

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2020
    Barbara: Time flies when everyone is in lockdown. :noway: :grumble:

    SuziQ: I am impressed by your tenacity with the puzzle. :star:

    Michele: I hope things work out for your daughter. :flowerforyou:

    The Annual Christmas Ships Parade last night was fun, and it was great that they had a nice turnout of boats for the parade. We watched from our upstairs bedroom window. We stayed toasty and warm. I suspect they all dressed warmly for the event. Today they are resting and will start back toward Portland using the Multnomah Channel this evening. I understand they’ll put on a show for Scappoose, the next town up river from here. I don’t know whether they’ll spend the night at Scappoose or just keep going toward Portland. Their lighted parades are an annual treat for us.

    Today I will bring our living Alberta Spruce tree into the garage to start aclimatizing it to indoor temperatures. Luckily it hasn’t been really cold here, so the transition should go well for the tree. Tomorrow I hope to decorate it in the house.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Yes, it’s me again! Are you tiring of me yet?

    It is somewhat fun getting caught up with big reads and commenting, although behind in the conversation.

    Since the last break I have had a visit with one of my coworkers (outdoors and masked). She made a wreath for me and I made brownie brittle for her. Here’s a picture. It’s non-traditional. I love the colors. The pic is taken at a weird angle. Also caught up with the neighbors, ran to the grocery store, and a visit to Walmartians!


    KJ – I was reading the kids menu for the week and my thought still remains. I want to be one of your kids. I know I say it over and over. They are so very fortunate to have you in their lives. Those early years are so important - you are helping grown some very fine adults.

    Betsy – Oh, no right when the turkey was going in?! Hope you were able to find something you like.

    Lisa – Egg is just QA’ing it. Looks like it has passed the sleep test! LOL!

    RVRita – Sorry to hear about your infection. Hopefully the doctor is able to get you back in shape so you can get out and enjoy yourself.

    Allie – Glad you in the right unit and get a shower! You must feel like a goddess now. It’s amazing how the little things are those that keep us going. Wow, your f’in SIL. Sorry – but you do so much for her and she could not just be home. Glad to read a little further on she is picking you up.

    KJ – Ginger is easy to grow here in the tropics. A little advice – grow it in a pot. It will and does spread very quickly and will take over your garden.

    Kim – Glad to see your hello!

    DrKatie – So happy you are on the mend and have some use of your hand! It must be a real pleasure.

    Flea – Head up! Remember even if you cannot get it there are enough germs and those who will eventually get it that herd immunity will kick in. So sorry to hear about your student’s mother. I wish I had words of wisdom regarding your rant. I always think to myself there is always someone worse and better off than me. I am where I am supposed to be. You can send me a virtual slap. 😊

    Machka – You may want to research those who should not get the vaccine if you have a lot of allergic reactions. For the version her in the States they are stating those with a lot of allergies should not get it. To your point future variations may be more stable.

    Page 28 – getting closer. Must stop for a bite to eat and some chores. Will touch base later this afternoon/evening.

    Best to all.
    SuziQ – SFL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    SuziQ: I love the Christmas Ball wreath. It is festive and gorgeous! :bigsmile:

    Annabanana: Welcome! Post often and get to know us. :star:

    Today I brought our living Christmas tree into the garage to start acclimatizing to the warmer temperatures inside the house. It is an Alberta Spruce & lives in its pot in our yard the rest of the year. Tomorrow I hope to bring it into the living room and decorate it with lights & our favorite ornaments.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    katla - well, what happens is her choice. To be honest, I'm a bit surprised she's staying with him. If he frustrates her so much, you would think she'd move on. But obviously not. I'm wondering if she feels a sense of "obligation" to him because he's paying the rent etc. I'm thinking that he's probably paying the airfare to go to Idaho. Another thing is that he works with computers, I don't totally understand, something about supporting internet to outlying areas. But he doesn't have a college degree. I know, I know, almost all the time a college degree doesn't mean much. But it does open doors for your job. He has indicated that he really doesn't have a lot of friends in Iowa and there really isn't much social life. Why he isn't going to college online to fill his time is beyond me. Vince's career was in IT. Could that have something to do with it??

    You know, I realized that no other store has someone who constantly cleans the shopping carts. I know there's something about they got a government grant. No other store did???? Actually, I had to return something to Amazon so I went to Kohl's to return it, and someone cleaned a cart for a lady. I would think that would be even more effective. Offer someone a cart and clean it right in front of them. But then again...who am I?

