πŸŒŸβ„οΈ January Daily Log-in and Weigh-in Challenge β„οΈπŸŒŸ



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,206 Member
    @swimmom_1 Yes I'm in that fun space of dancing in and out of a new decade. Will be great to put some space between me and the 180s but for now every time I see the 170s I smile

    I am still impressed by your endurance ellipticalling :)
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello Everyone from before and Newbies!
    I'm Mary 64, 5'4" from Pennsylvania. My goal is to get back down AGAIN to 122 lbs. Kept it off for about 5 years and then got lazy. My body just stores Carbs too easily. I work long hours and exercise on my 3 off days/week, making up for my 4 work days. I started this challenge in November and will continue through December and January. Great group of motivating members! Thank you Jill! My goal is 5 lbs for January. My other goal is 15 lbs for Nov, Dec and Jan. Welcome back everyone! JOIN US!

    January Challenge

    Highest weight: 255 lbs 9/14/20 (twice) :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs. Started a new job without a micromanager.
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs Emergency Gallbladder surgery
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs. Started MFP and low carb and calorie restricted diet.
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212 lbs
    9/1/21-200 lbs
    10/1/21-191.4 lbs
    November 1 weight-181.8 lbs
    November goal-5 lbs
    November loss-5.6 lbs :-)
    December 1 weight-176.2 lbs
    December goal-5 lbs
    December weight lost so far -8.2 lbs :-)
    January goal-5 lbs
    January weight loss so far. -9.6 lbs. :-)
    Current weight today-158.4 lbs
    January 1 weight-168 lbs
    Nov/Dec/Jan weight loss so far (Goal-15 lbs): -23.4 lbs!!!! :-)
    Loss since 9/14/20-96.6 lbs of 132 lb goal to lose. :-)

    1/1/22-168 lbs-Went out to eat Tuesday 12/28 at Texas Roadhouse and gained. Assuming its still Sodium water weight taking it's good old time to come back off. :-( Did my Elliptical today, 240 minutes for 16.5 miles.
    1/2/22-168 lbs- I'm sure it's water weight from Pork & Sauerkraut. :-( Did my Elliptical today, 240 minutes for 16.55 miles.
    1/3/22-169 lbs :-( Not good. I lose weight over Thanksgiving and Christmas and gain over NY! Need to get back in the groove! I'm off tomorrow so will be back on my Elliptical.
    1/4/22-169 lbs. :-( Elliptical 240 minutes for 16.15 miles.
    1/5/22-168 lbs :-) Heading the right way again, Finally!
    1/6/22-168 lbs. :-| Elliptical 240 minutes for 16.25 miles
    1/7/21-168 lbs. :-( I'm not used to this! Hopefully a drop soon!
    1/8/22-165.8 lbs! :-) Finally water weight gone!! Nov/Dec/Jan goal of 15 lbs achieved-16 lbs! Now I just have to maintain it but I'm still striving for more.
    1/9/22-164.6 lbs. :-) YESSSSSS! Finally a New Low! Lightest I've been in 6-7 years! Did my Elliptical today 244 minutes for 17.1 miles.
    1/10/21-165.8 lbs
    1/11/21-165.8 lbs My usual uptick or could be the crab pretzel I ate Sunday! 244 minutes on my Elliptical for 17.1 miles.
    1/12/21-165.8 lbs
    1/13/21-165.8 lbs
    1/14/21-165.8 lbs- Been a looonnng 3 days of work. Pretty beat without more than 5 hours sleep each night. Did almost 16 hours each day, except 14 hours today. I can sleep Saturday till I wakeup without an alarm. :-) 5 days same weight too, hoping for a decent drop tomorrow or Sunday. Stayed on track so maybe not enough rest time for my body to recover.
    1/15/22-162 lbs! :-) A BIG WHOOSH, FINALLY! Did 247 minutes on my Elliptical for 17 miles.
    1/16/22-162 lbs. :-) 253 minutes on my Elliptical for 16 miles. Longer time but obviously slower pace.
    1/17/22-162 lbs
    1/18/22-161.2 lbs! Did 253 minutes on my Elliptical for 16.4 miles today! "150's I'm coming for you!"
    1/19/22-161.2 lbs
    1/20/22-161.2 lbs Did 252 minutes on my Elliptical for 17.1 miles.
    1/21/22-162.2 lbs
    1/22/22-163.4 lbs
    1/23/22-164.2 lbs Been looonnng days at work and just enough time to sleep, when I get home, to go back the next AM. Had a pretty big uptick. Had a weak moment and ate a couple donuts that someone brought into work, before I left one night. Disappointing but it will come back off. Maybe some water retention too from not enough sleep or as much water as I usually drink. Did 269 minutes on my Elliptical for 18 miles this AM!
    1/24/22-165 lbs :-( Ugh! Going the wrong way! Disheartening. Enough said.
    1/25/22-162 lbs :-) Not my lightest weight but at least whatever the gain was, the donuts, lack of enough sleep or just water weight, its heading in the correct direction again! Did 270 minutes on my Elliptical today for 18.13 miles.
    1/26/22-161.2 lbs
    1/27/22-161.2 lbs
    1/28/22-158.4 lbs!!!! :-) Had 3 long work days (14-16 hour days) and just enough time to get home, sleep and couldn't post.
    1/29/22-159.6 lbs. Well my usual uptick. :-( At least I stayed in the 150's. Hopefully tomorrow will have a drop back down to yesterday's weight or LESS?! At a hair appointment so I only got 2 hours of my Elliptical instead of the usual 4 in, so far. Plan is to get the rest in later today. I don't want to get off my routine and get lax. The steady weight loss helps my motivation.
    I did do another session today, so 121 minutes on the Elliptical this AM for 8 miles and did 133 minutes in the PM for 9 miles= 254 minutes for 17 miles.

