

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,556 Member

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Rainy, Gloomy Day in Georgia! :D

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Annie in Delaware: Calorie trouble can be balanced by extra exercise. You can also deliberately take smaller portions or use a combination of both strategies. :flowerforyou:

    Barbara: DH’s virtual doctor appointment was all handled over the internet via Zoom. We could see and talk to the Physician’s Assistant and she provided excellent support. We were both impressed, and DH was very pleased. Neither of us wanted to drive into the doctor’s office in an area with higher Covid risks. We have both been vaccinated, but the trip there would be very tiring for DH. :star:

    (((Kylia))): So sorry you’re suffering with a migraine. I hope it goes away soon. :heart:

    Heather: Your cloudless day sounds almost magical. :smiley:

    Allie: I hope you get Alfie back soon. Dogs are great companions. :heart:

    Carol: We’re having a rainy day, too. Temp is currently 47F, with a projected high of 52F. I’m happy enough to be inside and warm. :flowerforyou:

    I stopped into the ice cream store yesterday for a small scoop of Tillamook ice cream. They had happy news about getting vaccinated. They provide portion control that I need. Bringing home a carton of ice cream is too tempting and I eat too much. :embarassed:

    People in our town are all still wearing masks in public. including those who have been vaccinated.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Barbara – Denise has alienated Jess pretty well. Jess would call her, no call back (just like with us). When she was home from St. Kitts she went to see PJ after he was born, even before Pete’s brother who lives close by. Now Jess is in Iowa following her dream of being a vet. When Pete went for his captain’s license in Baltimore, at the time Jess was living in Reston so she suggested they get together. Denise never responded. No cousins. I don’t know if she’d confide in any friend. I don’t know of anyone who she has mentioned even. I’ve seen pictures on facebook of people she works with, but that’s it. Thanks for the hug, I can feel it in NC

    Shy_Yogi – welcome

    Allie – why does the MD want genetic testing? What is he/she looking for?

    Katla – that’s why I’m so adamant about going up there. So she knows that we will go out of our way for her and that she can always depend on us

    We cut the grass (weeds) today. I got in over 5,000 steps. I was just curious so I wore my pedometer

    bananas – feel better. What’s the matter?

    Heather – regarding Denise, I’m the person who will go with my gut. Unfortunately, Vince is super logical. He needs absolute proof of things, he just can’t understand how I know certain things about the kids. One time Jess was in trouble and I just knew what the problem was. He couldn’t understand how I knew, but I did.

    Michele NC

    Michèle, thanks for asking. it's hard to put a finger on it. it feels its a lot of things and hard to put a finger on.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    thanks for the shout outs. today is not really better. one colleague who's been aggressive for a bit over a year, was on break from agressiveness and it in full swing aggressiveness now. totally stressful. i answered politely and professionally, but he put several people in copy. i checked w another guy who said yup he was agressive and you were professional, so, at least that.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    i got a Pfizer jab today.
    i don't want to be a bummer, or anti vax, i'm not, but here in france those over 60 can have pfizer, moderna or astra zeneca as they choose. Those under 55 have to have only moderna or pfizer, but only those between 55 and 60 can only have astra zeneca, except if they have some health issue. since i had some major bloodwork down with some remaining question marks the GP used that to make a prescription for moderna or pfizer. i tried to make an appointment yesterday but the only ones open were for 60+, but today there were openings. i don't know if it's because i called and complained about the issue, or if it's because there are lots of last minute cancellations or openings. i tend to think that the latter is more likey. they sign up about 10 people every 10 minutes and plan for no shows and a woman comes by and counts people every 15 min or so. so they must open up new spaces as the day goes on.

    i know terry and some others have had astra zeneca as have many in the uk which is doing so great, but that's how i felt relative to my health and what i've read in france. it's stressful plus the colleague thing...

    i read they are having a major shipment of astra zeneca in and so there's surely going to be a bigger pressure to make people take it, and apparently people are none to keen. (there have been a few deaths including people around 60 after the jabs in france, and at least one facial paralysis...

    though i'm feeling very glum i'm not ready to kick the bucket yet.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Morning/ afternoon ladies
    A stunner of a day today.. stopped over to see the boys and Tom was out mowing the lawn,so I took the boys for a walk..
    Took a ride and came back home and have a load of laundry in and will take it down to put in dryer..
    Told Tom to get all of Alfies things together and I will pick both the boys up Monday and they can come pick Homie up and I will keep Alfie with me..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,547 Member
    Gray, and raining today. It was nice lying in bed listening to it. Now, up and about listening to my coffee maker gurgling and spouting. I am thankful for my hearing. There are times when this house is so quiet, your ears beg to hear a sound. She, (to me most houses are she's), definitely has a personality, and has always had the fireplace going, when we walk in from somewhere. I talk aloud to her, and my avocado tree, strange I know...

