What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,819 Member
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Switched from pool to open water swim last night: did a slow 3,100 yds as an "out and back" on my local lake. Starting to feel less anxious about the IM swim next month.

    Today was a bike/run session. Bike was simple endurance work, trying to keep HR and power in check while staying ahead of nutrition/hydration in the heat and humidity. Covered 82 miles in 5 hours, @ 16.29 mph. Run was an easy 30 minutes off the bike.

    A focus for these last few weeks is to practice and tweak fueling on the bike in order to avoid depletion before starting the marathon. Goal is to replace half of the calories expended on the bike during the ride. Strategy is: First two hours - mostly solids: waffles, bars, Second two hours - mostly liquids: Skratch Super Fuel, etc, Third two hours - mostly gels. Electrolytes, water are consumed in parallel. Precision Hydration 1500 electrolyte powder in water, etc.

    Hurricane Henri supposed to hit Connecticut tomorrow. That probably means a rest day for me, unless I can sneak in an early pool swim and run.

  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    25.28 miles on the bike this morning @ 13.4 mph avg (a good pace for a hybrid). My longest ride of the season.

    Yesterday was just an active walking day, spent with the wife and daughter doing family stuff.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,598 Member
    Djproulx wrote: Β»
    Switched from pool to open water swim last night: did a slow 3,100 yds as an "out and back" on my local lake. Starting to feel less anxious about the IM swim next month.

    Today was a bike/run session. Bike was simple endurance work, trying to keep HR and power in check while staying ahead of nutrition/hydration in the heat and humidity. Covered 82 miles in 5 hours, @ 16.29 mph. Run was an easy 30 minutes off the bike.

    A focus for these last few weeks is to practice and tweak fueling on the bike in order to avoid depletion before starting the marathon. Goal is to replace half of the calories expended on the bike during the ride. Strategy is: First two hours - mostly solids: waffles, bars, Second two hours - mostly liquids: Skratch Super Fuel, etc, Third two hours - mostly gels. Electrolytes, water are consumed in parallel. Precision Hydration 1500 electrolyte powder in water, etc.

    Hurricane Henri supposed to hit Connecticut tomorrow. That probably means a rest day for me, unless I can sneak in an early pool swim and run.

    Shameless digression: Could we please post the bolded on the next "sugar is evil" thread? πŸ˜‰

    I appreciate reading everyone's workouts, for the vicarious enjoyment. I'm still on post-surgical "no exertion" orders. (Surgery went well, healing going OK, won't know final results for weeks/months, though.)

    I took a couple of walks, one of which included a "reflexology path" with bumpy rocks to walk on barefoot, in various specified ways. None of that seemed like something I could count as a workout. πŸ™ I think/hope I can start biking/rowing again sometime next week.

    Please carry on. I'll just watch, for now.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: Β»
    Djproulx wrote: Β»
    Switched from pool to open water swim last night: did a slow 3,100 yds as an "out and back" on my local lake. Starting to feel less anxious about the IM swim next month.

    Today was a bike/run session. Bike was simple endurance work, trying to keep HR and power in check while staying ahead of nutrition/hydration in the heat and humidity. Covered 82 miles in 5 hours, @ 16.29 mph. Run was an easy 30 minutes off the bike.

    A focus for these last few weeks is to practice and tweak fueling on the bike in order to avoid depletion before starting the marathon. Goal is to replace half of the calories expended on the bike during the ride. Strategy is: First two hours - mostly solids: waffles, bars, Second two hours - mostly liquids: Skratch Super Fuel, etc, Third two hours - mostly gels. Electrolytes, water are consumed in parallel. Precision Hydration 1500 electrolyte powder in water, etc.

    Hurricane Henri supposed to hit Connecticut tomorrow. That probably means a rest day for me, unless I can sneak in an early pool swim and run.

    Shameless digression: Could we please post the bolded on the next "sugar is evil" thread? πŸ˜‰

    I appreciate reading everyone's workouts, for the vicarious enjoyment. I'm still on post-surgical "no exertion" orders. (Surgery went well, healing going OK, won't know final results for weeks/months, though.)

    I took a couple of walks, one of which included a "reflexology path" with bumpy rocks to walk on barefoot, in various specified ways. None of that seemed like something I could count as a workout. πŸ™ I think/hope I can start biking/rowing again sometime next week.

    Please carry on. I'll just watch, for now.

    Glad to hear that your recovery is going well. It is tough to be sidelined, especially when you feel ok!

