Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I'm with you Deb, lets kick this week into gear. I want to see a good loss on Friday. I am planning on earning my meals again today. I have some yard work to do and I am planning on doing the wii with Sara. I am so proud of her she has played the wii fit every day except Sunday in which she took a walk with her older sister and played at the park. One day on the wii I saw that it said she burned almost 100 calories. I thought that was pretty good considering that the less you weigh the less calories you burn. Now hopefully we can maintain her weight because I know she will grow 1-2 inches over the next year and would be at the right weight for her Height. Now if I grew 1-2 inches over the next year I would not need to lose so much weight either. hahahaha. I'm too short for my weight I've figured out!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies:

    It was a good weekend, with no sitting around and watching television. Huge win.

    Friday night, I got my errands done, did a little reading and went to dinner with my sister. Saturday was the 5k with a finish time of 33:14, which is 30 seconds slower than the last race but my mind was in it and I was enjoying the mostly flat course so the time went fast and I had fun. That's what's important. My mom came along and took some pictures. After seeing the different body types and ages that run, she's decided she's going to start the Couch to 5k program so she can run with me next year. How awesome is that?? After the race, we went hunting at garage sales for a new bike for Alex. We didn't have any luck at garage sales, but managed to find exactly what I was looking for at a bicycle repair shop that we came across by accident. Alex loves the new bike and after his test ride Saturday night at 9pm in his pjs, he said, "I could have ridden all night. Well, until I got too tired." So cute!

    Sunday was spent helping my uncle with his Percherons at a parade. I did a lot of crouching to paint horse hooves, then spent the day crawling onto and jumping off of wagons/carriages. As I was climbing onto a wagon for the sixth time or so of the day, I took a moment to think about how tiring the day would have been if I were still over 200 lbs and I have to say I was pretty proud of myself. I've come a long way!

    This weekend, I picked up a Eat Clean Diet book by Tosca Reno and am thinking about starting to transition toward cleaner eating. I know there are things that aren't realistic for me to take out of my "diet" at this point, but any little bit will help. Unfortunately, none of the recipes in the book looked like anything Nate or I would enjoy eating, but I know there are other books and websites with clean eating recipes, so that won't deter me.

    Checking in for the weekend:
    Calories: ??
    Water: 112 oz.
    Exercise: Was active running errands, but no formal exercise.

    Calories: ??
    Water: 72 oz.
    Exercise: Get Ready to Rock 5k

    Calories: ??
    Water: 32 oz.
    Exercise: 6 hours helping with horses at a parade and 20 minutes basketball with Nate and Alex.

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!
    Sorry for being MIA all weekend (once again) ... it was a busy weekend (and I spend my days on the computer all week so I don't really like to spend much time on my laptop on the weekends). I had tons of exercise (kind of overdid it because I was really exhausted on Saturday night) ... but my eating wasn't great - was really bad yesterday at my nephew's birthday party where there was pizza, chips, apple crisp AND apple pie. I'm trying hard to get back on track today though.
    Congrats to everyone with losses last week! I was up .4 pounds and didn't officially log it here - I'm hoping to lose it by next Friday (plus more).
    I had a weird night last night - my 17 yo had a nightmare and climbed into bed with us ... very odd - she hasn't done that in years! I wonder if it was 9/11 related. I didn't sleep well after that, I tend to eat poorly when I'm tired - I'll have to really work at good choices today. I just signed up for a new weightloss challenge class with a friend - it starts in two weeks. I'm hoping for some new motivation.

    lildeb: good job on all the exercise last weekend!
    momma24: I like your idea of earning what you eat
    heathermn: you are amazing with all your 5k races!
    lilspy: good luck with your dogs - I can't imagine dealing with 4 of them and a new baby ... I had 1 dog and 2 cats and that was enough
    mstahl: thanks for the compliment on my little swimmer - he starts swim team practices tonight. My big swimmer (17 yo daughter) had her first meet last weekend and was in tears afterwards - she didn't do that poorly - but she was hoping to be as fast as she was at the end of the season last year because she worked at staying in condition all summer, but she was quite a bit slower. Hopefully she will be able to get back to where she was.
    hoppymom: chips are very hard for me to control .... I can never have them in the house anymore - I just try to have a few when I'm at a party
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lstpaul - my grand daughter climbed into bed with us last fall when she was still 17. CUTE but yeah odd - she had some nightmare that corresponded with starting a new school and being in a new home etc... She was SO embarrassed the next morning!!! :embarassed:

