Welcome New Members!



  • chrissy6161f
    chrissy6161f Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a 60 year old UK man. New on here.
  • dcbern17
    dcbern17 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi 👋 I'm a little new. Want to be consistent today so I'm saying hi. I'm looking for positive community :)
  • eeliza84
    eeliza84 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone! Please add me, I would love some new friends to support and help motivate!
  • jillianmarie_92
    jillianmarie_92 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all 🙋🏼‍♀️ New profile after a few years hiatus, not new to the app. Nurse during Covid, emotional weight gain, hoping to shed the pounds and be able to go longer distances with my new found love of hiking. Feel free to add!
  • sydneymcdaniel9999
    sydneymcdaniel9999 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm not new to the app. I'm new to being serious. I've had the app for years but never really used it. I started using it this past March and I've lost 12lbs. I'm really excited about this! And I know tracking the food I eat has been a big part of what made that happen. I've never used the community here either so I thought I'd try it out. Add me <3
  • jjchristensen1993
    jjchristensen1993 Posts: 8 Member
    Just started using the app last month as part of a family challenge. I'm liking lit more and more. I have a goal participate in my first Triathlon in July, so I'm slowly working towards that goal and so excited to feel like I'm getting my body back after 4 kids.
  • journeywithave
    journeywithave Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone:)
    as many others i'm new as well to the app and just started tracking my food yesterday.
    would also love to meet people here and share stories :)
    hope everyone's safe and healthy!
  • flanneryd226
    flanneryd226 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new here and I'm still trying to figure out the app. It seems to look different on my phone every time I open it. I'm excited and nervous about the next few weeks/months, exercising isn't too much of a worry for me, it's the not eating whatever I want that scares me. Looking forward to gaining insight, inspiration and tips from others who have been successful. Good luck to everyone beginning and great job to those who have succeeded.
  • gmccrea1982
    gmccrea1982 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone this is third time lucky time I've been on and off this app a few times but i'm determined to stick to it this time. I'm turning 40 next year and i'm currently 32st with chronic back pain so cant walk or stand for very long with out being in pain. Lock down hasn't helped as i cant get to see my doctor or even go to the gym until now. I'm hoping to get a few stone off before my birthday next year
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers, and those jumping back in.

    Being that you've all apparently found the forums.... use them! There are plenty of good resources for most of the common questions, though I haven't seen a thread where we have found great 0 calorie donuts yet.

    Just about anything else is covered at some point. And just about every situation, goal, hurdle, or success story as well. And the plus is that nobody here is trying to sell you something, so the advice is free, usually much more realistic than what you find on other sources, and doesn't require a completely insane diet and exercise routine.
  • tyce47
    tyce47 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning! I just joined MyFitnessPal yesterday. I am excited, nervous and ready! I was part of weight watchers but I do not like the way the program handles clean and whole foods. I don't understand counting huge points for avocados, good fats and nuts.....all the things I love consuming!!!

    I am starting this new journey and I hope this program and app will fit my needs a lot better! So here I go!!!!!
  • MrsCortese
    MrsCortese Posts: 5 Member
    Hi friend! You got this. I did WW too, I thought the same. I love MFP. So easy to use. You're going to love it too.
  • mamareid03
    mamareid03 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I gained the Covid 40!! I need to lose. So I am looking for friends to help me stay motivated. I am usually the cheerleader. Never putting myself first. The older I get the harder it seems. At end of the April ('21) I had 2 surgeries on my hand and I think I am pre-diabetic.
  • elanamarks1
    elanamarks1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am new to MyFitnessPal and am very excited! I am here to maintain my current weight and eating habits, and tone. I figured the best way to ensure I do that is to couple my workouts with tracking macros. I have always been hesitant to track macros for fear that I will become too obsessed and will let it rule my life and every single thing I eat...but I figured I would give it a shot and see what happens! Good luck to everyone on their journeys :)
  • Jacia216
    Jacia216 Posts: 1 Member
  • DazzyDee2021
    DazzyDee2021 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all. Just got here.
  • amberatkinsagain
    amberatkinsagain Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Starting MFP again. I lost a good amount of weight to have a baby. I had our beautiful girl in March of 2020. Thanks to postpartum and pandemic, I've gained it back and then some.

    Looking for friends and motivators!

    Best wishes to you all 💪
  • kirkmilleremail1
    kirkmilleremail1 Posts: 1 Member
    Back on this app. I lost 82 pounds a few years ago up about 20-25 since this year. Trying to tighten things back up please add me