

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Mrs_Hoffer i'm so sorry you had to go through especially husband #3, and so glad you found #4 who sounds like a godsend in comparison despite the inevitable quirks. you both look very happy in the picture.

    i enjoy reading about everyone's marriages also.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited February 2021
    Machka9 wrote: »
    And another one related to recent topics of discussion ...

    ha ha ha !
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    very much enjoyed reading your posts today.

    done today
    walk 30 min
    -espresso and read French easy paper, standing on patio outside, 1.50 €, for feeling of normalness
    -pop by bank to get credit card
    -notes in datebook
    -15 min on recumbant at at least 115 HR average, watching 2 short ted talks, 1 about happiness at work and the other about considering technology as a coworker
    -15 min meditation
    -good 30 min decluttering the messiest closet (gets messy, and has messy boxes, notably with pigment powder in them). (planned for 15 min but had to reorganize some boxes and it was almost impossible or senseless to stop at 15. I have a credit!)
    -finished tracking yesterday's food
    -tracked today's food
    -wrote several mails and sms about workers' rights stuff after our excellent meeting yesterday evening. (sending thanks, and follow up info)

    to do today
    -work on writing, especially on writing plan
    -4pm-5:45 working on paper work with helper. There's a helper for 38 euros an hour, half reimbursed by tax credit. i'm hiring her 6h per month (to get that rate), because i am SO FAR BEHIND in some paper stuff. I won't even go into it. Really due to lack of time partly and probably mood issues and fatigue. I already worked with her about a year ago and she seems quite a decent helper. I need to get out of the administrative hole.
    -6pm phone meeting with lawyer about 2 things

    -if remaining energy, call P. work on description, send, answer mails

    -good feeling after morning routine: walk, recumbent 15 min, meditation min, 15 min de-cluttering, and possibly coffee and paper
    -excellent group and work on workers' rights stuff. We seem to be making great progress and have an excellent team.
    -4.5 good hours before me without plans
    -been eating pretty healthy
    -this thread/group

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    edited February 2021
    I should be November! >:) I also get very frustrated with people who are disorganised about time. I am a stickler for time keeping.
    I am very frustrated by not having a time for the boiler guy. :#:#:#
    If any of you think I'm a control freak - I am. :laugh: Most people indulge me, but my DSIL, who is one of the worst time keepers ever, teases me quite a bit. She does though try to consider my rapidly building anxiety if lunch is late! And everyone knows to keep me informed if they are going to be 5 minutes late. They must love me. :D<3
    Luckily, I do have a sense of humour about it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,456 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening all,

    I always take a deep breath when I see you post, so glad you're ticking along ok.

    When things don't work, I get uptight too... and appointments for repairmen always put me on tilt until that's over. Stay warm!

    The floors look awesome.

    For those who commented - Corey and I don't (as far as I know) have COVID - he was exposed about a week ago now, the first time we know for sure that he's been in direct contact, unmasked with someone who has it (his boss). If we make it through Monday without coming down with it, I'm hoping we either both dodged it or at least had asymptomatic bouts with it. I'm never around anyone else without masks except Corey, and when I'm out and about, I'm wearing two masks now. Just belt and suspenders.

    Did not get out of the house yesterday - at this rate, I'm going to end up as an agoraphobe. So much easier to just stay home. It did get up to about four degrees above the freezing mark yesterday, and the main roads are dry. The highway in front of our house was a big slushy mess, though--this town is too small to have a snowplow or even to hire one. The indoor-outdoor thermometer says it is zero degrees, so anything that didn't get completely dry yesterday is now an ice rink. Supposed to get a little warmer than yesterday, so I'm going to wait until the sun comes up and dries a few things out and then decide if I'm going to go get the shopping done. I need to get out, but not sure still if I want to.

    Regarding remarrying: I refer to my husband as "my current and final husband," more often than I probably should, but basically, the intent is either to die while I'm still married, or should he predecease me, there will be no more. Could be wrong - Corey fell in my lap without warning, and I've never regretted marrying him for a single moment, it's been both a joyous and an adventurous journey so far. I hope I'm fortunate enough to have many more years with him.

