
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,827 Member
    edited February 2021
    February Alphabet Challenge:

    1. A - Aerobic Dance video: 2. B - I had to exercise in my bedroom today as it was bucketing with rain.
    3. C - I did some chair yoga today.
    4. D - Dawdled to our local park.
    5. E - Endurance circuit
    6. F - 2 sets of 10 seconds of forward lunges, front raises, fire hydrant side leg raises, fast feet, and forward bends.
    7. G - Generosity - I was generous to DH today and went out with him for a walk, despite it being bitterly cold.
    8 H - Walked to the Hawe Road roundabout and out into the countryside, past a local farm with a pedigree Angus herd .
    9. I - Interval training today.
    10. J - We got our appointments for our vaccine jabs on 10 Feb.
    11. K -
    12. Free day
    13. L -
    14. M -
    15. N -
    16. O -
    17. P -
    18. Q -
    19. R -
    20. S -
    21. T -
    22. U -
    23. V -
    24. W -
    25. Free day
    26. X -
    27. Y -
    28. Z -
    Machka said:
    You've missed Q!
    Thanks Machka: I've fixed it now.
    I made my own curtains a few times, including a handwoven lace valance. I made lined drapes with grapes growing down on one side and upside down on the other side. I never did fix that. Lol!

    Annie in Delaware
    DH has been doing some rewiring in our hot press (linen cupboard) and I was sorting through all the linen and find three pairs of curtains that I made we first got married along with several quilt covers. Not sure what to do with them. They don't fit the king-size bed we now have and they don't go with the decor anymore.

    Tracey: I think you're right about the vaccines, especially with all the variants that seem to be coming along. I think they will probably need to tweak them each year to take that into account. Also agree that they probably won't stop us getting Covid but just mean we will get milder versions and hospitalisation/deaths will be much reduced.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Good luck with the GP, did the physio give you a clue what the hip problem might be?

    There's a good chance it is actually my back - around about the L3 area. Chances are it is osteoarthritis. But I'm hoping for an MRI to confirm.

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Tracey that life skills middle school sounds inspired! Surprised that staff that already had Covid got vaccinated? Thought having Covid would give the immunity the vaccine is supposed to… ???
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    No ... they're still vaccinating if you've had it. Thing is ... if you had it last June or July or earlier, you've likely lost your immunity. They don't know for sure how long immunity lasts and I've seen anywhere from about 3 months to 9 months.

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did a body pump video today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Shape Cardio DVD

    Vince has known since November that I needed new tires. He and Jess both laughed at me for reminding Vince in December that I needed them. Well, we’re leaving for FL probably Thursday. He just today took my car in for the tires. Now if they had to order them and have them shipped, we wouldn’t have had time. I think I’m going to mention this to him so that he MAY decide to do things in advance. MAY Update: I mentioned it to him and he was saying how working with a large chain has its advantages, if they need something they can usually get it from another store nearby. Well, I tried.

    Holly – welcome, you youngun’. Of course, you’re more than welcome

    M – take care of that hip. Hope the GP can help

    The COVID numbers are definitely going down. I just hope that with all the superbowl parties, etc. the numbers continue to go down

    Has anyone else been getting friend requests lately that have been “crude”. I can’t think of another word. Suggestive? X-rated? Wonder what’s going on?

    Sewing: I’m pretty good as long as it’s a straight seam that needs to be made. I’ll shorten tablecloths, etc. Maybe even fix a seam or two. But that’s IT

    Just came back from getting the second shot. So far…no reaction. Let’s hope it stays this way

    Barbara – I was 9 when my mother died. I believe once you’ve had COVID the immunity lasts only a few months

    Unfortunately, we can’t pack the car until after bowling tomorrow night. I just like to have the car all packed so we can leave early the next day. I hate getting there late in the day, there’s very few places to get any dinner. Then I’ll do some food shopping the next day. I also want to stop at the workout place to get all signed up. It’ll be worth the $$ for me. Just hope it isn’t rainy in FL when we get there. One thing that I really do not like to do is drive in the dark in the rain. Driving in the dark isn’t so bad, but not with rain added to the mix.

    Heather – Is that you???? Your father did a fantastic job on the cake.

    Well, got just about everything in the suitcase.

    The MD office just called so I called them back (fortunately, I was near my phone and heard it vibrate). Seems they have the COVID vaccine in and they were taking appointments. I told them that my husband and I were going for our second one today. Then as long as we don’t have any serious side-effects, off we go Thursday (can’t wait…can you tell?)

    Thinking of Allie

    Picked up my car. Had to get new brakes, too.

    Kate UK – hope the boiler gets sorted out.

    Michele NC for now
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 970 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Has anyone else been getting friend requests lately that have been “crude”. I can’t think of another word. Suggestive? X-rated? Wonder what’s going on?

    Michele NC for now

    I got one yesterday. I deleted it, of course. I just don't get why they have to come here with that stuff. There are online dating sites for such things.

    Tina in CA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    Husband signed up for shot 3 hours away. Given his age and cancer glad he is doing this. It is too far for me. We will still be in this dangerous cold and I don't want to drive that far with Drew. We would have to leave her in the car when we get our shots. Not okay with this cold. I will have to wait. They are starting to have a few in local pharmacies. Hopefully once much vacine is available it will be easier to get. DH will also have to go back to to get second dose. If it is warmer we will go with him.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Foggy morning here but the afternoon has been beautiful. It is 48* but supposed to get down into the 20s tonight and for the rest of the week. Spent some time redoing the insulation on the outdoor faucet near the cabin. Hopefully that will keep it from freezing. The faucet for the horses is freeze proof thank goodness although what is in the trough may partly freeze. Tomorrow morning may find me carrying hot water from the house to thaw the goat's bucket and breaking up ice in the horse trough. How many calories do you suppose that could burn?

    Need to drink more water today, otherwise doing well.

    Allie- good to see you posting.

    Pip - that floor is beautiful. How easily will it scratch or does it have a really good clear coat?

    Everyone take care Sue in WA

    It’s good for pets so we’re good in that department
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Lisa - my daughter tells us her that her puppy has the zoomies all the time.
    Levi is adorable

    Okie - I have pictures of myself through the years. When I was little I had curls, then straight as can be, then perms, then wavy and now curly. It’s so strange. If perms weren’t so expensive I would get another one to take the frizz. My daughter can’t do them though as she is allergic to the solution.

    Kelly - We have hired out shovelling late last Winter and this year. We found a guy that does it for $15. I can’t do it with my back and Rodger’s hand hurts so bad in the cold where his finger was amputated that it’s worth it to us. I admire that you are doing that, and chasing after kids for hours each day. It probably helps keep you young, although you probably don’t feel it at times.

    Heather - thank you, yes I have a friend I can chat with. Three usually, 2 right now. I also have my husband.

    You were a beautiful bride, how special to have your Dad make the cake.

    Debbie - When my youngest was 4 we have her a mild spiral perm to try to tame the curls. We just kept it braided mostly. My Grandfather was quite upset with me one day to think we had bleached her hair, it was actually from the sun and the braids it was looking pretty bleached.

    Barbara - “don’t let a computer or printer know you’re in a hurry” Isn’t that the truth!
    Residents and staff alike that had Covid have been encouraged to get the vaccine. I had thought the same as you but apparently that is not the case.

    Sue - I wonder if we could buy freeze proof faucets for our home. Our water froze this morning and we got that going but now have a problem where the sink won’t drain.
    It’s weird, it blocked completely suddenly. No warning.

    Kate - You’re fortunate that your husband and BIL can fix those. Ours went out last year and it was over 500 to fix.
    Our water froze this morning, Rodger got it going but now the sink won’t drain. If it’s not one thing it’s another.

    Michele - I don’t even look at friend requests. If they aren’t a familiar name from here or another thread I follow, I just hit the X.

    Margaret - it’s a shame you couldn’t go too. You probably could have gotten an appointment 1/2 an hour later so you could switch Drew duty.

    I went to physio today and she says I’m getting one step forward and two back.
    I am not in as much pain as I was but I’m still terribly inflamed. She asked me what I had done since Saturday and when I went through what I had done she informed me it was cleaning my fridge. I have new restrictions, no squatting, no bending, no sitting for long periods and no standing for long periods. I’m not to do anything until she gives me the go ahead.
    She asked me if I had an adult at home that could help me. When I was telling Rodger this he laughed and said “did you tell her no, just your husband”😂
    I’m glad he said it and not me. Although to be fair, when I ask he helps I just hate asking.

    So I am moving around more, continuing with the exercises she has given me and mostly still doing nothing. Very frustrating. She was concerned my benefits would run out but I looked and I have 14 sessions left for this year and the new year starts April 1.

    Well I should go ice my hip.
    It seems strange how much that helps.
    It is currently -27 with a feels like of -41.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    J was challenging ...

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    I think I would like a full month off. Off work, off appointments, off studying things, off organising. A month where I don't have to do any of the at-home stuff.

    Oh well. That's not going to happen for a while yet ... like years.


    M in Oz
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I think I would like a full month off. Off work, off appointments, off studying things, off organising. A month where I don't have to do any of the at-home stuff.

    Oh well. That's not going to happen for a while yet ... like years.

