
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michelle— Thanks for your sympathy. We don’t “have to” sell the boat but it is seriously under-used due to DH’s health issues. I would love to give it to our son but that may not be practical. We also have a fishing boat with similar problems. It is a good boat and health issues prevent us using it. It is possible we will sell both boats but we won’t be hasty about selling either one.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Not quite my birthday distance, but it'll do. :) Cycling of course!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Julie - I am in bare feet when doing things around the house. I hate footwear and should have been born in a warmer climate.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Funny ... the Canadian girls prefer being barefoot!

    Me in my preferred attire ... and yes, my feet are bare!


    I wear socks and shoes for cycling, walking, hiking etc. because that's more comfortable ... plus fewer blisters.

    I wear socks and sneakers to and from work, but once I arrive at work in the spring, summer and autumn, the socks and shoes come off! I do put on a pair of sandals because we should wear shoes in the office, but unless they are buckled on, they come off under my desk.

    I wear socks and boots in winter when I'm out and about, but will often be barefoot at home.

    I have heaps of shoes, but that accumulation has been more in an attempt to find something comfortable.

    My podiatrist keeps telling me to wear shoes at home rather than going barefoot ... but I don't like that advice. Too uncomfortable.

    M in Oz
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Debbie - I hadn’t been to church I years and went a couple years ago with my Son in Law’s Grandparents as they asked my daughter to bring the kids for Grandparent’s Day. I was shocked that people were wearing jeans, leggings, shorts. I had worn a dress and took my Bible and felt completely out of place.
    I told my BFF who goes every Sunday, and she laughed and said that she wears pants regularly to church and only wears a dress for special holidays.
    I don’t think I would feel comfortable wearing pants to church.

    My Grandmother made a few crazy quilts, I used to love looking at the fabrics too and knowing some of them were my clothes and my family’s clothes. The one made for me is a very large, bright pink rose appliquéd on a white block. All the blocks have a bright pink strip joining them and the back and sawtooth border is bright pink. I love it, but it’s not my style. I do have another one of her quilts on my guest bed though. It is pieced with material from clothes but is tulips linked together on a vine.

    Pip - that must be nice to have done and behind you.

    Machka - it is funny that we like going barefoot. I too wear sandals at work and have them off under my desk in summer. In winter I wear flats and usually barefoot in them at the office.

    Happy Birthday and congratulations on the long ride.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    edited March 2021
    Debbie - I hadn’t been to church I years and went a couple years ago with my Son in Law’s Grandparents as they asked my daughter to bring the kids for Grandparent’s Day. I was shocked that people were wearing jeans, leggings, shorts. I had worn a dress and took my Bible and felt completely out of place.
    I told my BFF who goes every Sunday, and she laughed and said that she wears pants regularly to church and only wears a dress for special holidays.
    I don’t think I would feel comfortable wearing pants to church.

    My Grandmother made a few crazy quilts, I used to love looking at the fabrics too and knowing some of them were my clothes and my family’s clothes. The one made for me is a very large, bright pink rose appliquéd on a white block. All the blocks have a bright pink strip joining them and the back and sawtooth border is bright pink. I love it, but it’s not my style. I do have another one of her quilts on my guest bed though. It is pieced with material from clothes but is tulips linked together on a vine.

    Pip - that must be nice to have done and behind you.

    Machka - it is funny that we like going barefoot. I too wear sandals at work and have them off under my desk in summer. In winter I wear flats and usually barefoot in them at the office.

    Happy Birthday and congratulations on the long ride.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Our church is very conservative which I like- Always wore dresses in church, just the way I grew up. I feel like I am cheating when I know I have my leggings on under my dress, even though no one knows. It is going to be nice to be able dress up again. The church I grew up with has become a lot less conservative. I do use my tablet with the bible on it. I used to take mine with me. Most at our church use their bibles but the pastor uses his Ipad and his bible both.

    I LOVE old quilts and to have one that my great grandmother made is so special.

