Serial Starters



  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    @hickchic67 - Agree with Lana to the letter on this one. Oh - And I will have to send you a picture of the new blue bowl. Smaller than the one I pictured and a lighter blue, but with straight sides. Pretty.

    Got in 15,567 steps yesterday! I have to get retired so I can keep it up!! Countdown to retirement will be 14 months exactly on Monday.
    Heading out to work in the shop for a few. Working on a little Eastlake chest in walnut with a marble top. It was abused in it's earlier life and I have peeled red fingernail polish, random unnecessary silver screws (I think someone was practicing with their drill??), and layers of grime off this one. Gonna be pretty...
    Sticking a roast in the crockpot for tonight and laundry in between. Gearing up for another week.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member

    Lazy Sunday, Lazy Lana~~

    Waves to everyone who comes to sit on the beach or around the pool.


    246.4 today
    250.0 highest
    179.0 goal
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    If anyone is interested, Scentsy is having a 30 Hr FLASH Sale, starting tomorrow morning...we don't know what will be in the sale... things are available while supplies last... feel free to check it out, if you like... Thank you
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    edited July 2019
    Can I say bull poop without, *kitten* replacing my words? Donkey in stead of *kitten*? How about *ss seriously are we not all adults on this site?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    mgals seems like all of those options worked. Kitten in this board was used when I was having a colonoscopy and certain anatomy terms got "kittened". so it just depends.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    sat 6040
    sun 5340

    couple of meals made for the week, cleaned out my freezer a little, but time to go and read with Miss T curled up by me.

    I have 10 casual passes, so I thought I should use one tomorrow because I can.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,807 Member
    Stopping in to say hi. Not much to say other than that. I have done nothing this weekend except get my house back in order and rest!

    I’m excited to start my first real week of my new job tomorrow and want I get back into a routine with my goals.

    I don’t have access to the internet at work so will have to catch up before or after work only.

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Weight creeping back up. Can walk both breaks as temps are not too hot and the air quality is good again.

    Headphones on and ignoring most of my work world. Lurking.......

    QOTD: Been awhile - What is your health plan this week?

    AOTD: More water and walking. Making sure I eat my fruits/veg.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    Tracey - Good luck on the work week!
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    edited July 2019
    @arniedog74 - Dawn, Not sure what is going on with the site. Went in to get some washer whiffs (love Jammie Time) and got all the way through the order process when it said that my postal code did not match my State... Well, yes it does. Re-entered both the zip and the State 3 times and it would not take. Backed out and did not complete, but thought I would let you know.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    365 days logged in today.

    Haven't logged food every day, but I did at least come here. To me, that represents that I at least thought of myself once per day. Whether I chose correctly after that thought is a totally different story.

    Currently, I am struggling. Have had some upsetting changes and am not dealing well at this time. May go dark here for a bit, but be assured I will return.

    Settling into a quiet shady spot of the Cabana for the time being.

    Carry on!
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Tracy - take care of yourself. we will miss you if you go dark, but if needed to care for yourself know the support is here for you when you need it.
    Suzu - 14 months to retirement - yahoo! Although somehow I feel like you will be working pretty hard in your retirement. But on a more enjoyable hobby/work!
    Tracey - good luck with the job!
    Hello to Lana, Dawn, Kathryn, Missy, Sara Megan and anyone else who stops by.
    Welcome mgals.
    AOTD - Drink water and make smart food choices. Hot and humid week here- have to not let that be my reason to be lazy in activity and eating.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Two interviews - one Thursday and one yet to be scheduled here at my workplace. More details later.

    Lana - get our new cboy to set up the foot massage table for us so we can all enjoy.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    I got to work late and did not know it until I saw the clock in the lobby :o . So as I always get there early, I was only half hour late.

    First interview on Thursday. I had to give her more info as to why I wanted to change positions and that my father was willing to help if there was a pay cut. I need to medical benefits and I cant guarantee that the state jobs will materialize.

    Second interview lady wanted my working schedule and any time reserved so she can make apts. Have not heard back yet.

    Frozen custard at Farmer's Market in parking lot today - got dark pumperknickel bread and a baby babka - tomorrow's treat. Also got a dinner in a jar - if it turns out her business address is on it.

    Hot here- cold drinks under Lana's Palm Tree I will be in the Hammock next to Miss T - she has her own with a cboy to fan her.

    9127 total steps.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited July 2019
    suzu_2 wrote: »
    @arniedog74 - Dawn, Not sure what is going on with the site. Went in to get some washer whiffs (love Jammie Time) and got all the way through the order process when it said that my postal code did not match my State... Well, yes it does. Re-entered both the zip and the State 3 times and it would not take. Backed out and did not complete, but thought I would let you know.

    So sorry...I just saw this... that's very frustrating... i'm not sure why, but I have issues with zip codes sometimes...I don't understand why, but it will give me same message... Thanks for letting me know... so sorry again :( I would be happy to help in any way....
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,807 Member
    @Tilliesmommy1 - good luck on the interviews.

    Tracy - take care of yourself. We’ll miss you.

    AOTD - I need to get back to some basics as I fell off the rails completely the last couple of weeks. I’m hoping to log every day and get my water in. I walked to work today but aggravated my hip again so probably won’t do that again this week.

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Hoping for a quiet day at work where I can work on my pages of audit changes.

    Ate too many calories but also got almost 10k yesterday.

    Dawn - I completely forgot the sale, I also forgot what time it was - space cadet city.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    Morning all - Raining cats and dogs for the 3rd straight day and getting pretty marshy here. Cleared briefly yesterday afternoon and we ran with our Women's group last night. Work has had me glued to my seat lately, so still did not get 10k in even with the run. :#
    Sara - GOOD LUCK!!! Hope one of the interviews pans out.
    Tracy - Hugs! sometimes we need quiet. Hope all is well.
    Tracey - Hope the work-week is going well.
    Lana - Take care of your self.
    Lynn - Waves. How are the wedding plans coming?
    Wave to all and have a great day.

    Walking a hospital specialty area with our GE rep today to get started with a project and tomorrow is a go-live with our cardiac system at another. No rest for the wicked - Suzu
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member