
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @rkhiles Welcome! I'm just popping in when I can here but many of the women here are very regularly present making a real online community.

    @grandemaillie I'm so sorry for that diagnosis. I read that if you catch it on the early side that can help considerably.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited November 2020
    Beth - What a day! So glad they're doing an echo on your husband next week. They've known from the testing that came in last week that now that I'm in a-fib 24-7, but like your husband, very low risk. I should get the medications in the mail tomorrow--which tells me they're not too terribly worried. Hope your son dodges the coronavirus.

    Debbie - the wall hanging is lovely.

    Ginny - UTIs have plagued my life, as well, and macrobid has been a lifesaver for me--hope the prolapse is easily correctable.

    Evie - LOVE that picture! You look so happy.

    Barbara - Thinking about you and your nephew.

    Allie - Hope the news is good, my dear. I'll be thinking about you, we all will. I'm also on a diuretic, and it's peeling water weight off me almost as fast as it went on, too. I just keep drinking liquids at every chance and stay close to a bathroom all morning! :smiley: My doc told me he wants my kidneys tested each week that I'm on it, too.

    Kylia, Julie - thanks for stopping in, we do love hearing from you!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Men in shorts Bermudas are fine by me. Short shorts are a bit creepy other than when hiking etc. (and even then). In the usa people I know (Colorado and east coast) wear bermudas easily all the time. To heckle my brother's largely more conservative future father in law, in good fun, my brother made it a point to wear formal Bermudas, with tie, shirt to the formal dinner in fancy place the evening before the wedding.

    Shirtless men and men in tank tops Other than at the beach not a big fan. I think though that in the old days of my youth I didn't mind and could possibly find it cute maybe. Back then (70s) women could be topless here at beaches and youngmen could probably more often be shirtless, say oing yard work. I'm sure my brother and his teen friends were sometimes shirtless when helping with with heavy DIY work (painting, building) all day in the summer. I don't think anyone gave it a thought. probably times have changed on that level.

    Dress or skirt: I used to wear a lot till quite recently. I still wear casual dresses I have often enough. They are comfy. I used to wear casual dresses and skirts all the time but realised everyone else was all jeans/trousers and if you stand out as a higher ed teacher in my field in terms of fashion, it's not to your advantage. Now I wear whatever still fits as a gained a few kilos these past years. :/

    Getting dressed My exercise is going for a walk, so I'm not at home all day, so I get dressed and then stay dressed. it's rare that I don't go out for a walk or something. I would at least wear nice sweatpants. In lockdown 1 I did wear hiking pants (kind of dressy sweat pants) a lot but now life is closer to normal and I would not wear sweatpants out much.

    Superstitions but I can't think of any. I say bless you out of social politeness, and friendliness, not superstition. My mother used say knock on wood, more than actual knocking, I might say "knock on wood" rather than do toit, which doesn't seem very superstitious; In France the expression is to "touch wood". "toucher du bois".

    One common societal superstition that bugs me, but that I tend to respect out of concern for others, is not wishing happy birthday or celebrating birthday (etc) before the birthday. I think very few people do so before hand, as it is considered bad luck by many. Also rare are baby showers and gifts sent before a baby is born, for the same reason in France.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Oh dear, speaking of getting dressed it's late late in the morning and 'im still in my new comfy flannel pjs which fit well, and I was going to go for a walk but now it's raining...one of those long slow rains that is likely to last a little while. I'll probably be able to go out later in the day.
    Getting out in the morning makes me more productive often, and at least I've gotten the blood pumping...
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    I took a little nap..but still tired.. will feed Alfie and at least get dressed..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited November 2020
    Morning lovelies! Got a good nights sleep, last night. Hubby in his room, me in mine. lol Our oldest son stopped over last night to do some laundry. Had a nice chat with him. He is flying down to Texas this week to help his girlfriend move her things back to Michigan. She moved there last November to go to school. She is still enrolled; but now that everything is continuing online for her for the rest of the school year (through May 2021); she has decided to move back and finish her schooling from here. They are excited to be moving in together. He has been dragging his feet about making a commitment to her (burned badly in previous relationship), even though they have been dating for almost three years (not long; but both have expressed the love they have for each other). Big step; but she is a fantastic young woman and very good for him (he is very introverted).
    It is windy and raining today, so for now; I just have paperwork to get done.
    I had a book party fundraiser for my childcare and the sales earned me over $400 in free books, games, and puzzles! Wahoo! I spent a little over $200 on Christmas gifts for my childcare kiddos. That felt good. Usually they just get little dollar store gifts, plus hand made treats from me.
    I can't believe we are a week and a half from the Thanksgiving holidays! I will have that Thursday through Sunday off, and I will be decorating and prepping for Christmas/December.
    Machka- Ugh! Your measles pics make me itch. Years ago I had an allergic reaction to poison ivy. My arms and chest looked like someone had poured boiling oil on me. I had a couple of shots, plus antibiotic cream and steroid cream to get it under control. The itching lasted quite a while after the blisters went away. Near scalding hot water was a method I used to stop the itch. So...pain was over riding the itch. lol My arms are still ultra sensitive to fabric and rough touches.
    Lanette - Hubby hasn't boarded the MJ train, yet. He has changed up his diet a bit, which I think is helping. He is eating/drinking more yogurt, eating less meat (not sure if this is wise), eating a few more veggies... I still think having a couple of "special ciagarettes" on hand for the intense pain days, would be wise.
    Michele- When school is out for holidays or teacher inservice days (or covid), the kids will come here. The younger ones love it when the older kids are here. It is like spending the day with an older sibling, who doesn't have video games, other friends, older kid stuff to distract them from playing with them. lol
    Lisa- The bear pic has me laughing out loud! :D reminds me of how the two and three year olds play hide and seek!
    Beth and Allie- Sending calming thoughts and breaths to both of you for the heart issues! Just breathe! <3
    Beth- A big "Ugh!" in regards to your son being quarantined! How do you feel about the caregivers he currently has? Do they seem professional, caring, attentive? Not sure how you stay so calm; I would probably be bringing him home. BUT, if that is not what he wants, you don't want to step on his independence. Right? Hard being mom! Hugs!
    Welcome newbies