    Our dog drama continues - the rescue where we adopted our English setter over five years ago decided to take him back after the death of our beagle. I would understand if we had any kind of history - or if our home wasn't safe, clean enough etc... but even when we said we would get rid of the Mastiff (who we love but who was responsible for the beagle's death) they are insisting on taking back Simon. He lives with us, in the country with a big fenced yard filled with chickens! He is the HAPPIEST DOG in the WORLD! He's allowed on our furniture, has the run of the place - LOVES the mastiff (they sleep in the same crate and everything). And he loves us. We're his family and I just don't get how they think pulling him out into a new home is going to make things better. He has a clean bill of health - totally up on his shots and everything. SO FRUSTRATING! and sad :cry: I'm tempted to send him back WITH the mastiff and a couple of chickens. I really want to do what's right for the dog and it's frustrating to feel like they are just trying to yank us around and not thinking about the dog from the DOGS point of view! (did I mention he gets to sleep on our couch AND play with chickens? He's a very happy dog!)

    OK thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

    Checking in for the weekend!

    Calories - over by a few hundred
    Water - under
    Exercise - none counted but I was photographing a dog show so lots of squats!

    Calories - About even
    Water - good!
    Exercise - just the dog show again

    Saturday I skipped breakfast and only had a hamburger patty for lunch, but we had poached flounder with brown rice for dinner - sounds healthy right? Except it's poached in BUTTER! LOL oh well - it was worth it! :flowerforyou:

    Sunday I did much better but my grilled cheese was still a little high.

    Today I'm off to a lousy start - breakfast was fine but lunch at the all you can eat Indian Buffet was not the best choice. How many calories in a bale of naan? And in a bucket of Saag Paneer? YUM :blushing: :noway: yeah - this too was WORTHIT!

    I did start off the day at the Rec Center doing week 4.5 (the extra week) of the 5K101 - today I "ran" six minutes with two minutes of rest - three times! Then I hopped on the elliptical machine for another 25 minutes.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    HOpe everyone had a good monday.

    I had a rough start , and a crappy workout , hopefully tomorrow ill be better

    After my awesome workouts this weekends i was hopeful of my workout today and was going to try c24k week2 day 1, but after i was warming up on my eliptical started having cramps on my side and i just couldn't get going.

    But still was under my cals

    I did good on my water too, i did like 7 cups of water today, not super great, but compared to what i was doing last week i am proud of my selfl.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Here! It's been NUTS at work the past few weeks and it's going to continue to be crazy. I'll try to get some time to come back and check in. Thanks to Sherry for checking on me. Still logging - even when it's ugly!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for yesterday - Saag Paneer and all!

    Calories - over by 300 (it was the naan and the handful of dark chocolate chex that killed me!)
    Water - good
    Exercise - Day1 Week 4 (point 5) of the 5K101 plus 25 minutes on the elliptical machine

    Proud - I didn't eat as much of our stir fried dinner as I wanted :ohwell:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: So sad the rescue is taking your dog back. They're obviously not thinking about the dog's perspective. Oh, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with butter! It's better than using some artificial chemical created by scientists! Just my thoughts on it.

    Speaking of which, since the beginning of this month, I've been eating the full-fat versions of everything except in cases where I like the diet version better or there isn't much of a taste difference and I'm finding that I'm fuller longer with the "regular" versions. I've been reading a lot lately on how the diet versions of food actually make us hungier/fatter because our bodies don't know what to do with them. Interesting stuff and I'm seeing where the claims that the diet industry has added to the obesity epidemic may be valid.