    Michele NC
    who will probably start wrapping presents
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Thats what i get for trying to trype a note and poof its gone..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited December 2020
    Bananas - I have never seen pastries like that before, even in Paris! Amazing! :D

    SuziQ - love the wreath. Beautiful colours. :)

    My pigs cheeks stew was great.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    For SuziQ and Michele and other puzzle lovers:

    That would be me! :D

    I'm currently hooked on Andoku, a form of Sudoku with the ability to instantly check to see if I made the right choice. I try not to use that feature and just figure it out. The more challenging the better.

    Lanette B)
    Cool and cloudy SW WA State
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    SuziQ - love watching you catch up. I know that everyone understands when we respond as and when we can, and enter conversations at will, so I put away the guilt years ago for not catching everyone up in the responses. Admire those who do, like you, and am grateful for you. Love the jazzy wreath.

    AnnaBanana - definitely time to put away who you were at 30 - not because she is not worth the memories and the effort and the fitness level you had... but because all you need to do is compare yourself to yesterday, and walk a little further, even if it's only one step. Change the comparison to one that lifts you up, not lets you down--it's in your control. And speaking of control, I took a leaf out of my daughter's playbook and started putting alarms on my phone - time to get up and get on the elliptical, time to take my morning medications. I use the classical alarm tones, so they're not unpleasant, they're just impossible to ignore. It's starting to help shape how I use the computer as well and for how long. Might be worth it to get you in a groove for exercise.

    It's SNOWing in Arkansas, even at our elevation. Love it - big fat white flakes, and it's well above freezing, so they're not sticking yet at 780 feet above sea level--bet they are further up in the Ozarks. Good day to stay home and not venture out, because there are bridges everywhere, and I genuinely hate driving over bridges in this kind of weather.

    Made it to 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning, though, and wangled Corey into playing some cards with me this afternoon (Kings Corner).

    Got bread made for the week, and Corey's roasting pork adobo with potatoes--I'll probably just have a beef tamale. Not found of pork, or spice.

    Have a grand week, friends. Stay well, stay safe,

    Lisa in AR
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: We all go poof now and then. It rarely happens to me when I’m posting here, but I won’t say “never.” That particular “n” word can be unlucky in my experience. :wink: I open my computer to MFP and scooch it to the left side of the screen. Then I open a word document on the right side. Both are open at once. I can go back and fix my mistakes or take back a comment that didn’t seem positive before I paste it in and post my reply. I hope your notes stop poofing themselves gone. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    So a little nap and some odds and ends done this afternoon. All of the activity this morning made me a little tire. Plus, I was up at 5am. Oh, the place smells of wood and tar – I wonder why. It is interesting how something being done outside can permeate the walls enough so one can smell the odors inside.

    The air conditioner kicked on for the first time today at 1:30 in the afternoon after a week. I cannot imagine how cold it was around the country with it getting down to 46 here. It was the front that moved from the west east/south. It must have been cold, cold, cold!!

    Barbara – Yeah, Joe taking a hike and determining he needed to move more. Isn’t it nice not to have to mention the need. 😊 Some cooking days are like that – you made the right decision – wait for another day. I was so glad I did not have one of those mornings. Especially since the brownie brittle I made was a gift. Kim’s aunt (Kim is the gal who made the wreath) even enjoyed it and she is not a fan of sweets. I get so mad at myself when I ruin perfectly expensive nuts! I have done it on more than one occasion.

    Money (and healthcare) – Regardless of where one lives, works, calls home, etc. the powerful and monied folks will always be able to buy or muscle themselves into better care, service, food, etc. It is the way of the world. Sad, but true.

    Karen – HAHAHA!!!!! I would like to report that method works. I went to Walmartians last week and had a terrible episode while in the store – not sure why, just gassy. I was embarrassed but then realized it was the first time I was in Walmart where people avoided me and I was not tripping over people in the isles! LOL!!!!!

    Bananas – Oh, no the test results. Nothing really definitive, just possible?! I lean towards privacy. I share with a few; not many. I feel I need my space to think about any given situation and once I make up my mind I share and/or ask for other’s opinions. Sprucing up your home will lift your heart. We all have been spending so much time indoors slight (or big) changes give us a different perspective.

    Allie – I am glad Jean has stepped up and is helping you. It’s good to hear. Sorry to hear of your discomfort with the box.

    Annie – Great news with the weight loss. You must be happy to have found something that works for you.

