Welcome New Members!



  • EliteFitAtl
    EliteFitAtl Posts: 3 Member
    “Put all excuses aside and remember this – YOU are capable.” -Zig Ziglar
  • mihamt
    mihamt Posts: 1 Member
    Hello there,its Miha and I'm very new in here,dont even have a clue yet what I'm doing,just please have patience with me :) I wish you all good luck in whatever your goal is.
  • emmalyngreen90
    emmalyngreen90 Posts: 6 Member
    hello everyone! quarantine did me dirty, so i'm trying to lose some weight. i hope with this community everything works out wonders!
  • discolady74
    discolady74 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Diana. Just starting out here. I've lost weight this year due to some food sensitivity, and it took awhile to realize I'm having a dairy sensitivity. So I've lost 30 pounds this year, and as it's come off, I'm noticing I'm flabby. I want to tone up. I want to get healthier. I'm in my 40s, so I really didn't know where to start, and after I joined a gym a month ago, I met a trainer who helped me create a 4-6 week routine (I go 4 days a week - 2 days are focused on upper body, and 2 are lower body), and she introduced me to the Myfitness Pal app.

    So I'm on day 4 of this app, and I love it! I really enjoy having the app tell me what I need to watch out for - the whole "your sodium (or carb or whatever) goal today is... ".

    Hoping to read more inspiring stories like the ones I've seen so far. It's nice to have a community where we're all in this for the same reasons/ goals.
  • insertbeer
    insertbeer Posts: 43 Member
    Hello! Back on here for better accountability. California is pretty much shut down again so will be trying to do better at home workouts and get out and ride my bike more. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there!
  • abbyecope
    abbyecope Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! So excited to be involved in a community of people to motivate each other and lift one another up! :)
  • savanadarlin
    savanadarlin Posts: 3 Member
    Back to the grind again. It has been years since I have logged food. Had success in the past, but once I had my son, took a break. Did keto for a while -- had success. But looking to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. So, back to the basics: CI vs CO.

    Looking forward to being a part of this community -- hopefully getting and giving motivation to others.
    Feel free to add me as a friend so that we can build one another up! :)

  • summi2704
    summi2704 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone. It is nice to be back on MFP. I am trying to lose 5 kg. Being over 55 it seems so hard to shed kilos. Hopefully with motivation from fellow members I can achieve my goal.
  • jimculler1
    jimculler1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey guys, I'm new here also. I started sgrength training nearly 2 years ago, but I didnt get serious about nutrition until recently. Right now I'm fighting one day at a time to get 20 more pounds off of my mid section.
  • ermu67
    ermu67 Posts: 12 Member
    Any Former WW members who have found more success with MFP, am curious about switching to premium instead of WW , noticed premium says it has coaching?? what form does that take??
  • mckinneyn53
    mckinneyn53 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to this group. I am going in for a revision on Dec 21. I'm going from a sleeve to a bypass. I had a sleeve in 2012. I drove to TX from Nashville for the surgery. I had no post treatment or anything. At that time I was on YouTube getting my advice and instruction. I lost 50 pounds, never met goal. I was 200# when I started my liver shrinking diet Monday. I am starting at 200. My goal weight is 150. I am 67 years old and looking forward to doing things right this time. I am already missing sweets, and cakes, puddings and fried chicken, etc. I am thinking these things are gone for good. I have to find healthier ways to make dishes that really taste good. I do not want to go back to doing things that made me gain weight in the first place. I received a can of cookies yesterday from my office and I haven't touched one and they look and smell great! Also doing great on my pre-op diet. Some evenings I'm not even hungry. I wish everyone on here well and sucessful!
  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    Former member 0f the 100 pound loss club, then missed food and put 100 pounds back on.

    Here to make lasting changes. Been quite ill so had a head start, dont take life anywhere as serious as I should. Follow me if you want jokes, motivation and a great laugh
  • patriots123040
    patriots123040 Posts: 1 Member
    Rosh2801 wrote: »
    Hello all, I'm new here though I've had this app for quite some time now. I'm starting the Whole 30 to get some health & weight issues sorted. I hope I'm able to get some positive results. Looking for some motivation.

    I been on a diet since May and i lost 88 pounds, on my own with no help or working out. Eating high protein counting calories, i do alot of green tea, protein shakes and i have a greek yougurt everyday. I went from 317 to 230, i am 6ft 3. Im almost there! I got 15 pounds left. You can do it, just stick with it. I fast sometimes, its hard but yoy can do it.
  • drummondabby41
    drummondabby41 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok but like- I've already lost 7 pounds and I have about 48 to go before I go to my family outing in Brevard, NC (I live in PA rn) I can't wait for my results! Lets do this!
  • Gymbanger
    Gymbanger Posts: 1 Member
    Let"s Do It Again
  • Hobbitoftheshire1981
    I'm due to turn 40 in 2 months, my weight has been going up over the past few years with my health going in the opposite direction.

    Looking to make a change now rather than waiting and saying i'll do something next year.

    Will need some help staying on the right track, have made efforts in the past and ended up giving up after a few weeks at most.

    I'm from Doncaster in the UK, looking for a support network to help me achieve... please feel free to add as a friend, regardless of location.

    Take care and stay safe.
  • crarylauren
    crarylauren Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone im new here. I'm checking things out.
  • darlenep3
    darlenep3 Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hi All, I just signed up 4 days ago for premium and I have my fit bit synced. I gained so much weight from lack of exercise, eating too much to often and eating the wrong foods. I can make all the excuses in the world i.e. I quit smoking, my medication, I can not work out because of medical issues. These might all be contributing factors, but I quite smoking 4 years ago, my medication does cause weight gain, I am limited physically because of an injury but I can still walk. After taking all this into consideration, I have decided to be the best version of myself I can be. this version will be much lighter, happier, healthier, and have more energy.
  • psmithfilm
    psmithfilm Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! Excited to connect and relate with some of you...I'm 22 and in search of living a healthier lifestyle, especially after sitting around for a practically a full year. I feel heavy in every sense, physically, emotionally and spiritually. So I'm working on bettering those things!! Hopefully this will help.

    Lets connect if you feel in a similar space!
  • NashDiary
    NashDiary Posts: 1 Member
    Hey hi,am back after so long, let's motivate each other and stay accountable for it!! Do not hesitate to add me! :smiley: