Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 140



  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi. I weigh in Kg and also record my Happy Scale trend

    I ended the last round with a gain due to takeaway on the last night 👿 Goal for this round is to loose that weight and be below 53.2

    Mon 1 53.9 trend ↔️ 👿
    Tue 2 53.9 trend ↔️ Still waiting for the drop after Saturday’s takeaway!
    Wed 3 53.9 trend ⬆️ 👿
    Thu 4 53.8 trend ↔️ Movement at last 😊
    Fri 5 53.6 trend ⬇️ 😊
    Sat 6 53.7 trend ↔️ 👿
    Sun 7 53.8 trend ↔️ 👿 looks like this is going to be another round with little if any loss!
    Mon 8
    Tue 9
    Wed 10

    Previous Rounds
    Round 130 SW 57.2. EW 56.5. Loss 0.7 kg
    Round 131 SW 55.6 EW 56.1. Loss 0.5 kg
    Round 132 SW 56 EW 54.7. Loss 1.3kg
    Round 133 SW 54.7 EW 54.0. Loss 0.7kg
    Round 134 SW 54.2 EW 53.7. Loss 0.5kg
    Round 135 SW 53.6. EW 53.4 Loss 0.2kg
    Round 136 SW 53 EW 54 Gain 1 kg but it was Christmas and the New Year
    Round 137 SW 53.9 EW 53.5 Loss 0.4kg
    Round 138 SW 53.5 EW 53.5 No change - must try harder!
    Round 139 SW 53.4 EW 53.9 Gain .5 kg - takeaway on the last night was to blame, I was on target for another no change round [/spolier]
  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,060 Member
    You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before

    29, 5'5"
    OSW: 164.2
    GW: 135

    Previous Rounds:
    R69 EW: 158.1
    R70 EW: 156.5
    R71 EW: 156.3
    R72 EW: 156.3
    R73 EW: 155.2
    R74 EW: 155.4
    R75 EW: 156.1
    R76 EW: 155.6
    R80 EW: 153.2
    R81 EW: 154.3
    R82 EW: 154.1
    R84 EW: 156.5
    R89 EW: 156.7
    R91 EW: 160.1
    R93 EW: 159.3
    R94 EW: 156.1
    R98 EW: 154.5
    R99 EW: 155.9
    <3 R100 <3 EW: 152.8
    R101 EW: 149.7 (1/15)
    R102 EW: 149.0
    R103 EW: 149.0
    R104 EW: 146.2
    R105 EW: 146.6
    R106 EW: 144.6
    R107 EW: 146.8 (spring break, only 2 days weight)
    R108 EW: 147.7 (Moving out of state, starting new job)
    R109 EW: 148.1
    R110 EW: 150.1
    R111 EW: 154.3
    R112 EW: 152.6
    R113 EW: 151.7
    R121 EW: 153.0
    R122 EW: 154.8
    R123 EW: 153.9
    R124 EW: 153.4
    R125 EW: 155.6
    R126 EW: 152.3
    R127 EW: 151.5
    R128 EW: 151.0
    R129 EW: 151.0
    R130 EW: 152.6
    R131 EW: 153.9
    R132 EW: 150.6
    R133 EW: 151.2
    R134 EW: 149.3
    R135 EW: 149.5
    R136 EW: 148.4
    R137 EW: 147.9
    R138 EW: 148.4
    R139 EW: 151.9

    Last weight
    01/31 - 151.9

    Round Goal: 146.x Fast 16+hrs on weekdays, 14+hrs on weekends. Up the water! Water minimum: 75oz, Goal: 91oz.

    Day, Weight, Comment
    02/01 - 150.4
    02/02 - 148.8
    02/03 - 147.7
    02/04 - 147.0
    02/05 - 145.9
    02/06 - 145.1
    02/07 - 147.0 - Sodium bump. Also, a later dinner. Plus 2 days of horrid insomnia (4hrs yesterday and I'm estimating about 4.5-5hr last night. Usually I get 6.5+ but I'm more wide awake now than with normal sleep). Today we are all making finger food/snacks to share amongst ourselves for an attempt at something close to a SuperBowl party within restrictions. Will do my best to behave. I'm making spinach artichoke dip to split up amongst us with chips. I will eat a hearty late lunch and just have small taste-test size portions of the other snacks. Portioning and water will be my friends today. Yesterday, fasted 18hrs, had 100oz water. Hopefully there are enough days between now and the end of round I can drop off this weekend's sodium again.

