OK, let's talk



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I think it is a great site. The rules are clear. It is a few people that ruin it for others. I think they should be banned.
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    The only problem I have ever encountered is people not replying to my posts ... I did wonder if that was a cultural thing with some many from the usa on here and I am in the uk what I mean by that is things getting lost in translation and perhaps people dont always get each other (but actually I am half american anyhow)...

    But getting back on track and too the point I agree with all that you say Mike I haven't seen much of the bullying but if I had I would have been upset by that .. there seems to be the mentality of the troll on many forums in the last 2 years and yet and it would be a shame if that happens here as you have done so much good ...

    Isnt the case that we all have a common goal and that is too look after our health so perhaps we should all remind ourselves of that and get back to what mfp does best which is being supportive.
    Something to keep in mind and that is most people with weigh issues have been bullied most of their young and adult life
    I suspect most of us knows what that feels like ... so why are we doing that in here where we are trying to do something about our weight....
    Lets draw a line and start over from here right now! PLEASE for everyones sake and enjoyment!

    and something else we all know the rules I wdnt play around trying to cover all aspects etc etc if someone does something abhorant just ban them .. dont let people play with the moderators and stress them out etc plus stretch the rules etc by sayin you havent followed the new proceedures ... personally i wdnt make new ones i would makes sure we have all read your forum rules and then hit the delete button for anyone messing with the forums rules ... IMHO people learn a lot faster that way.
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 239 Member
    LOVE this site as I've not had this much success before in losing weight. I initially started here in July just as a way to track my fat and cholesterol intake after tests indicated elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Little did I know that MFP would become, like my new meal plan, a way of life...and a fun one, at that!

    The only suggestion I have is that we have the option to add more than just five daily goals. You have a great list of choices available, however, I'm finding it hard to narrow it down to just five.

    Thank you SO much for making this site and for all the hard work it takes to keep it going. : )
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Five Pages Of Posts Later, I didn't see the idea I have, so I'll just assume no one has said it.

    First, Mike, you have a great site here. It is a wonderful tool to so many. Through this site, while working on getting more healthy (somehow I've lost no weight, but have lost fat and muscle...psh, I'll take it!! haha), I have been introduced to some friends I plan on having for a VERY long time, even after my weight loss.

    Second, I think the side bar "Recent Forum Topics" is what might need to be revamped. For example, every topic that gets posted in that area are from any group/forum type. Maybe, if its not to hard, make it so the Chit-Chat Fun and Games doesn't leak into that area. Keep it only fitness/food related topics. If someone goes into Chit-Chat Fun, they know they are going into a portion of the site that is NOT completely related to fitness so they shouldn't/can't complain. This would also drown out someone typing to click on something and getting an unexpected peak of something that could be inappropriate with children in the room.

    Thanks for listen, it's nice to be able to give feedback.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think lifting the ban on non-x-rated discussions of sexuality and non-offensive discussion of religion (or lackthereof!) is a great thing.

    Give people enough rope, and the ones that create problems will hang themselves. The rest of us will be respectful.

    If someone posts that they're GLBTQ, or straight, or Christian, or Jewish, or Buddhist, or an atheist and you get people slamming them for it... there's your problem people. Punish them, whether it's deleting the offending post, warning the member, a temporary suspension, or a ban. Punish the people who do wrong, not the people who innocently set off their buttons.

    We're all, or should be, adults. We all should be able to support and be respectful of our fellow members whether we agree with them on every point or not. We very likely have all gone to school or had jobs where we had to interact with people we might not have liked. If someone can bite their tongue enough to not tell their bosses, teachers, classmates, coworkers, clients, etc. to stick something where the sun doesn't shine, then can play nice on here.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I think lifting the ban on non-x-rated discussions of sexuality and non-offensive discussion of religion (or lackthereof!) is a great thing.

    Give people enough rope, and the ones that create problems will hang themselves. The rest of us will be respectful.

    If someone posts that they're GLBTQ, or straight, or Christian, or Jewish, or Buddhist, or an atheist and you get people slamming them for it... there's your problem people. Punish them, whether it's deleting the offending post, warning the member, a temporary suspension, or a ban. Punish the people who do wrong, not the people who innocently set off their buttons.

    We're all, or should be, adults. We all should be able to support and be respectful of our fellow members whether we agree with them on every point or not. We very likely have all gone to school or had jobs where we had to interact with people we might not have liked. If someone can bite their tongue enough to not tell their bosses, teachers, classmates, coworkers, clients, etc. to stick something where the sun doesn't shine, then can play nice on here.

    you'd think, huh?

    Sounds simple enough-- it IS as easy as Thumper....we teach our kids. Our parents taught us.
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    Hi, just wanted to say thank you for the site as it has been a lifesaver for me! Being able to log my food easily and have a support network of people who are all working towards the same goal is amazing and its FREE!
    As a busy mom I do not get on the forums much except to check out the Success Stories and NSV's because they are so inspiring. Maybe you could make the forum updates on the the side of our profile page be just the Success Stories and Diet/ Exercise posts so that people who are fussy about seeing the more "social" side of MFP aren't drawn into those discussions. Otherwise they have no excuse and that is where the Ignore button that was previously mentioned would come in handy.
    Good luck in organizing everything and thanks again for your efforts!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I think there should be an option of blocking certain people from replying to your post. Not just in groups, but, for instance, if I want to post a topic about something, and there are certain people or a certain person that seem to always post something negative on my posts, no matter how harmless they are. If possible, maybe there should be some sort of option to block certain members you would prefer to just not come into contact with.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member

    I know what I'm about to say isn't going to be popular among a lot of the forum "regulars" and maybe even some others, but I really think that eliminating that rule entirely is a bad idea. I don't have a problem with groups having different rules than the main board, but if the main board has no rules then what's the point in making groups? Just make your life easier by removing the rule from the main board and be done with it.

