Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** January 25 ***

    My goodness, it's only a month since Christmas. It feels as if Christmas was several months ago. January is a weird time: this month took forever, it seems to me.

    Sara - the carrot dish sounds interesting. I have never had anything like it.
    Good luck with the continuing drama at work.

    I am having some difficulty with my right foot again, and that is bad here in the City. I need to be able to walk. We will see how today goes - big appointment over at MSK. I will take subway, but there still is a bit of walking.

    *tossing beach bag and trashy novel onto favorite lounge chair for later*


    262.8 today
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    Yeah Lana, I'm a nurse. The hospital is nuts right now, so much COVID everywhere, so many staff off sick. There are vaccine mandates at the hospital, so we lost a lot of staff. Everyday we are short staffed and its chaos. It's honestly like going to war everyday I go to work. It's nice to have a week off. I'm just working part time for the next 3 months because I have mental health issues.

    I just weighed in and I lost 2.4 pounds! I am just over a pound away from onederland!!

    I recently bought a ninja foodi (crock pot, air fryer, and instant pot all in one) and I LOVE it!! I have been having so much fun cooking with it. I am getting really creative and finding all these cool recipes. I am also cooking with meat again (my ex boyfriend was vegetarian) so I'm having a lot of fun.

    I hope everyone has a good day!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** January 26 ***

    Hey Y'all~~

    It's Wednesday! Sara - do you still have your Wednesdays off?

    I am trying to psych myself to go do some shopping today. I usually get my art supplies online because there are no stores where I live, but here in NYC there are several brick and mortar stores that I can go to. I love to breathe in all of that stuff on display and hope that inspiration will somehow rub off on me! Ha, ha! There is walking/exercise involved with this adventure too.
    I will ignore the freezing temperatures 🥶

    Waving to Tracy and Missy and Jordanna and Sherry and anyone else who might pop by today.


    260.8 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good morning,

    Took the opportunity to sleep in.

    Lana I will also be getting my steps in today as I need to go out shopping - and get Valentines stuff for work.

    Joanna? Lady chronic - we have the same problems here in CA and have heard that the ER I went to in November is having trouble staying open for the same reason - and it serves a large community. That you need mental rest is understandable considering the work you are doing. I have taken to reading fiction to "get away" for awhile. If you dont like reading, streaming is also distracting.

    On that note, I hear rumors our cabana boys want to do a reality show. Should we allow this Lana?

    Wishing all a great day. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Hope all is well. Been busy! Realized I hadn’t been on here for a bit. Think my goals for this year is to get back in the habit of tracking and eating more fruit and veggies, and exercise regularly. Feel the need to just reset and focus on my spiritual, physical and mental health. To spend more time active with my furkids. Get working more actively towards my career goals.

    Hope everyone has a great day!


    CW - 226.8
    HW- 228.6
    GW- 110 to 115
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    edited January 2022
    *** January 27 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Missy! - We've got a snowstorm coming on Saturday!

    Sara - I think that the Cabana Boys should stick to what they do best. Although if they want to do a reality show, they can go do it farther down the beach at that strange club Mario frequents. We ladies are far too exhausted to do much more than snooze and have massages....🌴
    Sara, I like that saying that you posted - we have the courage to continue 👍🏻

    I've got to run.....tons of paperwork to deal with in a hurry.

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    *** January 27 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Missy! - We've got a snowstorm coming on Saturday!

    Sara - I think that the Cabana Boys should stick to what they do best. Although if they want to do a reality show, they can go do it farther down the beach at that strange club Mario frequents. We ladies are far too exhausted to do much more than snooze and have massages....🌴
    Sara, I like that saying that you posted - we have the courage to continue 👍🏻

    I've got to run.....tons of paperwork to deal with in a hurry.


    Yes!!! I can’t wait. Snow for the doggos. Will see if I can get that go pro powered up and get pictures.

    Good luck with the paperwork. And I’m undecided about the Cabana Boys Reality show….
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,917 Member
    Accountability: Power of 4 by Tony Horton. ✅

    Weighed in today and enjoyed the number on the scale. Now, to tell you some of the stories behind the weigh-in. I made sure that the past 2 days I ate a little lighter and yesterday noon until bedtime, I made sure I drank my Lemon water! Then, weighed in POST workout. Down 2# from last weigh-in.
    Even if it's only 1# it's still in the right direction.

    I've still been doing some Auto Immune protocol diet - and I feel that I am making progress.
    1) 95% gluten-free (except some cookie mix that I had on Monday.... okay 1/5th of the box, mixed with mainly water and oil. Super yummy. gave me intense gas and I took that as a response from my body saying WTH?!?!? STOP EATING CRAP!!! my issue is I need to find a healthy alternative for snacking- or think of giving up snacks. (Novel concept

    2) 95% dairy-free, that one has been easy. I had to give up putting cheese on my salad and eating cottage cheese. But I replaced the cheese on my pizza with dairy-free and I have found a yogurt that I enjoy that's dairy-free also.

    3) Caffeine....a work in progress. I like my Pre-workout and I like 1 coffee a day. Shoot me, but I'm not giving these 2 things up until I am under doctors' orders.

    4) Artificial sweetener. - down to 2 packets a day plus I use 1-2tsp monk fruit. Also I do enjoy a single diet soda each day and I flavor my water using a drink packet (I like the pineapple flavor). Again, I'm not sure I'll get rid of those right away but, I AM incorporating 32oz plain LEMON WATER +GINGER once a day. so That should reduce some of my impacts as well. Once the doctor says GIVE IT UP, I will.

    5) Processed foods, Peanuts, Sugar - Beans, Legumes, Tomato, Soy, Peppers, white potato, Nuts, and seeds. - 90% there.
    For me, I need to reduce Peanut butter more and, well, sugar... Condiments I have to start to avoid or make my own. I've switched to homemade Balsamic salad dressing. Next up is Ketchup and BBQ sauce.
    AND NOT having Protein Bars.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,917 Member
    Sorry for being MIA ladies.

    Lana - Your weight seems to be headed in the right direction. Keep your eye on the goal!

    Missy - great goals. I find it helpful to log in here daily and make a post about my goals. That helps keep me on track because I'm mentally reviewing them each morning.

    Today is my 51st Birthday. 51 trips around the sun.
    Goal for today: Eat only what I normally would. Dance the night away (hubby is treating me to a 1990's band, super excited to go to TUNICA Mississippi for the night.

    Goal for Saturday: Same, eat what I normally would. Fruit/Veggie/Protein. First of all, I don't have a desire to have birthday cake and 2, its not gluten or dairy free or sugar free so , it doesn't match with my plan this year. My GOAL for the next 3months is to be AIP compliant so that I can go to a hypothyroid doctor and be treated properly. Eyes on the prize.

    "Just because you CAN eat 3000 extra calories, doesn't mean you SHOULD eat 3000 extra calories."
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    edited January 2022

    Sherry - I hope that you have a fabulous day today!


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good evening,

    I am inhaling peanut m/ms - went to get booster shot - even remembered and got there well before they closed only to be told by a whiny person that they were too short staffed to give vaccines (in truth they had people who had made apts and only they got shots). I am currently eating my frustration and desire to give that whiny young female an unpleasant response to my comment that I had been there 30 minutes waiting and got a blank/stupid look

    I will be getting my shot elsewhere. I had to hold my comments as that is where I get my meds and I would like to continue to get them.

    I did get 4800 steps so that is something.

    Wishing all a good night, stay safe and sane out there.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    edited January 2022
    Good Blistery Morning!

    Snow started around 11 pm ish last night. It’s a winter wonderland outside. Lots of wind. Dogs were to excited and woke me up well before I wanted to. Work was canceled as expected so I get snow day. Yippee 🥳 hope every stays safe and warm.


    CW 228
    HW 228.6
    GW 110-115
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good evening,

    I am inhaling peanut m/ms - went to get booster shot - even remembered and got there well before they closed only to be told by a whiny person that they were too short staffed to give vaccines (in truth they had people who had made apts and only they got shots). I am currently eating my frustration and desire to give that whiny young female an unpleasant response to my comment that I had been there 30 minutes waiting and got a blank/stupid look

    I will be getting my shot elsewhere. I had to hold my comments as that is where I get my meds and I would like to continue to get them.

    I did get 4800 steps so that is something.

    Wishing all a good night, stay safe and sane out there.

    Urgh that stinks! So frustrating.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Happy Birthday Sherry!
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I didn't have the best couple days, I stayed close to within my calories but I just wasn't very organized or healthy. I'm going to do better this weekend. My back is still sore so I don't think I'll go to the gym this weekend. I work on Monday at the hospital and the days are sooooo tough when you have a sore back. I don't think it will be healed by Monday but hopefully. I'm not going to weigh in for a few more days.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** January 29 ***

    Gee, it doesn't feel like a Saturday to me; it's kindof a lost day with this snow storm.

    Missy - I bet the snow dogs are loving this! Glad that you can stay home.
    My friends up in Fall River, Mass. were texting that the WIND is a big deal up there. Their cats are freaked out.

    I can't see much out the one window of my cave; maybe I'll go out of my apartment later and go to the front door of the building and look out on the street.

    Sara - sorry about getting your shot. It was the same for me in NC. You had to have an appointment. Dang.
    I do love those M&Ms they are one of my drugs of choice.

    Waving to Sherry and Tracy and Jordanna and anyone else who stops by later on~~


    260.8 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good morning,

    Lana - I also decided if you cant beat them join them and will make an appointment.

    Have my household work mostly done, walking is also on my list.

    Stay warm out there love the pictures, shoveling is exercise, right?

    Wishing all a good day. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    *** January 29 ***

    Gee, it doesn't feel like a Saturday to me; it's kindof a lost day with this snow storm.

    Missy - I bet the snow dogs are loving this! Glad that you can stay home.
    My friends up in Fall River, Mass. were texting that the WIND is a big deal up there. Their cats are freaked out.

    I can't see much out the one window of my cave; maybe I'll go out of my apartment later and go to the front door of the building and look out on the street.

    Sara - sorry about getting your shot. It was the same for me in NC. You had to have an appointment. Dang.
    I do love those M&Ms they are one of my drugs of choice.

    Waving to Sherry and Tracy and Jordanna and anyone else who stops by later on~~


    260.8 today

    Wind is crazy wish the photos showed it but it’s definitely white out and the snow is so deep.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** January 30 ***

    Good morning! *teeth chattering*

    It is so cold in my apartment. My little space heater died. I contemplated changing my flight home, but eventually decided to stay until Tuesday morning, as planned. I figured that I should use this time to get some sorting, tossing, and packing up accomplished. It's got to be done sooner or later.
    Plus, being cold has got to burn a few extra calories!!

    Missy I can appreciate those photos. Oy! I hope that you get through this without injury (shoveling or whatever you need to do).

    Jordanna, does your gym have a hot tub or steam room or anything that would help your back?
    I do hope that it feels better going into tomorrow. Big hugs!

    Sara - I wish I were out in California with you today. I would walk with you~~

    Hey Tracy and Sherry - how are the Tennessee girls?
    Tracy - do you have to travel this week?

    Time for a hot shower and some warm clothes.....


    260.0 today
    271.2 highest
    246.0 lofty 1st day of Spring goal 🤣