    Previous Day's Comments
    02/01 - My weight is down from yesterday, but my bloat is the worst its been in a verrrrrry long time. Not entirely sure what is going on but I'm thinking there's a lot of little things adding up quickly. Fasted 14.5hrs yesterday. Had pre-made sub for lunch. Ended up eating Whataburger (fast food) for dinner because by the time we finished at the land, it was late and we had nothing to cook at our house (at least not thawed). Water was good, drank about 72oz which isn't bad since we ran out of water. Probably needed more, but still better than before! Lots of movement. It'll come down, I'm sure of it. Especially since weekdays are pretty easy and BF will be out this weekend, or at least Friday evening/Saturday. Much easier to fast when he's not around and cooking for himself (mmmm bacon).
    02/02 - Inching back down. Have some bloat in my low low belly (below belly button but not so much above it). I think that's just the price I'm paying for the weekend. So long as I keep to my goals, it'll go away. 16hr fast, 90oz water. Had deer chili with a sweet potato-apple bake. Interesting, but quite good. Making steaks tonight. Bought some mushrooms to attempt drunken mushrooms (beer braised), and a sack of potatoes for garlic mashed potatoes. Leftover potatoes, I had in mind a baked potato for lunch. I have butter, cheese, bacon bits, and some frozen chopped bell pepper to cook up and add which makes me really excited for it. Need to buy some broccoli on my next grocery trip - cheesy broccoli baked potato is a favorite and I haven't had it in awhile. I'm salivating thinking about it! haha
    02/03 - Still coming down slowly. Fasted 16.5hr, drank 90oz water. Not much to update, I think? Oh,I was approved and set my appointment to get PRK in 2 weeks (the 18th). I'll be off and unable to post for 4-5 days after surgery (I believe it'll be end of next round, beginning of R142). Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can to update everyone! As for my Godson, his white blood cell count is really high and doctors are stumped. We are all holding our breaths for it to lower and be normal. He's doing really well otherwise and just as crazy as can be (for a 2.5yr old, that is. Definitely a wildchild)
    02/04 - Had a good day. Pushed fasting out to 17hr with ease, and easily managed 90oz water. Another baked potato for lunch (I made two the day before) and had enchilada soup for dinner. Finished early enough that I may be able to push to an 18hr fast today! Think I'll eat some leftover butter noodles and ground beef for lunch (need to figure out how to dress it up) then getting rolls and roast beef for French Dip tonight. So yum!
    02/05 - NEW LOW!!!!! I'm so happy. Been trying to stay focused. Feeling extra squishy today but wondering if that's body recomposition - some areas have faster fat loss based on my body type and those areas may be accentuation places with less fat loss? I'm not sure. I can't trust my scale. Although it shows BF%, it always fluctuates way more that what it should (talking it'll fluctuate daily up to 8%BF, usually same 3% up and down). Wish there was a bodpod near me. Used to use that in the army to identify if certain changes were working and it gave a much different reading than my scale (like 28% and small increments of change vs scale saying I'm at 36% with daily large changes.) Anyway, fasted 17hrs (BF made breakfast) and about 100oz water yesterday. Aiming for much of the same today. Need to figure out lunch and dinner (since BF will be gone tonight). Got some frozen veggies yesterday and thinking maybe salmon?
    02/06 - That's likely from an early dinner. I got suuuuper hungry at about 4. Tried to wait but ended up eating about 445. Finished dinner by 515, but kept leftovers just in case. Still not hungry all night until about 10 but then I think it was more boredom hunger and tossed the remainder of my dinner. Feeling good this morning. I'm already at my 16hrs at the time of writing this, due to such an early dinner, but I'm going to push it to 11 or 12 to keep up my normal eating window (11-7/12-8 is normal for me). Struggled, but got 90 oz due to late start. I'm starting late again today but doing better than yesterday. Couldn't sleep! BF got back at 1am. I went to bed at 1030 and was still awake when he came to bed and another hour or two after. Then woke up at 730 and stayed in bed until his alarm at 8. Blech. Today I'll go fetch some small pots I can transplant tomatoes into but still keep inside during the cold overnights. Also going to try to install the upgrades for my jeep I got a Christmas from BF while daytime temps still high (70 today). Gotta keep busy busy busy and not waste my day off!

