Coronavirus prep



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    SModa61 wrote: »
    SModa61 wrote: »
    So many of these responses are tangential and do not apply to the scenario described.

    As for those mentioning acceptance, sure I get that. BUT, when you are mentioning acceptance of masks, please honestly answer this question. How accepting would you have been a year and a half ago if someone with social anxiety wanted to wear a mask into a bank? My point is that our sudden acceptance of this new norm of wearing masks is not because we suddenly care about the feelings of those with social anxiety, it is because this past year with COVID has made masks normalized. You NEVER could wear a mask into a bank, yet now it is required.

    As we learn new information and encounter new situations, different acts become normalized. We make room for varying types of behavior that meet individual needs. This seems like a positive thing overall, not a negative.

    While accepting new behaviors is part of life. I personally do not consider masks a positive. I miss facial expressions and seeing people smile. I do not like that people can better hide their identities. I fully accept that some may need them for medical reasons. I am so happy to be fully engaging with people again. Did you hear the story on the news last week about the young boy that encountered his teacher outside of the masked school setting? She had no idea who he was. We can relate and connect with people better when we can see our expressive faces.

    A way masks are not a positive for me - I've long suspected I do a little lip reading - it is harder for me to understand people with certain accents when we are on the phone vs speaking in person where I can see them. (Interestingly, after spending a long time working with people from India I apparently adjusted to that accent and stopped having a problem understanding them over the phone.)

    So I have a harder time understanding people with accents when they are masked. I notice I look at masks when people are talking, which is not very helpful :lol:

    This is me! I suspected hearing issues with certain tones, and I do so much better with movies when there are subtitles (I blamed my ADHD for that one), but I, too, find myself staring at masks when people talk 😬 and frequent repeating is sometimes necessary... throw in a plexiglass barrier with background music and other ambient room noises and there are times I am sure we are both beyond frustrated... I can’t imagine behind behind one and having to do it all day, I would be exhausted!

    I have been tested for hearing loss and mechanically my hearing is near perfect. I still struggle to hear people in masks. Even over the phone! It is the muffling affect I assume plus I think I have an auditory processing difficulty on my end.

    Nerve hearing loss had turned me into a lip reader without me realizing it.

    Today WalMart had the pandemic door barricaded for remodeling but because I walk starring at my feet I didn't see that fact and decided to walk to the other door only realize my mask was far away in the car. I said screw it and went on in. 10% of shoppers and 50% of staff were wearing masks today I realized.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Worst "return to normal" news ever: Costco is going to start offering samples again.
    Our blessed relief from clogged aisles is almost over.

    They were in full swing when I went last weekend.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    I think they were bringing out the carts last time we were there, too.