Juice fasting



  • Day 50 today, 60 pounds down. I am going to extend the fast to 70 days, i think. Depends on how i feel.

    To people who doubt a fast healing properties, i have proof that the body does detox and clean itself of dead and unhealthy tissues. I had a scar on my chest from a few years ago from when i was stabbed by a car door(long story). It healed but has always been pink looking and has protruded a bit and you can tell somthing happened. Well, i noticed it today and it looks almost like it is gone! No more pink but rather skin color and barely visable. Another one i have on my arm went away too. So not only has the fast helped me drop all of this weight but it was healed me on the inside as well. Heres to the next 10 days, at least.
  • Jleigh417
    Jleigh417 Posts: 40 Member
    Bump. Been thinking of doing a juice fast. Went raw for 10 days and lost 10 lbs.
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm about to start a 30 day juice fast on Monday. I've been prepping my body for it this week. I lost about 45 pounds between June and September last year by just exercising regularly and eating right. I fractured my ankle then had an accident that affected my back and I've let myself manage to put all the weight back on. I'm hoping the juice fast will jump start my body into wanting to be healthy again. If anyone has any good recipes to share, I'd really like to hear them!! Or, any recommendations or advice!
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    Day 1... Hope the detox phase isn't too bad. :)
  • Absolutely amazing what the body can do, isn't it?! When your body is detoxed from the inside, it starts working on old scars and broken areas of your body. It's beyond awesome to me!! I keep upping the days I am doing it too. Granted, I'm on day 4, but it feels like I could go forever now. Getting over the first 2-3 days was tough at points, but today is feeling the best! Great that you've done 50 days already! Definitely someone I look up to right now!!!
    Day 50 today, 60 pounds down. I am going to extend the fast to 70 days, i think. Depends on how i feel.

    To people who doubt a fast healing properties, i have proof that the body does detox and clean itself of dead and unhealthy tissues. I had a scar on my chest from a few years ago from when i was stabbed by a car door(long story). It healed but has always been pink looking and has protruded a bit and you can tell somthing happened. Well, i noticed it today and it looks almost like it is gone! No more pink but rather skin color and barely visable. Another one i have on my arm went away too. So not only has the fast helped me drop all of this weight but it was healed me on the inside as well. Heres to the next 10 days, at least.
  • EEK!! GOod luck!! So glad DF is in with you! :) I know you can do it!!
    Day 1... Hope the detox phase isn't too bad. :)
  • Started a few days ago and failed on day two. Back on Day 1 today. We'll see how it goes.

    I keep on trying and always fail on day 2 or three. I need some stronger will power and motivation!
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    Day 2 - so far so good... day 1 went very well. Not hungry at all and didn't even crave. DF is moving over to juice too... not sure if he'll move to strictly juice or not, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    Day 3 - still doing well. I was able to sit at Chipotle yesterday while my little girl ate a quesadilla and DF had a salad with no meat. I'll admit, the salad looked good but I was satisfied with the juice I was drinking. I'm still not hungry. But I haven't had the detox effect like I hear everyone else talk about. It'll probably hit tomorrow when I have to work. :/

    I have amazing energy, do not feel groggy or tired and have continued to exercise and stay busy. I'm not sure how long I'll keep this up. Maybe through the week and then move into raw and then onto Vegan and then Vegetarian and eventually incorporate small amounts of meats in my diet. DF still hasn't gone strictly juice and probably won't. He'll stay on Vegan for a while and then probably move onto Vegetarian when I do. It's a million times better than he is used to eating so I'm OK with that.
  • I started my 10 day fast today, and I'm going to blob about it (see signature).
    I did fine all day but I'm hungry now, so I'm going to drink some more water and go to bed.
    What was nice today is that I did not really think about food. Not that I didn't think about it, just that I did not obsess about it. If I have something sweet in the house I can sit and think about it for hours, finally giving in. But because I'm fasting I wasn't even thinking about snacks or anything. I was doing homework and I was actually concentrating on it without my mind goiong back to food every 5 minutes. It was almost like meditation from food... weird, eh. Not to say I'm not hungry, but like I said I'm off to bed.