    02/01 - I love my body She may not be perfect, and I may not always love her as I should, but she never gives up. The bloating I'm dealing with is her trying to keep us alive despite me not taking the best care of us. She does what she needs to do to make sure we stay as alive and healthy as possible. She works hard and though she may not be as strong as she once was and has some titanium upgrades, she still helps me walk, run, play, and work. And shoutout to my body for her dedication to us: ruck marching 12 miles on torn ligaments and tendons in my ankle with 30lbs, learning to walk and exceeding the necessary requirements for release after my back surgery (when there was a chance I'd lose use of my left leg and potentially both legs), suffering through a torn intestine (first time we ever fasted 3 days!), and just plain surviving what I (and life) throws at her for both of us. Body, you're a complete bada**. I absolutely do not love and appreciate you enough, but I'm so glad you love me unconditionally.
    02/02 - I love this group This group is an escape. A getaway. A place I can go when life gets a little heavy or when I have something amazing nobody else would truly understand or appreciate. I never thought I'd ever open up enough online (its a scary place) to call anyone a friend, but I consider all of you my friends. My little 10-day family on repeat. Not only are we all on a journey to health, but we are on a journey to get the most out of life and its beyond inspiring. Without this group, I know I wouldn't be making the progress I am. Reading all your successes keeps me going, knowing it IS possible. Without everyone here posting about their struggles, I wouldn't understand my own and how to overcome them. I look forward to coming here every day, not always to post about me, but to read how everyone is doing. I'm invested in your journey. I worry about you when things get tough and wait impatiently for the next day's post to see if you're okay. I'm truly excited for you when things go wonderful. Especially during COVID when it's hard to get together, I'm not missing out on this group. We come together regardless and it brings so much normalcy back when normal isn't possible elsewhere in my life. I appreciate all of you so much <3
    02/03 - I love my family I'm talking about my blood family AND my chosen family. They're all there for me, all the time. My blood family is small but we are close. We share struggles (yes, my parents share their struggles. Completely transparent) and good times. They've led me to things I didn't particularly want but have set me up in life now (a begudging thanks). My chosen family...well, I chose them because they feel like family. We have zero ties other than our love for one another and that is something absolutely amazing to me. They are the reason I finally got to move to Texas after years of wanting and waiting. I love that I have so many people that look through my anxiety and bad days to love me regardless, blood or not. I hope they all know how much I truly love them in return
    02/04 - I love my garden Just yesterday, I noticed 7 little sprouts from my habanero seeds. My starters have turned into a giant bush of baby tomatoes and baby Anaheim chilis. My little jalapenos I planted last year are somehow still hanging on outside and trying to produce fruit, despite it being much colder than the plant prefers. I love that my first year attempting to start from seeds has, thus far, been successful. I love that I'm getting amazing practice in for when we can finally own a home. I hope to build a greenhouse and expand my garden to feed us all kinds of fresh fruits and veggies. I love the practice of being in nature and working with Mother Earth to provide, it brings me back to my days working on our old family farm. Mom had a garden once I was in college and they moved - I love that I got the green thumb from her and we can bond more over our hard work. I love that my dad supports me because he wants me to be independent and this is a great way to feed myself. I love that my BF, though he's not the biggest fan of gardens, allows me to have a small one (and has actually helped by building me a raised bed! He's sweet) knowing I'm doing it to keep me happy and to supplement our food (it does help he loves spicy food and I'm growing tomatoes and all the peppers! Hot salsa and hot sauce from the garden, anyone?! Had to win him over somehow!) Last thing: I love that gardening gives me a purpose
    02/05 - I love my pups - I have 2 but MY baby is with my parents. Rebel is my little babygirl. Love her to death and miss her like absolute crazy every single day. Thankfully mom and dad send pictures, let me talk to her on the phone, and spoil her for me when I pester them about it. Then there's the dog I live with, Harley. She's a pain, but she's also a total love bug. I'll have a picture in a separate post. If I need some love and snuggles, she's RIGHT THERE. I joke with BF she's my dog during the day and his at night when she snuggles with him in bed (before he stops petting her and she uses my feet as a pillow). Poor baby goes to get spayed the Monday before I get lasers shot into my eye. We will surely be comforting each other that week.
    02/06 - I love my jeep My jeep, Jarvis, was my original boyfriend. He was the standard. He's my second one, but bought brand new and he will be paid off in 2-3 months!! MINE ALL MINE (: He was an early graduation gift from my parents after they sold my car and old jeep (that's still a rough patch between us). He traveled with me from New York, Indiana, Chicago, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and now Texas. He has helped me move my entire life twice -- not bad for a 2 door! First time stuffed full with a trunk on a carrier off the hitch (yep, microwave, bed, clothes, army gear, fully stocked kitchen, and all in that little bitty thing. Tetris is my favorite). Second time I had a real mattress (not air) and a couch so he towed a trailer while still being stuffed full for me to move out of state yet again. He's even moved BF's bike to Texas! If I wasn't a Jeep girl with my first one, Jarvis certainly sealed the deal <3
    02/07 - I love football I love the game, whether it be high school, college, indoor arena, or NFL. Any opportunity I get to watch, I'm very happy. Especially any opportunity to watch live, in person! I'm dedicated to the game, so much so that I'm not even particularly unhappy about not having a true SuperBowl party - I'm just content there's a game to watch at all! To close, I'll add GO CHIEFS!!! (hey, I lived in Kansas for 4 years and Mahomes is from my new home, Texas).
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,933 Member
    edited February 2021
    Female 5’0” Age 70 years
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel - no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    OGW 137 (set by WW 2008, WW goal 1985 was 126)
    UGW 125 (HS weight 1968)
    Rnd 7 167.0 to Rnd 17 155.5
    To Rnd 27 146*
    To Rnd 37 139.0
    To Rnd 47 133.5*
    To Rnd 57 131.5
    To Rnd 67 128.0
    To Rnd 77 125.0
    To Rnd 87 121.0*
    To Rnd 97 121.0
    To Rnd 107 122.0
    To Rnd 117 116.0
    To Rnd 127 117.0
    Rnd 127 SW 117.0 AW 116.2
    Rnd 128 SW 115.5 AW 115.65
    Rnd 129 SW 115.5 AW 116.85
    Rnd 130 SW 116.5 AW 115.9
    Rnd 131 SW 116.5 AW 116.4
    Rnd 132  SW 118.5  AW 116.95
    Rnd 133 SW 117.5 AW 118.7
    Rnd 134 SW 118.5 AW 117.6
    Rnd 135 SW 117.5 AW 118.45
    Rnd 136 SW 118.5. AW 117.94
    Rnd 137 SW 117 AW 119.1
    Rnd 138 SW 117.5 AW 118.2
    Rnd 139 SW 119.5 AW 117.85