    I love old things. I got my grandma's old photo slides and 8mm home movies(74 or so movies- counted them today). I bought myself a viewer and scanner for the slides a few weeks ago and have really LOVED seeing all the old pictures that I have never seen.
    Just ordered a viewer and transfer to sd card for the movies. I remember watching them as a kid.
    So excited to watch them and see what is on them. I will transfer them to the sd cards and give them to my mom, siblings, cousins.

    When I was at mom's. I found the tea and saucers that I had from my grandma but had stored at mom and dad's. Need to unpack and put them in the hutch

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Debbie - we could be twins. I have a piece in my bedroom that my Great Grandfather built for his 5 children to do their schoolwork on. I also have my Great Grandmother’s dresser and dishes and some of her old tin pictures that my Grandmother meticulously labelled, so I know who they are.
    I also have an antique curling iron that was used on my Great Grandmother’s hair, it heats in an oil lamp. I have had it used on my hair. It gets hot!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    It has been a long day. I hope tomorrow includes some fun. 🌺
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Ugh well the Zzzquil didnt work ,slept for an hour and awake, toss and turn,toss and turn finally just sit up and turn on the Tv...here is hoping i can get some sleep within the next couple hours..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    I had a bad night. Too excited about this morning's early excursion to the park to meet the grandchildren by accident. My son will be there this week, last week he was out cycling with a friend and it was just my DDIL.
    I never sleep well if I know I have to get up early for a trip, or to do something important. :s
    Never mind, the sun is shining, the temp is -1° C :o , and we are very lucky people. :D
    I'm taking the huge bottle of expensive conditioner I bought, thinking it was shampoo, to give to my DDIL. She is delighted. I only tend to use conditioning oil and leave in spray conditioner these days as I'm too lazy to wash my hair twice!

    Anyway, very excited. DH is going to phone his younger daughter while we are walking over there. 25 mins walk each way. They could find no other time to do it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Flea- thank you for the endorsement, yes It was about 7 hrs ,but my body clock is so off and im getting frustrated that im not healing quicker...but I pray eventually i get back to at least semi-normal lol..going to run to Walgreens after dropping Dan off and pick up the Zzzquil.. and my script..
    I cant wait for warmer weather so i can get outside.

    How long ago did you have the surgery?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited March 2021
    When You Burn Off That Fat, Where Does It Go?

    "Yes, we exhale lost fat. There it helps plants photosynthesize (if you're feeling noble) and contributes to global warming (if you're feeling guilty).

    Exhale more CO2, and you'll lose more weight — especially if you're exhaling more frequently because you're running."

    When we lose weight, where does it go?

    "If you lose 10kg of fat, precisely 8.4kg comes out through your lungs and the remaining 1.6kg turns into water. In other words, nearly all the weight we lose is exhaled."

    How Does Fat Leave the Body?

    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: 12 mins wii, dogs to powerline, 28 mins marching in place to make step goals.
    Bonus: 1.5 loads laundry, 60 mins grooming Tumble, found vaccine in the town 35 miles south, made appointments for both Joe and me March 11.
    Get to do: rx, livestream church, take BP, dogs to powerline, meeting reminder and minutes’ questions, research activating/setting up new iphones, Freddies for new rx and alpha lipoic acid, call S, start taxes, fire district: then meeting notice to paper, input 2019 call sheets into NFIRS, work with chief on equipment letter, substance abuse policy, NFIRS mutual aid and other missing details, call Credit union re: credit card, ask for boots donator contact info, appreciation letter or certificate to boots donator, index mutual aid files; FM Cu, watch STAS Day 20, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Do Your Thing, Pure Movies to Wine, Beer, Whiskey, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), A Little Less Broken, One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Nothing but You, Blame it on my beating heart, Homesick); finish mulching flowerbed, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant the last of the naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove. Reconcile Joe’s EOB’s Thrivent shows only 2263.48 so far, next BGBS ask Terry about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, Reward: inventory seeds, plan this spring’s garden, wishlist replenishments, Tuesday: call Wild Rivers (541 247 3514) for dog wash/nail trim appointments.
    Mindful March:
    7: Have a “no plans” day and notice how that feels: Felt great not to have to meet anyone’s expectations but my own ;)
    @zaknjakesmum Well done!
    Heather, alas here our tastes are polar opposites, yet again. Neither sugar nor currants in your scones? Marmite??? :sick: :laugh: Happy “accident” ;)
    Tracey flip flops in the 6C snow? :noway: Brr!!! Do you use a resistance band with your clamshells? The “now how do we get out” cartoon made me laugh out loud! How about a pic of your quilt?
    Debbie Benadryl wires me up at first, makes me talk fast and a lot, then BOOM crash hard. Would love a pic of your crazy quilt too!
    Michele “totally forgot that…even in FL” :laugh: Like you I’m sad for Katla’s sailboat, but hope not having the associated maintenance and expenses will ease the pain.
    Machka “…especially if you're exhaling more frequently because you're running…” ;)

