

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,165 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Machka- Clutterbug Cas says start with large sort- quick and easy type- trash, keep, donate (not really applicable in office probably). I am a basket person. Drop and go. If I have to open a lid or drawer it takes me forever to get to it. I do realize that files are important for some things, ie medical, insurance, etc. But overall, I like the boxes! Good luck on your project.

    Kylia in Ohio suppose to be studying

    The office is my home office/junk room. :) It was meant to be a cozy home office/library for me to study in when I was doing my Masters Degree, and in fact, I set up the desk and filing cabinets when we moved in and the bookshelves in 2015, after my first year in uni, and I did use the office a lot in 2015, 2016, 2017 and early 2018. But once my husband had the accident, I moved out to the dining room and the office room became the repository for everything! If we weren't using it in the main area of the house, we put it in there.

    I would like to turn it back into a useable office so that if we go into lockdown again, I can set up work area in there. I think that would be better than having my work area in the dining room. It would give me some separation and help me focus.

    Lockdown or not, it would also be nice to have a quiet room my husband or I could go to read or work on something that requires more concentration. Right now we don't really use the room, except to put stuff in.

    BTW - it's a small room. It isn't much bigger than our bathroom. So there isn't a massive amount of stuff in there ... just enough to mostly fill a small room.

    For @auntiebk who wanted to follow this project ... :smiley:

    Today, I started with one particular pile and began at the top working my way down, doing the quick and easy stuff: trash, shred, 'do something with later'.

    Then somehow I got distracted by shoes (yes, I found shoes in the office - mainly water shoes I've used for canoeing and with my wetsuits to swim and go boogie boarding) and ended up organising my shoe rack in the main entry way and throwing out some!! :open_mouth: Not the water shoes, but other regular shoes which are falling apart.

    Then I started organising a bunch of other stuff in different rooms because I found little shelves and things in the office that would work elsewhere, and putting away my laundry.

    I finished by sitting down in the evening and going through a bin of school notes which I hauled out of the office. So far, all I've looked at will be shredded.

    So it was a semi-successful day. :)

    M in Oz
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,805 Member
    Things I love:
    - My husband
    - My family
    - crafting
    - long baths
    - quiet times

    Terri - I’m sure there will be an acknowledgment of some sort just maybe not monetary. I may end up with a raise and just not know it yet. To me earning the Administrator’s respect is huge. Truthfully, getting this system working properly is going to be a huge change in my daily routine and I’ll be getting time back which is just as valuable.

    I am taking my Grands to visit their Aunt (our youngest) this afternoon while their Mom is at work and I’m giving their Dad a few afternoon. Seeing them and my family energizes me.

    Barbara - woohoo on the BMI!!!! Glad Joe is feeling better.

    I have to get dressed to run to Walmart, our youngest needs me to bring some Aleve. 11 years ago at age 20, she had two slipped discs in her back. They can be hereditary or happen through trauma, hers was hereditary. She suffered for 2 years before being a test subject to have prosthetic discs out in. She is case study #5 in North America and has had no issues since her surgery in 2012. She texted me on Wednesday and told me that she had turned her head the wrong way and has been in pain since. She did go to the hospital and had an X-ray, her discs are still in place and it seems to be more of a muscle spasm this time. I hope it heals fast I worry tremendously about her back.

    Chat more tonight.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Machka- What do you mean "semi-successful"? Anytime you make a dent in any chore on your list is success, in my book! My daughter's old room, now our spare room, has become our "repository" of all things we don't want to take care of immediately. A bad habit, that I am trying to break. I tend to clear it out every month or so. Yesterday was "cleaning" day and I got it done. Anyway, congrats on getting started on your office project! I find that my anxiety drops, when I get things like that done. Wowsa! in regards to the weather! You are in the thick of it! Hold tight and stay home!
    Allie- Your night out with friends sounds wonderful! Happy birthday to Alfie!
    Heather- Ugh! Your "adventures" the gutter man! lol So exasperating! Good on you, for not flying off the handle and letting DH deal with him! Deep breaths!
    Beth and Margaret- Sending lots of love to you, both! You are in my thoughts daily. Riding the waves of grief. Maybe we (our group) are your ballast. Doing our part to help your boat stay steady. <3
    Hugs to all who are dealing with health issues <3

