
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Good morning everyone! I just wanted to share this info. I was having a really hard time getting enough protein in my diet, so a friend recommended I try premier protein drinks with 30g of protein and only 1g of sugar. I was really hesitant, because all I could think about was the nasty after-taste of other protein drinks that I had tried in the past. I finally took the leap, and to my very pleasant surprise, the drinks are rather tasty and it's an easy 30g of protein.. So far I have tried the chocolate and the cafe latte. The cafe latte is my favorite so far, but the chocolate is also good. I was just wondering if any of you have tried these drinks and what flavors? I'm thinking of trying the peach next.

    I will definitely try the chocolate one of these. I see they are at my local Kroger and WalMart. I desperately need to add to my protein intake so I'm always looking for something that "tastes good". Lol.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hello, all,

    Starting on a couple humor pieces--which of these titles would you be most likely to read?
    • Stop telling me to meditate: You’re harshing my mellow
    • The Internet is not helping my hypochondria
    • Why are our children allergic to talking on the phone?
    • I’ve finished my memoir three times, and I’m still not dead (Bwaaaa!!! :lol: )
    • The only reason I eat toast is for the butter, and other signs of a misspent life (This is a fact!)
    • There really are some stupid questions
    • Marrying my sister and other weird detours
    • The point is… I forget
    • Laundry
    • If you have to SAY it’s ironic, is it still irony?

    Dabbling again. Life is good.
    Lisa in AR

    I absolutely love 4 and 5.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    Some of my red rock in its new spot. Going to get rid of the firewood eventually. Cleaning up some of the walls , this is the back patio area
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hooray boiler is fixed just had to strip off (was wearing thermals, wool socks and sweatshirt and joggers)

    HEATHER think access to Netflix depends on the package your son has, I asked my daughter about her account, she thinks it is 4 devices at a time. I’ve never had a big problem getting on and there are 5 possible users, DD her partner and 2 grands.

    Kate UK ❤️
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,690 Member
    Looks nice Pip!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,780 Member
    @exermom I’ve been getting those iffy FRs too. Several others have mentioned it too. I delete them but it’s annoying
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,780 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im up and staggering...took my pills and will get up and moving soon.will throw a sweatshirt and do some walking..
    Im taking everything a day at a time

    Take care of yourself [b Allie: [/b]
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,780 Member
    February Alphabet Challenge:

    1. A - Aerobic Dance video: 2. B - I had to exercise in my bedroom today as it was bucketing with rain.
    3. C - I did some chair yoga today.
    4. D - Dawdled to our local park.
    5. E - Endurance circuit
    6. F - 2 sets of 10 seconds of forward lunges, front raises, fire hydrant side leg raises, fast feet, and forward bends.
    7. G - Generosity - I was generous to DH today and went out with him for a walk, despite it being bitterly cold.
    8 H - Walked to the Hawe Road roundabout and out into the countryside, past a local farm with a pedigree Angus herd .
    9. I - Interval training today.
    10. J - We got our appointments for our vaccine jabs on 10 Feb.
    11. K - Walked past Knightsbridge to Kilmaine and home again.
    12. Free day
    13. L -
    14. M -
    15. N -
    16. O -
    17. P -
    18. Q -
    19. R -
    20. S -
    21. T -
    22. U -
    23. V -
    24. W -
    25. Free day
    26. X -
    27. Y -
    28. Z -

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Annie I used separate accounts to register DH and myself. I have my own and we have a joint account. So yes this is one thing in the system that I think creates a problem for regstering for the vaccine. As I said my friend's birthday got into her husband's Walgren account which makes it impossible for her or husband to use Walgren's until this in straightened out. I also had to create a Walgren account for DH. I already had one. So too complicated.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 26min 59min, 86ahr, 116mhr, 5.10mi= 449c
    Strava app = 618c
    Other- work on house- 2hrs 58min= 748c

    Total cal 1195
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    The black one is Buzz and the younger one is Woody, they were rescues. I haven’t been able to meet them yet 😢
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,690 Member
    So cute spikeyhair! Those cats look really happy and content!💖😋. Thanks! Looks like he's organizing the lighting now!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    2019 on this day. This is 4:30am, can u believe we rode to the gym/train station in this??!!!!
  • clowe1028
    clowe1028 Posts: 134 Member
    Winter arrived this morning in Texas. I skipped both line dance classes today because roads were icy and I have no driving skills with those conditions. It was great to be able to just stay home.

    I received my second Moderna vaccine on Tuesday. I had more of a reaction to the first shot. I couldn’t lift my arm for 2 days. This time my arm was not as sore.

    This is what happens when the roads get icy here. A 133 car pile up just West from me outside of downtown Ft Worth.


    Cathy in Arlington, TX