

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,074 Member
    AllieAgree what about a back up generator? Everyone would benefit. I hope you can find one before the storm.

    Dr. Katie I was sorry to hear about your mom. I know it may sound odd...take care of you the best you can during this trying time. If you have overwhelming moments be kind to yourself and know it is your circumstances.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Thank you all for the well wishes for my mom (and me). I took her to the dentist this morning. He x-rayed her, said he didn't think she would need an oral surgeon but it's a little early to tell for sure. He said heal for three weeks, then come back for more x-rays and we will re-evaluate at that time. The good news is that with mandatory mask wearing, nobody can see her lack of teeth or black and blue face when she goes out in public. I stocked her up on pudding, jello, yogurt, and Ensure. She can eat soft things like rice and mashed potatoes. She still prefers room temperature so maybe a few more days before she feels brave enough to try soup.

    Barbara, you are so sweet to go to so much trouble to see my face. Thank you for watching. You asked if I was with Mama. No, she wasn't even at home. She was at a friend's sister's house. The sister had passed away and they were cleaning out her house. Mama was taking a bunch of her cloth and sewing supplies. She was loading them into her car, going back in the house for more when she tripped over something and hit one of the edging stones lining the walkway. The niece called my brother who went over there to check on her. She drove herself home with my brother following. Then he called me to see if I could talk her into going to the ER. By the time he got me on the phone she decided she was in serious pain so would get it checked out, so I went and got her and took her in. I am her "next of kin" of record at the hospital since Daddy shouldn't drive and I'm the oldest.

    My house cleaner will be here in 30 minutes so I should go. I'm so excited to have her back.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,298 Member
    Three places i would take you to.
    Oh my gosh, so many!

    1. I would take you for a walk along the seafront, right down to the Palace Pier and back. On the way home we would stop off to buy an ice cream (made at the shop) at Marroccos. My favourite is chocolate, but they do a fine mango sorbet.

    2. I would take you to the Royal Pavilion. Truly unique. Built for George lV.

    3. I would take you on a drive around the South Downs, a National Park. We would visit Ditchling Beacon, Cissbury Ring, and Devil's D y k e. Here is a much younger Edie with her back to the view.

    We could also drive through the lanes of Sussex to a typical old country pub.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    8 hour day is known elsewhere as Labour Day.

    ANZAC Day is similar to Remembrance Day. Remembrance Day is celebrated too but not with a holiday.

    ANZAC stands for something like Australia New Zealand ... Army Corp maybe.

    M in Oz
    thanks for the explanations @Machka9

    @OregonMother nice video!

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited December 2020
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h81Ojd3d2rY There are a lot of songs with Monday in it. I played a few seconds of this for my students as the class began, and very briefly explained the frame or reference. They seemed to appreciate with some humour. Because we are 100% on line I sometimes start class, rather than saying, "good morning...." I put on a sound, like chimes or birds or owls (for a night class). Just a few seconds.
    I tracked all day and so ate less, and now I'm a bit peckish (a bit hungry) at 8:45 pm. :/ My Ikea stuff ordered around Saturday midday arrived in less than 48h. Wow. I assembled the table, not so difficult, but it's legs are not on balance and I'd have to ALWAYS put a big thing under one table. There is no mistake or adjustment possible. It seems to be manufacturing problem. Returning would probably be a nightmare and I wonder if a replacement would be better. What would you do? They have a number to call in case of problems. Then I went to the chair. Harder, because of some of the holes not working, and I had to stop. I think I will have to remove the screws (very hard to get in) and screw it in again. :/ Very slow going. I looked into hiring them to assemble, but if you do, it's quite pricey! I hope the trundle bed and the shelves will go more smoothly.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    Happy Sunday ladies,
    This morning I have been sipping coffee, and watching "Holiday Cookies Challenge". It's interesting their different styles, most contestants are owners of bakeries, or fulltime cookie bakers. But its a whole other story when they're only given 90 minutes to bake something. Many lose time, and have to rush decorate their cookies.

