
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    Rain rain rain That is what has been going on here for days. I don't mind walking in a drizzle and so far most of the heavy rains are at night. So much overcast can get old and always increases my coffee and hot chocolate intake. When I feel myself feeling down, I listen to my inspiration from my teen years, Sister Rosetta, and I am renewed. Here is Rain and Trouble in Mind performed in England 1964.

    Heather Terri Are you by any chance in this crowd?

    Fae sharping up her woodworking tools and studying boat building plans
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Yes they have face to face ,but because of thr breathing issue of course they think Covid right away..
    Yes it is crazy and our covid numbers are rising rapidly... but like i said i try and stay home if i can...
    I will have a chat with the dr online and tell them i think i know my body.. and this is an ongoing problem that is just getting worse..
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    I'm not really superstitious.... but
    I throw salt over my shoulder
    I knock on wood.
    I believe we create much of our own situation with "what goes around, comes around". Hmmm :-)

    I always dress in the morning. I lay out my dog walking clothes before I go to bed, so I can dress and be out the door with Ella. I love seeing the daylight beat out the night. It's a peaceful time to walk and I don't have much traffic or competition on the trails.

    Betsy in NW WA
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    Katla I also welcome the rain, but a few days in-between with sun and no wind would widen my smile. These rains will sure be nice for next spring and it is predicted that we will have nice snow build in the mountains.

    I use to love the wind during the warmer months for windsurfing or sailing and the single-digit cold for pond ice skating and the snow for skiing and snowmobiling. I must remember that just because I am old and don't partake in those activities anymore, that many do and I should be happy for them and not become a sour old bitty over the weather.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Taxis we have a town of 50,000 people and only 1 cab!

    RV Rita
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 967 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Lisa- I didn't know saying "Bless you" was a superstition! I always thought it was manners. lol
    KJ (Kelly)

    I've actually stopped saying "Bless you". I used to do it automatically, like when people say "Thank you" I respond, "You're welcome".

    But I've had people ask me not to say "Bless you" and a few have become rather upset. It implies things they don't believe.

    M in Oz

    I say "Gesundheit." My grandfather said that and I prefer it.

    Tina in CA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Happy Friday the 13th!

    What superstitions do you have? Here are a few of mine...
    • When I spill salt, I tend to throw a little bit over my left shoulder to prevent bad luck. Come to find out, this superstition is 5,500 years old.
    • I was a painter's kid, so I don't walk under ladders, 'cause that's just good sense.
    • If a cat runs across the road, I always check to see what color it is. I don't DO anything about it, I just check.
    • I knock on wood.
    • I still say "bless you," when people sneeze.
    • Not sure if it's superstition, but I ALWAYS tell the people I care about that I love them when I get off the phone, or when I leave them or they leave me. Should either of us die, the last thing we hear should be that we are loved.

    Lisa in AR

    I do all of theses except the salt thing. Lol I think that I’ve already spilt salt, why would I add to the mess! Lol

    And I do believe “What goes around, comes around.”

    Gotta go to eye doc today, both of us.

    Laters ladies!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Barbara - How does that crow taste this morning? LOL I remember my Grandmother telling me that when I was young as I was always very stubborn when I thought I was right. DH would tell you nothing has changed.

    Lisa - I have a few of the same superstitions as you.
    - Don't walk under ladders - although like you, I thought that was just a safety thing.
    - Knock on Wood
    - Bless You - isn't that just good manners?
    - I always tell people I love them too
    - These are two more, don't rock an empty rocking chair and don't open an umbrella indoors

    Heather - Sorry to hear you feel like you've aged 10 years. I hope you can do something to reverse that soon.

    Kelly - Hope your Potty Boot Camp is successful. I don't wear dresses very often either. I did buy two summery ones this year and I think I only wore one twice. I don't know why I bought them. The other dresses I have were the two I wore to my daughter's weddings.

    Fae - Getting dressed. My Grandmother and Mother dressed everyday. On Sunday's my Grandmother always dressed up and wore jewellery and usually a dress. She did this even on days she wasn't going anywhere. My MIL will bum around in night clothes when she isn't going out. Me personally, I tend to wear my night clothes through the day when I'm not going anywhere. If I'm going to be cleaning or anything I usually throw on leggings and a tshirt. A few years ago, I tried to make more of an effort to get dressed and not be in pj's all the time, I thought that would make me feel better.

    I am so happy it's Friday, I am looking forward to tomorrow as I'm going to help my youngest decorate her first home for Christmas. My eldest is going as well and we are having a mother/daughter night with Christmas Movies and homemade pizza. On December 5th as long as we don't have further restrictions my youngest is coming to have a sleepover with her Father and I and we'll decorate our house.

    I am so grateful and blessed that I am invited into these parts of our daughters lives.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Faith is napping ,Sean out running errands
    I found if i bend down to pick something up or to put shoes on the breathing gets worse..
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,145 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- I currently have one dress that fits and I bought it for one of my own kids graduation. I have one beach dress. In high school and during my single years I wore pencil skirts or mini skirts (depending on the event). I pretty much stopped wearing dresses when I had kids. I love a sharp pair of dress slacks or a pant suit.
    KJ (Kelly)

    I love dresses and skirts and have a whole bunch of them. That's what I usually wear to work. That may be why I'm feeling a bit reluctant to get a dress for my grad ... in my mind, it's not worth it to get something so fancy I'd rarely wear it, so I kind of want something I could wear to work.

    I'm not keen on dress slacks, pant suits, jeans, or most pants ... I haven't found many that fit me very well or feel good on.

    But the majority of "nice" dresses I saw were linen which I do not like ... it's scratchy, hangs like a sack, and wrinkles badly. Linen seems to be a big thing now. I also don't like pleats or lace or any sort of scratchy material and if dresses aren't linen, they seem to be made of some scratchy fabric I thought went out in about 1978.