    I better get busy! Hugs to all that I haven't mentioned! Rita, Julie, Heather, Barbara, Barbie, Suebdew, Debbie, Karen, Katla, Tracey, Pip, Terri, Margaret, Fae,etc.... the list goes on. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Hug backatcha kjlamore
  • kmccrom
    kmccrom Posts: 74 Member
    edited November 2020
    Hi there, I’m trying to get back on this. I’ve been overeating during lockdown and want to kick that habit. I enjoy exercise but struggle with emotional eating. I’m 51 and am very grateful for my life but want to maintain a sense of control and fitness as I age. Tell me about you and let’s support each other!
  • mrsbfe
    mrsbfe Posts: 52 Member
    Fae The girls in the pic are from a Kiko buck and our Boer doe, which we don’t have any longer. We have had rescues, in a sense. We had a neighbor who was more focused on income, so whenever he had a kid that didn’t thrive right off the bat my husband would take it. He’s a take-a-spider-outside kind of person, so he would spend all night with the kid trying to make sure it would thrive; then he’d come in with tears if they didn’t. He originally started, maybe 15 years ago (pre Sheri), with three pygmies. Then got into breeding for meat, but couldn’t bring himself to sell to a butcher, so they all have been pets.

    Lanette I love Harlan Coben and David Baldacci. Actually, crime/suspense/mystery are my favorite genres. I use my libraries with Overdrive for both audiobook and ebooks. I have a Kindle app, but don’t use it much. I used to be a never-ebook person, but I love having a book with me at all times and it’s much easier to read in bed.

    Allie ❤️

    Rhonda Welcome, I’m new here as well. Taking care of yourself should always be a priority, and it sounds like you’re on the right path.

    Ginny What part of OH? I’m in Ross County a terrible place to be with COVID. I mostly stay home and use grocery pickup. My husband had one coworker test positive, but that was three weeks ago and he’s still fine.

    My MIL uses a pessary, that’s the simplest way to take care of your problem. I suppose it depends on the severity and your comfort level.

    Kylia ❤️ I have depression and anxiety, this COVID is definitely not any help with that! I see you’re another Ohioan along with Ginny (are there others?). I live in Ross County, do you mind saying where you are?

    Evelyn Lovely picture of you and your granddaughter.

    Barbara Oregon is so lovely!

    Had to stop at page 42, too much to do!

    Sheri in OH
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2020
    Debbie: The Chirstmas Tree wall hanging is charming!!! I am sure your former MIL will enjoy it. :star:

    Kylia: Thank you for stooping in! :flowerforyou:

    Bwcetc: Sorry to hear that an employee where your son lives has been diagnosed with CoVID. :heart:

    Barbara: The Governor’s orders closed my fitness club. I was in yoga class when the order came through. I had just returned to yoga a few days ago. :ohwell:


    Bananas&oranges: We have been in a fairly restricted situation. The retail stores where we would ordinarily shop for clothes and other items are 30+ miles away in an area with high CoVID numbers. We live in a small rural county that is doing its best to keep CoVid numbers low. Amazon makes shopping for clothes & other items without CoVID worries possible. :star:

    Kate UK: The reflection photo is wonderful! :bigsmile:

    Kmccrom: Welcome! Post often and get to know us. We live everywhere that speaks English, with members from Australia/Tasmania, England, Ireland, Canada, & the US. One person is from France.

    Last night we had the pleasure of watching a College Football game on TV. It was our own Oregon Ducks vs Washington Cougars. The Ducks won!!! There were no fans in the stands thanks to the pandemic. DH & I both graduated from the U of O, way back when. We enjoyed watching our team win.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: You have been through a lot. I hope you feel better day by day. It is so good to see you posting again!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Morning ladies
    So back on track but until there is something in place i have to get some stamina back to be able to lose the weight without vigorous exercise and get my place picked up so i dont look like im living in my dads place.
    I had already left to go over to the walk in before Tom called and said he would watch Alfie..

    This is really concerning, Allie. I am sorry you are struggling with your health.

    Remember, and I say it because I also have to remind myself constantly, you can't out exercise a bad diet, so I wouldn't even worry about really exercising right now. Get your diet under control, start losing weight, begin treatment for the condition, and your energy will come back. I would just continue with short walks, maybe with Alfie, a few times a day, and work up your steps.

    Take care.

    Willamette Valley, OR

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Lisa thank for the chuckles...

    Kate love the picture. Stunning!

    Prayers for those facing medical challenges...

    Anne you are not alone in the frustration of having to give up plans that help make life more fun. Here it is the worst it has ever been. My dilemma is do I continue to see our son that works at a casino. He is the only one I will allow myself to see in person in our home because of his job. DH did go off to a church service today. I do not feel comfortable doing that given the current situation. I do feel getting outside four times a day despite weather is helping me through this rough time.

    Heather thanks for the grandkids fix.