

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,877 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Machka - We have so little vacation time in the U.S. that people save up sick time to sneak in vacation days here or there, so they go to work sick to save those. Most places get 2 weeks or less and when you have family scattered across the globe or even across this country, and you want an actual vacation, 2 weeks isn’t enough.

    In addition to that, part time workers don’t even get sick days. If they don’t work, they don’t get paid…so they go to work sick. I fear that since everyone is wearing a mask, that will get worse because they can hide symptoms a bit more.

    I hope this pandemic will change that culture and that employers will accept it and provide more vacation time. I don’t know the answer. When I got sick before, it was become some inconsiderate colleague showed up sick…and that has to stop.
I am just glad I work from home and have no intention of going into an office or workplace again.

    Tina in CA

    I found this interesting:


    It gives a total of 30 days to Australia, but adds that public holidays depend on state and territory. I get 12 public holidays so my total is 32 days.

    In addition we have a purchased leave scheme we can opt into if we want, and I have. That gives me an additional 10 days.

    I'm not sure how the sick leave works, except that I've come nowhere close to using all of mine.

    This is one of the reasons why we've stayed in Australia rather than moving back to Canada!

    On the other hand, we get no "benefits" like what you might find in Canada where employers pay for medical insurance etc.

    But I agree ... even with sick leave and all sorts here, and signs up to go home when sick, we still have some employees turning up sick, determined to fight on!

    I was thinking, the other day, that the three places where past flus and other illnesses have been transmitted are:

    - schools ... because kids are sent to school sick because their parents want or need to work.
    - workplaces ... because kids make their parents sick and the parents bring it to work.
    - universities ... because, as a student, we are strongly encouraged to attend every single class.

    Here, parents should be keeping their kids and themselves home when sick because we do have the time, and thankfully we've received all sorts of emails on that recently because of the pandemic. It was one of the reasons I got tested ... so I could go to work. I might be snuffly and coughing a bit but it is not The Virus or any other virus or flu, it's just hay fever. (Oh, our tests were, as expected, negative).

    But universities here need to get over themselves.
    In Canada, a student could turn up on the first day, get the course outline and instructions for all the assignments, and then not return to the university again until the final exam. As long as they handed in their assignments and wrote the final and passed, they passed the course! I knew students who did that! Ideally students would show up, and most did, but if you missed a day because you were sick or were up to your eyeballs in homework for another course or something, that was OK. Prioritisation was up to you.

    Here, we're given things along the way. Day 1 we get the course outline ... but it might be 2 or 3 weeks before we get the instructions for the first assignment. And sometimes it was a while after finishing the first assignment before we'd get instructions for the second. I'd want to get on with it, but I couldn't. In addition, they've got the habit here of giving extra instructions for the assignments in the classes. So you get going on Assignment 1, then attend your class and they say, "Oh by the way, you'll need to do this and that". It's not written anywhere, they just tell you. It's their way of ensuring you attend all the classes.

    And in many cases, we get marks on whether we attended all classes or not. They can be easy marks if we're healthy, but get sick and you lose marks.

    Also, I found I was getting sick about 2 weeks after spring and autumn break ... because all but 1 or 2 of the 400-500 students in my classes were from Asia, they'd go home during the break, pick up whatever at home or on the flights and bring it back.

    In 2018, when I spent most of the time in the hospital rather than at university (I had a very understanding instructor that year, thank goodness!), I didn't get sick!

    So I'm hoping that wrapping up university will mean that I will be healthier in general.

    But I'm also hoping that adopting the pandemic strategies (cleaning, distancing, hand washing, better ventilation, online lectures, etc.) will make for a healthier university environment.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,877 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Calories - How do you all burn so many calories in so little time? I did a 45 minute workout with weights the other day and burned a measly 104 calories. I can walk for an hour, or 3 miles and burn about 200 and that's at a 16-17 minute mile. What is the secret???

    Tina in CA

    Yes, I wonder that too.

    An hour's walk is about 200 calories.
    An hour's bicycle ride is about 400 calories.

    To burn 1000 calories, I'd need to walk for 5 hours or cycle for 2.5 hours.

    M in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,919 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Today is a "bright, bright, sunshiny day." I have my dog back at home and he is doing well. I've picked up prescriptions and run errands. It is time for a bit of R&R. :bigsmile:

    :) That is such great news. I am so happy for you.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 852 Member
    Barbara, I can do a few levels of self clean with my oven, if I remember correctly the shortest is just two hours. It's based on light, medium or heavy, as in how dirty is your oven. I have only used this one once and I'm pretty sure I just went with light and it was fine. And yes, I will go with feeling better over waiting for the culture to complete also. Especially since no one called to let me know what, if anything, grew!
    Heather, Happy Birthday!!
    Pip, love your new door decoration! The neon is pretty awesome too. So glad you found someone to repair it.
    Tracy, your evening out with "the girls" sounds lovely!
    Machka and others, I too have gone to work very sick and nobody has ever told me to go home. In fact a few years ago, I worked 2 days with the flu (wasn't sure what I had at first), and then I had days off. On the first day off the boss tried texting me to see if I could work. Our phones aren't compatible (she's Apple, I'm not) and as she sent it to another co-worker also I didn't get the message, but there was no way I could work. The somewhat annoying part is she had worked with me on my last day and knew darn well that I was sick! Oh well.....
    Good to hear from Flea, SuziQ and Lisa!
    Katla, hoping Schooner made it thru surgery okay.
    Just trying to catch up here, just finished page 4, getting close to bedtime tho, don't know how far I'll get...
    My post nasal drip was cured by a couple of sinus tablets, so I guess it was just allergies or the weather or something. Have to admit, I was getting a bit concerned, but really am feeling much better now.
    Hugs for those who need them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,491 Member
    edited October 2020
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: dogs to powerline, loaded rest of the brush pile into the trailer
    Bonus: finished Joe’s haircut (I liked it better the way it was before the second round :P ) , typed hymns for Sunday’s livestream.
    Get to do: inventory donation then call for appointment, take pics of car, test Bluetooth speaker so can do BB&B or T’ai Chi from voice recordings, Pilot tech support 5034447924 to link subscription and fix login, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; weed drive again, finish weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, Tuesday: call Progressive adjuster,
    Self Care October
    2: look for reasons to be hopeful: Where there’s breath there’s life. Where there’s life there’s hope.

    Bit the bullet and signed up for the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries Free 7 day trial, $5.95/month thereafter. A few months ago they ran a Signed, Sealed and Delivered marathon and we DVR’d it, but didn’t get all the episodes. Got to the gap and decided I really wanted to watch them in sequence. Was 2000 steps short of goal, so marched in place for over half an hour while watching. Win win!!!

    Okie thanks for Kunde.com $22 is 3 times what I pay for a bottle of wine these days, but maybe Santa will buy me half a case… ;) Really hope they haven’t been affected by the wildfires in Sonoma County.
    Karen in VA great news about your spouse’s shoulder and your friend’s recovery from gallstone pancreatitis. Love the image of her zooming from her pickup in the cow pasture.
    Katla :love: hearing the good news about Schooner's surgery.

    Tomorrow is our 33rd anniversary. Asked Joe to take me out to lunch but he really doesn’t feel well enough to enjoy it. So I’ll bring lunch home from one of our local restaurants. Not sure if it will be Mexican food or liver and onions :sick::astonished::sick: for Joe and a steak sandwich for me.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    October: better than September.
    daily: sit with Joe: 2, weigh: 2, steps>5491=5610 vits=2 log=2 CI<CO=2 CI<250<CO=1 Tumble & Shadow 5=3 mfp=2 outside=3 up hill=3
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3= rx= dance= clean 30 mins=1
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= 20for20=
    bonus: AF=2 play= sew=2
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Debbie " that they have lifted the number of hours retirees can work, he is working a lot more so more money coming in- He used to be limited to 63hrs a month or loose his pension for the month if he went over, even 15min. They lifted the limit for three months, then another three months and then end of last month, lifted it indeffinately-(sp?)- He works graveyard shifts to limit exposure to customers. Was working 15 hrs a week and now closer to 40hrs a week." Wow!
    Calorie Burn: I use a calorie burn website. (Google Calorie burn recommendations). MFP tends to be overly generous with their exercise calories. I do short interval walk/jog sessions throughout the day and walk during ad breaks in the evening while watching TV. Zumba also uses a lot of calories.
    yes it seem to me they can be overly generous.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    hi, here they may close cafés, restaurants and more on Monday, but maybe not. there are a few people I was supposed to meet these last times so we are meeting this weekend. I thought museums might close but apparently not.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,099 Member
    edited October 2020
    Hi folks.
    Spent most of yesterday sorting through art materials which my friend gave me on Thursday. I hadn't seen her face to face since November last year. She and her DH have had quite a time of it. They have been in isolation since December last year as he has cystic fibrosis and he was having problems. They discovered that he has lung cancer, and he has been having chemo over the last 6 months, and has 2 treatments still to go. It's a rare form which apparently doesn't spread, and the chemo appears to be working well, so fingers crossed. He didn't want people to know about it as he didn't want to have people constantly asking about it. It was lovely to see her face to face, albeit both masked. We had a great chat.

    Okie: Belated birthday wishes. I hope you had a lovely day.
    Kayla: So pleased that your wee pooch is home and doing well.
    Heather: Grrrr!!!! Tech diffs!!! DYD gave me an iPhone last Christmas. I put it away and didn't set it up until after the family went home as I knew it would cause me angst. (They always do!!!)
    Debbie: Sorry that you are still suffering from the fires. Take care and stay safe. Agree with you re spending. It's amazing how little we can actually get by on when we're not being bombarded with marketing ploys.
    Julie: Here the restrictions have been tighten again. We are also are experiencing increases as they open up. Much too soon IMHO. People get too complacent.

    Today I'm planning to continue sorting out my art materials and centralising storage of my craft supplies. I have one wall of the hobbies room quite well organised with matching cupboards and shelving, and have now persuaded DH to build my design for a bespoke storage unit on another wall which will get the rest of my supplies up off the floor and onto organised shelving. At the moment that wall is a mishmash of odd units. I will pay for it with the money I've saved over lockdown.

    I will be going to our local supermarket as usual. They are continuing to operate a good system of social distancing and limit the number of customers allowed in, and I have sussed out a good time to go when they aren't busy, so that I don't have to cue to get in now that the autumn weather is here. It's a pleasant day. The storm Heather was talking about is passing to the east of us so far.

    The scale is being quite kind at the minute. Sticking to my goals is paying off.

    Pax vobiscum 🕊

    ☘️ Terri
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,877 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    From Action for Happiness ...

    "Life is far from perfect, but there are lots of reasons for optimism. Setting positive goals for the future gives our lives a sense of direction and purpose. And although we face many challenges there are also lots of reasons to stay hopeful. By consciously choosing our priorities we can overcome issues, make progress and focus on what really matters."


    "Take the first step toward a goal that really matters to you"

    Well, given that my first goal is to finish this degree ... today I worked on my final assignment and will continue to do so this evening.

    M in Oz
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member

    Happy anniversary to both of you!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,877 Member
    Saturday - rainy and cool. Zwift London.

    Distance: 15.29km
    Elevation: 200m
    Moving Time: 1:01:28
    Elapsed Time: 1:01:28

    ...................... Avg ............. Max
    Speed ........ 14.9km/h ....... 76.0km/h
    Heart Rate . 139bpm ........ 156bpm
    Cadence ..... 69 ................ 104
    Power ......... 79W ............. 166W


    M in Oz
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    I am a little disappointed in the weather. It is not cooperating for the first Yoga in the Park session since lockdown. We are expecting 1-3 inches of rain this morning which should start within the next hour or so. Will shift the day to one of laundry, meal planning and cooking, and maybe a quick trip to the nursery between rain showers.

    Heather - So happy you had a nice day. Very beautiful flowers. I find if I am having issues with my phone after an update things usually clear up if I do a total shut down and restart. It did take me a little while to get used to my new phone. The technology gained is mind boggling especially for someone like me who updates my phone every 10 years or so.

    Katla - Yeah! Puppy is doing well. Hopefully he isn't in too much pain. I hope this is the last of it!

    Terri - I would love to see pictures of your reorganized craft room. I am sure it is lovely and efficient.

    Bananas - I have been keeping up with the news. I am so sorry there may be a possible total lockdown again.

    Evelyn - Happy to hear it is just a seasonal adjustment. Here in SFL it is always October for me. Something is in bloom here that irritates the heck out of me.

    Sick Leave in US of A - I find it depends upon the company and/or manager. I am very fortunate to be working for a manager who allows me to work from home if I feel a little off. If anyone in my area comes in obviously sick I tell them to go home and if they do not I go to their manager. I find in my current office coming in to the office while not well is generational. I have one in my area who calls out all of the time. The last time was because she had a little ache in her gum which turned out to be a popcorn skin (yes, I cannot make this stuff up). Given the current environment companies are getting better about sick leave policies, but there are many short memories here. Once we pass through this time I am sure we will be right back to where we were.

    Yesterday I got my 10-year anniversary letter from work! I can pick out a watch (they use American Express points to get our gifts). I have asked if I can select something I can put to good use. I have not worn a watch in years since my phone is always with me. I hope they say yes because there are a few laptops in the catalog I would love (and, I really need a new personal laptop!). :smile:

    Happy Saturday everyone!
    SuziQ - SFL
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Well had a busy morning made a great big apple pie in a 9x13 cake pan. wrote happy birthday on it. then made two blueberry pies and none for home. All give aways.
    Linda in Northen Ontario

    If I made blueberry pie I would not have been so controlled! I love blueberry pie!!
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    KJ - I hope you are enjoying the time with your grands! So happy for you.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    <<<Faye was here<<<

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,877 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Yesterday I got my 10-year anniversary letter from work! I can pick out a watch (they use American Express points to get our gifts). I have asked if I can select something I can put to good use. I have not worn a watch in years since my phone is always with me. I hope they say yes because there are a few laptops in the catalog I would love (and, I really need a new personal laptop!). :smile:

    Happy Saturday everyone!
    SuziQ - SFL

    Do you get long service leave now that you've hit 10 years?!!

    I'm debating about hanging in where I am until I reach the 10 years point for that. :)

    M in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Happy 33rd Barbara! Enjoy your lunch.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,342 Member
    Faetta wrote: »
    My experience on bras for back support I cannot speak except for myself, a small-breasted woman. I have read the studies that claim bras actually cause sag and don't support the back. I think that is true at least for me in reference to lingerie bras and traditional strap, inexpensive, poor stretch, sports bras. The theory is that a bra providing great breast support makes the chest muscles weaker and requires tight straps which actually cause the shoulders to sag due to top of shoulder nerve impingement which leads to back problems.

    20 years ago a sports doctor suggested that I try racerback compression bras only with adjustable straps on full length. Her theory was that the compression should be like a bandeau and the straps with only gentle tension when standing with arms down. This compression actually will build strong chest muscles with breathing and exercising. The racerback with just gentle strap tension will help keep your spine from hunching and provide a gentle compression between the shoulder blades. Straps need to be very stretchy. Many women shy away from such bras because they squish the boobs instead of lifting them and can be rather unattractive. The secret to minimizing sag and building upper chest muscles is in the squish, not the lift.

    She suggested I wear an adjustable strap racerback sports bra with no padding or underwire or formed cups. She also suggested keeping it on during all activity and taking it off in the evening while relaxing or noodling around the house. I added chest pushing, deep breathing, exercises feeling the resistance of the bra around my bust and expanding it as much as possible.

    I no longer have the shoulder and back pains that once nagged me daily. Appearance-wise the increasing of my over boob measure (chest muscle) from 33" to 34" gives an illusion of perk and while I still have sag, it is less than I had in my 40's when I wore the traditional strap cupped pushup bras that gave me shoulder impingement.

    A good bra is like a resistance band and should be an asset to your workout and life. My posture has improved drastically over 20 years since making my bras a tool.

    - thank you for sharing this fascinating bra info. Would you mind sharing the brand/type you wear? I'm in the B cup range - getting tired of fighting straps as you mention.

    I have tried "sports bras" in the past, but was disappointed that the girls just seemed to sag - a compression type sounds better for keeping them where they should be.

    I would like to give one a try but am not sure if Walmart has anything adequate and am not sure about ordering online without recommendation.

    I know we had this discussion several weeks ago, I should have paid better attention!