    1/30/22-158.4 lbs. :-) Glad it went back down so quick. Did 271 minutes on my Elliptical for 17.3 miles today. Hope to see everyone back for the February Challenge!

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited January 2022
    I love the way you describe the upticks as "dancing between the decades!"

    And as far as the Elliptical times, at first on the rainy day that I started, I wanted to do as long as my outside walk. Then it increased to hit a certain mileage and went up from there. Lately I have been basing it on the MFP exercise portion of the website, (may or may not be accurate) based on my daily weight, saying how long it takes to burn 2,800 calories. And right now I'm watching the Heartland series of TV shows(started yesterday) while I am on it. I watch full episodes so that can adjust my time also. Today I watched 6 of them on Peacock (free one) for my 271. I also switch every few minutes from the arm pole rower things to the stationary grips, to the sides of the book/drink holder thingy as my arms get tired. And I'm doing distance not full on hard core on speed. Doing about 13-15 minute miles.

    My hairdresser said, "I guess you can be a bit obsessive." I also questioned her about something a few people at work say to me when they ask "how much more do you want to lose?" When I say about 30-35 they have fits and say "that is too much." My hairdresser, who has seen me at that weight before says, "You look great and I say keep going. People do get jealous and instead of saying a weight number goal just say, "I want to get to a healthy BMI" and then they probably won't say that."

    I just want to finally get this weight off AGAIN! And KEEP IT OFF THIS TIME! I feel so much better and have lots more energy. I have found out too that my body, just can't seem to burn carbs like it should and stores them instead. Not that I won't be able to have some of those carbs once in awhile. But maybe only a splurge once every week or two.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,206 Member
    @swimmom_1 My husband and I have noticed that "it's too much " reaction too if we talk too much about goal weights with people in real life.

    Considering we are always talking about weights well within our normal BMI ranges, and we both came from a place of obesity, I just kinda smile and nod :)
  • SantiagoAlverez
    SantiagoAlverez Posts: 88 Member
    🌟Drink a smoothie everyday.
    🌟 NO BINGING on candy/night eating.
    🌟Drink 100+oz of water/dry/no pop.

    Highest weight: 236
    Jan starting weight: 214.6
    Jan GW: 206lbs

    January weight lost so far: 7.2 lbs !
    January weight to go? : 1.2 lbs

    January 1β€”214.6
    January 2β€”214.2 (-.4)
    January 3β€”212.6 (-1.6)
    January 4 --211.2 (-1.4)
    January 5- 210.6 (-.6)
    January 6- 211.2 (.6)
    January 7- 211.4 (.2)
    January 8- 212.4 (1)
    January 9- 213.4 (1)
    January 10- 213.4 (0)
    January 11- 211.6 (-1.8)
    January 12- 212.2 (.6)
    January 13-212.4 (.2)
    January 14- 213.4 (1)
    January 15- 212.6 (-.8)
    January 16-211.6 (-1)
    January 17- 210.6 (-1)
    January 18- 210.6 (0)
    January 19- 209.4 (-1.2)
    January 20-209.0 (-.4)
    January 21-208.6 (-.4)
    January 22- 210.2 (+1.6)
    January 23- 209.4 (-.8)
    January 24- 208.4 (-1)
    January 25- 209 (.6)
    January 26-208.6 (-.4)
    January 27- 206.8 (-1.8)
    January 28- 207.4 (.6)
    January 29- 207.6 (+.2)

    January 30- 206.4 (-1.2)
  • SantiagoAlverez
    SantiagoAlverez Posts: 88 Member
    🌟Drink a smoothie everyday.
    🌟 NO BINGING on candy/night eating.
    🌟Drink 100+oz of water/dry/no pop.

    Highest weight: 236
    Jan starting weight: 214.6
    Jan GW: 206lbs-ish

    January weight lost so far: 7.8 lbs !

