

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Heather)))— I hope your worrisome dreams ease away. I think this pandemic is affecting all of us & creating and magnifying worries. :#>:)<3
  • hap2go
    hap2go Posts: 105 Member
    edited March 2021
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    QUESTION-what footwear do you wear when pottering or working at home? I take my shoes off the miute I set in the door at home. Most the rest of the time I wear skecters, I have like 5 pairs and I wear them at work and eveywhere else. I do change them each day, so not wearing the same ones all the time. I do have a pair of boots for riding the motorcycle, but I forget to wear them most the time.

    I wear these because I have plantar fasciitis and stupid wide feet. If I could wear them everywhere, I would.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,084 Member
    I sleep with one flat pillow and I keep a second backrest pillow nearby.

    I dream about being unable to find housing, or living in some strange place that doesn't work out.

    I had a really bad migraine while my company was giving a conference in Las Vegas. I took a nap ( collapsed!) In a closet in the conference center.

    I stayed up all night to study once or twice, and with my baby once or twice but my memories of that are fuzzy.

    Annie in Delaware
  • hap2go
    hap2go Posts: 105 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Getting To Know You ...

    How many pillows do you sleep with?

    Do you have any recurring dreams?

    What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)?

    What’s The Funniest/Oddest/Most Unusual Place You’ve Ever Fallen Asleep?

    Machka in Oz

    How many pillows do you sleep with?
    at least four, sometimes more

    Do you have any recurring dreams?
    Not anymore

    What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)?
    In school pulling allnighters before exams or papers due

    What’s The Funniest/Oddest/Most Unusual Place You’ve Ever Fallen Asleep?
    Oh gosh I can sleep just about anywhere... maybe on top of a horse?
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,084 Member
    I wear slippers in the winter and go barefoot in summer. My slippers are stiff soles and shearling lining, so pretty substantial, but no arch.
  • 2021WLjourney
    2021WLjourney Posts: 19 Member
    I sleep with one flat pillow and I keep a second backrest pillow nearby.

    I dream about being unable to find housing, or living in some strange place that doesn't work out.

    I had a really bad migraine while my company was giving a conference in Las Vegas. I took a nap ( collapsed!) In a closet in the conference center.

    I stayed up all night to study once or twice, and with my baby once or twice but my memories of that are fuzzy.

    Annie in Delaware

    Hey Annie!
    I can absolutely relate to that recurring dream of yours. Mine is about not remembering where my current apartment is. Probably because I moved too many times and still don’t feel like “home”. Belonging is a big thing. I remember those dreams got less panicky for a while. They come and go.
  • 2021WLjourney
    2021WLjourney Posts: 19 Member
    I have a question- what appointments are you putting off until after the pandemic eases up? I need to see a dentist, dermatologist, gynecologist/mammogram, and eye exam. I did see the primary care family practice guy last fall but the rest I put off. I will do the rest after I am vaccinated.

    Annie in Delaware

    Hey Annie, I feel the same way. Anything that isn’t absolutely necessary in person needs to wait. I have had pretty positive experiences with phone consults and will have to go get bloodwork done this week, but that’ll be the first time since last March and I’m hoping to stick it out until fully vaxxed.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did a DVD by Shawn T. No formal exercise tomorrow as we’re leaving (boo boo boo)

    Allie – Vince is on coumadin, has been for the last 30 years, and he always gets nose bleeds. Sometimes they last for hours.

    Barbara – last we heard the launch was scheduled for 3:30 tonight. They changed AGAIN. There is no way I am going to get up at 3:30 in the morning. Well, maybe next time we’re down here we can see a launch

    I usually sleep with two pillows

    KJ – safe travels

    drkatie – hope everything goes well for your husband

    pip – very appropriate shower curtain for you and Kirby

    katla – I’m always sad to leave, but I have already made plans for next year. I know that we’re going to go to lunch at this nice Mexican place across from the condo. Just not sure who all is going. At least Mary Lou and maybe others and myself are going to go to this thrift store in Mims. Mary Lou says it’s big and nice. So first things first...I’ll be counting down the days until I can use the pool (you can bet that I’ll be after Vince to get it opened once we get home). Like I told Barbara, we didn’t get to see the launch and I’m not about to get up at 3:30

    Anne DE – I really haven’t put off any appointments because of the pandemic. I do try to make them short, tho

    I know Vince wants to start loading the car and the first thing to go in the trunk is the laptop so I’ll post this. I may be able to post from my tablet tonight.

    who hopes we leave early
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    edited March 2021

    Thanks Flea! Think we’ll get two activators, one for outside, one for in. ;)

    Ours may have come with two. We do have one for outside and one for inside. It didn't take her long to figure out what to do outside when she wanted in, even though she can't hear the bell from out there.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    edited March 2021
    Any quilters out there? My mother gave me a quilt that her grandmother made, and I have loads of questions. Specifically, I am wondering how quilting bees worked in the 1930s. Was there something called a "friends" quilt (that is a phrase that my mother's cousin used yesterday).

    The quilt is a Sunbonnet Sue pattern, with one suspender/overall Sam in the center. Each quilting square has someone's name on it -- most of them my great grandmother's and her children (including my grandmother), and her son's first wife. However, three squares have two other names that are not family related, as far as we can tell. I think I found one of the names on the 1930 census from their small town (only six pages of names), so I am going to assume she was a friend. But why would she be included on this "family" quilt -- unless she was a "worker bee"? The second person is "Aunt Cody." A total mystery. My mother and her cousin don't know of any Aunt Cody.