    Regarding cleaning: Once I start, I can't stop, so I try not to do it too very often and divert that energy elsewhere as much as possible. I'm trying to learn to do small things - I pretend I'm a guy, and just get very literal - so instead of cleaning the entire kitchen, I just do the dishes and wipe off the counters, instead of tearing the stove apart and cleaning the oven while I'm at it, then mopping the floor because some got on the floor, then moving the refrigerator to clean under there... and so on and so on.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    Delicious dinner tonight. :) We went out ... just 'cause.

    We've had the two most gorgeous days - brilliant sunshine and temps in the 30s (87F yesterday and 89F today) - so tonight we were walking along the beach and stopped outside a set of 3 restaurants. At first I was thinking about grabbing some take-away and having it in our patio, but then we decided to eat in.

    I had Zucchini and Halloumi Patty (like a Pakora) - fresh shredded zucchini & halloumi mixed in Indian spices & herbs, crispy fried in light chickpea flour batter - for a starter which was delicious! I love halloumi!

    The main course was Malai Kofta (Potato and housemade paneer balls cooked in creamy cashew and tomato gravy.) which was also very good.

    And the place is known for specialty naan so we had the Halloumi & Potato Naan. I told you I love halloumi. :)

    So good!

    It's still quite a warm evening out there -- 11:30 pm and 26C (79F). Sadly it is supposed to cool off tomorrow.

    Machka in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I should be November! >:) I also get very frustrated with people who are disorganised about time. I am a stickler for time keeping.
    I am very frustrated by not having a time for the boiler guy. :#:#:#
    If any of you think I'm a control freak - I am. :laugh: Most people indulge me, but my DSIL, who is one of the worst time keepers ever, teases me quite a bit. She does though try to consider my rapidly building anxiety if lunch is late! And everyone knows to keep me informed if they are going to be 5 minutes late. They must love me. :D<3
    Luckily, I do have a sense of humour about it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Heather, You would either not fare well in France in terms of time or you would change your ways. I was very punctual and expected it of others but it's a losing battle here. one can't change the whole society. Here, even the most professional and reliable people of all, are very often 5 minutes late. This article explains when it's good to be early, when to be late... Basically if you are invited to someone's home yo are to assume they could be running late and it's more polite to arrive 15-25 minutes late than to arrive on time.
    Meetings almost never start on time. Those who arrive on time have 5 min small talk at least while waiting for others to arrive. This can be networking time, or simply pleasant moment to catch up however, so not necessarily wasted time at all. When invited to someone's home for dinner at 8, you would never eat before 8:30, and very probably more like at 9pm. Lunch can go considerably more quickly though if it's not "dimanche en famille"
    See in French below.
    Le quart d’heure de politesse, pour qui, pour quoi ?

    Lorsque vous êtes invité à un dîner chez des amis ou chez des proches, alors il faut faire attention à ne pas arriver trop à l’heure. Votre hôte peut avoir du retard, et il sera peut-être gêné que vous soyez là avec 10 minutes d’avance, ou bien que vous arriviez à l’heure exacte du rendez-vous. On parle alors du quart d’heure de politesse.

    Ainsi, vous arrivez, sans vous presser, et sans presser personne, avec 15 minutes de retard. On fait alors la politesse de laisser un quart d’heure de flottement pour que tout soit prêt lorsqu’on passera la porte. Idéalement, si on vous invite à 20h00, il faudra arriver entre 20h15 et 20h25. Au-delà de 30 minutes de retard, vous devrez prévenir pour ne pas avoir l’air impoli.

    Some repair people are on time, many are late, and some don't show up at all sometimes, and you have to reschedule! In general here, if people are less than half an hour late for most social, it's not expected to make big a fuss. (so one brings a book, dresses, warmly, erases cell-phone messages, and so on).
    Regarding remarrying: I refer to my husband as "my current and final husband," more often than I probably should, but basically, the intent is either to die while I'm still married, or should he predecease me, there will be no more. Could be wrong - Corey fell in my lap without warning, and I've never regretted marrying him for a single moment, it's been both a joyous and an adventurous journey so far. I hope I'm fortunate enough to have many more years with him.