    January 1β€”214.6
    January 2β€”214.2 (-.4)
    January 3β€”212.6 (-1.6)
    January 4 --211.2 (-1.4)
    January 5- 210.6 (-.6)
    January 6- 211.2 (.6)
    January 7- 211.4 (.2)
    January 8- 212.4 (1)
    January 9- 213.4 (1)
    January 10- 213.4 (0)
    January 11- 211.6 (-1.8)
    January 12- 212.2 (.6)
    January 13-212.4 (.2)
    January 14- 213.4 (1)
    January 15- 212.6 (-.8)
    January 16-211.6 (-1)
    January 17- 210.6 (-1)
    January 18- 210.6 (0)
    January 19- 209.4 (-1.2)
    January 20-209.0 (-.4)
    January 21-208.6 (-.4)
    January 22- 210.2 (+1.6)
    January 23- 209.4 (-.8)
    January 24- 208.4 (-1)
    January 25- 209 (.6)
    January 26-208.6 (-.4)
    January 27- 206.8 (-1.8)
    January 28- 207.4 (.6)
    January 29- 207.6 (+.2)
    January 30- 206.4 (-1.2)
    January 31- 206.8 (+.4)

    Pretty proud to lose 7.8lbs the first month I do this challenge!
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I was missing in action for most of the month, I seemed to be just maintaining my weight , last week I started counting my calories and I just bought a kitchen scale to be more accurate.
    Highest Weight: 150.8
    Current Weight: 150.6
    Total Weight Loss: 1.6
    January Weight Loss So Far: 1.4

    Jan 3: 150.6
    Jan 4: -
    Jan 5: 150.6
    Jan 6: 150.6
    Jan 7: 149.8 β¬‡οΈπŸ˜Š
    Jan 8: 149 β¬‡οΈπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
    Jan 9: -
    Jan 10: 149
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17;
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31: 149.2 πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    Ready for February! ❀️
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,447 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from December 31st): 191.6
    Goal: 186.6 (Five lb Loss)

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    01/01…...190.0…..(Trend Weight 191.5)…..
    01/02.…..189.8…..(Trend Weight 191.4)…..
    01/03.…..191.0…..(Trend Weight 191.3}…..
    01/04.…..192.6…..(Trend Weight 191.4)…..
    01/05.…..193.2…..(Trend Weight 191.6)…..
    01/06.…..194.0…..(Trend Weight 191.8)…..
    01/07.…..192.6…..(Trend Weight 191.9)…..
    01/08.…..191.2…..(Trend Weight 191.9)…..
    01/09.…..192.2…..(Trend Weight 191.9)…..
    01/10.…..194.4…..(Trend Weight 192.1)…..
    01/11.…..192.6…..(Trend Weight 192.2)…..
    01/12.…..192.6…..(Trend Weight 192.2)…..
    01/13.…..192.8…..(Trend Weight 192.3)…..
    01/14.…..194.0…..(Trend Weight 192.5)…..
    01/15……194.6…..(Trend Weight 192.7)…..
    01/16……193.8…..(Trend Weight 192.8)…..
    01/17.…..194.4…..(Trend Weight 193.0)…..
    01/18.…..193.8…..(Trend Weight 193.0)…..
    01/19.…..193.2…..(Trend Weight 193.1)…..
    01/20.…..192.6…..(Trend Weight 193.0)…..

    01/21.…..193.0…..(Trend Weight 193.0)….. Great dietary choices yesterday and nice quantities within my limits. Still a lack of movement and low water. The water part I can work on. A slice of pumpkin pie with Cool Whip very late last night likely accounts for the major part of the uptick. That was my only lapse yesterday. Today my goal is to not be influenced to over eat or eat the wrong things. My daughter is off work for her normal 3 day weekend and she eats constantly!

    01/22.…..193.6…..(Trend Weight 193.1)….. Pasta for dinner but all within calories. Only 5000+ steps due to reno restrictions. It must be that.

    01/23.…..196.0…..(Trend Weight 193.1)….. WTH????? Okay, I know how to play this game and THIS doesn’t make ANY sense! I did have Chinese carry-out for dinner brought in by daughter so I expected a bump up even though I drank extra water and I only ate half leaving leftovers for today, but the rest of my day was very good. It has to be the lack of exercise. This project is not yet half finished . My poor grandson is trapped upstairs and I’m trapped down. I’ve got to use the steps today for some extra movement.

    01/24.…..194.4…..(Trend Weight 193.5)….. Diet and Calories about the same as yesterday. One day a double huge gain. The next day a nice loss. Go Figure! Moving on……

    01/25.…..194.4…..(Trend Weight 193.6)….. I guess no change is better than a gain. Fitbit shows over 7000 steps and 20 flights of stairs although I’m very sure it was more flights than it captured. Livingroom reno is moving s..l..o..w. I will be involved in reno’s for YEARS. This is about 3200 or 3300 sq ft of finished house and it ALL has to go. Bye-bye 1970’s. Some things I am doing are cosmetic until we can get back to the big stuff in the spring when the roads are better for the long hauls from the big box stores. It is looking much better though. The areas we are working on are the most restrictive for actual living. Another week maybe?