    After that I decided to bake my microwavable peanut brittle. It's really easy:
    1 cup sugar, and 1/2 cup light corn syrup, mix in a microwavable bowl then nuke high for 4 min.
    Add one cup salted peanuts, mix quickly with two spoons works well because you have to scrape quickly. Then nuke that for 3 min high.
    Take out with mitts, and add 1 tsp vanilla, and 1 tsp baking soda, and mix mix! Use a wooden spoon works well. Then have your prepared buttered cookie sheet and pour quickly. Voila!

    Then I made Hello Dolly bars:
    1 cup crushed Nilla wafers, 1/2 cup butter mix and press into 9 x9 pan (I use Criso over it all to prep the pan)
    Sprinkle 6 oz chocolate chips, then 6 oz butterscotch chips, sweetened coconut flakes (recipe says 1 can, but it doesn't come in cans anymore so just eyeball it), then 1 cup chopped nuts (I use walnuts), and finally 1 can of sweetened condensed milk. Use the whole blinkin can, even though it makes my teeth hurt! Put into preheated 350' oven for 30 min or until browned. I run a knife around it while its warm because once you wait, its harder. I am going to cut into small squares and freeze most.

    I broke down and bought some Port wine. I had a snoot's full last night. I don't actually take a sip, just wet my whistle.. :-) Port wine isn't meant to be downed in any normal wine glass, but I don't have anything small. So my gold edged Stella Atouis beer stein is nice. Partaking in Port, while looking at a Christmas movie, puts me in my happy place. One a day! Christmas movie that is....

    Tonight making some sort of Asian noodle thing with veggies, and chicken. Lee bought a plateful of Chinese barbequed pork and he has been gleefully yelling with the Chinese hot mustard. "Woooooheeeeee that's hot, look my eyes are watering. Come give me a kiss!!!" I say NO WAY MAN! Heehee...

    Hugs to those of you dealing with health issues!
    <3 Rebecca

    thank you for posting the recipe for the peanut brittle- I copy/pasted it to my FB page so I can try it later.
    I don't know if I will make some before Christmas after all the treats we made this weekend. BUT, if I start to run a little low that will be my go to.
    Over the last three days, I made 16 batches of fudge(9 different kinds I think, maybe 10), 6 batches of the cracker toffee, 5 batches of caramel corn, nut clusters and some of the molded(trays)of candies that I filled.- mom did her own thing, little ones in the paper cups, I didn't see what she was doing, was busy on the other stuff. Split what I made with her.
    It was fun but so tired. almost 12 hrs straight yesterday. Only stopped to make dinner for the three of us.
    Now need to get it packed up and ready to deliver or ship out.
    Waking up at 5:45 to pack up and head home was a bit rough. The fact my car was frozen, barely could open the door, took almost 20 min to defrost it enough for me to start the drive home was a bit rough(and I am dragging now) but the drive itself right at sunrise was nice- Check engine light coming on was a bit nerve wracking. I will have husband check it later.

    I will post pictures of the candies when I unpack them- I didn't take any of this years while making.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We have some plumbing needs that would have been easy for DH a few years ago, but he can’t do them anymore because of MS. I don't have the skill or ability to work with the tools & location. DH has a call in to the plumber who has done good work for us in the past year. I hope he will be available.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for good luck--

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • fuzbeme
    fuzbeme Posts: 5 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! My name is Elizabeth and I am joining you from beautiful North West Oregon. So excited that Christmas is almost here because I am ready to enjoy the season and try to forget the year we have had. I am new to this site. Just started on my weight loss/fitness journey not too long ago. So far so good but would love to get to know others who can lend some support and whom I can lend support as well.

    Got married in June to a wonderful man and couldn't be happier about that. But I went shopping for a dress for his son's wedding and realized just how much weight I had packed on. 37lbs since I met him and 60 since I moved back here from Hawaii 6 years ago! I spent an afternoon and evening wallowing in my depression and distress over this and then woke up the next morning with a new mind set! I am committed to my goal of 60lbs of weight loss and getting back to whatever 56 going on 57 years of age looks like when it is fit. :smile: I make small goals. Just 5lbs at a time so I feel the success quicker. Already hit the first goal and I am 4lbs away from the next one. I know it will get more difficult as I go along but I am determined and I am already feeling the difference. The ability to breath easier and my constant companion, heartburn, has all but vanished.

