November 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @polskagirl01 What a great place for a run! Beautiful. Glad the German Shepherd was friendly.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Teresa502 I'll look that one up. If it's at Roan Mountain, I'm sure it is tough. It's tough driving to Roan Mountain. LOL
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    November Goal 63ish miles

    11/1 off
    11/2 lazy
    11/3 4.12
    11/4 4.08

    Total 8.20


    Happy birthday @katharmonic !

    Upcoming and current races:

    Asics World Ekiden Virtual Relay (5k leg) 11/11/20

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @polskagirl01 - wow that is such a gorgeous place to run!

    I got a pretty good run in today other than it got really hot. It is supposed to hit 96F here tomorrow and on Friday down to under 70! We might also get some rain over the weekend.

    2020 Run the Year Team - 2020 R.I.O.T. (Running Is Our Therapy) 1426.10/1000 miles (running and walking)

    2020 Planned and Completed Races
    02/02/20 - Surf City Half Marathon
    07/31/20 - ISS Virtual 10K (Late)
    08/15-09/30 - eRace Racism (200 miles) 200+ miles completed.
    09/21-09/27 - Womxn Run the Vote - 680 mile virtual relay
    09/26/20 - Beat the Blerch 10K Virtual
    10/03-11/03 - Race to the Polls - 80 miles
    10/01-11/18 - Fit Witch Challenge - 100 miles

    11/11/20 - ASICS World Ekiden 2020 (Team 2)
    02/07/21 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Go you @avidkeo!

    My first run post-half on Tuesday was quite uncomfortable - sore ankle and quad and very, very heavy legs, however an extra day's rest, plus an all important trip to the osteo to straighten me out (you should have heard/felt the clunk my hip made when he yanked on my leg!) meant that this morning's run was not only pain free, but super enjoyable and surprisingly fast.

    I'm slowly getting over my disappointment about my performance in the Auckland Half. My coach posted a podcast saying 'one of his athletes performed well below their ability' and went on to talk about race psychology. I strongly suspect that was me! I totally convinced myself I can't run 'that' fast, when I actually can.

    I'm having a one-on-one with him tomorrow to go through everything and make a plan going forwards. His suggestion at the finish line when I was fighting back tears over my performance was that I race the Kerikeri Half in three weeks' time. It's a straight line course, comprising 7km gently uphill followed by 15km downhill, and is super fast. This should help me get my head around running sub-5 minute kilometres for 21km.

    I've done the Auckland then Kerikeri halves back-to-back twice before. Looking at my records, in 2011, my Kerikeri time was 6 minutes faster than my Auckland time, and in 2016, Kerikeri was over 8 minutes faster.

    My one problem was that I couldn't find anyone to go to Kerikeri with me on the 21st to do the half as most of my friends are running the Queenstown marathon that same weekend. Kerikeri is a small town 4 hours north of where I live so requires an overnight stay as the event starts at 7am. However, I was prepared to go alone and was trying to find accommodation for the Friday night (this is usually all booked out months in advance).

    However, I suggested to my husband we have a family weekend away, expecting him to say no (he's fully supportive of my running in that he doesn't mind me disappearing all the time and spending all my money on shoes but he's not the sort to show up at the finish line). However, he not only said 'sure' but he texted a friend of his who has a holiday home in Kerikeri to see if we could stay with them and was instead offered use of the house for the weekend as they're elsewhere then - apparently it's very flash and complete with a pool. On top of that, it's 2.5km from the township so I can run in as a warm up before catching the bus to the start, and the course goes past the end of the road so the children can cheer me on, if they feel so inclined, when I go past.

    Now I'm super excited, and can't wait to race again. This time with my head on right, right?

    PS. Thanks for all your positive feedback, and I appreciate the compliments on my speed, but for those who can't quite understand why I'm upset that I'm not faster when I'm clearly pretty speedy, can I give you a little context, which may also help some of you with your running goals: When I got into running back in 2008, my goal was to run 5km in 30 minutes. 10 years ago it was to run a sub-2 hour half marathon. Seven years later I finally managed to break 1:50, and running 1:45 is my latest goal. This just shows that anyone can improve if they keep working at it.

    And for further context, I'm not that young - I'm 46, so you can definitely get faster even if you think you're old! Apparently starting late is a good thing - peaking in your 20s means you have a lifetime to look back on your glory days with no hope of ever racing that fast again, but if you start in your 30s or 40s, while you will never achieve your absolute physical potential, you will continue to improve and reach new PBs for years.

    Woooo hoooo I'm so excited you are doing Kerikeri and yay for the holiday home! That's absolutely brilliant. I'm glad starting late is good, I started running in my mid 30th too so you are my inspiration!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,022 Member
    Quick bike ride today, not quite a rest day but definitely lower intensity from the past few days.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,231 Member
    04/11 2.36 miles
    05/11 2.67 miles

    5.03 of 25 miles

    @Faebert - its a misty morning here too
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Faebert it comes back faster than you think. Within 2 weeks, I always felt back to pre-break levels.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Hope you had a great birthday, @katharmonic!
    Welcome, @kimbeers!
    What a pretty run, @polskagirl01!
    @ContraryMaryMary, I am so happy that you are in a better place about your run, and I hope Kerikeri goes amazing.

    I’m so not feeling this time change. I only ran for half an hour after work last night, but it was already dark when I finished. I guess I will start driving to the gym to run on the treadmill or indoor track now, as morning runs during the week just won’t work for me.

    Last night, Garmin had me do a 20 min easy run with 5 minute warmup/cooldown. I adjusted my 5k time goal following last weekend’s race, so it looks like my runs will start getting a bit faster end of this week.

    11/1: 4.43
    11/4: 2.56

    Total: 6.99/50
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    Nice long run @rheddmobile . I love bird watching. Don't do it as much as I would like anymore.

    @Avidkeo Congratulations on signing up for the race. Are you doing the HM?

    @ContraryMaryMary Glad it worked out for you to do the Kerikeri HM! And have a great family weekend to boot! You are going to do great. Looking forward to hearing what your coach has to say. I do get being disappointed to not do as well as you expect. I'm pretty competitive and am always wanting to improve. I doubt I will ever get to a sub 30 min 5K, but then again, I never thought I would do a sub 10 min mile either, and I did. Since I didn't start consistently running before I was 59, I don't have to worry about looking back at my glory days. I love being in the best shape of my life at 61.

    @Faebert Cool picture. Freezing fog can make everything so pretty. Hang in there. You are doing great to get out and get it done.

  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    11-1 7k treadmill
    11-2 rest + resistance bands
    11-3 7k slow + yoga
    11-4 7k easy + resistance bands
    11-5 7k easy + yoga

    November Total: 28k
    November Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k
    April Total: 191k
    May Total: 200k
    June Total: 156k
    July Total: 180k
    August Total: 172k
    September Total: 176k
    October Total: 189k

    2020 Total through October: 1773k / 177k per month

    Partly cloudy, 50 F, and a light wind from the southeast today. I thought @rheddmobile's comment about the birds was interesting -- heard very few springtime birds today: a couple of song sparrows, a couple of red winged blackbirds, but no robins at all.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles - Completed 10-11
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020k in 2020
    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders -- Completed 9-29

    2020 races:

    9-8 to 9-13 "Virtual Boston with Vincent" Time goal 5:15:00; actual time 4:47:01