October 2020 Monthly Running Challange



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    edited October 2020
    @rheddmobile Actually, I did not vote early. We went one day to try to do so, but the line was too long for mom and dad to stand in. I was hoping the lines would not be long on election day, so had just planned to vote at my poling place. I know I'm not supposed to, but my plan is to drive by where I vote on Tuesday. If there isn't a long line, I'm going to go ahead and vote. From the primary election, I know that everyone there will be wearing a mask like they are supposed to do, there shouldn't be a huge crowd, and I will take all precautions. I feel the risk will be very minimal.

    So sorry to hear about your issues. I hope it isn't a lupus flair up. That's amazing that it took 3 hours to get to see someone when you could have been having a heart attack. That's crazy. I wouldn't have felt comfortable going into one of the emergency room beds, knowing that someone with CoVID had just been there. Did you call your GP today? I hope you are feeling better. Praying for you. Glad you guys noticed the dog and are able to help your neighbor.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Scott6255 Glad you got to run with your brother. Sounds like it was a great one!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    So, so much to get caught up on!
    Bobcats - when we used to see them we would drive up in the mountains, usually in the service roads in the early evenings as it was getting dark. My friends had a jeep and we would go really slow and then turn the spotlights on. Animals would have come down onto the warm roads and would just freeze in front of us. One of my friends had a really nice camera and would take pictures before they ran off. We would get bobcats, deer, coyotes and once a mountain lion. Granted it was a pretty remote area with few people or cars around so the animals were just doing what they naturally would.
    Older parents with technology - I think the more we are exposed to it the easier it will be to adapt and accept new technologies. My 87yo friend that I help care for is very technologically savvy. She has a smartphone and an iPad and knows how to text with us and friends as well as find things on YouTube and order all kinds of crap online. She worked as a book keeper for years and volunteered to do this for her Sr club and as a result learned excel spreadsheets and honestly is a whiz with them. Maybe it is just being open to learn? I don't know but she isn't afraid of the pc or of doing something wrong, although she does sometimes get herself in trouble trying to fix something and we have to go straighten it out for her.

    @quilteryoyo - that is so tough that the postponed the surgery. I agree that they are unfamiliar with having people for heart conditions that are in good physical condition, endurance athletes! For sure when I had the PM surgery most of the people didn't know how to answer my questions and have been surprised when I describe issues experienced when I am running. We do tend to do better with the demands of surgery and have an easier time with the recovery.
    @marisap2010 - I hope you can get those migraines under control again and feel better to run your 5k!
    @Teresa502 - so funny about the pup just wanting to run with you! Maybe he thought if he did you would adopt him. Glad you were able to get in touch with the farmer to take care of the cow!
    @rheddmobile - I hope you aren't having a lupus flair! I have read that the impact of Covid on people not getting the care they need, either because they can't get in like you or they won't go because they are afraid, is really bad.

    Hope everyone has a good Halloween and if you haven't already (in the US) get out and vote, early if you can or drop off your ballot (too late now to mail it in). In any case have a plan!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @shanaber Thanks for setting up the Nov thread. Glad you weren't in any pain today! That run sounds intense and you did great!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    October Goal 60ish miles

    10/1 3.52
    10/2 snorkel
    10/3 3.08
    10/4 3.88
    10/5 off
    10/6 4.30
    10/7 3.28
    10/8 off
    10/9 3.20
    10/10 2.53
    10/11 off
    10/12 3.50
    10/13 off
    10/14 4.00
    10/15 2.39
    10/16 off
    10/17 6.60
    10/18 off
    10/19 3.90
    10/20 snorkel 2.5 hours
    10/21 off
    10/22 3.30
    10/23 off
    10/24 work sucks
    10/25 3.44
    10/26 work
    10/27 sucks
    10/28 4.02
    10/29 off
    10/30 4.11

    Total 59.05

    @quilteryoyo So sorry about the postponement...Hope they can reschedule it quickly.