    Re: Your "sugar is evil" comment, once glycogen is depleted, its generally game over, a.k.a. "bonking".
  • MJW12020
    MJW12020 Posts: 39 Member
    This morning was a 26 kilometre bike ride.
    The afternoon was a walk (with a tiny bit of running) up a very steep bush track (200 metres elevation gain in about a kilometre) and a run back down via a different track - a bit over 4 kilometres all up.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,598 Member
    Djproulx wrote: Β»
    AnnPT77 wrote: Β»
    Djproulx wrote: Β»
    Switched from pool to open water swim last night: did a slow 3,100 yds as an "out and back" on my local lake. Starting to feel less anxious about the IM swim next month.

    Today was a bike/run session. Bike was simple endurance work, trying to keep HR and power in check while staying ahead of nutrition/hydration in the heat and humidity. Covered 82 miles in 5 hours, @ 16.29 mph. Run was an easy 30 minutes off the bike.

    A focus for these last few weeks is to practice and tweak fueling on the bike in order to avoid depletion before starting the marathon. Goal is to replace half of the calories expended on the bike during the ride. Strategy is: First two hours - mostly solids: waffles, bars, Second two hours - mostly liquids: Skratch Super Fuel, etc, Third two hours - mostly gels. Electrolytes, water are consumed in parallel. Precision Hydration 1500 electrolyte powder in water, etc.

    Hurricane Henri supposed to hit Connecticut tomorrow. That probably means a rest day for me, unless I can sneak in an early pool swim and run.

    Shameless digression: Could we please post the bolded on the next "sugar is evil" thread? πŸ˜‰

    I appreciate reading everyone's workouts, for the vicarious enjoyment. I'm still on post-surgical "no exertion" orders. (Surgery went well, healing going OK, won't know final results for weeks/months, though.)

    I took a couple of walks, one of which included a "reflexology path" with bumpy rocks to walk on barefoot, in various specified ways. None of that seemed like something I could count as a workout. πŸ™ I think/hope I can start biking/rowing again sometime next week.

    Please carry on. I'll just watch, for now.

    Glad to hear that your recovery is going well. It is tough to be sidelined, especially when you feel ok!

    Re: Your "sugar is evil" comment, once glycogen is depleted, its generally game over, a.k.a. "bonking".

  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 991 Member
    edited August 2021
    @AnnPT77 glad the recovery is going well!

    Lifted, doing 3 sets of 8, squat, 70 kgs
    3 sets of 5, deadlift, 110 kgs.

    I visited my parents for the weekend. That is why I didn't climb last week, as I was self isolating (my dad is in the high risk category.)

    It was great seeing them. I did a morning walk with my brother and mum, and afternoon walk with my brother. I got slightly over 12 miles in.

    A repeat of yesterday, getting 12 miles in.

    My dad is pretty frail at the moment - he had a fall on a short walk. Getting old sucks donkeys' balls.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did weeding today and walked the dogs yesterday. Did a lighter 2K today on the rower. Feeling better, not 100% yet.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    Morning ride - 15.54 miles @ 13.5 mph average.

    Yesterday was an active family day, we had one of the grand daughters over for the day, so spent the day baking cookies and doing other family stuff.
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    badminton today evening
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did an easier 30 minutes on the rower (around 6K) and then 20 minutes on the Assault Bike. Felt pretty decent. Have to see how I'm feeling later today, but for now, I'm happy.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    edited August 2021
    7-9 am:
    Sun Salutations (10-30m)
    Conditioning: E3MOM
    Jumprope - 5x2m (10m) (15m)
    Vacuums - 3x30s (1m30s)*
    *Have to put vacuums before yoga and jump rope because after, I am winded and can not hold my breath long enough...

    6-7 pm:
    HSPU - 4x3r (12r)
    Hang - 4x30s (2m)
    Overhead Press - Purple/Red (bands) - 3x6r (18)
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 991 Member
    Climbing, 100 minutes. A relatively good session with some new sends at the v3 to v4 level. I fell off a lot as well
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Ended up with an extra rest day, so I haven't done anything since Saturday. Sunday's storm, Henri, wasn't the huge mess predicted, but enough wind and rain to cancel any outdoor work. I watched Netflix instead. Yesterday I was hit with a stomach bug that has been going around the family. Couldn't do anything but lay on the couch.

    Time to get back to work today. Planning a trainer ride on the patio in the heat later.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    Morning ride - 15.67 miles, 71 minutes, 13.3 mph avg. Will also be doing push-ups and squats every hour today during work.
  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    Spin bike
    Jump rope
    bicep curls
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Morning bootcamp - heavy on the cardio
  • kayfager
    kayfager Posts: 25 Member
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited August 2021
    Felt good enough today (and normal enough) to do a harder workout. Since I'm just feeling better, I'm avoiding the gym. Did rowing intervals 500m/6 minutes rest X 6 with supersets between. Enough to get HR up to 91% max on the last couple of reps. Around 700 calories in 50 some minutes.

    First harder workout in around 11 days. Felt fine throughout. Fingers crossed that Covid is in the rear mirror for me.