    KJ – Sometimes we just need the release. It has been a challenging year for all of us regardless of how we lived our lives before. What a sweet thing for the gal to do – stand there to make sure you were OK. I find it amazing there are still people with kind souls who show up just when we need them?

    Katla – I love the boat parades here in SFL. And, fireworks too. I am sure it will be beautiful.

    Pip – Yogi has his priorities and a wonderful napping spot!! Congrats on the win!!

    Oh, my – I am finally seeing my posts. It seems like a miracle. LOL.

    Margaret – I also start my day with some online puzzles. I have been doing a series of solitaire games for years. There are five types each day and vary in difficulty. I used to do Soduko but got board with those. Would love to hear that you start painting again.

    Michelle – Yes, to all of the same things you stated about puzzling. I have bough two more!! I feel one gets familiar with the puzzle as you are doing it. I would start looking through the loose pieces for a section, look at one piece and knew exactly where it should go. I love your cat puzzle. It looks like it was a challenging one. I actually bought another mystery one and then while walking through Walmartians found another one I liked and picked it up. Both are 1000 pieces.

    Bananas – I love the pastry pictures. What works of art!

    Anna from FL?? – Where about on the gulf do you live? I am at the very north end of Broward county on the east coast of FL.

    Katla – Kim, my coworker and friend, started making the wreaths when I showed her a video of how to make them using wire coat hangers. She is now obsessed with them – lol. She shops the holiday clearance sales for ornaments to use the following year. The one she gave me was her first green foam one. I will hang it inside on my door – I am not sure how it will do outside. I actually toggle between Word and MFP (ALT and then tab at same time). I find it’s easier because it’s all keyboard work versus clicking between the side by side.

    Heather – I love the pastels/variations of colors people are using for the holidays. I remember a time when it was only red, green, silver and gold. 😊 Now people can show their personalities through their decorations.

    Lanette – Ha – Oh, my 2-4 years for a puzzle. Yes, like you I would probably finish it in 6 months because it would drive me nuts!!

    Bananas – I hope the link comes through. I spoiled it. Not exactly jigsaw puzzles, but various dexterity or logic types.
    Chronological History of Puzzles: A Timeline by SiamMandalay

    I am officially caught up. My whole routine, other than work, has been changing over the past 3-4 months. As a result my diet and exercise time has not been ideal. I think the extended remote working has had its effect upon me. I have decided to allow myself to ride out the rest of the year as it is and work back to the routine that worked best for me.

    It is time to think about dinner. The sun is starting to set and soon it will be dark. It’s 5pm here. I really do not enjoy the lack of day but am so incredibly lucky to be here in SFL where the days are very comfortable this time of year (usually – last week was a fluke). 😊

    Hugs to all and prayers for those in need.
    SuziQ – SFL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited December 2020
    We are lucky in that our routine hasn't changed much and is very much run according to the clock.
    I get up at 7 (I'm often awake much earlier and looking at this thread and the news) and bring DH up a cup of tea. He gets up around 7.45 and makes breakfast. We eat it watching the birds and animals in the garden.
    At around 8.30 we start our exercise regime. That lasts, with pauses to clean my teeth etc, until around 10.30. The it's finishing up ablutions and settling down to some writing, DH on his historical novel and me on my memoir. He is downstairs, I am in the bedroom.
    At around 12 I make lunch which we eat watching Bargain Hunt. At 1 we watch the news.
    Around 1.40 we start our second portion of exercise. A run, a walk together or, often for me, a row on my the machine when I listen to language videos or tv I have missed. Around 3 we have a cup of tea and a snack.
    Then it's preparing dinner, looking at mfp, reading news items, napping, more languages. Phoning friends. Zoom. A pop to the local shops.
    At 5 I usually watch some TV and finish off dinner which is at 6 when we watch the news.
    We select the TV we want to watch. Sometimes we go into separate rooms. Sometimes we watch together.
    At 7.30 we have dessert, prepared by DH.
    At 8 we have cheese, or chocolate.
    At 8.15 we have a toffee.
    At 10.30 we go to bed and read until 11.15 ish. I am currently reading a biography of Charles de Gaulle.

    My day is a good day if I get 900 calories of exercise done and write 500 words. :D
    I really enjoy my languages. The videos take me to other countries and cultures. They make me laugh.
    I love to walk/run by the sea if the weather is clement.
    I need to contact the grandchildren somehow at least once every two weeks, even if it's Zoom.
    My routine has sustained me and kept me sane. Writing my memoir has given me purpose.