    01/26.…..194.4…..(Trend Weight 193.6)…… Same lack of movement as yesterday. I did get in 15 flights of stairs (mine are long and steep) according to fitbit but I swear it was more. A little of 7000 steps again. That is low for me. Handymen were off today because I traveled to out-of-town dentist for a cleaning. Got in some shopping and hit a hobby lobby. Next time I am taking a tent and making it a vacation. So much inspiration in that place. I couldn’t get out without spending $200 + dollars and that was with everything I purchased at 50% off. Hopefully the steps throughout that one store alone today will make up for the Applebee’s.

    01/27.…..196.8…..(Trend Weight 194.0)…… After travel weight. 3 meals instead of 2.

    01/28.…..196.4…..(Trend Weight 194.2)…… A small drop reinforcing the knowledge that it sure comes on faster than it drops off!

    01/29.…..195.2…..(Trend Weight 194.3)…… Better choices and no grazing between meals helped with this drop. I’ve just got to work on the meal quantities.

    01/30.…..197.6…..(Trend Weight 194.6)…… It’s a large ship but I’ve got to turn it around. Yesterday was pizza, real chocolate and 2% milk (lactose always bloats me). All wrong choices I regret.

    01/31.…..197.0…..(Trend Weight 194.9)…… Today I will not say one thing then do another! I’m glad to see this drop but I gained 6.4 lbs this month. February will be better. It has to be.
  • stealthchess
    stealthchess Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, I'm Karen. I found the December challenge helpful so I'm back for January. Thanks for the accountability help!
    Goals for January:
    Weigh, track, stay within maintenance calories, exercise, gratitude every day.
    Jan 1: 143.
    Jan 2: 144.3. Didn't stay within maintenance calories last 2 days. Old problem of eating after I get home from a social thing. Need to go right to bed.
    Jan 3: 142.4. Again above maintenance calories yesterday, but I avoided after dinner eating, so that was a success. Met my other goals.
    Jan 4: 142.2. Met yesterday's goals.
    Jan 5: 142.4. Over calorie goal and didn't walk yesterday.
    Jan 6: 142.4. Met goals yesterday.
    Jan 7: 142.0. Missed exercise goal but met the others.
    Jan 8: 143.4. Missed exercise goal but met the others.
    Jan 9: 142.4. Over maintenance calories but met other goals.
    Jan 10: 143. Slightly over calorie target, but met other goals. I realized that the last few weeks have been teaching me what my maintenance calories are since my weight has been very steady. So if I really want to lose weight I have to cut out something. This is a good moment for me to rethink my nightly wine drinking.
    Jan 11: 142.2. Met goals yesterday. I cut back my nightly wine by half. I'd like to cut it out completely for 3 or 4 nights per week but I need a little time to get my head around that. I'll think about health and taking care of myself and that will help me get there.
    Jan 12: 143.4. Met goals yesterday except for the wine goal.
    Jan 13: 141.8. Met goals yesterday.
    Jan 14: 141.8. Wine goal is not happening. Health risks on this should be motivating me but they're not.
    Other goals met.
    Jan 15: 144.6. Ouch. Chinese food and some extra treats took me over calorie goal. Also missed exercise goal.
    Jan 23: 143.6. A few days off line. Back on track today.
    Jan 24: 141.8. Over calorie target a bit on Sunday. Met other goals.
    Jan25: 144.4. Crazy amount of sodium yesterday. Met goals.
    Jan26: 143.6. Met goals yesterday.
    Jan 28: 143.6. No exercise yesterday. Met other goals.
    Jan 31: 143. Over calorie targets over the weekend. Met exercise goals.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,206 Member
    @Arc2Arc Very inspiring. Way to manage what was within your control. Continued best wishes towards a full recovery post-surgery!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,206 Member
    Highest weight: 293
    Current weight: 180.2
    January weight lost so far: 10.4