    We ALL have good rounds and bad but that is part of life. Don’t stay away, stay accountable. We don’t judge, we support.-Jpv,2/13/19

    What we need to succeed is a sustainable way of eating, not a DIET we go on and off.

    This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE.

    **Comments and steps apply to previous day**

    Rnd 140 SW 117.5
    2/1 118.0 AF
    2/2 117.5 I’m going to donate blood today. I hope it goes better than last time! AF
    2/3 116.0
    2/4 115.5 AF
    2/5 116.0 This will go up tomorrow, going to Golden Corral for lun-ner. It’s all good!
    2/6 117.5 as expected. Going to visit my BFF and her SO today. They are going to make us a “nice lunch.” They eat tons of carbs.🥴
    2/7 117.5rf8v9q8fly9y.jpeg
    2/1 LOVE ME - finished one UFO that I really don’t care for, bringing # of UFOs to about 3,999,999! Not even kidding 🤦‍♀️
    2/2 LOVE YOU - I’m so thankful for all of you here. LOVE LIFE! My blood donation today could help you or one or more of your loved ones.
    2/3 LOVE LIFE - It’s a beautiful day here. The high is supposed to be 71*F - not bad for winter!
    2/4 LOVE THIS GUY, TOO! My PITA cat, Oskar.
    2/5 LOVE FAMILY - saw DD#2 and most of her fam for the 1st time since January 2 because they’ve had (according to symptoms) COVID. I thank God that all of our family has either avoided COVID or recovered.
    2/6 LOVE MY NEIGHBOR-she went to GC with us yesterday for early dinner. She has multiple health issues and her only child lives in Alaska. Her DD worries about her mom getting COVID. We do what we can to get her out now and then and still keep her safe.
    2/7 LOVE MY BFF although I have to admit I don’t appreciate the lack of support in the dietary arena.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,141 Member
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,377 Member
    @SheilaBoneham - try making soup (spicy if you like it that way) out of any veggies - it is good filling comfort food xx
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,141 Member
    Round 140
    ROUND 98 FOR ME.