    We used to go out once or twice a week, but not now of course, and see the grandchildren occasionally.
    Those times will come again.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    We are lucky in that our routine hasn't changed much and is very much run according to the clock.
    I get up at 7 (I'm often awake much earlier and looking at this thread and the news) and bring DH up a cup of tea. He gets up around 7.45 and makes breakfast. We eat it watching the birds and animals in the garden.
    At around 8.30 we start our exercise regime. That lasts, with pauses to clean my teeth etc, until around 10.30. The it's finishing up ablutions and settling down to some writing, DH on his historical novel and me on my memoir. He is downstairs, I am in the bedroom.
    At around 12 I make lunch which we eat watching Bargain Hunt. At 1 we watch the news.
    Around 1.40 we start our second portion of exercise. A run, a walk together or, often for me, a row on my the machine when I listen to language videos or tv I have missed. Around 3 we have a cup of tea and a snack.
    Then it's preparing dinner, looking at mfp, reading news items, napping, more languages. Phoning friends. Zoom. A pop to the local shops.
    At 5 I usually watch some TV and finish off dinner which is at 6 when we watch the news.
    We select the TV we want to watch. Sometimes we go into separate rooms. Sometimes we watch together.
    At 7.30 we have dessert, prepared by DH.
    At 8 we have cheese, or chocolate.
    At 8.15 we have a toffee.
    At 10.30 we go to bed and read until 11.15 ish. I am currently reading a biography of Charles de Gaulle.

    My day is a good day if I get 900 calories of exercise done and write 500 words. :D
    I really enjoy my languages. The videos take me to other countries and cultures. They make me laugh.
    I love to walk/run by the sea if the weather is clement.
    I need to contact the grandchildren somehow at least once every two weeks, even if it's Zoom.
    My routine has sustained me and kept me sane. Writing my memoir has given me purpose.

    We used to go out once or twice a week, but not now of course, and see the grandchildren occasionally.
    Those times will come again.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    You are very disciplined friend, I admire that about you. I wish to know when the discussion happens?!!! :-) <3 Lee loves to wake me up and tell me about all the people online he's "set straight" with factoids, and rational comments. We then talk about all the stories that the newspaper has (we get the coastal "Astorian" newspaper, and its fun to see all the changes going on. I then talk a lot to him about what you gals are doing, and some of the comments in my Navy Mommas group on Facebook.
    Hugs, Rebecca
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,129 Member
    edited December 2020
    HOME OWNERSHIP: I'm a renter and landlady. Used to own my own place and may (or may not) sometime again. When I expressed to my late then real estate agent step mother regrets about not having bought much before age 40 ("5 years of rent down the drain") she said that was 5 years I didn't have to worry about x, y and z. She is right too.

    I have never purchased a house and have no particular desire to do so. Occasionally I think it might be nice, but that thought passes quickly.

    Here, we can afford to rent a nice 3-bedroom house, but if we were to attempt to buy something, we'd have to go with a fairly ordinary 2-bedroom place in a less ideal location. We certainly couldn't afford to buy the place we're renting if that option happened to come up!

    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: A walk on a lovely beach is an exceptional treat. I enjoyed seeing your walk in the surf. I liked your photo and your DH’s, too. It was almost like being there myself. Sending a virtual hug to you for sharing the wonderful view. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    We walk beside that beach quite often, but walking in the water is a treat. For the past couple summers, the water quality has not been good, and swimming has not been recommended. But they've been working on it and earlier this year, the beach was given a clean bill of health! So we can walk in the water again. :)

    I find that my arthritic feet like walking barefoot on the sand and in the cool water - they feel better.

    M in Oz

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    edited December 2020
    Found another murder mystery series to binge on: FBI Agent Pendergast written by Douglas Preston - and Lincoln Child in the later books. Loaded a couple from the library onto a Kindle this afternoon, so I'm all set. Have started one and it promises to be hard to put down. :)

    My walking partner told me about them this morning; she listens to them on audible.

    I never thought I'd like Kindle, but I'm discovering for fiction like this, it's perfect. We have three Fire tablets of various sizes and ages (between DH and me, one is always charging it seems) and I can access the book I'm reading on all of them. For non-fiction, I still prefer paper where I can highlight and tab.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,129 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Machka – You may want to research those who should not get the vaccine if you have a lot of allergic reactions. For the version her in the States they are stating those with a lot of allergies should not get it. To your point future variations may be more stable.

    Best to all.
    SuziQ – SFL

    Australians won't be getting a vaccine until March at the earliest so hopefully some of the "bugs" will be resolved by then. :)

    M in Oz