    December 30β€”190.6
    December 31β€”188.6
    January 1β€”190.6
    January 2β€”188 (First day of 2022 was mostly spent in the car driving the 11+ hours to my Dad's. I had gotten up before the drive to ride my Peloton and got a PR on my 45 minute time. I have to be more creative while I'm here to get my exercise in but you can bet I'll be doing just that!)
    January 3β€”188 (Enjoyed the second day of 2022 at my Dad's house. It's cold here but I got my 10K steps by walking inside. I also did a short dumbbell workout and yoga session. He cooks lots of veggies with his meals so that's been great.)
    January 4β€”186.8 (Finding ways to stay active at Dad's. We had supper at my Aunt and Uncle's house last night - homemade lasagna. Finding ways to stay on track despite being out of my normal routine.)
    January 5β€”188.2 (Back on the road today, heading home from Dad's. Last meal was Chinese food and I ate a little more than planned. Back to normal routine tomorrow. Overall my weight is down on this trip which is great.)
    January 6β€”187 (Great drive home yesterday, did my longest Peloton ride ever when I got home. Back to normal routine but not back to work until tomorrow.)
    January 7β€”186.8 (Work day flew by, Peloton ride on my lunch break, video chat with my mother-in-law tonight. Happy weekend!!)
    January 8β€”185.2 (Up early but hoping to doze a bit more as I had a poor sleep which is unusual for me. We shall see what fun we get up to today!)
    January 9β€”185.4 (Had a nice and relaxing day around home yesterday but did also manage to get outside for my first walk of 2022 - the cold had finally settled just enough to make it bearable! Looking forward to the same again today.)
    January 10β€”184.8 (Yesterday my husband and I went out to trying snowshoeing for the first time. Had a blast! Busy day at work today but I had my 100th Peloton ride live before I started and got a shout out... fun milestone for me!)
    January 11β€”184.6 (Good day of eating, sun was out, walked and biked, showered and planning to read and rest up for the rest of the evening.)
    January 12β€”183.4 (My days seem to have a rhythm to them this week - work, Peloton, supper, MFP, a bit of TV/reading, bed. Whatever works!)
    January 13β€”184.6 (Broke the pattern and started the day with the bike instead. Work has been tough this week. Looking so forward to the weekend.)
    January 14β€”183.2 (At last Friday is here. The weekend is going to be a welcomed break. Lazing around in bed this morning before work so my workout will have to be right after work.)
    January 15β€”182.2 (Up to drive just over an hour north to get our dog groomed. Husband and I will have a great breakfast at a cute little tea house nearby.)
    January 16β€”184.4 (Ate just above maintenance yesterday as my husband made some special food for the Bills playoff game. Today we got out to the mountains to snowshoe and I'll hop on the bike right after this. It was a lovely weekend and I feel recharged and ready for another work week.)
    January 17β€”185.4 (Pretty straightforward day... work, a walk at lunch, exercise after work. Good meals today, no calories left over for snacking. Will tuck in with a book or a bath or something else to take my mind off things.)
    January 18β€”184.4 (Cold weather is back so I didn't walk but I did ride the bike at lunch. Going to walk a bit while I watch TV to get my step count up as I spent most of the day sitting.)
    January 19β€”183.2 (Just keeping things moving. Did my ride, got through work, and enjoyed my meals.)
    January 20β€”181.4 (Got a difficult situation dealt with today, did a Peloton ride, some dance cardio, and now I'm about to relax for supper with my husband. Feeling so glad it's Friday tomorrow!)
    January 21β€”183 (Day off the bike today to rest up for the PeloFondo event tomorrow where I'll ride my longest daily distance ever. Looking forward to the challenge!)
    January 22β€”185 (PeloFondo is underway! I've done about 60% of my distance and my husband is currently finishing up his day. We have dinner out with friends tonight so I'll finish mine before and after, depending on time.)
    January 23β€”185.2 (Cycling event went super well yesterday, both my husband and I met our goals. Mostly rest with some walking mixed in for today. And football!)
    January 24β€”186 (Did my Peloton retest of the FTP and I'm very happy with my improved results. Cooked a nice chicken dinner for my Mom and I as my husband is out of town.)
    January 25β€”183.8 (Breakfast made, about to start work, walk at lunch and an easy salad that's premade, Peloton after work, and a healthy supper. Then hoping for a bath or hot tub!)
    January 26β€”180.2 (Had a super challenging Peloton ride yesterday and felt so accomplished afterwards. My husband got home this afternoon, yay!)
    January 27β€”179.8 (Pinch me, I've found a new decade today! Work is busy, so I'm just keeping things simple. Eating good food, getting my workouts in. Trying to sleep well and keep my stress down. Checking in with you lovely folks here!)
    January 28β€”180.4 (Another work week done. Rode the Peloton right after work, had dinner, and then my husband and I had a video call with his mom for nearly three hours! We had a nice visit.)
    January 29β€”179.6 (Taking a break off the bike today as my leg is bugging me ever so slightly. Husband and I walked to the grocery store for a couple of staples instead. Got the dentist and then we are going to a movie.)
    January 30β€”180 (Lots of walking yesterday, even ran into a friend on the paths so we walked and chatted together. Movie night with my husband was fun. Driving to the mountains for snowshoeing today.)
    January 31β€”180.2 (Good month for me, ending it today by donating blood after work so I will be drinking water like crazy to stay hydrated. Need to fit in my exercise beforehand.)
  • Rinoga
    Rinoga Posts: 263 Member
    Happy new year everyone! I’m Athena. I am loving these challenges, they are helping me stay motivated!