    Church attire, growing up it was dresses and gloves. Hats were only required when visiting Papa’s Roman side of the family. When I returned after a considerable hiatus, was relieved to see women wearing nicer, work quality slacks. Was somewhat shocked about 10 years ago when noticed people wearing jeans, shorts, sandals, bringing water and coffee into the pews. . . as I would be if the pastor whipped out an electronic device. Guess I’m liturgically/musically conservative while philosophically liberal ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    March: leaner/stronger/kinder than January and February.
    daily: sit with Joe: 6, weigh: 6; steps>5627=5723 yesterday, 5830 today vits=6, log=6, CI<CO=5, CI<250<CO=3, Tumble=9 Shadow=7 mfp=6 outside=6 up hill=4
    wkly: BB&B, T’ai Chi=4 or SWSY or wii=2 x5= rx= dance= clean 60 mins= packwalk=2, wt=2/28:142.4, 3/7 3/14 3/21 3/28 3/31
    mnthly: board mtg=, grant= , 21 plan= bonus: AF=3 play=2 sew= waist=42.5
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Clothing for various occasions ...

    Church -- growing up it was nice dresses: "Sunday best". Now I still usually wear a dress or skirt but it seems that anything goes.

    Work -- I worked several years for engineering firms and it was casual dress: jeans and dark T-shirts etc. Part of the reason for that was because when I started, I was still doing drawings on a drafting table with ink pens that would occasionally develop a mind of their own and drop ink all over your clothing. Or pencils, and you'd get smudges on your sleeves. Wearing black was a good idea.

    Since I started working in offices in Australia, I've dressed up. Office workers here dress up. I'm not fond of pants and will only wear them if it is quite cool and windy. Instead I wear dresses or skirts.

    Recently, I decided to upgrade some of my dresses - to add a touch of slightly more mature professionalism to the collection. I've purchased 5 nice dresses ... fortunately, on sale or not too expensive. Plus my grad dress too!

    But bare legs and bare feet unless it's quite cool, then maybe light leggings or tights.

    Otherwise my wardrobe consists of:
    - exercise clothing - cycling kit, running gear, etc.
    - casual stuff - mainly tank tops and shorts or longer stretchy pants if it is cold. I have a number of light drapey "cardigan" type things to wear over the tank tops if I'm suddenly cool.

    Machka in Oz
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,389 Member
    Shoes around the house-I have a pair of Ugg lined slippers I wear most of the time. They keep my feet nice and warm. They have a solid sole so I can wear them outside to take out trash etc. I have quite the collection of socks-I like wool when out walking in the winter.

    For work (like back when I was in the office) I do wear skirts and dresses. I prefer lengths right at top of knee. Pencil skirts work well for me. Have a variety of low heel shoes I wear with them. Have never done boots with dresses. I have high boots I tuck in jeans and ankle boots for other pants. I wear panty hose with skirts/dresses and occasionally tights in the winter.

    Julie-Glad they are making progress expanding the vaccination groups.

    Tina-I have found the shoes I wear definitely impact how my body feels after walks/exercise. I have worked towards replacing the ones that are bothersome. I need some new walking shoes for the warmer weather but want to wait until I can actually go into a store and try them on for fit.