    I look forward to this journey. I am actually enjoying the challenge.

    Any words of wisdom? Any sage advice? Any good jokes? :wink:

    I hope all of you are staying well and I wish all a happy holiday season!

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,508 Member
    Dr Katie - so sorry about your mum. :'( Getting old is not for wimps.

    Rebecca - We set the world to rights while we are having our cup of tea in the morning. We always hold hands. :D
    We also comment on the radio news and views while we are exercising.
    Early evening is another favourite discussion time. We do also spend a lot of time in different rooms.
    We talk and laugh a LOT! We are great companions and FWBs.
    Those of you who live alone I take my hat off to you. I would definitely have gone crazy all through this. Although I like my own space, I am not a good solitary. Not good at all. :s Serious depression is never far away.
    DH keeps me sane and happy. Long may it last..........(see my answer to Dr Katie)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    That's marvelous!! <3
    When I am talking to Lee, I sometimes forget he's a guy, but he's smiles thru it all. When your husband is your best friend, lines are blurred, and I find I talk to him like girlfriends' do!

    I also have a talent to walk around my stories, and he makes that "get on with the story" circle with his hands...Of course that makes me use MORE descriptive narrative words! Together we can tell a great story, what with me searching for the right words, and Lee inserting oh so NOT the words I was thinking of...<3
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,508 Member
    Great Barbie! That's what I think when I see some of you baking biscuits and making candies. If I gave them to people they'd look at me as if I was trying to kill them! :D
    So many people with restrictions on this and that. Even the kids are strictly rationed on candies and biscuits. Bea gets very hyper on sugar.
    I'm so glad I'm not cooking this Christmas, except for mincepies and pigs in blankets in the garden. I think I can manage that.

    The weather was looking good so I suggested a walk to the sea. We looked at the forecast and it said rain. :o
    I bundled myself into a fleece and anorak and we set off. The sky gradually darkened as we were out, but we made it back home in time. Looking very gloomy now.
    The sea was up and the tide was high, so my favourite noise was filling the air. Wonderful! B) It felt soooo good.
    Four young people were obviously up for some kind of dare, because they were in their skimpy swimsuits, holding hands and running headlong into the waves! :o It was predictably freezing and they came straight out, but mission accomplished!
    Oh to be young!

    Rebecca - I used to be the most disorganised, procrastinating person imaginable. It got me into all kinds of trouble when I was young. I've struggled all my life with self-discipline. Meeting DH has changed all that because he is a creature of routine and habit and very self-disciplined. I used to despise exercise and routine. I was a 'free spirit'. Free to accomplish little. Now stuff actually gets done. He has been such a good example for me. He has been so encouraging for my exercise, so that I have got to love it for its own sake. My health could have been a very different story. I was on my way to a sad old age.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    That's inspiring! I have lots of excuses for not making exercise a daily option. I could be walking around the neighborhood, but either my circulation isn't the best or because I fast, I get cold so easily, and stay cold. I know being cold is very much a fasters dilemma, so I have been thinking of treadmills.

    My husband has always been regimented and stuck to routines. Early on in our marriage it was a characteristic that I loved about him, but as time went by, it wasn't such a trait I wanted to get behind. When I was home raising the boys, I would hear him drive into the garage, then open the dryer. In my mind he was checking up on me. So of course I purposely left stuff in the dryer, because that's how my mind works. :-) I have always thought our marriage was a yin-yang thing, him being the Navy sailor with a place for everything and everything in its place, and me well, I was so not. Not that I was messy per say, just more impulsive. As we have aged, he has become more impulsive, and he's not that rigid sailor, with proper moods for proper places. Now he skips thru the living room and sings inappropriate song lyrics. It's endearing. <3

    I have decided this is a year of change, I mean how could it not be.
    Thanks Heather for being here, and giving us motivation to inspire to be more.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,508 Member
    edited December 2020
    Willamette Valley, OR,
    When you stated you support Oregon Public Broadcasting, it brought back great memories listening with my step father. He actually was a host for a couple of years, had that deep low voice. Then of course during my junior and senior year of high school I watched watched shows on Public Television, with him. Once when that had a telethon, my step father called in and stated, "I will donate with a monthly pledge but you have to stand up and wave to the camera". So we watch the tv and sure enough this gal in the back row stands up and timidly waves!!! It was awesome!!

