Positive Affirmations - For Weight Loss and getting to Your Weight Loss Goals



  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    mpkpbk2015 wrote: »
    pessxx wrote: »
    @pessxx do you add the images from you phone or your computer? I use MFP from my phone 99% of the time. Just trying to figure out how you get the quotes pasted in.

    @trinati2001 - From my computer, after google-ing i press mouse right button, copy image and then paste it in the post
    I mean they are not saved on the computer in general, just this one with Robin Sharma was cut it by me, but all the others are from google, i guess it works the same from the phone with copy image

    patricia <3<3<3<3

    Pam your always so helpful. Just wanted to update you and the thread on my dr visit. Hello MFP friends - just got in from the neurologist - knowing not much more than when I got there other than I have a referral to see Ear nose and throat for the ear, ophthalmologist to check my eyes since he has a concern because of my previous weight issues and pre diabetic dx, and scripts for inflammation, pain, and he up the dose of my miagraine meds. He also as they always do said maybe it's stressed related .However I am not stressed out about anything other than the world going to hell in a hand basket but so is everyone. So I see the ENT on Tuesday and The ophthalmologist next friday. He took blood and urine of course to check my sugar levels and will send those to the endrocrinolgist and told me to follow up with him once the blood work comes back. He lso said stay off the computer as much as possible because it exacerbates the migraines and no working out till the migraines have been gone for at least a week. Now I am stressed. LOL - no workouts. Well just wanted to fill you all in. Have a wonderful weekend. Add a extra rep or step or two for me. Take care everyone. I miss reading your post, affirmations, and quotes, videos. .💖💖💖💖

    I hope you get answers soon and are back to 100% again asap 🤗
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's positive affirmation : Peace begins with me. The more PEACEFUL I am inside, the more Peace I have to share with others. World Peace really does begin with ME. snare your Peace today. Make the world a better place. - Thanks for coming to the thread today. See you tomorrow. Keep coming and sharing and posting.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    On a personal note, It turns out I have acute otitis media along with my migraines. The ENT gave me some antibotics today and said along with the pain killers and anti inflamatories from the neurolgist I should be as good as new in a few days. Thanks for all your kindness and support. Have a great weekend.
  • cugogirl2017
    cugogirl2017 Posts: 8,764 Member
    I love this thread 💗

    Here is my addition:

    ✨A river cuts through rock not because of its power but it’s persistence.

    ✨I work out, but because I hate my body, but because I LOVE my body.

    ✨You will never always be motivated. You must learn to be disciplined.

    ✨You have been assigned this mountain to show others that it can be moved.

    ✨I can not change yesterday but I can change today.

    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  • cugogirl2017
    cugogirl2017 Posts: 8,764 Member
    edited April 2021
    @ waterlily82 I am not sure why my response didn't get included above. I really like what you wrote about the river, persistence, motivation and discipline.This really resonates with me. All the quotes do actually. Thank you all for posting.
  • cugogirl2017
    cugogirl2017 Posts: 8,764 Member
    mpkpbk2015 wrote: »
    On a personal note, It turns out I have acute otitis media along with my migraines. The ENT gave me some antibotics today and said along with the pain killers and anti inflamatories from the neurolgist I should be as good as new in a few days. Thanks for all your kindness and support. Have a great weekend.

    I am glad you are getting answers. I hope all continues to go well for you. I am enjoying all your positive words of encouragement. Stay well.
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
    edited April 2021
    ***let me explain the why the shirt is positive for me: today I was putting something in my backseat and had to bend down, someone yelled out “you’re fat”
    And I realized it didn’t bother me.
    Yes I’m fat- but I’m also kind, caring, helpful, hardworking, etc. Fat is not all I am. And honestly, I wouldn’t be making the progress I am and have, if I wasn’t aware of my size.

    For me, that’s positive
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,249 Member
    Really so glad that more and more people are posting here with their thoughts and their gratitude daily and I think we are learning something daily from each other

    Hope you all have a great weekend and thanks again <3

    My last week was a happy one, I succeeded in almost everything i did , I was mentally stronger , i returned to job after one week off, I found a lot of things not going too well but I managed to have a better attitude against them, less emotional and more efficient , more understanding

    The week of wisdom, God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change. courage to change those I can and wisdom to know the difference seem to be the exact characteristic of this week

    So my quotes of today are about Wisdom and when we have to have it, in what moments

    And my fav <3<3<3

  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Good Morning everyone my eyes were swollen shut yesterday a reaction to the antibotic. But I see you all kept the thread going I am so proud. I have been up since 3 amUSA central time coming up with double my usual so I have 4 for today. Have a wonderful Sunday and a great week. Remember you got this. 💖💖💖
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's positive Affirmation : My inner wisdom is my best guide. I have integrity, am reliable, and true to my word. I act from a place of personal security. I accept that I am worthy of great things in life.

    April 24 & April 25 2021 - We are greater together than apart so let's do this together. See you tomorrow.
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,249 Member
    Hello also from me, it was a very busy Sunday with going here and there, walks, many things to do

    Here are today quotes about trust and confidence


  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's Positive Affirmation: I am responsible for myself, and I start there.
    I am safe and surrounded by love and support.
    I am still learning so it’s okay to make mistakes.

    April 26, 2021 - Go have yourself a great week.
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member

    Well, I'm trying to add an image from my computer today...lets see if this works.

    I'm really good at being creative and explaining something complicated in terms that people can relate to.

    What are your strengths?
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    @mpkpbk2015 How are you feeling today? Were they able to find antibiotics that you are not allergic to?
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,249 Member
    Morning, today would be about disappointment , either about what we do or about people
