

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Lisa i havent gained that kind of weight fast.but i spoke to a friend of mine today and she said i sounded better..
    I will follow drs orders and do what is asked..I want to be around a good long time..
    Took Alfie over to visit Tom and Elena and we all had a nice visit..
    The lasix is helping but isnt a cure all so we will see what tomorrow brings..
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,039 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Debbie: The Chirstmas Tree wall hanging is charming!!! I am sure your former MIL will enjoy it. :star:


    Last night we had the pleasure of watching a College Football game on TV. It was our own Oregon Ducks vs Washington Cougars. The Ducks won!!! There were no fans in the stands thanks to the pandemic. DH & I both graduated from the U of O, way back when. We enjoyed watching our team win.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Thank you!!
    Shirley is in an assisted living home because of Dementia and Alzheimer's that are a bit harder to regulate along with her bi-polar meds. She doesn't have room for a tree in her room. The ornaments have velcro on the back so she can re-arrange as often as she likes. I am making one for my daycare girl but she will be decorating her own ornaments and won't be as blinged out as Shirley's-
    I love that I can make things that will make her happy. I will be making some slippers today for her and will be sending fudge/treats to everyone in former hubby's family(with him getting a really big box- he loves chocolate/sweets). They will be made Dec.11th weekend(already took that day off so mom and I will have three full days to make everything)

    Napa Valley,CA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Debbie - how wonderful i have wonderful memories of my growing up years.. making gingerbread cookies with my mom.. and cooking with my grandma
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,039 Member
    Debbie - how wonderful i have wonderful memories of my growing up years.. making gingerbread cookies with my mom.. and cooking with my grandma

    I remember the old recipes that both grandma and mom used to make- great memories for sure.
    Mom and I were not close when I was growing up. I was and always will be "daddy's girl" but we have gotten so close in the past 10 yrs or so, more so even now. I don't eat much of the fudge but love making it- the toffee bars and caramel corn, well, that is another story. I keep it out in the garage so I am not as tempted to grab just a hand full and another......
    Everyone else loves to receive the gifts and the biggest gift for her and I is spending time together.
    On my last drive home from there(just over an hour of country roads) I decided that I am going to start taking some time off to spend up there. One Friday a month(to start) to spend three day weekends up there with them.
    They love it and I need to be there more.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Denise Austin’s Fit in a Flash DVD. Not going to do any formal exercise tomorrow since I work and then go bowling, but I’m sure I’ll get some steps in.

    Our covid numbers are going up, too. I do hope we don’t go into lockdown at least until after Christmas

    Lanette – wish I had breaking news. How wonderful! But according to Vince he can’t eat most veges because they are high in vitamin K, regardless if they are or not.

    Right after exercise went to WalMart. This is definitely the time to go, there were VERY few people in the store

    Katla – can you do some yoga DVD’s which the gym is closed?

    I like to check out books electronically, too. Actually, I prefer that to getting the physical book. Probably because this was I don’t have to worry about going to the library on time to return the book, I can just do it from home any time of the day or night

    Allie – I hope the diuretic helps you. I know that when MIL had CHF, the diuretic helped her.

    Rhonda Fort Worth – welcome!

    Debbie CA
    – lovely tree! You are so talented

    Went to the Green Room last night to see “on Golden Pond”. It was different from what I remembered from the movie. Good, just different. It was interesting to see how they were able to keep the actors 6’ apart. Then went to Food Lion because I forgot to get milk for Vince when I was there working. Also got some cake mix. It was on sale at the same price as WalMart. But sometimes if you buy a certain amount of something at FL, you get money off. So since it was the same price as WalMart…..

    Kyla – can’t wait to “see” you again!

    Beth – just what you need! (your son)

    At first I was thinking that the Covid numbers going up was related to Trump’s rallies where lots of people weren’t wearing masks. But he didn’t have a rally in another country so that’s probably not it.