    With that being said, I will probably leave MFP when that rule is eliminated. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude or someone without a sense of humor. I've participated in some of the milder innuendo threads and I've only reported 1 post in the last 9 months I've been here. But if I have to start reading threads saying things like "You won't lose weight until you accept Jesus in your life" or my wife starts to wonder why I'm on a site all day that caters to explicit sexuality, then I'm gone. I know it's all hypothetical and I will give any changes a chance. But if it goes too far to the other extreme I will not stay. I'd rather pay for a site that is more on the serious side. Just my thoughts on that.

    I agree with this! I am spiritual and even flirty to an extent but would definitely be less inclined to post on the forums if the rules went completely out the window.

    I have to say I started to post a topic the other day and the first line was "Please don't blast me for asking this question" I decided to delete the whole thing and not post it because that disclaimer really shouldn't have to be typed out. That is the kind of blatant disrespect that has been going on, when you have people afraid to post topics or ask a question for fear of being blasted.

    And as for the "don't click it" mentality...if we are all honest with ourselves here we can see that is not the best resolution. Many times I have entered a thread that seemed innocent enough and seen inapropiate pictures or very sexually charged convo. I am on MFP mostly at work (shhh, don't tell anyone) and could get in serious trouble for that! I try to stay to where I don't think it will be but I have seen it outside of Chit Chat fun and games...showing up sometimes in Recipes, Support/Motivation, etc.

    So thank you Mike, the rules are there for a reason and the majority appreciate it. I do however think there should be explanations when threads are locked or deleted. To give the people that really want to learn a reason and to take away the "I didn't do anything" mentality for the ones that know they are trolling.

    Just my opinion. Thank you for all you do and for taking the time to explain your side and take suggestions. :flowerforyou:
  • livnlite
    Is this thread still going ??? Holy Moly Roly!

    I read some of the last few replies and finally gave up reading. Although some suggestions sound feasible, other's are down right juvenile.

    Come on people .. Time to grow up and realize .. THIS is the Internet .. You have to be able to take it or leave it. NEVER NEVER NEVER take it seriously. An open forum is filled with just as many good outstanding informative people as idiots.

    This is no place for a power trip. If you ask for advise or make an open comment .. be prepared to get a response (whether it be positive or negative..you are going to get both). Getting all bent outta shape because someone disagrees with you is soooo juvenile.

    Sure, some people can push it to the limit, that's where the moderators come in. They can see if it's getting out of hand. If they choose to close a thread do to a plummeting content .. So be it .. THAT is what a moderator does..Let it end there.

    Sheesh .. A lot of complaining .. over what ? Time to move on and enjoy the show.

    Life is too short to sweat the small stuff!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think lifting the ban on non-x-rated discussions of sexuality and non-offensive discussion of religion (or lackthereof!) is a great thing.

    Give people enough rope, and the ones that create problems will hang themselves. The rest of us will be respectful.

    If someone posts that they're GLBTQ, or straight, or Christian, or Jewish, or Buddhist, or an atheist and you get people slamming them for it... there's your problem people. Punish them, whether it's deleting the offending post, warning the member, a temporary suspension, or a ban. Punish the people who do wrong, not the people who innocently set off their buttons.

    We're all, or should be, adults. We all should be able to support and be respectful of our fellow members whether we agree with them on every point or not. We very likely have all gone to school or had jobs where we had to interact with people we might not have liked. If someone can bite their tongue enough to not tell their bosses, teachers, classmates, coworkers, clients, etc. to stick something where the sun doesn't shine, then can play nice on here.

    This absolutly this!!!!!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I haven't read all.... eleven pages or whatever :)

    But, I would appreciate a "delete" option for our own posts... Remove the double post when they happen or self-censor if you will :bigsmile:
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I know all this seems to have gone on- however i know not quite what till I read this, but I want to say thank you too, mfp is changing my life, I feel informed and in control for the first time in a long time. What ever has happened, know that this is an amazing resource, and you and all the people who help are truly valued- at least by me!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I haven't read all.... eleven pages or whatever :)

    But, I would appreciate a "delete" option for our own posts... Remove the double post when they happen or self-censor if you will :bigsmile:

    I think this is a really good idea :)
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    bump for reading later
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    bump for reading later

    Same with me..............
  • jbrown78
    jbrown78 Posts: 78 Member
    I just want to thank you for creating this site. After years of yo-yo and fad diets, thanks to this site I just concentrate on eating healthy, unprocessed foods and getting enough exercise, and even though I am still far from my goal I am now a happier and healthier person. I hope that all the people who are causing stress on this site will just stop and allow the rest of us to use My Fitness Pal as the very helpful tool it is. Thank you again.:love:
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    I haven't read all.... eleven pages or whatever :)

    But, I would appreciate a "delete" option for our own posts... Remove the double post when they happen or self-censor if you will :bigsmile:

    I think this is a really good idea :)

    i think its a great idea too :)
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    I, personally, think you are doing an amazing job! I find it refreshing that you even care. As I am sure you know, if you've even had time to look, other sites are an "enter at your own risk" proposition. As with all of life, our attributes are our detriments. The very fact that we do form personal bonds here encourage perhaps more freedom of speech and emotional outbursts than we might otherwise deem appropriate. Seriously, growing pains are obviously an indicator of expansion, and therefore a good thing. Keep up the excellent work!.