    “Today….I am choosing Me”


    Highest weight ever (2014/2015): 253
    Original starting weight for this current journey : (1-11-2018) 235.0
    R139 EW= 207.6
    R140 EW= TBD

    Current New Goals:

    Short Term Goal: To weigh less at the end of this round than I did at the end of the last round.
    Final goal: 145-155. We’ll see how I look & feel when I get there.
    Exercise: Move 30 minutes per day rotating activity.


    COLOR CODE: Fuchsia is a Happy Weight Loss for me. Blue is a sad weight gain.Black is no change.
    R43 through R53 (06/07/18 thru 09/24/18) = …..19.4 LOST (Ending weight 176.0)
    R53 through R63 (09/24/18 thru 01/02/19) = …..9.5 GAINED (Ending weight 185.5)
    R63 through R73 (01/02/19 thru 04/12/19) = …..6.3 GAINED (Ending weight 191.8)
    R73 through R83 (04/12/19 thru 07/21/19) = …..3.6 GAINED (Ending weight 195.4)
    R83 through R93 (07/21/19 thru 10/29/19) = …..7.4 LOST (Ending weight 188.0)
    R93 through R103 (10/29/19 thru 02/06/20) = …4.1 GAINED(Ending weight 192.1)
    R103 through 113 (02/06/20 thru 05/06/20) = …..12.2 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.9)

    R113 through 123 (05/07/20 thru 08/24/20) = [color=blue)…..4.4 GAINED [/color=blue] (Ending Weight 209.3)

    R124 (08/25/20 thru 09/03/20) = [color-=blue)……1.8 GAINED [/color=blue] (Ending Weight 211.2)

    R125 (09/04/20 thru 09/13/20) = ……1.4 GAINED (Ending Weight 212.6)

    R126 (09/14/20 thru 09/23/20) = ……0.6 LOST [/color-fuchsia] (Ending Weight 212.0)

    R127 (09/24/20 thru 10/03/20) = ……1.6 LOST (Ending Weight 210.4)

    R128 (10/04/20 thru 10/13/20) = ……1.8 LOST [/color-fuchsia] (Ending Weight 208.6)

    R129 (10/14/20 thru 10/23/20) = ……1.8 LOST (Ending Weight 206.8)

    R130 (10/24/20 thru 11/02/20) = ……1.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 208.6)

    R131 (11/03/20 thru 11/12/20) = ……1.2 LOST [/color-fuchsia] (Ending Weight 207.4)

    R132 (11/13/20 thru 11/22/20) = ……0.7 GAINED (Ending Weight 208.1)

    R 123 thru R133 (08/24 thru 12/02/20) = ……2.6 LOST (Ending Weight 206.8)

    R134 (12/03/20 thru 12/12/20) = ……2.6 LOST (Ending Weight 204.2)

    R135 (12/13/20 thru 12/22/20) = ……0.6 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.8)

    R136 (12/23/20 thru 01/01/21) = ……3.0 GAINED (Ending Weight 207.8)

    R137 (01/02/21 thru 01/11/21) = ……0.8 LOST (Ending Weight 207.0)

    R138 (01/12/21 thru 01/21/21) = ……1.6 LOST (Ending Weight 205.4)

    R139 (01/22/21 thru 01/31/21) = [color-blue]……2.2 GAINED (Ending Weight 207.6)

    R140 (02/01/21 thru 02/10/21) = ……xxx LOST (Ending Weight xxxxx)

    01/31 …..207.6 ….. ENDING WEIGHT LAST ROUND
    02/01 …..207.6 ….. No change.

    02/02 …..207.6 ….. I don’t usually stay the same weight 3 days in a row. It must have been the banana bread snack because I burned many calories yesterday with more scrubbing.

