30 Day Shred Group- September



  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Missed yesterday because of a mild hangover... Will be back on track today with day 7!
  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    I just started the Shred on Saturday (10th) and just want to be able to look at you guys for inspiration! Good luck on Level 2!!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Didnt have a good weekened
    I didnt exercise at all... so I am still at Day & hopefully I can catch up and move on to Level 2 soon
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I've missed like 4 days of doing the 30ds due to lack of sleep/insomnia and not having the energy to do much of anything...should I start the 30ds all over again? Or just finish the last day of level 1 like i was supposed to and move on?

    I say finish and move on...this is my 4th attempt at 30DS because everytime I miss days I would try to start over and it never works out.... I've missed a couple day as well and I will continue at Day 7 today...
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    My butt is sore today....which is very rare for me, not sure if those chair squats are causing it or what? I am not really a big fan of level 2, mainly because I feel like she should have eased into the planks rather than just tossing us into it. I guess she is there to kick our *kitten* and she is succeeding! :) Happy Monday everyone!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    I used to all the planks etc because I completed 6 Week 6 Pack earlier this year (there are very few planks in this compared to that haha)! I can handle the cardio and ab work. But the strength is killing me!!! Especially when I'm worn down from Abs/Cardio! :sad: Life's not fair!!!

    Wow, so the 6 week ab is that another one of Jillian's DvD's? That sounds like something I'd have to really work up too:laugh: But hey if it gets results like the one in your profile pic (which is fabulous-and I'm just letting you know, once I reach those type of results I'm soooo copying you!) :laugh: :laugh: That is awesome definition/inspiration.

    Anyhow, Day 12, Level 2 done. I've noticed that in my elder years, my balance is lacking - hard to keep balance during those military presses, and I find myself taking more than a couple of those 5 second breaks Jillian allows. But today seemed to go by much quicker than yesterday...see you shredders tomorrow!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Love, Love, Love, Love, Level 2!!! (yes, I AM mental, and yes, I did love it last month, too!) I remembered to wear shoes today. So much better when my feet are NOT sliding ALL over the carpet! Come on, we're almost half way through!

    ROCK ON!! :tongue:
  • DK30096
    DK30096 Posts: 62 Member
    I LOVE level 2 also :-) I am using 5 pound weights I'll be on Day 4 today! I only did level 1 on the first day but it was to easy so I'm sticking with Level 2 until I can do all without modification! I feaking LOVE it! It makes me feel soooooo good afterwords! My little 17 month old loves to laugh at me while I do the workouts haha
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    D2L2 today and I was yawning for the first 5 minutes trying to kick myself to get going! I guess doing the workout at 5:30 a.m. will do that to me on occasion. Glad I stuck with it. I forgot how much harder this level is for me than L1. Happy shredding!
  • cheyenne_alexis
    cheyenne_alexis Posts: 69 Member
    missed 2 days of level one due to sickness (nausea and throwing up).. now i am on LV2D13 (day 3 on level 2)

    lost a total of 7 pounds already with drinking nothing but water ! this is amazing :)<3
    cant wait to measure everything! but a portion of the weight loss probably also had to do with the stomach bug i had..
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    D7L1 done! Will probably miss tomorrow as I'm going to a friend's who just broke up with her boyfriend.

    ETA: Couldn't resist earlier and took my measurements again! My waist went from 33" to 32" in only 7 days!
  • Amandalovesfood89
    I've missed like 4 days of doing the 30ds due to lack of sleep/insomnia and not having the energy to do much of anything...should I start the 30ds all over again? Or just finish the last day of level 1 like i was supposed to and move on?

    I say finish and move on...this is my 4th attempt at 30DS because everytime I miss days I would try to start over and it never works out.... I've missed a couple day as well and I will continue at Day 7 today...

    Thank you! I'm just going to continue on as if I hadn't stopped at all. Today was Day 10 of Level 1 for me so on to Level 2 tomorrow!!!!
    I don't have any weights, nor do I have the money to buy any right now (on a very very tight, fixed income). I have been using cans :laugh:
    My question is, does anyone have any ideas of what I can use around my house as heavier weights??? Or does anyone else have this problem and using household objects as your weights? :laugh:
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    L1D10 & L2D1 today..... L2D2 & L2D3 tomorrow... Missed two days, because my back was hurting, so I need to make them up now. =)
    I'm also doing Jillian's 6 Week Six-Pack 5 days a week also, so I'm really excited to see my results at the end! =)
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    Level 2 Day 1 today and my shoulders burn!! I forgot how many planks there are in that level! LOL
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Did NOT want to get my lazy butt out of bed this morning, sleep wasn't the greatest last night, but I always remember that it's 20 minutes, and I can do ANYTHING for 20 minutes!

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Thank you! I'm just going to continue on as if I hadn't stopped at all. Today was Day 10 of Level 1 for me so on to Level 2 tomorrow!!!!
    I don't have any weights, nor do I have the money to buy any right now (on a very very tight, fixed income). I have been using cans :laugh:
    My question is, does anyone have any ideas of what I can use around my house as heavier weights??? Or does anyone else have this problem and using household objects as your weights? :laugh:

    I've actually been using can for awhile this is the first time I am using weights....you can also try using 2 water bottle they are heavier than cans
  • prolinkeqp
    Ok....the weekend was less than fabulous but it was my sons 11th birthday along with sports galore....but enough of the excuses....I just didn't work out. So, I have completed Level 1 day 2 & day 3. Got up at 5:30 this morning to do the 30 DS. I am NOT a morning person so that is a huge feat! Yesterday was also a good day in the food and exercise area so I am hoping to repeat that today! I hope everyone has a good day!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Morning Shredders! Just checking in...Day 13, Level 2 (Day 3 of Level 2)...is done and over with :bigsmile: ...I am still attempting to do a hybrid between Anita and Natalie, with a majority Anita. I'm actually quite proud of myself, like many of you, I've been exhausted in the morning, don't feel like it, and after I do it, feel much better. I think the part I dislike the most right now in level 2, is the plank jacks, because at that point i'm so beat, i have to catch my breath. But to end on a good note, I did take some mini measurements and I did lose 1.5 inches in my waist and lower abs (each) which are Huge problem areas for me...and best of all Im just shy of the 1/2 way mark!
  • ShannaKayB
    ShannaKayB Posts: 157 Member
    Just finished L2D2. Missed Sunday this week so if I'm up to it, I might do another 20 minutes tonight to put myself back on track. I'm home from work with a sick kiddo today so I'm happy to get my workout done this morning and not have to do it at 5:00 after a long day at the office. Hope everyone is doing well. Almost half way!!!
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    L2D5 today and I feel like I've arrived! My left side seems a little stronger than my right but nothing I can't handle. Felt so good that I followed it with L1! I feel strong and Jillian you're going to have to wait till L3 to kick my butt again!

    Hope everyone is doing well - we can do this!!