    Anyway, I have tried to research a little about quilting bees, but most of what I've read is protocol and etiquette for how to do them today, not in the 1930s.

    I haven't figured out yet how to get a picture of it because it is rather large, but maybe I'll try to take a picture of one of the squares.

    ETA -- so I was rambling a little, I think. Would it have been common for the quilter of a square to "sign" her name or initials in embroidery somewhere on that square? I am hoping you say yes, because two of the squares have my grandmother's name on them, and it would be amazing to think that she quilted those squares. She would have been about 13 years old at the time.

    Here are the patterns -- she didn't include any flowers or hearts, just the characters.

    Anyone have any experience to share?

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,306 Member
    edited March 2021
    Katla - These are not new dreams. They have been going on for years. For me the lockdown has been relaxing. I love not having committments to meet. I've been suffering much less from envy of other's success or wonderful lives. Because they haven't got them. I'm rather dreading normal life returning. Then I have to worry about keeping up. Where to go, what to book, read, listen to, see, visit, publicise etc etc. Aaarrrrgggghhhh! Envy is my middle name. >:)

    Heather in Hove UK, only wanting to get back to the grandchildren. All the rest can go hang!

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Dreams - When I have managed to get to dream sleep, I have a recurring dream about our rental property. The inside is reconfigured in the same way every time in a way that is not at all how it really is. I have had this a few times now. Makes no sense to me.

    I also have many dreams in which I have to pee, at which point I get up and go pee whether I feel I need to or not. They are not recurring, as they are not the same each time.

    Potatoes -- I don't have baked potatoes very often, but if I make them, I scrub them and eat the skin if it is crispy. If it isn't I don't eat it. It tastes a bit like the texture of paper at that point, which I don't find appealing. I think all or most of the fiber is in the skin.

    Well, I'm still fighting the knee pain, so am trying to stay off my feet and rest it this week. I have no idea how it happened, but I'm very annoyed by it.

    Tina in CA where it is a rainy, dreary day
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,004 Member
    What’s The Funniest/Oddest/Most Unusual Place You’ve Ever Fallen Asleep?

    This was when I was a little kid(NO way I could do it now).
    I remember many times sleeping in MY lap. Yep. Sit with my legs crossed and bend over, put my head in my lap and go to sleep- sometimes with a pillow but sometimes not.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Doc appointments - I have not put them off. In fact, they are so careful here that I'm usually the only one in the waiting area and I often don't see anyone in hallways. At the dentist, I've been the only patient in the office 4 of the 5 times I have been in over the past year. They wear double masks and shields at my dentist's office.

    I prefer video calls when there is really no need to go anywhere (such as a follow up), but that's my preference outside of COVID conditions too. It just wasn't available before.

    Tina in CA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
    Well i took a quick snooze. And got out for a walk out front it is 55 degrees out.. so I am relaxing watching Highway to heaven..
  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    Sleep ... that’s a topic! Don’t get much of it ... starting the blue nytol tonight!
    I agree CityLondon - Joan Hickson was the best Miss M!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member

    I can identify with what Heather was saying about working at something that makes me feel very tired when the dream is over.

    Dreams that I have had over and over:
    In one, I am driving and I can't find the brake pad and am afraid I am fixing to crash the car.
    In another, I am able to fly above the ground whereas others are not able to do so.

    Carol in GA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2021
    Michele & Allie: My dad had heart disease & took coumadin for many years as a deterrent to blood clots. I think they helped. :star:

    Flea: I quilted two pillow tops for my kids years ago. There was a wonderful fabric store in Tualatin where we lived at the time. The owner led quilting bees. My friends and I made pillows as our first project. We also made teddy bear Angel Christmas tree toppers as our second projects. I gave one of the Angel tree toppers to each of my adult kids a year or so ago. We moved away from Tualatin 20+ years ago. I have no idea if the store is still there. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: We watched Doctor Who for years, travelling willy-nilly through time and space. Our son still loves the show.We bought him a Tardis Christmas ornament a few years ago. I decided after a while that I’d prefer going on the Star Ship Enterprise with Captain Kirk. Scotty could beam me down to the place I want to visit, such as my daughter’s house to see the grandchildren, or my son’s house to see his little boy. Scotty could beam me up and take me home when I was ready. Wishful thinking, but fun. :bigsmile:

    We heard from our daughter-in-law today that she’s had the second vaccine dose. YAY!!!!! I know my daughter has also had the second vaccination. Good News! We’re next for our second vaccinations at the end of this month. :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,004 Member
    I have put off some appointments(used the excuse of the virus but really, just didn't want to go) but am doing them now. I went online to schedule my PAP- was surprised when one of the options was the video call- of course, can NOT do that appointment over the phone, but did give me a big laugh thinking about it.
    I will be doing that appointment on Friday- am over a year(or maybe two, can't remember) past due so can't put it off any longer. Dentist I have an appointment but may reschedule for next month. I haven't decided yet- If I put it off a month, then I can be back on track for 2 cleanings a year, if I do this one now, they will want three and insurance only covers 2.