Lose 5 Pounds a Month September 2011 Challenge



  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
    Was up 2 lbs from Friday. I gues the diet crandberry juice and vodka did not help. Good thing I don't have any more :ohwell:
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    was away on vacation (but moving my butt and trying to eat well!) and then got sick so no exercise for about a week *grumbles* but happy to report a consistent loss. feels like the 5lbs is definitely within reach and if the loss ends up more than that? awesome. :)

    9/01 - 236.4
    9/12 - 233.8
    9/16 -
    9/23 -
    9/30 -
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Well, the days are going by and the scale is not budging from 148/149... not a good sign if my goal is to get to 143 before month end.

    I've been running ~5k every second day, but not doing much on the day in between, so maybe I need to work on that.

    Also, after a successful August, maybe I've been letting a few too many extra 'bites' here and there sneak in to my diet. I've been hungry / snacky, so I really need to watch myself. I guess I need to recognize that this could be hormonal, and I just need to get through it, and food will be easier again soon.

    However, I'm very happy to be fighting the magic elastic that usually zings me back to 155, once I get close to 150!!

    I am one of those people who when I exercise, especially with running it makes me feel hungrier than when I am just walking. So I eat more, but it can also be a psychological thing where I think I deserve more to eat because I worked so hard. THere is an article in this months Runner's world that talks about not losing in people training for marathons but I thought it had some information that can be applied to anyone. Here is the link to the article


    Hope you find it helpful!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have not forgotten about you this group I just had an extremely busy weekend. Our town had their annual Defeat of Jesse James Days celebration this weekend and the swim club sells pop and water on Saturday and Sunday, and because I am on the board of directors I spent a lot of time down there working and helping out. Came home exhausted both days.

    I am slowly starting to work out again. My back was feeling better by midweek and then I went to my daughter's swim meet. I think the person who designed the bleachers worked hard to make them as uncomfortable as possible. My back was hurting again that night and again on Friday. I just did 3.1 miles walking on the treadmill (I did a little slow running just to see how it felt) my back was a little sore towards the end. Now to wait and see what it feels like in the morning.

    For those of you who are struggling remember that you will be more successful if you make changes gradually. Yes some people can instantly change their eating habits and never look back, but for the majority of us it takes time a practice to change bad habits into good habits. Think of the way a lot of smokers quit, some can do it cold turkey but most have to gradually cut back.

    Keep practicing those good exercise and eating habits.

  • bexxii10
    Yeah I'm in too :D
  • Trish9201
    In the first week, I was down 3. Then, due to an ankle injury am the same this week....hard to even walk never mind getting active. I am still aiming for at least 2 more!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Even after all my complaining, I did finally get on the treadmill last night for a bit of a run. I say a 'bit of a run' because I had a hard time sustaining for a long run - not sure if it was the damp, the dust (the saw- variety, pretty used to household kind by now :wink: ), the speed, or just the poor attitude I had... Anyway, I did four 5 minute intervals with a 2.5 minute walk break between, which is kind of similar to C25k Week 5, Day 1 but with shorter walk breaks and I pushed myself to do one extra run interval. Let's just say that I feel I earned every calorie burned for this workout.

    One more family dinner tonight, then the eating out should subside. My hubby asked if I wanted to go out with him for lunch today, but instead I managed to convince him that we should eat at home. I have grilled chicken to make a nice salad with, or leftover frittata. Much better than eating another restaurant meal.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Struggling hard this month. The first 3 days I walked almost 16 miles then pulled something in my lower back. Took it easy last week and only logged 8 miles. Felt better yesterday so I did a slow 5k walk with some very gentle jogs thrown in and wouldn't you know it my back was really sore again today. I am sitting here with the heating pad wondering how long to take it easy. I thought I was easing back into it but apparently I over did it. I am not even caring about the weight loss at this point. I get crabby when I can't exercise and am in pain.

    I did have a great summer of mileage

    June 100 miles walked
    July only 48 but in
    August 150

    I suppose this month will be more like July.

    Hope everyone is doing better than me.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hang in there terri You can do it

    down two pounds this week so far (most likely sodium) and Im hoping things still go my way untill friday for my weigh in

    Im definately going to have a GREAT Tuesday!!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Another food-focused event: we took a co-worker out to lunch since he is leaving the department... I ordered a greek salad with a grilled chicken breast. And tomorrow night we've been invited for another big family dinner, since most of my hubby's out of town relatives (who were here for MIL's 70th bday bash) are leaving on Wed. Doing the best I can, but will be happier (and healthier) when these food-focused events diminish.

    I'm due for a run tonight, but it looks like it will be a late one, since the girls' highland dancing classes start tonight. One starts at 5:30 and the other at 6:30pm, so we're not done until 7:30pm. And 'during' classes, the other moms hang out at my place, since it's just across the street - and that's my 'social' time... And then it's bedtime routine... Oh crap - I just remembered that hubby mentioned he might be going out with his uncle tonight... Uh oh. I might need to ask an auntie or grammie to babysit if I want to go running outside... Otherwise, it's the 'dreadmill', and I'm afraid I'll quit sooner, because I can just get off at anytime, and don't have to get back home... Then of course, either way, I'll be a sweaty mess and I don't like showering at night, because I don't like sleeping with damp hair, and I don't normally use a blow dryer.

    Not that I'm trying to make excuses, but I just find it frustrating sometimes to try to fit everything in... I wish I had a Staples button for my life: "That was easy!".

    Ok, I've had my rant. Now I just need to make it happen. Suck it up, beeyatch.