    Barbara – hand sanitizer, booze…it’s all alcohol…same difference  :D . Many times I wonder if multiple piercings on people isn’t a version of self-mutilation. When I turned 40 I thought it would be really cool to get a second piercing in my ear. Now I am so sorry I ever did it. One of the holes closed up, but the other one never did. :/

    We usually have some sort of pork for New Years…NEVER fowl. The idea is that a chicken scratches backward and you don’t want to go backward into the New Year. But a pig sticks his snout out when he’s walking and you want to go forward into the New Year. And, of course, something green for money

    To me, it seems that Amazon has really increased their prices of things

    Kmccrom – (what would you like to be called?). I find that if I don’t do some sort of craft, I would boredom eat with this pandemic. To be honest, I’m running out of friends to give things to…lol

    Annie DE – I honestly don’t know, do hotels still have room service? Yes, it’s going to be more expensive, but at least you wouldn’t be going out to eat. Also, can you bring food with you to microwave in the hotel?

    Michele NC
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,548 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    In one of the other health groups I frequent (a huge one on FB) there's a thread where folks can post photos of their meals. Like Heather and Rebecca and others of you often do in this group. :) It's fun seeing what folks in other parts of the country and from other cultures are eating, and I always get menu ideas.

    I've started a photo log of my suppers. Supper is my "big meal". I don't count fats, carbs, calories, just wanting to get plenty of variety and colorful foods.

    Here's supper from a couple days ago. Chicken breast, purple potato, green beans, caponata (Italian eggplant/tomato dish) and a big salad with cabbage, romaine, butter lettuce, 1/2 avocado and homemade Dijon vinaigrette (a friend's recipe). No fancy place setting, I was in a hurry to dig in. :p

    Congrats to those of you on the mend and sending good thoughts to those of you with upcoming doc visits. <3

    It's raining cats and dogs here right now. In the pass east of us, the snow is piling up. Hello Winter!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    lovely looking plate you have there! I don't have my tablet anymore, so my pics will have to wait :-( Lately I am just happy to eat something HOT. My silly island has lost power both Friday from 12 noon to late evening, and Saturday from 12 noon to about 10pm last night. The WHOLE island!
    <3 Rebecca
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,548 Member
    Last friday I bought some Lefsah (Mrs. Olsen from Minnesota's) so I had one rolled up with a cuppa coffee. It brings back all the wonderful memories <3.

    Hugs to those that are dealing with health issues <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Last week DH had a visit with the doctor, live & in person. :wink: This week I will be getting a mammogram on Tuesday morning. It is a routine check. I will be astonished if there is anything that is worrisome. I have not used any chemical birth control or hormone treatments in over 50 years. My body wouldn’t tolerate them.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    I’ve been on a baking kick since my friend got me into watching the Halloween baking challenges! Lol. My experiments lately are finding a good Keto Cream puff recipe. First one I made tasted great but fell apart when picking them up. Today I am making it the traditional way except substituted 1for1 gluten free flour (not keto), swerve for sugar and heavy cream instead of milk. The filling is not a problem. That’s my specialty! Lol

    I tried a keto pumpkin bread recipe that came out awesome and a basic sugar cookie also Keto which came out good too.

    Campers are required to all leave today by 5 pm then gates locked again for 2 weeks. Going to do a good cleanup there tomorrow.

    Did I tell you all that DH and I had eye exams Friday. Now to wait 2 weeks for new glasses.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2020
    Ljfloyd: Welcome! Stop by often and get to know us. We have members from many countries. The English language is something we have in common, along with being women '"of a certain age".🌺
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,039 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did Denise Austin’s Fit in a Flash DVD. Not going to do any formal exercise tomorrow since I work and then go bowling, but I’m sure I’ll get some steps in.

    Debbie CA
    – lovely tree! You are so talented

    Michele NC

    Thank you- it has been fun to work on- I wish the picture turned out better. It actually looks even better in real life. The lights are fairy lights that are battery operated that I hot glued on with gold glitter hot glue.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/yogi- 1hr 41min 42sec, 3.40ap, 99ahr, 129mhr, 6mi= 591c
    Strava app= 728c
    Zwift bike trainer- 45.15min, 139ahr, 161mhr, 472elev, 20.9amph, 15.78mi= 456c
    Strava app = 410c

    Total cal 1047
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,588 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I’ve been on a baking kick since my friend got me into watching the Halloween baking challenges! Lol. My experiments lately are finding a good Keto Cream puff recipe. First one I made tasted great but fell apart when picking them up. Today I am making it the traditional way except substituted 1for1 gluten free flour (not keto), swerve for sugar and heavy cream instead of milk. The filling is not a problem. That’s my specialty! Lol

    I tried a keto pumpkin bread recipe that came out awesome and a basic sugar cookie also Keto which came out good too.