    Upcoming and current races:

    Asics World Ekiden Virtual Relay (5k leg) 11/11/20

  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @rheddmobile I hope it isn’t a flare up. I hate that the ER was so backed up. Take it easy.

    @shanaber Glad your injury wasn’t worse! Thanks for setting up November.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,264 Member
    @katharmonic I feel you on being over the streak. I tried to do the runner's world summer streak and didn't even make it a month. it only took a little over 3 weeks for me to realize that my body just does not like running every single day. I'm always really impressed by people that are able to keep up the super long streaks, like @AlphaHowls. You're doing great though and getting so close to the end of the year. I bet a good solid rest day will feel luxurious after that!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,264 Member
    @Faebert Back when I used the treadmills at the gym (you know, in the before times) I tried once to watch something while running. I don't know how people do it! I got straight up motion sickness! But if I looked at the big TV that they have hanging from the ceiling, it was fine. It's just usually set on something I don't want to watch.
    I haven't seen the show, but the book was fantastic. Scary and is starting to feel a little too real unfortunately.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,264 Member
    My parents were a bit slow on the smartphone uptake too. When my dad first started texting, he would start and finish all of the text like a letter. But now, he even uses emojis. My mom is not great at actually keeping her cell phone on her person, but at least she doesn't complain about using it.

    @kat_ontherun Welcome back!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    @katharmonic I feel you on being over the streak. I tried to do the runner's world summer streak and didn't even make it a month. it only took a little over 3 weeks for me to realize that my body just does not like running every single day. I'm always really impressed by people that are able to keep up the super long streaks, like @AlphaHowls. You're doing great though and getting so close to the end of the year. I bet a good solid rest day will feel luxurious after that!

    @AlphaHowls hasn't taken a rest day since the last Ice Age...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Faebert Yeah for all the running gear. I hope the shoes work out for you. Good luck with your Nov goal. You can do it!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    10-1 7k easy
    10-2 7k slow
    10-3 7k slow
    10-4 7k easy
    10-5 rest
    10-6 7k easy
    10-7 7k easy
    10-8 7k easy
    10-9 7k easy
    10-10 7k easy
    10-11 7k easy
    10-12 rest
    10-13 7k easy
    10-14 7k easy
    10-15 7k slow
    10-16 7k moderate
    10-17 7k easy
    10-18 7k easy
    10-19 rest
    10-20 7k easy
    10-21 7k easy
    10-22 7k easy
    10-23 7k easy
    10-24 7k easy
    10-25 7k moderate
    10-26 rest
    10-27 7k slooooooooow
    10-28 7k measy (between moderate and easy)
    10-29 7k treadmill
    10-30 7k treadmill
    10-31 7k slow

    October Total: 189k
    October Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k
    April Total: 191k
    May Total: 200k
    June Total: 156k
    July Total: 180k
    August Total: 172k
    September Total: 176k
    October Total: 189k

    2020 Total through September: 1773k / 177k per month

    Sunny and low 30s F today, with no wind. If it was difficult for me to adjust from running outside to treadmill, it was equally difficult to adjust from treadmill to back outside. I felt like I had two little centipede legs trying to propel me forward and was sure I was going to fall flat on my face. I eventually adjusted, but it was really strange.
    @shanaber Thank you for setting us up for November!!!Rainy and low 40s F today, so back to the treadmill. Applied what I learned yesterday: turned the overhead fan on before I started; opened the sliding glass door to let some cool air in; turned up the volume on my phone so I could hear the music; etc. etc. Was surprised I was more dizzy today than yesterday.
    For those good naturedly grumbling about stubborn parents, take heart: perhaps someday you will be one yourself!!!

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles - Completed 10-11
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020k in 2020
    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders -- Completed 9-29

    2020 races:

    9-8 to 9-13 "Virtual Boston with Vincent" Time goal 5:15:00; actual time 4:47:01
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    @rheddmobile I hope it is not a lupus flare.  It is so frustrating trying to get health care these days.

    @shanaber I'm glad you had a good run today and the stumble didn't cause any serious issues.