    My goal for this month is to start to focus on my physical activity, this is where I struggle the most. I plan to wake up and go to the gym on weekdays every morning for 45 minutes and occasionally do classes in the afternoon. I’ll also continue to push to only eat out on weekends/on holidays. I am going to try to lose 4 pounds each month.

    Highest weight: 165
    End of month goal: 155
    Current weight: 159

    January 1 - 159 (went out)
    January 2 - 159 (went out)
    January 3 - Whoops! (home cooked/ walked 45 minutes)
    January 4 - 157 (went out/ walked, jogged 45 minutes)
    January 5 - 156 (home cooked/ walked 45 min.)
    January 6 - 157 (home cooked/ walked, jogged 45 min.)
    January 7 - 157 (home cooked/ walked 45 min.)
    January 8 - 156 (went out)
    January 9 - 156 (went out)
    January 10 - 157 (home cooked, walked 45 min.).
    January 11 - 157 (home cooked, jogged 45 min)
    January 12 - 157 (home cooked, walked 45 min.)
    January 13 - 157 (home cooked, jogged 45 min.)
    January 14 - 157 (home cooked, walked 45 min.).
    January 15 - 159 (went out)
    January 16 - 157 (went out, Zumba)
    January 17 - 157 (home cooked, jogged/walked 45 min.)
    January 18 - 157 (home cooked, jogged/walked 45 min.)
    January 19 - 157 (home cooked, jogged 45 min.)
    January 20 - 156 (home cooked, ran 45 min.)
    January 21 - 156 (home cooked, jogged 45 min.)
    January 22 - 154 (went out)
    January 23 - 157 (went out, Zumba)
    January 24 - 156 (home cooked, ran 45 min)
    January 25 - 156 (home cooked, ran 45 min.)
    January 26 - 156 (home cooked, ran 45 min.)
    January 27 - 156 (home cooked, ran 45 min.)
    January 28 - 156 (home cooked, inclined walk 45 min.)
    January 29 - 156 (went out)
    January 30 - 155 (went out)
    January 31 - 156 (home cooked, jogged 45 min.)

    Happy to have hit my goal twice, even happier to have a new activity routine I’m sticking too! Looking forward to the next challenge!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,536 Member
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.
    71 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    I workout w/my trainer 3X a week and walk the other 4 days
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 147.1
    Challenge Goal: 140
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0
    January 01 -147.1 at 8:15 a.m. ...6.96 miles in 123 mins
    January 02 -147.5 at 9:00 a.m. ...nothing...told myself it was too cold, it turned beautiful and warm...sigh.
    January 03 - 147.1 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 04 - 148.7 at 7:30 a.m. ...6.36 miles in 110 mins
    January 05 - 148.2 at 6:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 06 - 148.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...nothing...too cold and windy
    January 07 - 148.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 08 - 148.0 at 8:15 a.m. ...5.42 miles in 96 mins
    January 09 - 146.9 at 8:45 a.m. ...6.22 miles in 108 mins
    January 10 - 148.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 11 - 146.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    January 12 - 147.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.98 miles in 104 mins
    January 13 - 147.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.53 miles in 97 mins
    January 14 - 146.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...nothing!!
    January 15 - 149.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...5.44 miles in 97 mins
    January 16 - 147.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.49 miles in 97 mins
    January 17 - 148.5 at 7:45 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 18 - 148.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.38 miles in 137 mins
    January 19 - 148.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 20 - 147.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.04 miles in 130 mins
    January 21 - 148.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 22 - 148.3 at 6:00 a.m. ...7.35 miles in 136 mins
    January 23 - 149.2 at 9:00 a.m. ...7.25 miles in 132 mins
    January 24 - 147.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 25 - 147.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.36 miles in 111 mins
    January 26 - 145.4 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 27 - 145.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.36 miles in 134 mins
    January 28 - 146.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 29 - 146.9 at 6:00 a.m. ...rest day
    January 30 - 149.2 at 8:15 a.m. ...7.05 miles in 121 mins
    January 31 - 147.3 at 7:30 a.m. ...rest day
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Hello Everyone from before and Newbies!
    I'm Mary 64, 5'4" from Pennsylvania. My goal is to get back down AGAIN to 122 lbs. Kept it off for about 5 years and then got lazy. My body just stores Carbs too easily. I work long hours and exercise on my 3 off days/week, making up for my 4 work days. I started this challenge in November and will continue through December and January. Great group of motivating members! Thank you Jill! My goal is 5 lbs for January. My other goal is 15 lbs for Nov, Dec and Jan. Welcome back everyone! JOIN US!

