

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,079 Member
    It's a beautiful day today! Still lots of flooding in Philadelphia, but Delaware did okay near as I can tell.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie – I hope your trip to the dentist is a success. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki – I hope you’re able to get someone to cover you so that you can go to DGD’s volleyball game. The trip to Kansas City for a getaway sounds wonderful. :smiley:

    I need to call in to the doctor’s office during business hours. I want to see my doctor for advice about our fall trip to the east coast for the birth of a new grandson. This CoVid mess is worrisome. DH and I have had two Pfizer vaccinations and worry that we may need to get one more vaccination prior to the flight.

    Katla in sunshiny NW Oregon
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,079 Member
    RVRita yay for remission! My mom lives with severe food sensitivities. I've got some, but not bad so far. Glad you were able to find your triggers.

    Annie in Delaware
  • kizanne2
    kizanne2 Posts: 123 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Not teaching today but have gastroenterologist appointment shortly. Those fourth graders had too much energy for me yesterday. Apparently, they have been torturing the subs all week! Teacher is on honeymoon this week.

    Since testing for food sensitivities and eliminating my top ones, my colitis is in remission. With that thought, my appointment should go well today.

    Thanks for the compliments on my grands! I’m proud of how they are turning out!


    Yes Rita I found changing what I ate which was 'healthy' foods made me feel a lot better. Hope you get a good check up.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2021
    Rita - I am happy that testing for food sensitivities is helping and your colitis is in remission!!! I had colitis in the past and have eliminated the foods that were problems. The grocery stores now carry lactose free and gluten free products. I am lactose free and DH is gluten free. Baking around here is rare and carefully done. :ohwell:

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rebecca – September weather is lovely here today. Back in teaching days I would be very busy getting my classroom organized and lessons outlined before classes began. I have been retired for a while and I can enjoy the nice weather without cleaning the classroom, organizing seating, & writing lesson plans . . .. :bigsmile:

    Carol in GA – I hope you’re able to get your computer up and running. I’m glad you were able to post today. :flowerforyou:

    Renaedar – Welcome to a great group. Post often and get acquainted. :smiley:

    Pip- Happy 3450 days in a row of logging! I am amazed by your accomplishments. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon

    I am kinda the same about September, but instead of organizing and cleaning a classroom, I was having the boys try on clothes, getting their school supplies in order, and cleaning out their play rooms of toys not used. 😁👍💖. Its nice to see the hustle and bustle from a distance and appreciating the calmness of our lives now.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    This month my goals are simple. Walk the path of an OMADer. Eating between 12 noon and 4 pm. Today husband is having his main meal with me at noon too. Chicken with rice. Then he has something light in the dinner hour. He lost 7 lbs the month of August because he ate like that. (Men). They can change brands of toothpaste and lose weight!

    Cheers to us this month! May we conquer whatever tasks, and goals we set!

    That's how I grew up eating - main meal at noon, something light around 6 pm - and my family (mother, father, brother and me) were slender little rails.

    There is a theory that if you eat your main meal earlier (like noonish), instead of sitting down and relaxing in the evening before going to bed like we might do with a late dinner, we tend to be more active through the afternoon and might burn it off more efficiently. It might also provide more energy for the afternoon activities.

    I don't know if that's true or not - it's a theory. :)

    These days, the number of calories I consume at lunch and the number I consume at dinner aren't hugely different, usually.

    M in Oz

    My choir director ate his main meal in the morning, then a snack in the evening. He had more energy than any other adult I knew. He had a ZIP about him, and he lived to a ripe old age of 90.
    I know with me I just feel better when I go to bed kinda empty. I sleep deeper, like my body sucks at multi tasking, so either it processes food, or it sleeps, but do both, forget about it!

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD, on the good side, men can gain weight as quick as we can! Yep my sister got quite a loyal dog. Has to be by her every minute. Sadly Bernese mountain dogs don't have as long a life as most dogs. I think they are already pondering getting another for Tucker to pal with.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2021
    Carol - I am so sorry that your son has been diagnosed with the Covid virus. I hope he stays as safe as possible and you and other family members do not get the virus. Have you been vaccinated? If not, I hope you will get vaccinated ASAP. Sending prayers for your son & the whole family. 😘❤️😘❤️
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Beth - we were spared here in town..
    But in the state one of the troopers on duty got swept away in his car and taken to the hospital where he later passed,and we had a small cooperate plane crash into a building in a town outside of hartford nobody in building hurt,dont know about people in plane..
    Homer isnt enjoying coming here anymore.is getting very skitterish and jumps off the bed and walks around and goes and scratches at the door.. think my days of doing doggie day care are coming to a close unless i go over there and let him out to potty.
    Im worried about Tracy ,she still has 4 months to go and she is very tired .. I dont know how much on her feet she is ,I know she has to show patients to the rooms and then probably clean rooms and do the paperwork and receipts..get prescriptions and pet food ready for clients..
    She gets to work before 8 and doesnt get home sometimes until close to 6:30-7 pm usually it is only,M,T,W,F but im worried that the larger she gets tbe more strain it will be for her and she is worried about the money not coming in.
    If she has to go on bedrest then what.. again something ,I dont have control over ,but the poor girl has anxiety enough.
    I keep her in my prayers daily.. as I do my son. I worry about him too. I havent heard from him and he tunes out and that gets me nervous..
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an extreme strength DVD then walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes. The plan for tomorrow is to use the stairstepper.

    After exercise went to Publix to get a paper then home. The guy to measure for the storm door was here so we went to Lowe’s to get the paint and then WalMart for a few things since we were there. Vince needed things for the cats.

    Came home and painted. Well, actually, vince painted while I taped since two people really can’t paint at the same time

    Now making a meatloaf for us to have then will probably go in the pool

    Went to this thrift store and they had an IP for $30. Unfortunately, I had one down here but it looked brand new. I’m going to check there for a food processor. It may be more expensive, but it will probably be a good one.

    Ginny – I’ve had CPR certification for years. However, this year the gal who does it at the hospital was busy giving vaccines so I had to let it lapse.

    Vicki – have fun!

    Judy – happy early birthday. Welcome!

    Lenore – welcome

    Carol GA – so sorry about your son

    Lina – welcome! This is a great place to be for everything from commiserating to sharing accomplishments.

    For anyone who doubts: miracles DO happen. Vince is going for a walk. Please pick me up off the floor

    Beth – glad surgery isn’t needed

    Off to get ready for he pool, then when Vince gets back I’ll go in as soon as the meatloaf comes out of the oven.

    Michele in FL now
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Lisa - Good job Kelsey!!! My nephew recently did CPR on a client at his work without success, either way it is stressful, calling home (and me) was critical for Ben, as I am sure it was for Kelsey to talk to you and Corey. There are times in life where we are responsible for someone else, but doing CPR is one time you have someone else's life in your hands.

    Kim in N. California