The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!
    Have a great weekend 🥰
  • SunnyBunBun79
    SunnyBunBun79 Posts: 2,228 Member
    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    Yesterday was the annual physical, which culminated in a To Do list that includes extensive blood work including thyroid and testosterone testing, an x-ray to confirm what is probably arthritis, and a suggestion to try Lexapro for anxiety and depression.

    I'm curious if anyone's tried Lexapro, or Zoloft, or any meds along those lines -- and I recognize that you may not want to respond in public. If you've tried it, and are willing to share your thoughts, please send me a private message. And if you're willing to share them publicly, that's great, too. Thanks!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    47yr old here. I've always been athletic and fit (soccer player/coach, runner, bootcamp nut) but joined MFP to lose covid weight that snuck up on me. Now hoping to take it to the next level with at-home fitness and healthy diet - need to be a good role model to my 3 kids! Any other Canadians out there?
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi Sweats, I'm on Lexapro combined with Wellbutrin. I'm not ashamed of it, it's something that I need to keep sane. I used to joke with my doctor the way my depression and anxiety worked that I wasn't going to kill myself, I was going to kill you. (joking...sort of). I really feel a lot less on edge, I tried taking myself off of it a few years ago, and yeah...within 2 weeks I couldn't stand the person I was.

    Due to covid and added stress, my doctor has looked at prescribing me marijuana, but insurance doesn't cover it...and it's going to be legal the next state over pretty soon so I know I can get it if I really need it..haha.
  • kevchenk01
    kevchenk01 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey everyone 👏🏼💪💥
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,572 Member
    Yesterday was the annual physical, which culminated in a To Do list that includes extensive blood work including thyroid and testosterone testing, an x-ray to confirm what is probably arthritis, and a suggestion to try Lexapro for anxiety and depression.

    I'm curious if anyone's tried Lexapro, or Zoloft, or any meds along those lines -- and I recognize that you may not want to respond in public. If you've tried it, and are willing to share your thoughts, please send me a private message. And if you're willing to share them publicly, that's great, too. Thanks!

    Be aware if someone tries to send you a personal message but they aren't your friend, you won't get the message. I think it's something MFP does to help filter out what a friend of mine calls certain men; it rhymes with "Cheese Sticks," but it's not sticks....
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    @cgrout78, thanks for sharing. I've never taken medications before, and this one has me nervous. Which makes sense in an ironic way. I'm anxious about taking an anti-anxiety drug.

    @mtaratoot, I didn't know about the Cheese Sticks rule for pms, but it makes total sense.
  • LunaTheFatCat
    LunaTheFatCat Posts: 237 Member
    Hahaha the cheese sticks made me giggle!!

    Happy Monday all, if there is such a thing...! It's 11am and on my 4th coffee... sigh.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Yeah...not sure there's a way to make Monday happy...unless it's a holiday Monday and I don't have to work...haha. Just starting my first cup here!
  • jlynncsf1
    jlynncsf1 Posts: 1 Member
    49, please add me too.
  • marapalumbo
    marapalumbo Posts: 85 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's Monday and my day started at 4am because I had to take my partner to the airport 😴.

    I'm hoping to add some new friends, I need to the motivation to stick to logging my meals. I'd like to lose about 25 pounds by summer. (I can't wait for summer!)
  • mikedee_nyc
    mikedee_nyc Posts: 198 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Back to the grind today.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,572 Member
    cgrout78 wrote: »
    Yeah...not sure there's a way to make Monday happy...unless it's a holiday Monday and I don't have to work...haha. Just starting my first cup here!

    There IS a way! Make sure it's a day off. A four-ten schedule is civilized. It's one less day to commute... well, it used to be in the before times. Three days off is almost like a vacation every week. Highly recommended. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it at first, but I'm glad now.

    The next best option is 4/5 nine. Nine hour days four days a week, one eight-hour day every other week where the weekday officially begins halfway through the eight hour day (four hours assigned to each week).
  • SmorganA28
    SmorganA28 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey hey. Any tips and trick on detoxing? What type of fruits or veggies you add to your water that helps? Add me if any wants too
  • acplocar
    acplocar Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm Aimee. 47 year old (in March) military wife and mother of two adult children. I'm merely on Day 3 of being on MyFitnessPal and checking out the various features of Premium while its Free. I've never EVER been a calorie counter, in fact I run from it (not literally) but so far I'm finding it to be not so difficult. Granted, I haven't eaten out yet either. For now, I'm logging food intake as normal to see how it comes out. The awareness alone has made me not pick up the chips and cookies. I have a sedentary desk job but walking around the large office space, I normally get in at the very least 6k steps a day. That's about the extent of my exercise though.

    I'm at the highest weight of my life and my goal is to lose somewhere around 30lbs, but moreover to adopt healthier habits. When I hit 40, my hormone levels went crazy and though my childbearing days are behind me, I'm on birth control to help level me in that aspect but of course not without the consequences of weight gain to go alongside. Fix one problem, create another eh?! Learning to adjust to the many new things that middle age brings with it.

    Feel free to add if you think the connection of shared interests or challenges would be beneficial to either of us.

    Good luck to all on your personal goals!

  • meremadigan
    meremadigan Posts: 1 Member
    How do I add people. I have no friends. :(
  • marapalumbo
    marapalumbo Posts: 85 Member
    How do I add people. I have no friends. :(

    I added you! Here's to having more friends 👍
  • Craig_King_1967
    Craig_King_1967 Posts: 93 Member
    How do I add people. I have no friends. :(

    I have added you also. More friends is always good.