    January Challenge

    Highest weight: 255 lbs 9/14/20 (twice) :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs. Started a new job without a micromanager.
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs Emergency Gallbladder surgery
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs. Started MFP and low carb and calorie restricted diet.
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212 lbs
    9/1/21-200 lbs
    10/1/21-191.4 lbs
    November 1 weight-181.8 lbs
    November goal-5 lbs
    November loss-5.6 lbs :-)
    December 1 weight-176.2 lbs
    December goal-5 lbs
    December weight lost so far -8.2 lbs :-)
    January goal-5 lbs
    January weight loss so far. -10.6 lbs. :-)
    Current weight today-157.4 lbs
    January 1 weight-168 lbs
    Nov/Dec/Jan weight loss so far (Goal-15 lbs): -24.4 lbs!!!! :-)
    Loss since 9/14/20-97.6 lbs of 132 lb goal to lose. :-)

    1/1/22-168 lbs-Went out to eat Tuesday 12/28 at Texas Roadhouse and gained. Assuming its still Sodium water weight taking it's good old time to come back off. :-( Did my Elliptical today, 240 minutes for 16.5 miles.
    1/2/22-168 lbs- I'm sure it's water weight from Pork & Sauerkraut. :-( Did my Elliptical today, 240 minutes for 16.55 miles.
    1/3/22-169 lbs :-( Not good. I lose weight over Thanksgiving and Christmas and gain over NY! Need to get back in the groove! I'm off tomorrow so will be back on my Elliptical.
    1/4/22-169 lbs. :-( Elliptical 240 minutes for 16.15 miles.
    1/5/22-168 lbs :-) Heading the right way again, Finally!
    1/6/22-168 lbs. :-| Elliptical 240 minutes for 16.25 miles
    1/7/21-168 lbs. :-( I'm not used to this! Hopefully a drop soon!
    1/8/22-165.8 lbs! :-) Finally water weight gone!! Nov/Dec/Jan goal of 15 lbs achieved-16 lbs! Now I just have to maintain it but I'm still striving for more.
    1/9/22-164.6 lbs. :-) YESSSSSS! Finally a New Low! Lightest I've been in 6-7 years! Did my Elliptical today 244 minutes for 17.1 miles.
    1/10/21-165.8 lbs
    1/11/21-165.8 lbs My usual uptick or could be the crab pretzel I ate Sunday! 244 minutes on my Elliptical for 17.1 miles.
    1/12/21-165.8 lbs
    1/13/21-165.8 lbs
    1/14/21-165.8 lbs- Been a looonnng 3 days of work. Pretty beat without more than 5 hours sleep each night. Did almost 16 hours each day, except 14 hours today. I can sleep Saturday till I wakeup without an alarm. :-) 5 days same weight too, hoping for a decent drop tomorrow or Sunday. Stayed on track so maybe not enough rest time for my body to recover.
    1/15/22-162 lbs! :-) A BIG WHOOSH, FINALLY! Did 247 minutes on my Elliptical for 17 miles.
    1/16/22-162 lbs. :-) 253 minutes on my Elliptical for 16 miles. Longer time but obviously slower pace.
    1/17/22-162 lbs
    1/18/22-161.2 lbs! Did 253 minutes on my Elliptical for 16.4 miles today! "150's I'm coming for you!"
    1/19/22-161.2 lbs
    1/20/22-161.2 lbs Did 252 minutes on my Elliptical for 17.1 miles.
    1/21/22-162.2 lbs
    1/22/22-163.4 lbs
    1/23/22-164.2 lbs Been looonnng days at work and just enough time to sleep, when I get home, to go back the next AM. Had a pretty big uptick. Had a weak moment and ate a couple donuts that someone brought into work, before I left one night. Disappointing but it will come back off. Maybe some water retention too from not enough sleep or as much water as I usually drink. Did 269 minutes on my Elliptical for 18 miles this AM!
    1/24/22-165 lbs :-( Ugh! Going the wrong way! Disheartening. Enough said.
    1/25/22-162 lbs :-) Not my lightest weight but at least whatever the gain was, the donuts, lack of enough sleep or just water weight, its heading in the correct direction again! Did 270 minutes on my Elliptical today for 18.13 miles.
    1/26/22-161.2 lbs
    1/27/22-161.2 lbs
    1/28/22-158.4 lbs!!!! :-) Had 3 long work days (14-16 hour days) and just enough time to get home, sleep and couldn't post.
    1/29/22-159.6 lbs. Well my usual uptick. :-( At least I stayed in the 150's. Hopefully tomorrow will have a drop back down to yesterday's weight or LESS?! At a hair appointment so I only got 2 hours of my Elliptical instead of the usual 4 in, so far. Plan is to get the rest in later today. I don't want to get off my routine and get lax. The steady weight loss helps my motivation.
    I did do another session today, so 121 minutes on the Elliptical this AM for 8 miles and did 133 minutes in the PM for 9 miles= 254 minutes for 17 miles.
    1/30/22-158.4 lbs. :-) Glad it went back down so quick. Did 271 minutes on my Elliptical for 17.3 miles today. Hope to see everyone back for the February Challenge!