    We watched "BlackAdder", and laughed until we cried, and my mom would be sitting there and say, "I can't understand a word they say". Then we'd watch Luciano Pavarotti, and cry as well! He really had a positive impact on me, can you tell?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    SuziQ – yes, that puzzle was challenging. I don’t know how many times I said to myself “maybe all the pieces aren’t here”. I then did a 550 piecer for Vince mainly because it was of cookie monster and he likes cookie monster. The real challenge was that I got it at Habitat for Humanity and really hoped all the pieces were there. Fortunately, they were. I really wanted to do it and then frame it for him. Next I want to look for a puzzle (probably only 500 or so pieces) to make for Jess and Colby. The only thing I can think of that they have in common is the fact that they like video games. I know I’ve seen puzzles of controls and things so I’d like to get one to do for them. But first, I’ve ordered one for Pete and Denise for next year of this boat. They’re into the “nautical” theme. Personally, the entire house is in a nautical theme and this is a no-no. Not the entire house. But it’s not my house.

    Monday here: worked today. I can’t think of anything else but to stand outside cleaning the carts, offering one to a customer and then cleaning it right in front of them. I was told that they need the customer to see that we are cleaning carts. So I stood outside for the entire 4 hours, except to go to the bathroom. Well, I truly believe that someone will say something. A customer won’t want to see someone standing out in the rain and snow for 4 hours. Work tomorrow. They’re calling for freezing rain Wednesday and I’m supposed to work. I guess we shall see what Mother Nature has in store for us.

    Denise said a while ago that they were going to have Thanksgiving just the three of them. Well, I just saw a pic on Maria’s facebook page with Pete in it. I doubt he went by himself, and I doubt Denise would cook. So I’m betting they went over there. Oh well…..

    I’m just feeling a bit sad right now that PJ has never been to our house. But I guess that’s the way it’s meant to be.

    DrKatie – sure hope your mom gets better fast and doesn’t have any balance issues. Then again, maybe it would be a good thing if she did since that would cause her to be very careful

    Katla – about those people who sanitize the carts – that I don’t have a problem with, but what do the stores do in the cold/snowy/rainy weather? Does the same person stand out there for hours on end?

    Heather – “we always hold hands” How lovely!

    Allie – a generator? Why not explain your situation to you doctor/his nurse. I’m sure they’ve had others in the exact same situation. What did those people do?

    Annie DE – (((HUGS)))

    Barbara – in some ways I don’t like to watch those baking competition shows, they make me want to eat. Then again, a good time to watch them is when I’m stuffed like right after dinner

    Elizabeth – welcome!

    Mahjongg tonight

    Michele NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,298 Member
    edited December 2020
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    o:) -

    What excites you right now? (can't be the vaccine. :)) I'm excited by all the things I love to do every day! The sea gets me very excited! :D

    What are you looking forward to? (this can be the vaccine, but doesn't have to be. :)) Getting the 2nd vol of my memoir published next year. Still a lot of work to do, but I can see the finished form appearing. Also, post vaccine, doing art with the grandchildren and eating with the family. A new series of Spiral on Saturday nights (French police series)

    What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? Getting on with my memoir. Zooming my friends regularly. Appreciating my DH.

    Where did you grow up? North London until I was 9 and then Horsham in Sussex until I went to university. I went to Bristol University.

    What do you do for fun? So many things! :D Normally dancing, singing. Eating out. Cruises. City breaks in European cities. Now - Drinking good wine. Running by the sea. Language videos. Good tv and radio. Reading wonderful books, especially non-fiction. Friends. Grandchildren.