    Campers are required to all leave today by 5 pm then gates locked again for 2 weeks. Going to do a good cleanup there tomorrow.

    Did I tell you all that DH and I had eye exams Friday. Now to wait 2 weeks for new glasses.


    Hi, Rita! I've wondered about full-time RVers. Where do they stay in such a time?

    Pumpkin bread sounds yummy!

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • charsuzy
    charsuzy Posts: 234 Member
    edited November 2020
    ljfloyd1 wrote: »
    My name is L.J. and I'm new to the group. I'm looking forward to being in the group and having Y'all help me keep it going.

    Welcome LJ, please keep logging in and find friends here! I believe MyFitnessPal has helped me more than going it alone! 🎈✨😊
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I’ve been on a baking kick since my friend got me into watching the Halloween baking challenges! Lol. My experiments lately are finding a good Keto Cream puff recipe. First one I made tasted great but fell apart when picking them up. Today I am making it the traditional way except substituted 1for1 gluten free flour (not keto), swerve for sugar and heavy cream instead of milk. The filling is not a problem. That’s my specialty! Lol

    I tried a keto pumpkin bread recipe that came out awesome and a basic sugar cookie also Keto which came out good too.

    Campers are required to all leave today by 5 pm then gates locked again for 2 weeks. Going to do a good cleanup there tomorrow.

    Did I tell you all that DH and I had eye exams Friday. Now to wait 2 weeks for new glasses.


    Hi, Rita! I've wondered about full-time RVers. Where do they stay in such a time?

    Pumpkin bread sounds yummy!

    Willamette Valley, OR

    I work at a state park so never had to leave! Some stay at private parks, others travel around to BLM (Bureau of Land Management) camping areas.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,816 Member
    Busy days here yesterday and today. I have read through and caught up but didn’t take notes to comment.

    I returned from our daughters around 2 and since it was only -2C I decided to put out some Christmas lights and decorations. I need to buy a wreath or big bow and then I’ll be good on the outside. The inside will be done on Dec 5th.

    Kaitlyn is going to meet a friend next week and if her husband can’t have two of his shifts given away we will be puppy sitting Ember for the weekend. I’m excited and nervous about it all at the same time. We’ll find out in a couple days if we are going to have her or not.

    I am going to work on finishing the stocking tonight and then tomorrow it’s back to work.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: I’m happy to hear that one of your friends thinks you’re sounding better. Following doctor’s orders is wise. We are lucky enough to have an excellent doctor and we respect her skill. Long ago my dad took furosemide and it helped reduce water retention. Dad followed doctor’s orders carefully. :heart:

    Michele: I don’t plan to do any yoga DVD’s, but I do have an alternate exercise plan. I have a stationary tryke in the garage that is set up on friction rollers. Yoga class is not in session because the governor closed health clubs. I can ride my tryke any time, in any weather and burn calories. I miss my class, though. I’ve got friends there that I enjoy spending time with. :smiley:

    Lanette: I love your colorful meals. They are VERY appealing. :star:

    Flea: We live up the road from a privately owned marina. They have loads of boat slips and some of them are occupied by liveaboards who are there year-around. The marina also owned land on the other side of the road and turned it into RV spaces. The vast majority of people there live in their RV’s year around. As a neighbor who walks that way, I see an RV vacancy once in a while, but not often. :flowerforyou: There are state and county parks nearby with RV parking spaces. County parks have camp hosts similar to Rita & her DH. Some of the state parks we stayed in also have camp hosts. :flowerforyou:

    Tracey: I hope your puppysitting adventure is a fun one. :smiley:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,442 Member
    edited November 2020
    Been rather busy in the garden. Will skim read.

    Fae: That video was before my time, and shot in England, whereas I live in Northern Ireland.

    Heather: I have the same problem with wool. I break out in a rash if I wear it next to my skin.

    I get up, exercise, and do chores before showering, getting dressed, and having breakfast. I wear leggings or jersey trousers, and a tshirt or cotton top. We eat lunch and dinner at the table. Breakfast is al fresco.

    ☘️ Terri