    Regarding cleaning: Once I start, I can't stop, so I try not to do it too very often and divert that energy elsewhere as much as possible. I'm trying to learn to do small things - I pretend I'm a guy, and just get very literal - so instead of cleaning the entire kitchen, I just do the dishes and wipe off the counters, instead of tearing the stove apart and cleaning the oven while I'm at it, then mopping the floor because some got on the floor, then moving the refrigerator to clean under there... and so on and so on.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
    Lisa, nice that a good one fell into your lap, and that you are enjoying being married to him!
    For cleaning I set the timer and stop after 15 minutes. It generally works, but this time it was bit tricky, so I did a good 2 timer sessions and a tiny bit more. Since I skip some days it's fine that way. I procrastinate some on cleaning, and am by no means a perfectionist in that area, but don't mind it at all when doing it almost all of the time. I that I'm doing a light physical thing (pottering) with quick visible results.

    My freezer if way frosted over so I'm finishing freezer stuff. made a mix of 3 frozen veggies and frozen cooked peas, cooked in fresh garlic and 1 tsp oil, then water added. ok to good taste but the texture could be way better. a bit of a freezer mishmash. could be worse, and it's quite healthy, but I'm not going to win any cooking competitions with this. :D I basically, mainly threw all into a pot and worked in the living room office area, as it heated and cooked. :o
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Lots of this and that this morning and then 3 pomidoros and then lunch break.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    I should be November! >:) I also get very frustrated with people who are disorganised about time. I am a stickler for time keeping.
    I am very frustrated by not having a time for the boiler guy. :#:#:#
    If any of you think I'm a control freak - I am. :laugh: Most people indulge me, but my DSIL, who is one of the worst time keepers ever, teases me quite a bit. She does though try to consider my rapidly building anxiety if lunch is late! And everyone knows to keep me informed if they are going to be 5 minutes late. They must love me. :D<3
    Luckily, I do have a sense of humour about it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Heather, You would either not fare well in France in terms of time or you would change your ways. I was very punctual and expected it of others but it's a losing battle here. one can't change the whole society. Here, even the most professional and reliable people of all, are very often 5 minutes late. This article explains when it's good to be early, when to be late... Basically if you are invited to someone's home yo are to assume they could be running late and it's more polite to arrive 15-25 minutes late than to arrive on time.
    Meetings almost never start on time. Those who arrive on time have 5 min small talk at least while waiting for others to arrive. This can be networking time, or simply pleasant moment to catch up however, so not necessarily wasted time at all. When invited to someone's home for dinner at 8, you would never eat before 8:30, and very probably more like at 9pm. Lunch can go considerably more quickly though if it's not "dimanche en famille"
    See in French below.
    Le quart d’heure de politesse, pour qui, pour quoi ?

    Lorsque vous êtes invité à un dîner chez des amis ou chez des proches, alors il faut faire attention à ne pas arriver trop à l’heure. Votre hôte peut avoir du retard, et il sera peut-être gêné que vous soyez là avec 10 minutes d’avance, ou bien que vous arriviez à l’heure exacte du rendez-vous. On parle alors du quart d’heure de politesse.

    Ainsi, vous arrivez, sans vous presser, et sans presser personne, avec 15 minutes de retard. On fait alors la politesse de laisser un quart d’heure de flottement pour que tout soit prêt lorsqu’on passera la porte. Idéalement, si on vous invite à 20h00, il faudra arriver entre 20h15 et 20h25. Au-delà de 30 minutes de retard, vous devrez prévenir pour ne pas avoir l’air impoli.

    Some repair people are on time, many are late, and some don't show up at all sometimes, and you have to reschedule! In general here, if people are less than half an hour late for most social, it's not expected to make big a fuss. (so one brings a book, dresses, warmly, erases cell-phone messages, and so on).