    M in Oz

    I would love to go on holiday like I used to do before my husband's accident where we and our bicycles would travel to some other part of the world for an extended period of time. As I say, that's not going to happen.

    However ...

    In the collection of cycling films we saw last night, one was a long cycling tour and a couple others were about shorter tours of different types.

    It got me thinking that it might be really nice to go and pitch a tent somewhere where no one else is and just be there for even only a week.

    Thank goodness I don't have uni anymore but WOW does a person's schedule ever fill up any time there's a little space available.

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited February 2021
    Perms and curls
    I had quite straight hair. In high school used a curling iron every morning to flip back the feathered hair around my face. I used to wear light make up every day too. I would spend 15 min every morning on hair and light make up. (mascara, eyelash curler, blush maybe eyeliner on inside of eyelids, light eyeshadow). After that I almost never wore makeup that took more than 30-120 seconds (very occasionally light lipstick and/or very discrete eyeliner) and never had daily hair routine.
    I got 3 perms or so in my 30s. I loved the 1st one and then got 2 more, but only 6 months apart. It was unwise of my hairdressers to let me do so so close. By the last one was getting frizzy and not great. I liked when it grew out and was wavy, but the idea of those curlers and ammonia again seemed hard to manage, and it seemed to damage the hair.
    I went to a fancy hairdresser a few years ago and he showed me that I had a natural light wave that came out with a layered cut, and If I dry using a diffuser or sleep on wet hair, that brings out the wave. I think my hair definitely got a bit more body in the past 10 years or so. If I brush or comb my hair daily it gets straighter. If I finger comb as needed it stays more wavy. Also if I have no layers it'll be more heavy and straight so I need a bit of layers to have a bit of wave
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Tina CA – I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who is getting these “questionable” friend requests. I, too, just delete them. Part of me wondered if it had something to do with my name “exermom” so I’m glad to know that that’s not it.

    Got the vaccine today. So far, no reaction. If all continues to go well, the plan is to leave early Thursday for FL

    Tracey – the one and only time I accepted a friend request even tho I didn’t recognize the name, they were friends with workaholic so I figured they were OK. Otherwise, unless I see them on here (this is the only thread on MFP that I’m involved with), I just delete them

    Suebdew – welcome back!

    Michele still in NC
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    grateful today
    relatively good night's sleep

    meditation DONE
    go for walk
    unclutter15 min
    a few calls, etc
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    I am going to my GP in person on Monday.
    I am going to ask about my hip/back, of course.
    I am going to ask for "completely bloodwork".

    But here is the thing. I'm still making my way through menopause, and it's progressing quite nicely ... not quite there yet but nearing the finish line. WooHoo.

    However, I am having a lot of what I assume are hot flashes.
    I feel slightly nauseated and a bit dizzy like I'm coming down with something.
    Everything from my head down all the way down goes all prickly like pins and needles when you sit on your foot or have an arm under your head. But the pins and needles are mostly on my head, neck, shoulders, arms and chest ... and they're quite painful.
    Then I go really, really hot.
    And finally it eases off.
    One phase builds on the other, so I remain nauseated when the pins and needles start and right through the hot phase and the pins and needles continue through the hot phase.
    Fortunately, I guess, the whole thing is only a few minutes. But they can come one right after the other with maybe 5 or 10 minutes in between ... or maybe I won't have one for a few hours.
    Stress seems to set them off or sometimes they just come.

    I cannot use hormone replacement therapy so my gynaecologic oncologist has put me on a serotonin-based anti-depressant which is supposed to help and does sometimes, I think.

    So I'm trying to think of other solutions.

    I dress as though it were 30C, I have a fan blasting at me at work, and I use Evening Primrose Oil and a collection of other vitamins and minerals but I tend to use less than the suggested amount.

    I drink tall glasses of water and limit the amount of coffee I drink, especially hot coffee.

    And I've run out of ideas.

    Any suggestions?

    M in Oz
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Still catching up :)<3
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Katla - I can just imagine the surprise when a kitten was delivered along with the cottage cheese :D

    Heather - Bea looks well wrapped up :) This is what I look like on our morning dog walk lately, I even have some waterproof trousers to keep wind out! Yet I see people out and about not even wearing a coat, is it me? Come on people wear put a coat on, you must be freezing!

    Not sure if anyone else has noticed in their part of the world, but since lockdown here in the UK (especially York) we see more people than ever on our dog walks. We used to see the odd dog walker, but now we have to dodge joggers, kids on bikes, large families taking over the whole pavement. Never seen so many people, I think lockdown is so depressing that people would rather be outside whatever the weather. :o

    Time to go to the optician, had a bit of a problem with my eye so going to get it checked out.

    Take care <3
    Viv UK