1000 Minutes Challenge - September



  • I did 33 minutes on the elliptical.

    Total: 378/1000.
  • Crystel22
    Crystel22 Posts: 237 Member
    9/1~ 23 minutes of jogging
    9/6~ 30 minutes of Wii fit
    9/7~ 20 minutes of Wii Zumba
    9/8~ 8 minutes if jogging 6 mph(.75 mile)

  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I played two hours of softball last night but am only giving myself credit for 90 minutes- it was a slow game and didn't get a great burn in. :) Happy Friday!
  • Last night I did 60 minutes on the treadmill
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    30 minutes (week 1, day 2 of C25K)

  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Day 9

    Bicycling, 16-20 mph 75 mins, 22 miles
    Bicycling, 16-20 mph 75 mins, 22 miles

    Club ride tomorrow

  • Vivalebeaver
    Vivalebeaver Posts: 13 Member
    02/09 60 mins zumba
    03/09. 20 min walk and 20 min jog
    04/09. 300 min walk
    05/09. 45 min bike ride
    06/09. 30 min walk and 20 mins of shred
    07/09. 60 min walk
    08/09. 60 min walk
    09/09. 60 mins zumba
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    sept 1 120(spinning/weights)
    sept 2 60 (spinning)
    sept 3 80 (walking)
    sept 4 REST DAY
    sept 5 70(spinning)
    sept 6 120(spinning/weights)
    sept 7 REST DAY
    sept 8 120(spinning/weights)
    sept 9 60(spinning)

    total: 630/1000
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    Did 60 mins on dance dance revolution today :D
  • chrismart1983
    chrismart1983 Posts: 15 Member
    Day 3: 45 min walk

  • mrsmotherof3
    mrsmotherof3 Posts: 14 Member
    I am in. I am a little late but here goes.

    Starting Weight 191
    Current Weight 183
    Goal Weight 145

    September so far...110/1000
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    a 3 mile run and a 5 mile walk for a total of 121.5 minutes tonight :)
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    9/1 - walk 120 min
    9/2 - rest
    9/3 - walk 240 min
    9/4 - walk 50 min
    9/5 - walk 60 min
    9/6 - Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. (24 min)
    9/7 - run/walk 69 min
    9/8 - run/walk 45 min
    9/9/ - walk 90 min
  • 9/9 - walk, 25 min and run 30 min
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    Love this! Definitely going to try!! Already up to 185 (not including the 55 minutes I'm going to get in today!)
  • 9/8 Wii Just dance for Kids 40 min


    SW 147
    CW 142.6
    GW 135
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,944 Member
    Sept. 4th: Walked for 1 hour
    Sept. 5th: Did jumping jacks for 3 minutes
    Sept. 7th: Walked for 13 minutes
    Sept. 8th: Did jumping jacks and sit ups for 9 minutes, Walked for 1 hour and 20 minutes

    Friday September 9th: 3 minutes of sit ups (did 30 then took a short break, then did 38)(made/encouraged my husband to do them with me!), 3 minutes of jumping jacks (50, break, 50, break, 25, break, 50, break, 25)
  • Another 60 minutes of Insanity today, over halfway there already!

    The real challenge will be doing 1000 minutes in October when those videos are over with, lol! Will have to find something else just as entertaining.
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    35 min P90 MS

    350/1000 Minuetes
  • chrismart1983
    chrismart1983 Posts: 15 Member
    Day 4: 35 min Walk