    Here as well.

    I've adapted to the culture, and don't even stand up from my desk for a meeting until the hour. So if the meeting is at 10 am, I stand up at 10 am and slowly saunter to the meeting room. I'll peek in and if just a few are there, I'll get myself a cup of coffee and we'll all be seated about 10:07 or so.

    "Let's go for lunch at 12:30" means that about 12:35 we'll start gathering, and someone will need to use the toilet and someone will take a call or do a last minute thing at their desk and about 12:40 we might start walking to the restaurant. When we get there, we'll chat for 5 or 10 minutes before placing our order and it will be 15 or 20 minutes before anything arrives. So we'll start eating 12:30 lunch maybe about 1:15.

    And you would never arrive at someone's home at precisely the time stated! Actually, that would be really awkward ... with the traffic here about the only way you could do it is to plan to arrive early and then sit in your car outside which would just be weird. Instead you guess what the traffic is going to be like and check Google Maps which will give you an incorrect estimate and you'll arrive at least 5 minutes late.

    M in Oz
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    edited February 2021
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I should have been born in December or February!


    I'm a May baby..... that sounds about right for me! Bahahaha!

    I too do the timer for 15 minutes thing. That was something that I recently read about and started doing. I'm in and out of the kitchen most of the day, so it's easy to just keep it clean as I go. I just OFTEN have to come around behind DH and wipe up excess water or crumbs that he leaves on the counter. I spot-clean the oven and fridge "as needed".

    I'm having a "surprise" dinner tomorrow night (Saturday) for Jim's birthday. Surprise because he doesn't know about it yet. So I've been cleaning the house this week either before he gets up or while he is out for his walk. I cleaned out the fireplace, dusted, and mopped the kitchen floor at 7am this morning! Lol. I'm making prime rib tomorrow and he's requested a chocolate "ding dong" cake. 2 other couples are coming and they are each bringing a side dish (a potato dish and a salad). After dinner we will all play Mexican Train.

    I did this same thing a couple of years ago for his birthday and the Alexa thingamabob that we have in the house evidently told him (during the day while I was out) that the Wait's and the Heinze's were coming over that night because I had it on my google calendar. I didn't know that Alexa was reading him everything that was on my google calendar every morning (which typically was not a problem). When I came home that afternoon he asked, "why are the Wait's and the Heinze's coming over tonight?" I just looked at him....trying to figure out how he knew and if I should lie to him! :smiley: I finally just asked, "how do you know that?" and he said "Alexa told me!"

    I've since disconnected my google calendar from the Alexa. :smiley:

    Pip : the floor looks terrific! Your new place seems to be coming along nicely!

    Tracey : I'm sorry to hear about your friends mom. Thanks for sharing your story.

    :heart: Teresa in OH
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    edited February 2021
    Thanks Bananas, I understood it! :D

    Yes, one has to be adaptable. :sad: Even in the UK it would be unusual to arrive on the dot. Except for me! :) I'm always early.
    Generally I am not a team player, unless I am in charge, as I hate all that 'faffing around' you so ably described. I have always ploughed my own furrow and set my own rules. I avoid meetings like the plague.
    One of the things I loved about the Saga cruises was that it was beautifully organised and everything happened to the exact minute. That was sooooo relaxing for me. Most holidays I spend complaining about something or other not happening exactly the way I want it. >:) My poor DH has often been in tears, literally.

    OK. So I badgered the heating guy who was not arriving until 4-5 until the company sent someone else at 13.56, a lovely, smart young man, who is upstairs putting in a new motor for the valves. I hope that fixes it. He seems to know what he is doing, but you never know! I absolutely love repair guys, or anyone who is good at their job. I never feel it is wasted money if they do a good job. Actually, I don't know what it is going to cost! :o
    My ex used to do all the repairs in my first marriage, as he was a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at uni. He was brilliant, but we lived in a system of string and sealing wax as he often didn't get around to things. I spent years having to bang a sticky valve on the central heating system with a broomstick. He never quite finished off decorating projects either. He built all our kitchen units from scratch and left off one drawer for years. Grrrrr! However, he did wire, gas, and plumb two properties, plus tiling floors etc. He actually put all new floor joists in our bathroom when we had dry rot. I never had to have builders or repair men until we ended that marriage and then I was completely lost with no knowledge of who to call!

