muscle mass at 75% according to scales. Eating at a 500 calorie deficit,(1500 total) not adding back in earned spent calories due to walking. Weights 3 times per week and just adjusted up calories by 250 on those days only today. Will see if my weight loss continues by doing this.
  • kperk91
    kperk91 Posts: 226 Member
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,455 Member
    @Silvergrizz - I am just starting to look into body recomposition, and was also happy to stumble across so much good information in one place.

    I bookmarked this page a few weeks ago but haven’t developed a solid plan yet. Recently, I started working with a personal trainer for 30 minutes twice a week, which involves doing a lot of exercises using resistance bands and my body weight. So, I’m thinking about adding a couple of heavier weight trading days. I’m going to talk with the trainer tomorrow to get some ideas.

    It sounds as though you have a consistent routine underway. Good for you and congratulations on your progress!
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 456 Member
    I'm 5 lbs away from my goal, and after a lot of reading and thinking about where I'd like to end up, here I am. Bumping my calories a bit is the easy part, but I'm somewhat limited in terms of access to workout equipment so I might have to get creative as things progress. I'm starting from not super strong so I'm good for now though. Looking forward to learning.
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    No sure how many watch Bret Contreras, but this is a great video.

    Thanks for posting! I'd heard about this today since I'm a BBB member, but hadn't gotten the chance to watch it yet.