    So far, I'm doing great on not stepping in the scale and to be honest, I've only been tempted twice but was able to walk away. My jeans feel the same, maybe even looser than on September first, so I have hope that I'm doing something right. I need to get back on the exercise wagon, but other than that I'm doing well.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: ?? but probably over
    Water: 112 oz.
    Exercise: None
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls!

    Heather, I have been wondering about eating "diet" foods as well. I keep wondering if really messing with things until they turn diet is good? Or if just eating them in the natural form but less of it maybe better for you in the long run. My husband cracks me up. When ever you hear that slogan. "I can't believe its not butter" he says if its not butter what is it?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good Morning Girls!

    Heather, I have been wondering about eating "diet" foods as well. I keep wondering if really messing with things until they turn diet is good? Or if just eating them in the natural form but less of it maybe better for you in the long run. My husband cracks me up. When ever you hear that slogan. "I can't believe its not butter" he says if its not butter what is it?

    Pretty much my philosophy to eat "real" food. If there's a "real" version and a "diet" version I usually compare ingredient labels. Sometimes after doing this I'm okay with choosing a "light" or "reduced fat" option, but almost never a "fat free" option. The example that comes to mind here is sour cream. The reduced fat option is still made with similar ingredients as the full fat version. The fat free version is all kinds of crazy stuff. Same with cream cheese. The "light" version is just a different kind of cheese -- neufchatel. The fat free version is something else entirely.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Funny that the full fat vs. low fat topic came up today here ... a friend and I were just discussing it too (because my nutrition class preaches always eating full fat and we are starting a new class and we were wondering if they will promot low fat or not). My friend sent me these links today to some interesting articles (of course you can always find other articles from the lowfat viewpoint too):




    BTW - I lost my 30 pounds after starting my nutrition class and changing to mostly full fat options of foods - so it can be done.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: OVER ... by 430 cals :angry:
    exercise: good - 45 minutes of step
    water: I think I was at about 100 oz - so good
    proud: glad I signed up for a new weightloss class - I hope it is motivating for me to get back to losing

    mstahl: That's too bad about your dog - I can't believe they could take the dog back after 5 years! (unless I misunderstood that part). It sounds like the dog is healthy and happy.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    This is our poor abused dog that they need to take back because he was outside much of the summer. Even after we offered to allow 24/7 unannounced visits and to install a "Simon Cam" that would allow them to view his open access to the house when ever they wanted. It seems like they're more interested in punishing us for breaking a rule than actually doing what is right for Simon.

    Monday was bad - not only did we find out about Simon (our Lawyer thinks we had a great chance to win if it went to the courts but the adoption contract requires us to pay THEIR legal expenses) but on my way into work I blew through a school zone (NOT like me - I'm a very safe driver) and was pulled over and my driver's license had expired on my birthday in August and and we hadn't gotten the tags onto the car plates. YIKES! Now I have a court date next week and I"m sure that is going to be EXPENSIVE. :sad: I mean I deserve it... but still we have NO financial pad right now!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member

    This is our poor abused dog that they need to take back because he was outside much of the summer. Even after we offered to allow 24/7 unannounced visits and to install a "Simon Cam" that would allow them to view his open access to the house when ever they wanted. It seems like they're more interested in punishing us for breaking a rule than actually doing what is right for Simon.

    Monday was bad - not only did we find out about Simon (our Lawyer thinks we had a great chance to win if it went to the courts but the adoption contract requires us to pay THEIR legal expenses) but on my way into work I blew through a school zone (NOT like me - I'm a very safe driver) and was pulled over and my driver's license had expired on my birthday in August and and we hadn't gotten the tags onto the car plates. YIKES! Now I have a court date next week and I"m sure that is going to be EXPENSIVE. :sad: I mean I deserve it... but still we have NO financial pad right now!

    Oh mstahl ... what a bad week ... I'm thinking of you!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-I'm so sorry to hear about your pup! That is awful they are taking him away! :sad: I can't even imagine how upset you are about it. Thinking of you. :flowerforyou:

    How's the week going for everybody?I went to cycle last night, pretty sore from that workout. Going to kickboxing tonight and doing cardio tomorrow. I'm not really tracking food, just trying to be concious of what I'm eating. Gonna give that a few weeks and see if I can get the scale moving again. Trying to focus on only eating when I'm hungry and eating smaller portions.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    good morning all!

    I got to the Y for step this morning and the electricity was out sporadically throughout the building and my class was cancelled because it was out in that studio. So I found a treadmill that was working and did that for an hour and really pushed myself - I ran for 30 minutes of the hour which I was pretty proud of! But then I got out of the shower afterwards and discovered that I had no shoes except my exercise tennis shoes- so I look pretty funny with my dress pants and white tennis shoes today - oh well.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: 1600 (which is over by 100 ... but that's pretty good for me on a non-exercise day)
    exercise: none
    water: I think about 80 oz - so pretty good
    proud: I ate a really light dinner because I was almost out of calories

    my daughter is making me crazy. Last night she announced that she wants to quit swim team in the middle of her senior year! She didn't swim well at their first meet last weekend (not bad - just not as good as the conference finals last year), and I think that has more to do with her wanting to quit than she is admitting. She says she isn't having fun, has no friends there anymore (and the few friends she has are talking about quitting too), she is behind in homework ( legitimate reason - but she spends a lot of time procrastinating), and her knee hurts. I can't argue with the knee problem and I am making a doc appointment to have it checked out - but I'm wondering how much the knee is really bothering her and how much it bothers her because she isn't as fast as she had hoped and isn't having fun because she is in a fight with the team captain who used to be a friend (over a boy). I'm really torn. I think she made a commitment and will regret quitting if she does ... but if she is really not enjoying it I don't know if I should make her finish the season.
    My first answer to her was no - she made a commitment, but she was so adamant after an hour of arguing and crying I said she has to give it 2 weeks and see how she feels then. Aargh! She has put in 3 years of effort for swim team - including a $500 swim conditioning camp all summer ... I hate to see her give up! She would keep diving so would be part of the team - but she isn't very good at it so is on JV for diving.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: Would your daughter be willing to do a Pros/Cons list regarding her swimming? Ask her to list what she likes about the team/swimming and what she doesn't like. Tell her she doesn't have to show anyone, just to think about it. I like the idea of having her think about it for two weeks before making a decision. I agree that if she quits on a snap decision she may very well regret it. Good luck!

    Melinda: Sounds like you had a crappy Monday. I hope this week improves for you. So sad about Simon...he's beautiful and certainly LOOKS happy. I have friends that have had similar problems with the local horse rescue here. The rescues mean well but ultimately, I think they get caught up in the rules too much to see what negative impact being so strict can have in the long-term. Best of luck to you on both the dog fiasco and the court date.

    Jess: Yay for Intuitive Eating and for being so active. You're doing awesome. I need to get into gear again to shave time off my Warrior Dash time. Have you decided if you'll be coming up for that again in 2012?

    Sherry: Tell your husband if it's not butter, it's most likely chemicals. Eww.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: ??
    Water: 72 oz.
    Exercise: Two hours volunteering (half was walking fast in deep sand)
    Proud: That I only ate 9 boneless wings for dinner even though the order was 12. I naturally stopped when I was satisfied and not full.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    wow lstpaul, that is a hard one. You don't want your kids to quit something they made a commitment to but you also don't want to force them to keep doing something they hate. I think you are right to encourage her to keep going. I also think setting a time line and saying if you still hate it at the end of the time then okay. Parenting is difficult sometimes you want to please them but you also want to do what is best for them even if they don't like it.

    I am in a slumpy slump this week. My house which I keep very clean is only "straightened" up. I am feeling lazy and sluggish this week. Not sure what is going on.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I gotta tell you momma24 ... I WISH my house were just straightened up ... it has been awhile since I felt like it was clean! I need to take a couple of days off work when no one is home and just be a cleaning machine! I miss my housekeeper - but we need to economize so I haven't had her come in a year ... and it is showing!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    lstpaul, you have a full time job. This is my full time job. So when I don't do it properly I feel bad and lazy. :laugh: :laugh: