

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    Thanks Machka that's a good idea!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,128 Member
    Thanks Machka that's a good idea!

    That's pretty much what I do. It's not healthy to sit for long periods of time.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Exercised. It felt so so good. Then made most of the Chocolate Cream (just need to top it right before we have it) dessert and cut up the spinach feta for the lady at bowling tomorrow. Have it in the refrigerator right now. Then put the yogurt in a container to have. I have found that the more starter you use, the thicker the yogurt is.

    M – I think that’s Vince’s feeling about decorating for the holiday

    Tracey – another thing we did was either write out the tags in the other hand or change the handwriting. Where we lived at the time (the Poconos) we had a downstairs bathroom. Every December something happened to the bathroom and we locked the door so no one accidentally flushed the toilet, used the sink, etc. Actually, that was where I kept the presents. And every year the day after Christmas it suddenly got fixed. Do you know the kids didn’t figure it out until we moved? Denise is the youngest and she was in 4th or 5th grade. Jessica never figured it out, and she was in about 8th grade.

    Barbara – I must have missed it what was the problem with the incandescent bulbs?

    Lisa – egg doesn’t “help” you?

    Heather – I’m so sorry about your friend’s husband. What a tragedy

    I went thru all my old inspection reports, etc and gave them to Vince and said “do I need any of these”? He said that I didn’t. Now he said “I hope you didn’t throw out your new registration” so I told him “that’s why I gave the to you”. He really doesn’t like to be wrong, it’s always my fault. Well, we’ll just have to order a new one and if he says anything, I’ll just tell him “you’re as much at fault as I am, you ripped it up rather than putting it in the pile of things to be shredded because it’s easier for you to just rip it up. I asked you if I needed anything and you said “no”. It’s not my fault that you didn’t look closely.” so we just have to order a new one. Personally, I don’t see the real big deal.

    Pip – how frustrating! I do hope you get your stuff

    Michele NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather – I am so sorry that your old friend lost her partner to a heart attack.

    Barbara – Your DH is kind to help work on your Christmas lights. We’ve gone to minimal Christmas decorations this year. We have decorated our tree in the living room and have put a wreath outside of our front door. I am happy that you were able to go to your dog group. In fact, I am envious. We will be looking for a new pup as soon as the breeders have litters. It is likely to be months before we can visit a breeder and look at puppies. We were lucky when we found our last pup. We sat on the outside steps of the breeder’s house and the pup chose me. He cuddled up beside me and that was that. I hope we will be that lucky again. Right now, we’re just lonely for our sweet old dog.

    Rebecca – Athena is a cutie. You will have fun watching her grow up.

    Pip - Sorry to hear that the delivery guys from Costco did not do the job as they should have done. I hope Kirby gets a call back asap.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,128 Member
    edited December 2021

    -- Cooking/Baking - I have done none of it! And I don't plan on doing any until December 24. I will likely make a pavlova then.

    -- Santa Claus - I was not raised on Santa Claus. I didn't know who Santa Claus was until I went to kindergarten. About then, my parents read us some stories on the traditions associated with Saint Nicholas.

    -- Decorations - I am "making" a set of decorations using up my old nail polish. I got a collection of "wood" ornaments and I've been painting them with the nail polish. So far I have completed two sparkly silver snowflakes and should complete more this evening. It is a bit of a process painting one side, letting it dry overnight, painting the other side, then all the edges, etc. I've got 10 in production (2 of which are finished) and would have more, but I don't have the room to spread them all out.

    I also buy a new decoration (or two or three) each year. This years were a cat and two lovely stars.

    -- Christmas Lights - we've been using LEDs since we started putting lights on our trees in Australia. The first couple years, we didn't use lights, we just let the sun make the tinsel shine, but I wanted lights for the evenings.

    -- Trees - we have 4 trees, but this year I put only 2 up. They're all artificial. One is a small tree I've had since I was about 17. We put that up in the sleeping room. Two are trees we picked up in different locations here - that's the trouble with having stuff in storage half the time, you end up 2 things. And one my husband built last year with Rhody in mind. We put that one up again this year.

    -- Christmas Music - I've been listening to it since the beginning of December. I've got quite a good collection now plus there's a radio station here that plays it.

    -- Booster Shot - is scheduled for late Dec 22. Which means I might not feel like much on the 23rd based on what others here have experienced. But I might show up for work in the morning of the 24th to finish up a few things.

    -- Holiday Plans - laying low and spending time with my two guys: husband and cat. :)
    We're into masks here for the second time. The first time was a week this past October. Who knows how long this time will be. Possibly till they decide to close the borders again. So we're not keen on mingling with people or going to busy places. Home and/or outside in nature ... that sort of thing is good.

    I'm off until Jan 10th.

    My hope over the holiday season is 1) to make a dent in my Things To Do List and 2) to spend some time relaxing and doing things like playing the piano, colouring, cycling, running, etc.

    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,514 Member
    Chose well: BP, livestream church
    Bonus: veg prep, Xmas cards to those who sent to us, one load laundry, wrapped pecan fudge
    Just one thing:
    Do good December.
    19: Contact someone who may be alone or feeling isolated.
    20: Help other by giving away something you don’t need. Joe wants to donate the Perry Masons instead of trading them in for credit at the used bookstore. What a guy.