    Something like this would be perfect ...



    Of course, that is a $1000 Giorgio Armani, but ... details ... :smiley:

    (You'd have to knock a 0 off the end of that for me to be able to afford it!!)

    Machka in Oz

    I am like you when it comes to "scratchy fabric"- I don't care how cute it is or how inexpensive it is- If it doesn't feel wonderful, I will not even really look at it. I wear dresses often, love them, wear them at least every Sunday for church plus other times, especially summer time. To me, most are more comfortable than pants. The only pants I ever wear any more is leggings. Thinner in the summer, fleece ones during the winter. I can't handle pressure on my stomach from regular pants. Dresses/skirts tend to be longer for church but I did buy some shorter ones, just need to loose a little more to wear them again.
    My favorite outfit that I am wearing now is Cuddleduds long sleeve shirt and my fleece leggings- cute but so super comfy. They are almost like a valour but stretchy and super soft.
    I will not wear most sweaters- IF I do, I have to have a cotton shirt under it and none of my clothes have tags in them(I have always done this- ruined a few shirts when I was younger- drove my mom crazy- I remember crying in my room because of a sweater my mom told me I had to wear.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Superstitions ... I grew up with a very superstitious mother so all of the above and then some! To this day she will not hand me a knife of any kind for any reason. To do so is to "sever the relationship." She will set it down in front of me, but not let my hand and hers be on it at the same time. I had to be married with the minute hands of the clock moving upwards to ensure that my marriage would be full/long ... so 1:30 the wedding started, not 2:00. We did not step on cracks ... seriously! We picked up pennies to bring good luck. Not to mention a bunch of things we did for the new year.

    Lanette ... your dinner looks delicious!

    Kelly ... here's high hopes for successful potty training. God love you.

    Weather is changing. Highs of 80s earlier (which was record setting) and waiting on high winds and lake-effect snow the next few days.

    After a few weeks of reckless abandonment with my food choices, I'm settling back in to more normal eating. I feel a heck of a lot better as a result.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    Faith is napping ,Sean out running errands
    I found if i bend down to pick something up or to put shoes on the breathing gets worse..

    Allie Do you have a Hiatal hernia?
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Allie. Sending you a PM.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,145 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Superstitions ... I grew up with a very superstitious mother so all of the above and then some! To this day she will not hand me a knife of any kind for any reason. To do so is to "sever the relationship." She will set it down in front of me, but not let my hand and hers be on it at the same time. I had to be married with the minute hands of the clock moving upwards to ensure that my marriage would be full/long ... so 1:30 the wedding started, not 2:00. We did not step on cracks ... seriously! We picked up pennies to bring good luck. Not to mention a bunch of things we did for the new year.

    Lanette ... your dinner looks delicious!

    Kelly ... here's high hopes for successful potty training. God love you.

    Weather is changing. Highs of 80s earlier (which was record setting) and waiting on high winds and lake-effect snow the next few days.

    After a few weeks of reckless abandonment with my food choices, I'm settling back in to more normal eating. I feel a heck of a lot better as a result.

    Beth near Buffalo

    as far as knives and superstitions- my mother in law and husband both will never give knives as a gift- You can give them a dollar or what ever but they are never just given. Don't remember the reason, may be same as your mom.
    No whistling in the house, no opening umbrellas in the house- so many more but I can't remember them right now
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    My thing is I can't wear wool. Even a small percentage drives me crazy. This means that most high end knitwear is out of the question. :s Even cashmere. I am very frustrated by this.
    I have to wear artificial fibres, usually from M&S. This limits me hugely. My normal outfit is leggings, cotton under layer and some kind of sports wear top, or a cotton t-shirt, or a light acrylic sweater. I get into these every day, with a long acrylic cardigan if it's chilly. We keep our house at 21°C, 72°F during the day.
    I do my morning exercise in pyjama bottoms and a tight, sportswear camisole. Afternoon exercise in the leggings and the cotton camisole.
    If I'm sick I don't get dressed. It's a kind of signifier to me that I am ill. I stay in the same clothes until I'm better. How wonderful it is to get changed at the end. :D And to wash my hair! Heaven! One of the best feelings in the world!
    When I was sick in Mexico with food poisoning I stayed in the same loose shirt day and night for ages. When I see it now it reminds me of those days in the jungle. I had no Internet, so I texted Penny in the Pole to tell you all that I was still alive. :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    I love Faith to pieces but she is going to srive the angels crazy!!! I had to turn the comforter around because there was a stain on it ,then she wanted the blankets changed ,heavens to betsy im beat trying to do all that lol
    2 more hrs and then have to take my son home..
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Lisa – Superstitions - I do these also
    • I knock on wood.
    • I still say "bless you," when people sneeze.

    I also blow out candles on Birthday cake and make a wish, and wish on first stars

    Like many of you I don’t open an umbrella inside, but that is more of a safety thing, it’s too easy to bump something or someone.

    Getting Dressed… so old habits die hard – or so the saying goes!
    In my childhood family you NEVER came to the table for a meal unless you were dressed, and all food was served at the table… So I would get up get dressed and make my bed before breakfast, and I still do. I walk Levi early, come home for breakfast and then start work either off to a gardening job or start embroidery… Most days the clothes I wear to walk I wear for most of the rest of the day.

    Leggings – I don’t own a pair, and most of the ones I see on folks are a ton to revealing for me, they seem to show every lump and bump and you can see your under clothing through them as they stretch around your bum. I just have never understood that choice, but I have never tried a pair on…. Ok ladies enlighten me, am I not looking at the right folks? Or being an old judgmental biddie?

    Kim from N. California