    Heather-your talk of fish and chips has me hungry for them. I have never been able to find fish and chips here in US that measure up to what I had while in England. I prefer the non-mashed peas!

    Rebecca-some true scones would be wonderful. Like the fish and chips, can’t seem to find any her that match up to the originals!

    Allie-when I have had major surgeries my sleep patterns were all messed up. I slept when I could and it eventually worked out. I agree with others, if you are getting 7-9 hours at some point, it is ok-if you don’t have a set time to get up that works. I am usually up between 5-5:30 (some mornings wide awake at 4). I got to bed between 9-9:30 most nights. It isn’t the same sleep schedule as most of my friends, but it works for me. I think the more you worry about it it can become worse. The human body will sleep.

    About vaccines:
    Getting things situated around the house for getting second vaccine on Tuesday. I am taking advice of Health Commissioner and others and have things planned so I can be off work the rest of the week in case I have a reaction. If it is like my most recent vaccines (pneumonia and shingles) I may feel rough. Have easy to prepare food on hand, getting trash out, litter boxes cleaned, etc. SIL called last night-she got 2nd moderna shot on Friday and work up early Saturday feeling horrible (chills, body aches, fatigue). Her housemate who had her second shot at the same time has had no side effects. I will just have to wait and see which group I am in. I figure like with the other vaccines, a day or two of feeling bad (and with shingles vaccine it was really bad) is still better than a full-blown case of the disease (I still have some nerve stuff from when I got a case of shingles a few years ago and I will never for the itching and sores!)

    Off to start my day. It will be cool today but sunny so I want to fit in an outside walk. Went out to reservoir with friend yesterday and got in a great walk (an hour or so). I may just go for one of my longer routes in neighborhood that's about the same distance.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,807 Member
    ;) Long weekend - sewer pipe broke, my husband and son worked all day long yesterday digging that out, as we had to cobble together a workaround until the professionals get here Monday. The good part is that we found the septic tank, and we've been searching for that since we bought the house in 2018. The bad part is that it has not been emptied for a LONG time, estimated at least five years, and possibly ten. Can you say, "Ew!" Just yuck, ick, yuck some more.

    Anyway, other than that, life is good. Since Wednesday, our amazing son has been working all day every day clearing brush, and the evenings are lovely and relaxed with him here. He's good company. He was in need of the distraction while he waits to start his new job, which starts at the end of the month. Barbara, I think it was you who asked--he will be in charge of one of the employee kitchens at Yellowstone, they provide room and board as well as an hourly wage. The seasonal job lasts through the end of November.

    My daughter and family are coming in on the 15th, and my daughter and son-in-law have both also gotten their vaccines, so not terribly worried about seeing them.

    Beth, I think of you and your family every day.

    Lisa in AR
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Wonderful accidental meet up in the park. Edie was in a hyper mood and got into a fight with her brother. Here she is sulking. :D


    She is incredibly athletic and strong. Can do hand over hand for quite some distance.
    But they were all friends again by the end. <3

    Had a nice chat with my son about his ADHD diagnosis. He had to have a complete assessment and health check up before they would put him on medication and they said they had never seen such good health results!! He has had to cut back severely on the coffee. It was his big pleasure now he has been AF for three years. :(

    I managed to 'jog' home and we stopped on the way at a farmer's stall. Bought lovely dirty parsnips, watercress, and a big dark sourdough loaf. Then stopped at the wine shop for a bottle of Breton Cider. I like to speak French in there to the guy who comes from Brittany. :D
    Having the watercress in our smoked salmon sandwiches for lunch. Parsnips with roast duck tomorrow. Bread in the freezer.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Simple Sunday for us ...

    1. Cycle 50 km. Actually just slightly more.

    2. Napped for about 2.5 hours. I was chilled after the ride for some reason and had the mattress heating blanking on full blast for the first hour or so. Then turned it down a bit. But I slept deeply!

    3. Went out to dinner at a favourite Mexican place and then to a favourite ice cream place after.


    Going to bed shortly to read.

    M in Oz