    02/03 …..208.8 ….. Epic fail. Bathroom #1 expansion and remodel begins today. It will be a long process as I am being squeezed in-between jobs taking their free time. In doing so, I am getting a discount which is important since I have 3 bathroom that need to be redone (not counting the rest of the house!) Eating will be grab and go and I already feel a loss of control. I will be working on figuring it all out.

    02/04 …..xxxxx ….. Hit the floor running this morning as construction began on bathroom #1. I forgot to weigh. I do not suspect progress however.

    02/05 …..208.6 ….. Whew! I was worried there for a minute!

    02/06 …..207.2 ….. Much better. I had no time to cook as the crew was here today so I was stuck with some late-night frozen food. However, the quantities were small and the snacks were minimal. With no credit to myself or planning, it somehow worked out.

    02/07 …..207.7 ….. DD2 brought Pizza and grandson yesterday. I don’t get to spend much time with them often. Work crew was not here yesterday so it worked out perfect. I am sure much of this is sodium as it was an OMAD day. Lots of running chasing the 3 year old up & down stairs. Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal on the scale. Happy Superbowl Sunday to all U.S.

    02/08 …..xxxxx …..

    02/09 …..xxxxx …..

    02/10 …..xxxxx …..

    02/01 I am grateful for my ability to retire early at age 60. I am beginning to finally feel better rested and more in control of my life. Owning 2 motels and cabins left me working 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, with never a day off. The businesses were located on my home property so there was never any rest, peace or privacy. The number of employees – 1. Just me and the occasional handyman I would hire if the job was above my skill set. What will I do for the rest of my life? As a widow, travel is a bit scary. I am not sure yet. But hopefully I will have lots of time to figure it out.

    02/02 I love my new house. It is old and smoky and needs lots of updating and work but I love the possibilities. Mostly I love that it allows me to have a separate apartment in the basement for my adult disabled son. I love we can work harder on independence for him.

    02/03 I love the frontline workers who allow me to shelter safely in my home while they are out on the frontlines battling this virus. Thank you to each and everyone of them. I hope you feel the love and respect.

    02/04 I love my children and grandchildren. Without them, life would be meaningless. Thank you to God for placing them in my life.

    02/05 I love my 3 new squirrel friends. All black squirrels, so shiny and beautiful. One is a little piggy and doesn’t want the other 2 to eat so I will have to work on that. I call him Ziffel (after Arnold the pig from Green Acres). Squirrel #2 is really skinny because Ziffel doesn’t share very often. I call him Green Bean (after the skinny Hee Haw character). # 3 only comes around about 2 times a week. He is always frustrated by Ziffel and always gets the shortest end of the stick. I call him Darren Stevens (after the hubby in Bewitched). I guess the names I have chosen is showing my age! In any case, I love all 3 of them.

    02/06 I love chocolate. There is no getting around that. I am constantly trying to find ways to satisfy that craving without tipping the boat over during my journey. There it is. I honestly LOVE chocolate.

    02/07 I love the memories I have with all my loved ones, especially those that have passed. Some memories are becoming fleeting for me, others rise to the surface with incidents’ that I long ago thought I had forgotten. Memories with my brothers & sisters. My cousins. My school friends. My past pets. I love that, through memories, they are with me always.

  • jaccimc63
    jaccimc63 Posts: 1,743 Member
    Female, 5ft. 6 in.
    Age 57
    Akron, Ohio

    OSW: 186 (March 2018)
    Maintenance: 140-145 (December 2018)

    My 101st Round!

    I need to get back down to maintenance!

    Being overweight is hard.
    Maintaining a healthy weight is hard.
    Choose your hard.