    Is there a charitable cause you support? Medicins Sans Frontiers, Crisis at Christmas, Guardian,

    What is the one thing you like best about yourself? My insatiable intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm.

    What’s the most important thing I should know about you?
    I am an incest survivor and I have spent my whole life working hard at recovery. I feel I am some of the way there. That is a very good feeling.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    edited December 2020
    :)Rebecca, I have invested in warm clothes so I can walk in any weather---wool sweater, several long sleeve underlayers, coat equal to winter in Maine, wool socks, warm shoes, wool scarf, two knitted hats, balaclava, wool gloves, fleece leggings under denim pants. The possibilities are endless. Now I can walk all year and enjoy the exercise and being outdoors.

    :) I walk with bluetooth headphones and listen to music, podcasts, and audio books so I am not dependent on having a walking friend. I do have a friend to walk with in the morning but I used to walk alone before I met her and now I walk more time without her than with her.

    :) The best thing I learned this year was how to use Zoom.

    :) Where did I grow up?
    Long Island, NY
    Stoughton, MA
    San Juan, PR
    Lakewood, CA
    Haddon Heights, NJ
    Eureka, CA
    Northfield, MN

    :)Elizabeth, my "sage" advice is seek every opportunity to be active and read this thread every day to get more good ideas.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member

    What excites you right now? Organising Christmas gifts for my family, to be delivered on Christmas Eve.

    What are you looking forward to? Getting back to my U3A activities and seeing my friends again. Haven't been able to do that since March

    What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? Being asked to write our life experiences by our elder grandson for his birthday gift. DH and I did it as a joint effort.

    Where did you grow up? I grew up in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I now live in a seaside town on the loughshore.

    What do you do for fun? I write, prose and poetry. I draw, paint, and do crafts of all kinds. I love dancing, walking, and yoga/Tai Chi. Love my garden, cooking, watching TV, reading. I love puzzles of all kinds.

    Is there a charitable cause you support? I support several wildlife charities, cancer research, and am a volunteer group leader for U3A, an international lifelong learning charity. I support other charities by donating unwanted belongings and buying lots of things in my local charity shops.

    What is the one thing you like best about yourself? My optimistic, can-do, positive outlook on life.

    What’s the most important thing I should know about you? I have an open and inquiring mind.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    They’re into the “nautical” theme. Personally, the entire house is in a nautical theme and this is a no-no. Not the entire house. But it’s not my house.

    Michele NC

    My husband would like that! :)

    But instead, our place has a very distinct bicycle theme. :smiley: I've got somewhere between 50 and 100 bicycle ornaments plus things like bicycle tea towels, cushions, pictures on the walls, etc. etc.

    I think a house should reflect what you like.

    M in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    M - but they say that the "entire" house shouldn't be in the same theme. To me (and this is just me) it's boring to go to each and every room and there's nothing but the same theme. Oh well....

    Michele NC
    who won 4 games of mahjongg tonight
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,298 Member
    Fae - Are you OK?

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,508 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Rebecca, I have invested in warm clothes so I can walk in any weather---wool sweater, several long sleeve underlayers, coat equal to winter in Maine, wool socks, warm shoes, wool scarf, two knitted hats, balaclava, wool gloves, fleece leggings under denim pants. The possibilities are endless. Now I can walk all year and enjoy the exercise and being outdoors.

    :) I walk with bluetooth headphones and listen to music, podcasts, and audio books so I am not dependent on having a walking friend. I do have a friend to walk with in the morning but I used to walk alone before I met her and now I walk more time without her than with her.

    :) The best thing I learned this year was how to use Zoom.

    :) Where did I grow up?
    Long Island, NY
    Stoughton, MA
    San Juan, PR
    Lakewood, CA
    Haddon Heights, NJ
    Eureka, CA
    Northfield, MN

    :)Elizabeth, my "sage" advice is seek every opportunity to be active and read this thread every day to get more good ideas.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    After years and years of not even owning a coat in California, its hard to get used to the layering but I am trying! I get kind of claustrophobic with more than one layer on, its definitely something I need to acclimate to. <3