    I got my shopping done, yesterday, and came home to DH (aka themajorpaininmyass), fielding calls/visits regarding quotes on the downed tree. There was a man here, with his son (aged 10) giving a quote. They left and Tim came in the house and told me the following: "This man answers downed tree calls, gives quotes, accepts jobs, then...drops off his 10 year old son to do the work! WHAT?! The man said the business is his son's business (10 years old!). He lets his son use a chain saw and chipper. He drops his son off at stranger's homes/property and leaves him- unsupervised- to do this work! "
    Am I a crazy helicopter adult?! Is this normal work for this age? Did I miss something? I could see a mature 10 year old being in charge of mowing a lawn; but tree service work? Am I crazy?
    Yesterday evening, I got a call from my nephew that he and his family were at the beach/state park and would I join them? So, I drove the five miles and found parking about a 15 minute walk away from their spot. lol It was quite the hike for me. Although I have been walking daily with the kids; we really don't walk many big hills. I parked in an area called Highland Park, so I had one large hill to hike, then it was all down hill to the beach (Highland Park was built in the dunes back in the 1910-1920s). I spent about an hour/hour and a half visiting. Then started my hike back. Up, up, up. lol I was very happy to get to the top of the hill and see a big oak with a bench in it's shade. I did sit for a couple minutes to catch my breath. Once I could breath again, I set off down the back of the dune to my car. I was really worried about how my muscles (and particularly, my ankles and knees) were going to feel this morning, after the long hike and the sand I walked through. Surprisingly, I feel fine. Yeah!
    What I love about life- I have moments when I just want to chuck everything out the window and run away; but for the most part, I really love nearly everything about life.
    I love early mornings- I love the quiet and the birdsong as the sun rises
    I love all types of weather- I love the way the wind moves in the trees, ripples the grass and makes the lake waters roar.
    I love the smell of dirt and worms after it rains. I love the sun on my face and most days even
    the "drinkable air" of the high humidity.
    I love the children in my life- they are sometimes hard to manage, exhausting, annoying; but they see everything in the
    simplest ways. They can not hide their emotions about anything. They give honest opinions.
    They love with their whole heart and find joy in the smallest of things/gestures. (such as a good
    meal, a popsicle on a hot day, or blowing "wishing flowers")
    I love my own children/family- because I know that whatever happens in my life; they've got my back.
    I love where I live- It is far from perfect; but it is a place that is filled with people trying to their best for themselves, their
    families, and for strangers. In fact, we have a facebook page dedicated to the good we see
    people do for others in our town.

    I can't complain. There is too much good and beauty in life to only focus on the bad. Well, I need to get busy. I slept in this morning (and it felt great), but have things that need to be done before Monday. Ten more days before school begins and my childcare attendance drops a bit. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,805 Member
    Kelly - I don’t think you’re a helicopter adult at all! That’s crazy to leave him unsupervised with strangers.
    As for running the equipment though, I think it’s dependant on the upbringing. My brother, at that age, had his own small chain saw, but he had been thorough taught and had been around them with our grandfather by the time he could walk. Even with that he wouldn’t have been left unsupervised using it.

    I like the idea of that FB group. Our area has a Rant and Rave, but even the Raves end up being rants in the comments.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mid-eighties temperature is warm in my opinion, and that is what our local forecast looks like for today. Air quality is currently good according to the EPA data for our location. This looks like the beginning of a lovely day. :star:

    I am fussing about the size of the baby blanket I’m knitting. This is for our unborn grandson, who is due to be born in November. I chatted with DDIL on the phone for a bit last evening. She has back pain & is NOT comfortable at this point. I really wish for a Star Trek transporter. I could be beamed in and spend a few hours with her, and then be beamed home. We live on opposite coasts of the USA.

    Barbie and Cheri both create beautiful blankets for new mothers. I would appreciate their comments on the size of the blankets. :heart:

    Machka – We live in a townhouse community & visit with neighbors outside. We haven’t invited anyone into our home, and they have not invited us. Nearly all of us have had two vaccinations of Phizer vaccine. :flowerforyou:

    Heather - I love my life, too. I like the neighbors in our townhouse community and consider several as personal friends. I am even quite happy with our dentist. :star:

    Bananas – I agree that you should get faster results from your biopsy. I hope that you get the information soon. :flowerforyou:

    Pip & Kirby – Thank you for the work you do to support MS research. My husband is one of many recipients of your efforts. In my opinion, your medals are more valuable than any Olympic medal. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Tracey – I hope your daughter feels better and the muscle spasm goes away. :star:

    K Pip — Yogi is wonderful & you and Kirby are wonderful, too. :heart:

    Michele – It looks like you had a full list of errands. I hope all went well. :smiley:

    Allie – Happy Birthday to Alfie! :star:

    I will be heading down stairs to knit the baby blanket in a few minutes. The project has filled up most of our whole couch. I like to knit there and watch TV. I like veterinarian shows and Alaskan lifestyle shows. I also love Zoo shows because they are so diligent about protecting animals that may be endangered.

    Current air quality in our area is 24 on the air quality index. It is reported as “good.”

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,949 Member
    If you want to loose weight fast, watch the documentary “Food Inc,”!

    RvRita trying to catch up again. Pg35 done
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,949 Member
    Information on foods that worsen inflammation and arthritis: https://www.healthline.com/health/tomatoes-and-arthritis#vinegar

    RvRita pg. 36 done
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,949 Member
    Allergies bad lately, we can smell the smoke from fires a few hundred miles away, been raining a lot so mold growth from humidity and standing water, plus it’s ragweed and grass season. Ugh!!