    The things I’ll do to avoid catching up on T’ai Chi and Line dancing SMH! Today it was addressing Christmas cards to those who sent to us. Not something I usually do, something I’d usually resent, but if it means procrastinating on exercise.. :laugh:

    Lisa :love: the rubber ducky story and the pics of Egg.
    Heather what a shock. Glad your friend won’t be alone. So hard to loose someone during the holidays and worse when its so sudden and unexpected.
    Rebecca Athena is getting so tall!
    Tracey, yes, have both vintage and sentimental ornaments for inside. Alas I haven’t yet put them on the tree ;}
    Debbie oh how I miss Lucky stores, and Winco…
    Pip your stats don’t mention how many cals you burned keeping Kirby from doing in those “delivery-not” drivers.
    Michele, Joe didn’t want to put the incandescents outside because he was worried the old wires, electricity and our rain were a bad combination. He was reluctant to string them up inside the house because of how hot they get. He came up with the idea of lighting inside the garage and we are both delighted ;)
    Karen, what your mom said.
    Katla I hope you find a breeder soon so the right puppy can choose you.
    Machka your holiday plans sound just right. Hope the time is restorative.

    Wanted to march in place while watching a couple of Jeopardys on DVR. Power light on but no picture, no sound. Rats.
    Really hope Joe will hook up one of our other TVs up temporarily to the cable box/DVR. Do NOT want to try to buy a new TV four days before Christmas.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    Me too.


    I am sorry your friend died.

    Karen in Virginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well ive been awake since 3:30 i dont know if ill nap today or not. A lovely time at Trudys yesterday and home in time to watch Charlie Brown.. and snuggle up with Alfie.
    Elena had me laughing yesterday she said that Homer ordered his breakfast at the drive through at Dunkin Donuts and had a sourdough egg sandwich ..barking into the speaker .lol that dog is a hoot.. what Homer wants Homer gets
    Tracy usually has Thursday's off but needs to take today off to have an ultrasound done because they wont have a tech on Thursday.. so she will work Thursday and i will take Carmine to guitar lesson and im sure McDonalds..
    I was invited to a friend's house Christmas eve its about 1/2 away.. and I really dont like driving in the dark but will go maybe.. and will breakfast with Trudy .and then spend some time with Tracy and the family
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Some good news received this morning. :) My friend B, one of my group of schoolfriends, has been anxiously awaiting the return of her only son from Australia. He has been working there with his family for some years. Three grandchildren she rarely sees. They all arrived safely in Ireland on Saturday. :D Unfortunately their luggage is lost (two changes en route), but all is well. She is hoping to get over there from Scotland in January, but who knows what restrictions we will be facing. He has a teaching job at Limerick University.

    My friend G us due to fly tomorrow to Singapore to see her granddaughter and son. We are all crossing our fingers for her as so many countries are shutting down. She has done so much documentation and tests. The stress has been huge.

    Thinking a lot of the time about my uni friend L. Her sister will be getting there today. Unfortunately, that means a lot of alcohol will be consumed. I will text her in a minute.

    Icing the Christmas cake today. DH is supposed to be doing it. I will be interfering with advice. :p

    Must ring my son.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Just rang my son. They will be taking lateral flow test and the kids tonight so the kids can come to us early tomorrow morning so they can get their booster jabs done. They are more or less isolating until Christmas since last weekend and have cancelled all socialising. Did not go to the theatre last night.
    I also asked him about the Father Christmas situation and he said it's a "don't ask, don't tell" thing. Max is keeping stumm in case it stops his presents, so my son doesn't know, he's not sure about Edie and Bea still believes it. He said to say, if Edie asks, that I can't remember anything about it as it was such a long time ago. I will, try to avoid the subject, but Edie likes to ask awkward questions! :p

    Love to all. Oprah just released a video about boundaries this Christmas. May we all be able to allocate the resource that is us. :D<3

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,506 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    I did it again. Another two minutes of mini elliptical. My knee is going to take some time at this level to build up whatever muscle I lack. But I did it!

    Annie in Delaware
  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Pip It sounds like someone who gave out directions for your job did not do their job. They left off the picking up of the old appliances. Their mistake created the problem for you and the delivery people. Unfortunately I have seen too many of these kinds of mistakes. I atrribute it to COVID brain. It is hard not to get angry and upset when these things happen to you.

    When I have anyone do a job for me I put on my extra nice face whether I feel like it or not.I give out Target cards if I feel the job is exceptioinal like when the gutters that were done. I always say please and thank you to clerks. When I have work like a roof where the workers rarely stop I buy them lunch. I am their employer and I learned from teaching you get better results if you treat people well.

    Right now those in service positions are often overworked and are feeling the brunt of our frustrations with mandates and long waits for services. Many quit because of this. I try to remember to thank them for working.

    That is not to say I have not had to complain about poor service too. When I do I just stick to the facts of why I am not happy. I also walk with my feet and business is lost.

    I read somewhere once if you are happy with a service you might tell 2 to 3 people if unhappy 11.

    The exception to this is the neighbors behind my son's house. They take advantage if you do anything for them and were disrespectful to me from the start. They have shone their true colors more than once. Now I just ignore them the best I can. They do know if they are doing something that is not legal like leaving trash out in their yard for an extended periods or a junker car too long on their property I will complain.

    I won't get started on trying to get the help you need via phone...I think we all have been there done that.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    If I was there when they came, I would have been more diplomatic, customer service is not easy. I’ve been doing it for about 35 years and have been called every name in the book. He wants to go find us a washer and dryer from somewhere else and when Costco comes to deliver, he is going to refuse that shipment. Kirby did a mock order online and the box to pickup is automatically marked. So the data entry person messed up by not confirming they were to pick up our stuff.