    After losing 12 lbs. I was stuck at 174lbs. for a couple weeks until I found this challenge.
    End R40: 171 (-3)
    End R41: 170.5 (-.5)
    End R42: 168 (-2.5)
    End R43: 165 (-3)
    End R44: 163.5 (-1.5)
    End R45: 163 (-.5)
    End R46: 160 (-3)
    End R47: 158.5 (-1.5)
    End R48: 159 (+.5)
    End R49: 157.5 (-1.5)
    End R50: 154.5 (-3)
    End R51: 154 (-.5)
    End R52: 153 (-1)
    End R53: 152.5 (-.5)
    End R54: 151 (-1.5)
    End R55: 149.5 (-1.5)
    End R56: 146.5 (-3)
    End R57: 146.5 (0)
    End R58: 146.5 (0)
    End R59: 144 (-2.5)
    End R60: 144 (0)
    End R61: 145 (+1)
    End R62: 144 (-1)
    End R63: 147.5 (+3.5) Christmas and New Year’s
    End R64: 145 (-2.5)
    End R65: 145.5 (+.5)
    End R66: 144 (-1.5)
    End R67: 142.5 (-1.5)
    End R68: 143 (+.5)
    End R69: 144.5 (+1.5)
    End R70: 142 (-2.5)
    End R71: 141.5 (-.5)
    End R72: 140 (-1.5)
    End R73: 141 (+1)
    End R74: 143 (+2)
    End R75: 142 (-1)
    End R76: 144.5 (+2.5)
    End R77: 144 (-.5)
    End R78: 143.5 (-.5)
    End R79: 143.5 (0)
    End R80: 140 (-3.5)
    End R81: 143.5 (+3.5)
    End R82: 142 (-1.5)
    End R83: 143.5 (+1.5)
    End R84: 142.5 (-1)
    End R85: 142 (-.5)
    End R86: 142 (0)
    End R87: 140.5 (-1.5)
    End R88: 141.5 (+1)
    End R89: 141.5 (0)
    End R90: 145 (+3.5) Quit smoking
    End R91: 145 (0)
    End R92: 143.5 (-1.5)
    End R93: 146 (+2.5)
    End R94: 144.5 (-1.5)
    End R95: 143.5 (-1)
    End R96: 144.5 (+1)
    End R97: 146.5 (+2) Thanksgiving aftermath
    End R98: 145.5, BF33.2%, MM 63% (-1)
    End R99: 147.5 (+2) Christmas
    End R100: 147 (-.5) New Year
    End R101: 147 (0)
    End R102: 145.5 (-1.5)
    End R103: 144 (-1.5)
    End R104: 143(-1)
    End R105: 143.5 (+.5)
    End R106: 143.5 (0)
    End R107: 143.5 (0)
    End R108: 142 (-1.5)
    End R109: 143 (+1)
    End R110: 143 (0)
    End R111: 144 (+1)
    End R112: 146 (+2)
    End R113: 143.5 (-2.5)
    End R114: 146.5 (+3)
    End R115: 146 (-.5)
    End R116: 146 (0)
    End R117: 145.5 (-.5)
    End R118: 146 (+.5)
    End R119: 146.5 (+.5)
    End R120: 147 (+.5)
    End R121: 147 (0)
    End R122: 145 (-2)
    End R123: 144.5 (-.5)
    End R124: 143 (-1.5)
    End R125: 143 (0) - Labor Day
    End R126: 144.5 (+1.5)
    End R127: 142.5(-2)
    End R128: 143 (+.5)
    End R129: 142.5 (-.5)
    End R130: 144 (+1.5)
    End R131: 144(0)
    End R132: 143 (-1)
    End R133: 144 (+1) Thanksgiving
    End R134: 143.5
    End R135: 143.5
    End R136: 143.5 Christmas and New Year
    End R137: 144 (+.5) Dan's cancer diagnosis
    End R138: 145 (+1)
    End R139: 146 (+1)

    SW: 146


    02/01 - 146.5
    02/02 - 146.5
    02/03 - 147 - I've really been eating well this past week, so I'm a little frustrated with my weight. Higher stress levels have kept me from losing in the past, so I'm going to attribute this stuck weight to that and keep plugging along.
    02/04 - 146 - Tomorrow morning is my husband's surgery to see if the bladder cancer has spread any further than what was originally found. All hugs, thoughts, and prayers are appreciated!
    02/05 - 145.5 - The surgery went as well as we could have hoped. The biopsy results should be in next week, but the Doctor has a very positive outlook. Thank you to everyone here for the support!
    02/06 - 145.5
    02/07 - 145.5 - I've had a little more salt and calories than I should have, so it may show up tomorrow. I'm planning to eat at maintenance today and get back to weight loss mode tomorrow.
  • jaccimc63
    jaccimc63 Posts: 1,743 Member
    @UTMom81 - Please take care of yourself! I went through similar circumstances when I was 28 and have been on beta blockers ever since.