The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • LunaTheFatCat
    LunaTheFatCat Posts: 237 Member
    Happy New Year to you all! I'm back in work today (meh) and Covid is the highest it has been here in Ireland, so no great start. Roll on the vaccinations...!
    I've indulgenced big time over Christmas, but feeling happy to pick up normal eating routine again and thankfully no gains, which is a first.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    edited January 2021
    skctilidie wrote: »
    When I re-committed to myself on 12/17, I set a (pretty easily attainable) goal of 8 pounds off by 1/31. More than halfway there, and my big goal for the year is to keep setting goals I know I can reach every month instead of letting myself get overwhelmed by the big picture of "I can't believe I slacked enough to let myself gain back 25 pounds when I still had 20-30 I wanted to lose." Looking at the big picture tends to make me think I can't do it, but I know that I can - I'd love to prove it to myself and be within 10 pounds or so of my long-term goal by next New Years.

    I have the same kind of mind set. First goal is the get into the 150s... I need to break out of the 160s...I'm at 166. My goal is to be there by the end of February. After that I will make a new goal for the next 10 pounds. I joined a lot of groups and challenges this year and added friends to MFP....I haven't done a lot of that before...but it's time to make some changes 😊 Good luck wiry your goals!

    I was back at 165 this morning...ughhh. So Yeah, want to get back to the 150's by February and by June hit my goal of 150...we shall see....

    on the other side though, I'm finally starting to get back to the weight room (provided gyms stay open) and so that will be fun to see my lifting weight go up!!! Super excited about that. I will get that 200lb WILL BE MIIIIINE
  • chanchedwards
    chanchedwards Posts: 1 Member
    New here, feel free to add me.
  • mikedee_nyc
    mikedee_nyc Posts: 198 Member
    edited January 2021

    You got this @cgrout78
  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    New to the boards although not new to MFP. I have lost and gained the same 80 lbs twice. Trying again, this time trying to heal my relationship with food. I rarely eat because I am hungry. I eat for a million other reasons, but not because I am hungry. Would love some new friends!

    I can totally relate, all too well!
    Sending you a FR☺️
  • _canadianbakin_
    _canadianbakin_ Posts: 413 Member
    Good morning old timers err middle-agers :)
  • mikedee_nyc
    mikedee_nyc Posts: 198 Member
    New to the boards although not new to MFP. I have lost and gained the same 80 lbs twice. Trying again, this time trying to heal my relationship with food. I rarely eat because I am hungry. I eat for a million other reasons, but not because I am hungry. Would love some new friends!

    I think we are all stuck in the same vicious cycle.
  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,054 Member
    New to the boards although not new to MFP. I have lost and gained the same 80 lbs twice. Trying again, this time trying to heal my relationship with food. I rarely eat because I am hungry. I eat for a million other reasons, but not because I am hungry. Would love some new friends!

    Oh, this sounds familiar. Third time is a charm, you got this <3
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    New to the boards although not new to MFP. I have lost and gained the same 80 lbs twice. Trying again, this time trying to heal my relationship with food. I rarely eat because I am hungry. I eat for a million other reasons, but not because I am hungry. Would love some new friends!

    Ditto that but 40lbs for me. Lost a lot of weight in my 20s, 30s, 40s and now hoping to do it again in my early fifties. Funny how it creeps up on you despite knowing what to do and how to do it, old habits tend to sneak back into our routines.
  • Iron_Muscle_
    Iron_Muscle_ Posts: 5,095 Member
    Hey y’all, feel free to add me if ya wish
  • RoseyandReady
    RoseyandReady Posts: 256 Member
    edited January 2021
    @cgrout78 Awesome goals! I hope to be weight training by the end of the month. I'm doing some cardio and trying yoga (trying is the key word) to get back in motion first...little too much sitting
  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    Yesterday, I was voracious. I know it was the first day back at work since before the holiday, and those are stressful days in general. But I was literally eating everything in the kitchen, from hard pretzels for breakfast to Haagen Daaz at 8pm. Just not a good day at all.

    And I'm sore from yoga. Am I the only person in the world who can get sore doing a soothing, meditative exercise?

    I like you already 😂💕
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    OK, I really need to try this yoga thing. Is there a good youtube video or something online I can follow along with?
  • mikedee_nyc
    mikedee_nyc Posts: 198 Member
    Once I get my lifting routine on track I’m going to try and add in some yoga as well.