    Here's to a good fast! =)
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    Day 1 starts today for me! I'm a little nervous but have 3 different juices with me at work.

    Those who do it or have done it successfully, how much juice do you drink a day? Were you using protein powder?
  • I did juice fasting about 18 months ago! I lost a lot of weight in that time period and had a lot of positive changes! I would like to do it again sometime, but would really like someone to commit to doing it with me! I am on day 5 of Jillians 30 day shred, I would really like to finish that first
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    So I decided 4 days of strictly juice is enough for me. I had a salad for lunch today and will likely have juice for dinner. I'm thinking in addition to juicing, one "meal" a day - probably all vegetarian salads, will be OK with me for a while. I feel amazing still and not really hungry and have no real reason to move back to eating "real" food. I just decided that's what I want to do right now. I may go and venture back into all juice and try to go longer next time.
  • So I decided 4 days of strictly juice is enough for me. I had a salad for lunch today and will likely have juice for dinner. I'm thinking in addition to juicing, one "meal" a day - probably all vegetarian salads, will be OK with me for a while. I feel amazing still and not really hungry and have no real reason to move back to eating "real" food. I just decided that's what I want to do right now. I may go and venture back into all juice and try to go longer next time.

    One of the plans from Join the Reboot (Fat sick and nearly dead diet) has the combo of juicing/veggies/fruits for 5 days, strict juicing for 5 days, and back to the juicing/veggies/fruit for 5 days. So I think you are ok. I'm glad you're listening to your body. If you feel good and don't feel this is something you want to do right now then you should stop. As Joe Cross says "Good ON you for trying". =0)
  • Day 2 - done. It started off well and ended up with a bad a** headache. But today, day 3, I'm feeling 100% better! Happy Juicing!


  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    Day 4 juicing. I'm still a little tired and there were some bad headaches yesterday. The hunger pains are still there but I'm pushing for at least 10 days all juice. I'd rally like to go 21 but we'll see how the body reacts to that!
  • Day 4 juicing. I'm still a little tired and there were some bad headaches yesterday. The hunger pains are still there but I'm pushing for at least 10 days all juice. I'd rally like to go 21 but we'll see how the body reacts to that!

    i'm starting to get sick of the taste of juice. i'd rather just go without it, but i force myself because i need the calories/nutrients. in one of my books i read it said that if you're really having a hard time with hunger you can make nut milk. So you take a cup of any nut (except cashew) and put it in a blender with 3.5 cups of pure water and blend it until it's really incorporated. then you put that though cheesecloth and you can drink the liquid. it's high in fat and protein, but it will help with the hunger. the book said to use it sparingly because it does slow the detox down, but if you're having a really hard time it might be woth trying.
    i made the milk on the second day but i haven't had to use it since.
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I'm trying to tell myself it's all mental right now. When I see others eat, I want to chew something!! I've read if you're just really having trouble, eat a banana or avocado. It's not going to derail the whole thing. Plus, it's a fruit/veggie. I'm doing a little better now. Hopefully it just keeps getting easier from here! Question: How much juice are you consuming a day?
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    I'm going to start again after my birthday next week. Have to get around the two dinners/lunches that people want to take me and then I'm going back to all juice for as long as I can manage next time. :) 4 days the first try, wonder how long I can manage next. :)
  • I think I'm going to break the fast... the thought of another juice is literally making me want to vomit. I am not craving any junk food, and I have no desire to go back to it. In fact, I have several wonderful veggie recipes from the 'reboot your life' website, and i think i'm going to follow those. overall, i am going to incorporate many more whole fruits and veggies into my diet and go from there.

    i am going to try to stick it out one more day, but i'm feeling my resolve slip.