    Be proud of yourself- your making a LIFESTYLE change! To me thats harder than just eating healthy alone and when nothing is going on. It is much more difficult to stick to it when your busy and out and about!

    And no matter what, the way I look at it, if you get in anything (workout) your doing better than if you skipped your workout all together! You got this!!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Struggling hard this month. The first 3 days I walked almost 16 miles then pulled something in my lower back. Took it easy last week and only logged 8 miles. Felt better yesterday so I did a slow 5k walk with some very gentle jogs thrown in and wouldn't you know it my back was really sore again today. I am sitting here with the heating pad wondering how long to take it easy. I thought I was easing back into it but apparently I over did it. I am not even caring about the weight loss at this point. I get crabby when I can't exercise and am in pain.

    I did have a great summer of mileage

    June 100 miles walked
    July only 48 but in
    August 150

    I suppose this month will be more like July.

    Hope everyone is doing better than me.

    Have a great Tuesday.


    Your still sticking to your plan (the best you can) and your trying! Even if you have to walk, so you take it easy on your back, your still getting miles in and not quiting! Dont forget to applaud yourself when you are doing well! Hopefully you heel up soon!
  • SureLee
    SureLee Posts: 7 Member
    Down 4.5 pounds, but my ticker says 5
  • veronika0207
    veronika0207 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in =) Lets do this!! :happy:
  • pp67
    pp67 Posts: 26
    I'm in...

    September 1... 240.8 lbs

    Today: 14th Sept... 235.8 lbs

    yippee ... made it 5 lbs down. With 2 weeks left in the month, anymore is a real bonus! :D
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I'm in...

    September 1... 240.8 lbs

    Today: 14th Sept... 235.8 lbs

    yippee ... made it 5 lbs down. With 2 weeks left in the month, anymore is a real bonus! :D
    Fantastic Well done! :)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    SW - 179.5
    CW - 175
    GW - 173.5

    I set my goal at 6lb as this was my goal 'before uni' - I have dwindled before this thread a bit so am excited to be so near! :) 1.5lb to go but only .5 to meet the 5lb of this challenge. :wink:
  • hydranger
    hydranger Posts: 23 Member
    Just got back from my holidays to find I've put on 2.5lb so I'm in but only just starting, may not lose 5lb in this short time but gonna try.

    12/09/11 141.5
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Terri, so sorry to hear your back is hurting. I would be crabby too! Next time, maybe try just the walking without the jogging, to see if you can tolerate that on its own. Good luck.

    55, yay for the 2 pound loss! Here's another drag in the right direction for you: *drag*, *drag*, *drag*... I'm still holding steady at 148/149. I think I might be waiting for you to go any lower! So, come on!

    UConn, thanks for the encouragement. You're right about the Lifestyle change, and it is so much more of a challenge when I am not in control of the kitchen. I should be happy not to be gaining. I have an overnight work event next week that I am already starting to plot about what snacks I can bring so that I can stay on track (or at least in the general vicinity).

    SureLee, gotta love the rounding up math on the ticker - it looks good to see the full 5 pounds lost, doesn't it? And don't worry, that other half-pound will 'really' be gone soon enough!

    pp67, congrats on getting to this month's goal early! Maybe you can share some of your extra lost pounds with me, since I haven't managed to lose any yet? :wink:

    porffor, so great to see you so close to your goal! You're already 3/4 of the way to your 6 pound goal, and only 1/2 way through the month! You can do it!!

    Confession time. I had a bit of a stumble last night... I allowed for too many 'bad' carbs at the family dinner (roast beef), and then started craving (and eating) more... My original carb plan was to eat only a few roasted potatoes and a small glass of red wine, but then I had a bun with some old white cheddar, then a slice of apple pie (which auntie "hid" under a few pieces of watermelon in an attempt to convince my body not to recognize the pie calories because it would think I was only eating watermelon! :laugh: ), and a two-bite chocolate macaroon (which unfortunately wasn't even that good - so those calories were totally wasted! :mad: ). I probably would have eaten more but I shut myself down, and this morning, I made sure to get right back on track and not to eat any carbs with my breakfast (frittata and veggies). The scale was 149 again today (148 yesterday), so still haven't hit that 150-mark again. Phew!

    On a positive note, I do know that my efforts are being noticed. When my hubby saw me eating the bun, he commented "you're eating bread? you were doing so well!". This may sound negative, but really, it was a supportive tone (not disappointed), and shows me that he knows how hard I've been trying to stay away from bread, etc. And honestly, I've always felt that he would rather I 'not' be on any diet, so that I can eat the junk right along with him. Now I'm making his life 'different' because I don't want to eat out as much, and if we do, I won't share the same foods with him that we used to order, etc. Plus, when he hugged me the other day, he commented "my honey is wasting away"... So having him even notice and 'try' to be suportive is great. Plus, he's been great about putting the kids to bed a few nights a week, so that I can go out for my run.

    I just have to power through today, get some exercise, stay away from any trigger foods... I can't let last night's stumble turn into an all-out collapse! :tongue:
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Wow, this week seems hard! On Saturday, I weighed in at 191.2, then went up to 193.8 and now I'm back to 191.6. I would just really LOVE to see that stupid scale go down and only down! :D
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    theresamommyof - I know how you feel, but we can do this. We just have to stick with it. It will be so worth it!

    I'm also bouncing around a bit on the scales but staying close to 136, 1 pound up, 1 pound down...Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I don't expect a victory on the scales though. As Tom is scheduled to visit soon and I can tell.

    Good Luck everyone with your day today. Stay strong!