    My eldest sister Pam, that's restoring her husbands family home, called me yesterday, just overwhelmed. She cried, and I talked a lot about how great she was doing, that its quite a job, but that she needs to take it slow. I compared her 1901 home to a grand old dame, that's been neglected for so many years. If you go too fast, her make up looks gaudy, and just layered on. She needs scrubbing, and care, until her complexion is clear again. I told her to give herself some grace with it all. Furniture is in, boxes everywhere and she had panicked about that. But her recent picture showed a happy husband and big dog, both smiling on the couch. I told Pam to feel all the emotions, and just get it out. She described herself as depressed, but I told her the fact that she reaches outward (to me and husband) is a good sign. Depression is a more going inward, retreating. I hope I helped her, being 7 years older than me, she has always been more of a mom figure. Now that we're both old, I think the playing field is level.
    hugs today to you all!
    I am creating soup, and shall eat that for a couple days. Cabbage, zucchini, beef kielbasa, white beans, wild rice, in a rich chicken stock with spices of turmeric, garlic paste, cayenne pepper. Should be glorious!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca: Gray skies here, too, but it is not raining just now. Sidewalks are wet. Your advice to your eldest sister, Pam, is excellent.

    Dr. Katie: It is good to see you posting again. Stop by when you have time. :star:

    I just watched a presentation on Oregon’s Covid virus situation hosted by Governor Brown. She had experts give information on vaccinations and hospitalizations. My take away is simple enough—get vaccinated & wear masks in public. Keep social distances to about 5 feet from others. We have done that and will continue to do it as long as necessary. It appears that both of our adult children are in states that do not have the level of virus worry that we have. Thank goodness! I pray that they continue to remain safe and healthy.

    DH and I were treated to watching an Osprey dive into the water in front of our home and take a live fish back to the nest to feed its family. It was a gift to witness. :heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Went outside and enjoyed the weather while my clothes were in the dryer.. felt good..
    Dr Katie- sure hope your eye is better.. my brother has had that done.
    I have discovery + and am watching Giada and Bobby in Italy ,enjoying watching it..
    Tomorrow i am hoping to hoe out my walk in closet.. it is a mess you cant even get in there🤪 shame on me...
    I think the more i move the better off ill be another reason to get my boy home..
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Katie, I'm re reading Louise Penny right now, so it may have been me. I'm truly enjoying her writing.
    Allie, excited for you bringing Alfie home!
    At work today, not too busy right now, but going in spurts so no real time to reply to everyone , just wanted to do a quick drive by posting.
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Loving the baby pics!
    Evelyn, on rainy and gloomy Vancouver Island
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,547 Member
    Katla, I just feel honored that she calls me to talk her down. As you recall, many years ago she and I didnt have the best relationship. So with her new marriage, and my renewed marriage, we both feel fortunate I think.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,123 Member
    Day five under calories! Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2021
    I am delighted that your sister has reached out to you. I remember how sad you were a few years ago when your relationship with her was not very good. This seems like important progress. I am glad that you both feel fortunate. :heart:

    It has been raining off and on today. Sidewalks are wet and there are a few water drops on our windows. I'm content indoors at home today. On the very delightful side, I saw an Osprey snatch a fish out of the river below our windows. On the down side, I can see our boat from the windows and somebody (me) needs to get down there and wash the poor thing. I'll wait for a warm, sunshiney day.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Afternoon everyone! All is going well, here, in my little corner of the world. I tweaked my sciatic nerve the other day doing the Beachbody Crazy 8s routine. lol (sign of my age); spent Friday moving slowly and intentionally (less bending and lifting and encouraging the kids to climb onto chairs, sofas so I can reach them better). Friday morning, before kids arrived, I took my DYS (Colin) to the Amtrack station, where he set off on his latest adventure. He took the train to Chicago, then caught a cheap flight ($39) to Las Vegas. He rented a car and drove out to Death Valley where he got some hiking in last night and a little more again this morning and is now headed to St. George Utah to spend a few days in Zion National Park. He hopes to hike the Narrows and Angel's Landing over the next two days. He will be heading to Moab and Arches National Park over the next ten days. He is also hoping to visit Bryce Canyon. Lots and lots of hiking and the temps are in the 80s/90s. He is meeting a friend only for his visit to Zion. But on his own the rest of the time. My mom heart is proud of him for doing this on his own; but also worried because he is out there on his own. lol Oh, how the stuff I did when I was young comes back and bites me in the butt!
    A cool and rainy day today. I got my shopping done and some childcare paperwork organized and submitted. I need to write up and submit an blurb about the cancellation of the annual historical reenactment event that I have been working on organizing/marketing. The positive Covid cases have risen exponentially here; the state/health department are really cracking down on unnecessary events and businesses. We (the board of directors) have been having a hard time coming up with the sponsorship to hold the event so we have decided to cancel for this year. *sigh* It is for the best, really. It will give me a little bit of breathing space anyway, this summer.

    Ugh! I got back to back phone calls from my kids and forgot about this post! lol Hope you all had a wonderful day/evening! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 50min 16sec, 3.47ap, 6.37mi= 580c
    Strava app = 772c
    Other- working on front patio,45.37min= 210c

    Total cal 790