    Up to pg 40 done
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,949 Member
    Made it! All caught up. Watching that documentary Food Inc. makes you think about where you buy your food and what you eat! Scary and quick to make you lose your appetite!

    RvRita on a lazy Sunday
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Went for a birthday lunch and had Texas Fajita's and Margaritas. Delicious! But, what I love most is the side plate that comes with it...a bit of beans, rice and salad. Brought home the leftovers.

    Katla ~ I admire you for all the work you have put into making that blanket. I would have given up. I am sure the finished blanket will be excellent.

    Michele ~ I am so curious about your microwave meals. Do you recook everything in the oven? Does it taste better than freshly made???? We do have a lot of left overs to heat in the oven as I always make too much.

    Carol in GA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Beautiful Katla
    Well I ordered something for my granddaughter ,thinking she didnt have it,and her dad had bought it for her last Christmas.. so will return it oh well..here I am trying to get her something i thought she would like,,because i am getting things here and there for the baby.. i do have an art box sent monthly to her for hee birthday and Christmas that she likes...so will i guess just continue with that..
    Tom and Elena came and picked Homer up around 12:30 ,today is Toms 69th birthday and I have a feeling he will be retiring next year at this time...
    He is his fathers son,neither of them had a hobby so they both worked until they couldnt work any longer and didnt really know how to enjoy retirement,
    Elena is a year younger than me so she will be 60 in January, and im sure she will work until she is 70..
    Toms dad ended with dementia and in a nursing home, and basically he sat at home and watched Westerns before that..once Homer passes Tom will be a lost ship..he would be an awesome volunteer at an animal shelter might put a bug in his ear about that..
    When I was with him we were going to move to Florida but I dont think that will be happening anytime to soon with Elena working..hey I wish them both good luck is all i can say.dont want to see him deteriorate like his dad is all.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Another 12 hour shift at work today. I do plan to watch church service on FB. Glad I can do that so don't miss out. So far not really busy.

    Terri--You have gotten me to thinking I will get together all my little rolls of leftover yarn and see what kind of blanket I can put together. I keep wanting to knit one for my friend in Rehab as she is always sitting with a blanket on when I visit. She would enjoy the different colors.

    Things I love-- my husband, my family, time with friends and church. Riding the motorcycle with DH and on my own. Our fur babies Jake and Oscar. Life most the time. I am very Blessed.

    I agree a 10 year old should not be left with strangers and that kind of work. I would have to set outside and watch him the whole time just in case. I wonder how many jobs he has gotten.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND NE <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Other, housecleaning, vacuum, rearranging clothes in drawers, laundry fold/put away, sweep patio, dust , 3hrs 13min 57sec= 893c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Mid-eighties temperature is warm in my opinion, and that is what our local forecast looks like for today. Air quality is currently good according to the EPA data for our location. This looks like the beginning of a lovely day. :star:

    I am fussing about the size of the baby blanket I’m knitting. This is for our unborn grandson, who is due to be born in November. I chatted with DDIL on the phone for a bit last evening. She has back pain & is NOT comfortable at this point. I really wish for a Star Trek transporter. I could be beamed in and spend a few hours with her, and then be beamed home. We live on opposite coasts of the USA.

    Barbie and Cheri both create beautiful blankets for new mothers. I would appreciate their comments on the size of the blankets. :heart:

    Machka – We live in a townhouse community & visit with neighbors outside. We haven’t invited anyone into our home, and they have not invited us. Nearly all of us have had two vaccinations of Phizer vaccine. :flowerforyou:

    Heather - I love my life, too. I like the neighbors in our townhouse community and consider several as personal friends. I am even quite happy with our dentist. :star:

    Bananas – I agree that you should get faster results from your biopsy. I hope that you get the information soon. :flowerforyou:

    Pip & Kirby – Thank you for the work you do to support MS research. My husband is one of many recipients of your efforts. In my opinion, your medals are more valuable than any Olympic medal. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Tracey – I hope your daughter feels better and the muscle spasm goes away. :star:

    K Pip — Yogi is wonderful & you and Kirby are wonderful, too. :heart:

    Michele – It looks like you had a full list of errands. I hope all went well. :smiley:

    Allie – Happy Birthday to Alfie! :star:

    I will be heading down stairs to knit the baby blanket in a few minutes. The project has filled up most of our whole couch. I like to knit there and watch TV. I like veterinarian shows and Alaskan lifestyle shows. I also love Zoo shows because they are so diligent about protecting animals that may be endangered.

    Current air quality in our area is 24 on the air quality index. It is reported as “good.”

    Katla in NW Oregon

    Thank you for your words, they mean so much, I think of you when I’m riding.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Kelly- that is just downright crazy.. im sorry but im right there with you...there is no way on Gods green earth if let a 10 yr old with a chain saw and a ladder without supervision go anywhere near anything..
    Well me and the boy have been lolly gaggin most of the day.. that shopping trip really knocked the stuffing out of me.