    The young guy has come down and said the new motor hasn't worked, so he's got to go out and buy new valves, because they are still sticking. The repair shop is fairly near here. That was why I was getting agitated, because I was worried about the shop shutting before the guy could get here later on. Having been married to an engineer means I am at least familiar with the language of technical systems. I can hold my own with builders, decorators etc. My DH rarely deals with them, it's all down to me. I'm happy with that.

    We did get a bit of heat over lunch as we found the old electric heater in the garage. 2,000 watts.!!! Don't want that on for long.
    The lad has just come back and said he's got the wrong valve. The shop gave him a three way valve. He's gone off again.

    Heather, being perfectly patient in Hove, UK xxxxxxxx

    Teresa - I've got a bit of May in me too! I'm obsessive when someone's coming, but hidden bits are often a jumble.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Machka - I was born in September, I have moved the clothes from the bed to the chair at times.
    😂I’ll let Rodger do the driving.

    Heather - Timeliness is important to me too. I was raised to be early for everything, way too early. I am usually around 10 minutes early now.
    My eldest panics if she is not exactly on time, she feels it’s intrusive to be early and rude to be late. My youngest has trouble with time management and I have a lot of friends that are. I tease them too, but have learned if I want them to be there at a specific time I give them a time about 1/2 an hour earlier.

    Lisa - I will do a big deep clean every couple of months, but the day to day stuff I slack on.
    Right now I’m not able to do anything so am relying on Rodger. He is doing well with the dishes and tidying the counters. I’ve made it easy and we’ve ordered out a lot.
    I really need to sweep, I think I can do that without injury as long as he bends to put it on the dustpan.

    Rodger has gone to buy the plumbing materials to replace the sink. He is stopping at Walmart for a couple things, since he was going I asked him to grab a couple other things.
    I told him I would text him a list. At the end of the list I told him he should buy himself a sexy new dress 😂. I might as well play along.

    I am not working today, I am going to our daughter’s so she can colour and trim my hair. She is also doing one of her friends. When hair is done the two girls are taking their dogs for a walk and I will stay at the house. I am going to listen to one of her albums and read a book. We are then going to have a fire before I come home. It will be so nice to see her and spend some quality time, it’s been since before Christmas. We technically aren’t supposed to be doing this, but hairdressers are open and she is a hairdresser just out of her home. She is also home 90% of the time alone and I’m vaccinated.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    edited February 2021
    HEAT! HEAT! We have heat!
    The nice young man was very nice and very polite and it's all fixed. Crossfingers :o . I made him cup of tea. The only people I know who take sugar are tradespeople. :D
    I'm going to book a boiler service as we haven't had one since we moved here. The nice young man told me to book it with the original contact as it was him who installed the boiler and they don't like to just steal his work. Good eh!?

    Oh, the lovely sound of radiators expanding! It was so quiet in the house without the sound of the boiler!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member

    Tidy house? Yes
    Messy car? Never 🤣


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Oh my G! Messy car! My brother's car was a health risk. You got in it, if you could fight your way in, at your own peril. :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Looking forward to your move-in day for your lovely new home. :star:

    Heather: I hope you are the first customer on the heating guy’s list for the day. Staying warm enough in cold weather is not easy. :noway:

    Machka: I have a July birthday, but I clean at least once a week. :wink:

    Cheri: It is good news that your power is back on. Three cheers!!! :star: I had a zoom meeting with a dear friend who is now living in TX with her son's family. They seemed to have had some power outages, but had lights on and Zoom was working while we were chatting. :bigsmile:

    We still have patches of snow on the ground. The sidewalks were cleared by kind hearted neighbors a few days ago. DH is still sleeping. He had a restless night with tummy troubles & I hope he feels okay today.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon