What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member

    Light treadmill walking
  • Xikaiden
    Xikaiden Posts: 37 Member
    8hrs of walking (due to job)
  • RegroupResetGoAgain
    RegroupResetGoAgain Posts: 13 Member
    Day 1 of the Mens health body transformation challenge ! (added 4 more of my own in as there didn't seem enough)

    3 sets of 10 reps:
    D/B Bench press
    B/B Bicep curl
    Cable Shoulder Press
    Lat Pulldown
    Cable tricep extension
    Cable Chest press
    Cable Low Row
    Cable vertical traction

    plus couch to 5 k week 1 session 1 and yoga and day 2 of the 50 squats a day for 3 month challenge!!

    Over to you guys!! We've got this!!
  • Teesorific
    Teesorific Posts: 7 Member
    My exercise today was outdoor walking, 45 minutes. Now I'm about to do some toning with resistance bands.
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Did my first 10K over the weekend! Yay!

    Today was bootcamp in the morning.. evening most likely a walk or something simple.
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    A tiny bit of rowing (just under 1000m) and core - decline sit-ups and planks

    Dumbbell chest press
    One arm dumbbell row
    Dumbbell shoulder press
    Dumbbell RDLs
    Stability ball leg curls
  • banshee21
    banshee21 Posts: 72 Member
    Trying to put up a new sun lounger then putting it into the lying flat position.. I should have just lay on the grass to do my Pilates
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    dethstar77 wrote: »
    Did my first 10K over the weekend! Yay!

    Today was bootcamp in the morning.. evening most likely a walk or something simple.

    Congrats! That's a major milestone!

    Did 55 minutes or so today (not quite a full hour). Around 7500 meters on the rower, then another 10 minutes or so on the Assault Bike.

    Hit a milestone myself that I didn't realize until today. 10 million meters on the Concept2 rower (officially). I likely hit that a few seasons ago, but these are those that I officially tracked. This is over around 7 or 8 years of rowing, cumulative. Will get some shirt in the mail from them likely.
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    Long work day made a tough workout. I think I was almost depleted before I began:

    Squats (deloaded 😓)
    Skipped bench press (😑)
    Bent Over Rows (deloaded and worked on form)

    But I did workout, so there is that...
  • xblosh
    xblosh Posts: 146 Member
    Imma hit back today!
    Bent over one-arm dumbell ofc in every back workout. I totally feel the motion, great!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    * Half hour yoga/stretch/foam roll
    * Quick 10.16mi bike ride before going over to help with learn-to-row.

    At the learn-to-row class, I just carried a few boats/oars, rode in a launch with a coach to take some video, so fun but no workout.
  • jasod24947
    jasod24947 Posts: 3 Member
    15 Min Warm-up and 45 min to train specific muscles.
    I'm completing the challenge to get a free shaker you can also get it to go and check: https://onelast.com.au/
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited June 2021
    Bouldering, 90 minutes.

    This felt like a pretty good session, although I got very pumped by the end. My crimping strength is definitely better than before. It was my fourth day climbing out of 6, which is a silly level of volume for an old man.

    I got back from bouldering at around 9.30 p.m., and I was wiped out - I barely moved for the rest of the evening.

    I managed a lunch-time walk as well, so finished the day on 18,000 steps. My local park has recently put in monkey bars, so I entertained the local weed-smoking youths by doing a couple of rounds.

    I have a vague plan for my weekly exercise scehdule, along the lines of:
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday: Bouldering, aim for 3 or 4 times a week.
    Tuesday, Thursday: Lifting, aiming for 2 to 3 times a week. If my arm pump has recovered, include some hangboarding.
    Saturday, Sunday: Hiking, and/or scuba diving, and/or lifting. Aiming to do something both days.

    This may be too much volume, but my body seems quite efficient at telling me when I've overdone it (and that is not very frequent).
  • KevHex
    KevHex Posts: 256 Member
    An easy pace 5k run this morning. I took an extra rest day yesterday as I had some foot pain after running at the weekend. The extra day has made a big difference and I would say I am back to 100%. Will pick the distance back up tomorrow.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    dethstar77 wrote: »
    Did my first 10K over the weekend! Yay!

    Today was bootcamp in the morning.. evening most likely a walk or something simple.

    Congrats on the 10k! Its a milestone that requires some real fitness to reach.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Starting to get a bit antsy after 3 post race rest days, but I've scheduled some minor medical stuff for this week. MD says no running/cycling for a couple days around the test, so I just sit here, lol.
  • teampbfm
    teampbfm Posts: 1 Member
    Trained Chest-
    Bench press
    Incline dumbbell
    Incline fly
    Decline dumbbell
    Pec deck
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited June 2021
    Set up my "swamp cooler" in the garage today. It came last night. Wonderful addition to the garage gym. Got a late start, though, to my row today. Didn't realize when they say, "it takes water" that it's like 30 gallons of water. After running a few pitchers out, got a huge soup pot out and filled it up.

    Got in around a 5500m row, nice and cool. Felt great with the cooler blowing on me. As an added bonus, likely took like 7 seconds off my pace (measured by time it takes to do each 500m) that I had been rowing for the same HR in the heat.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
  • yfznat
    yfznat Posts: 11 Member
    Today is my rest day. Walked 6 miles. Tomorrow, back at it! Les Mills here I come! :#
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    Just the half hour yoga/stretch/foam roll today.

    Rowing got stormed out again this morning, other outdoor exercise options ran afoul of intermittent hard rain (yeah, I'm a weather wimp about getting out on the roads with traffic in rainstorms), then I ended up waiting for my lawn guy to arrive to look at the *giant freaking tree branch* that fell off one of my trees last night *into my next door neighbors' yard*. Missed the house, fortunately, looks like minimal lawn damage, and they're being really nice about it. But I let logistics derail further workouts. Tomorrow, I guess.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Just the half hour yoga/stretch/foam roll today.

    Rowing got stormed out again this morning, other outdoor exercise options ran afoul of intermittent hard rain (yeah, I'm a weather wimp about getting out on the roads with traffic in rainstorms), then I ended up waiting for my lawn guy to arrive to look at the *giant freaking tree branch* that fell off one of my trees last night *into my next door neighbors' yard*. Missed the house, fortunately, looks like minimal lawn damage, and they're being really nice about it. But I let logistics derail further workouts. Tomorrow, I guess.

    Had that happen once and it broke my split rail fence. The poor guy (a younger couple) had just moved in. I made him a deal where if he fixed the fence and I got to keep the wood, we'd call it even. I got like $500 in free firewood and he got off with only like $100 in expenses and fixed the fence himself. Then, I ended up moving (I had already given him a lot of the wood that I paid to have cut up) and gave him what was left of it. Amazing how when two reasonable people get together on things, it's easy.
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Lead the bootcamp workout today morning. Mainly upper body focused. Evening is badminton...
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did an hour of easy cardio. 30 minutes on the rower in the garage with the new evaporative cooler and then 30 minutes (really light because I pushed the rower just a tad too hard) on the LateralX.

    Golf league tonight. Been averaging around 7500 steps according to my phone on Thursday evenings. Tonight it's pleasant -- 99 degrees. It rained a bit yesterday and everything cools off when we get rain. I know the whole "dry heat" thing in AZ is mocked, but I was sweating at 84 degrees last night with 44% humidity (really high for here). Give me 95 degrees and zero humidity anytime!

    We're excited as it's looking like a semi-normal "monsoon season" with lots of potential rain. We'll see though. We get all of our rain, or at least nearly all of it, within 10 weeks out of the year. If it doesn't rain that much, the desert and wildlife suffer. Last year was the 2nd driest in history, so we could sure use it.
  • Xikaiden
    Xikaiden Posts: 37 Member
    8hrs of walking (due to work), will be the same friday and saturday
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,031 Member
    Climbing, 100 minutes.

    This was pretty good. I went to Croywall for the first time in a while. I got quite a few white routes (v2 to v4), one of which was a flash. A couple more are close, and should go next time.
  • Ironwoman1111
    Ironwoman1111 Posts: 3,913 Member
    Morning, 90 minutes treadmill then another 30-60 mins later today.
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    Upper body today and going to hit lower tomorrow morning :)
  • jasod24947
    jasod24947 Posts: 3 Member
    Monday to Friday: I'm following a Challenge program for free Protein Shaker on https://onelast.com.au/
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    MD gave the ok to resume exercise starting today. Easy recovery swim of 1500 yds in the pool. kick/pull/swim, nothing too taxing.

    My coach suggested the next few bike workouts to be done by rate of perceived exertion (RPE) rather than power, since I clearly failed to understand RPE during my last race, lol. Family beach vacation starting tomorrow, which means lots of time to train the bike and run while getting acclimated to the heat. I'll be moving into higher volume blocks in July to prepare for the long course race. 13 weeks until race day.