Intimacy Schedule



  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    KHMcG wrote: »
    Try initiating the party on your schedule. Have fun with it...

    If it doesn't work and you end up with double the pleasure seek help to work it out.

    She already said he's not interested in her preferred before-bed-time scheduling.
  • IronIsMyTherapy
    IronIsMyTherapy Posts: 482 Member
    I am completely gobsmacked by this.
    I would be so angry if I were woken up and expected to be up for this automatically. It would not go well.
    This isn't the 19th century frankly, equal partners.

    I consider myself to be a good wife and I expect him to be a good husband. That means not waking me up unless there are emergency circumstances.

    I understand and agree that it should be communicated properly.
    Although in practice my views would be expressed in very strong terms.

    Agreed - if my partner did this he'd most likely find himself sleeping in the spare room, alone!

    The whole "what needs be done as a wife" sounds like something from one of those horrible 50's How to be a good wife instructables.

    That dynamic works in a lot of relationships. Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's simply outdated and obsolete.

    The whole "I like my partner to be happy so I will do reasonable things that I know please them" thing never goes out of style.

    The specific dynamic of "To be a good wife, I must be available to him at all times, regardless of the consequences to my health and enjoyment of life" IS outdated and obsolete.

    I dunno, I'm clearly not in a position to speak for women but I think that mindset still exists where the person actually enjoys filling that role.

    It clearly still exists. A woman may choose to forgo sleep to meet her husband's desires. But if that is coming from a place of feeling like her basic needs (like sleep) are unworthy of being met if they conflict with what he wants, that's not really a freely chosen way of living. It's coming from a very outdated and obsolete view of what men are entitled to and what women are worth. A woman can be a generous, loving, considerate, and fantastic spouse and still sometimes say "Not right now."

    To be a "good wife" doesn't REQUIRE what OP is doing. That's what people are pointing out as the specifically obsolete way of thinking here. Because OP doesn't enjoy anything about this.

    @IronIsMyTherapy This is precisely what I was trying to get across. Being a "good wife" should not be to the detriment to one's own health. I fully appreciate some people are happy with the traditional dynamic, however, clearly the OP is not happy with this arrangement as she has since said she already brought it up with her husband previously and he didn't take it seriously.

    Got it...I misunderstood.
  • ajwindsorii
    ajwindsorii Posts: 18 Member
    goalpeace wrote: »
    Well it definitely looks like we've got some work to do. I have spoken to him about it in the past but it's always been taken lightly and pretty much laughed at. Kinda like it's a "good thing" I wake up cause I'm doing what needs to be done as a wife. Like "You are awesome!" type thing. Also, sometimes he says he noticed I looked peaceful in my sleep and he chose not to wake me. Like I should thank him or something. Yikes!

    We do get a long really well & he's a great guy. I'm not just saying that either lol I see other relationships.

    However, that is completely separate from this issue. I am sacrificing a lot here. I depend on coffee. I've known for a long time it affects me.

    I am gonna talk to him again. It's been a while since I've seriously brought it up.

    You all are great!!

    I was about to apologize for opening the floodgates by suggesting counseling first before suggesting communication. But reading this, it seems like the issue may be a bit bigger than what a general health & fitness forum can provide.

    Definitely communicate with your partner, but if you two can't come up with something that makes you both happy without the other feeling bad, then you need to seek professional help.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited October 2020
    kshama2001 I would run away from home with my little satchel or sleep in my vehicle. Runn oft.
    Then I would always have a getaway car and drive off. Put the pedal to the metal and let 'em eat my dust.

    There's one word that sums it up for me. Control.

    It's taking from a person's free agency and ability to choose.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    OP, don't have sex if you don't want to. And the "just do it" thing isn't you wanting to, it sounds like you give in because you don't want to upset your husband by saying no.

    I strongly suggest you tell your husband, in a calm time before going to bed, that you do not want to be woken so he can have sex with you. Outline clearly if you happen to be awake you would be happy to (if you would be) but that you do not want to be woken up.

    This will either 1) lead to him understanding and not waking you up. Or 2)he won't care and will wake you up. If it's the former than yay. If the latter, then you have bigger issues than him waking you up.

    For the record, I'm team don't you dare wake me at 3am for sex. No way no hell. If I happen to wake, sweet as.
  • crozblues16
    crozblues16 Posts: 2 Member
    For me, I have always wanted to give my lady what she wants. Therefore, try seducing him after putting the kids to bed, with a rub on the belly and a pat on the money, he should be smiling all the way to work while you sleep in. JUST A THOUGHT
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    For me, I have always wanted to give my lady what she wants. Therefore, try seducing him after putting the kids to bed, with a rub on the belly and a pat on the money, he should be smiling all the way to work while you sleep in. JUST A THOUGHT

    Since OP has said her husband is not interested in before-bed sex, this isn't at all helpful.
  • Kateinyourdreams
    Kateinyourdreams Posts: 43 Member
    I am just the opposite I don’t get home from work until 3 usually and I’m getting my bf up lol
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    I am just the opposite I don’t get home from work until 3 usually and I’m getting my bf up lol

    If he's good with that, fine. Just make sure you're really leaving him room to say no. In many ways, in U.S. culture anyway, I think it would be more difficult for a man to say no to sex than for a woman, as "real men" are expected to be always ready and wanting sex.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Not married here, but have been with partners long enough to learn that you sometimes have to be very upfront with what's on your mind. There is saying it with hesitation and submissiveness, and then there is putting your foot down and being very clear that you aren't going to put up with it. Your need for sleep is important and he needs to be made to understand that. You matter here, too, OP.