    1/31/22- 157.4 lbs. :-) Another drop & New Low! I'm being legalistic and figure tomorrow AM is my end day for January weight management. Not sure it will drop more anyway but I'll see. I slipped off a rolling chair today at work and hit the floor on my LESS PADDED BUTTOCKS! I'm a hurting pretty good. I hope I didn't break my coccyx as I did years ago. I can't even get comfortable sitting on my couch. I'll head to bed soon to get off of it.

  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    My goals include (from most difficult to the easiest)
    🚦Getting started
    πŸ₯€Drinking more water than diet soda
    πŸ₯… Staying within my calorie limits
    πŸ“šβ˜•Making sure I get some β€œme time”
    πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸš΄πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Exercising daily (at least 20 minutes total - not always an accurate time since I don't have a fitness watch, use my phone, and I'm not allowed to have my phone with me during the day at work, but it won't get a thumbs up unless I'm sure I've hit that 20-minute mark)
    πŸ“” Tracking every meal
    βš–οΈ Weighing myself daily is a given for me, so this will be the easiest one for me to accomplish.

    Highest Weight: Somewhere between 227-230... I don't know. I avoided the scale.
    Return to MFP after ~ 5-6 year absence (June 11, 2020) = 216.9
    Starting weight for this challenge (January 1, 2022) = 191.6
    Goal weight loss for January - just back into the 180s somewhere would make me happy at this point.

    01/01/2022 – βš–οΈ191.6 - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/02/2022 – βš–οΈ192.0 (+0.4) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/03/2022 - βš–οΈ191.8 (-0.2 / +0.2) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“”πŸ“š
    01/04/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.6 (+0.8 / +1.0) - hello chocolate and KFC - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/05/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.4 (-0.2 / +0.8) - My goals include (from most difficult to the easiest)
    🚦Getting started
    πŸ₯€Drinking more water than diet soda
    πŸ₯… Staying within my calorie limits
    πŸ“šβ˜•Making sure I get some β€œme time”
    πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸš΄πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Exercising daily (at least 20 minutes total - not always an accurate time since I don't have a fitness watch, use my phone, and I'm not allowed to have my phone with me during the day at work, but it won't get a thumbs up unless I'm sure I've hit that 20-minute mark)
    πŸ“” Tracking every meal
    βš–οΈ Weighing myself daily is a given for me, so this will be the easiest one for me to accomplish.

    Highest Weight: Somewhere between 227-230... I don't know. I avoided the scale.
    Return to MFP after ~ 5-6 year absence (June 11, 2020) = 216.9
    Starting weight for this challenge (January 1, 2022) = 191.6
    Goal weight loss for January - just back into the 180s somewhere would make me happy at this point.

    01/01/2022 – βš–οΈ191.6 - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/02/2022 – βš–οΈ192.0 (+0.4) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/03/2022 - βš–οΈ191.8 (-0.2 / +0.2) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“”πŸ“š
    01/04/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.6 (+0.8 / +1.0) - hello chocolate and KFC - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/05/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.4 (-0.2 / +0.8) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“” -
    01/06/2022 - βš–οΈ 191.4 (-1.0 / -0.2 - believe me, I'm as surprised as anybody by this... will be up tomorrow, I'm sure) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/07/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.6 (+1.2 / +1.0) Yuuupppp... going up and up... not unexpected given my eating this month so far, and the last two months of 2021. πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“”
    01/08/2022 - βš–οΈ 193.0 (+0.4 / +1.4) Sigh.... πŸ˜…πŸš΄πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜• -
    01/09/2022 - βš–οΈ 194.2 (+1.2 / +2.6) - I got nuthin' .... - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“”
    01/10/2022 - βš–οΈ 195.8 (+1.6 / +4.2) πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/11/2022 - βš–οΈ 195.6 (-0.2 / +4.0) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“”
    01/12/2022 - Ummm.... Oops, I forgot to weigh myself this morning - I overslept and was in a rush. :( - πŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/13/2022 - βš–οΈ 195.2 (-0.3 / +3.6) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/14/2022 - βš–οΈ 193.6 (-1.6 / +2.0) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“”
    01/15/2022 - βš–οΈ 191.2 (-1.4 / -0.4) - πŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/16/2022 - βš–οΈ 191.4 (+0.2 / -0.2) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/17/2022 - βš–οΈ 193.2 (+1.8 / +1.6) There's the last three days of eating out. (Yesterday was Cheesecake Factory. I ate a "Skinnylicious" meal, but followed it up with cheesecake.) - πŸ˜…πŸš΄πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”πŸ₯…
    01/18/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.2 (-1.0 / +0.6) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”πŸ₯…
    01/19/2022 - βš–οΈ 193.2 (+1.0 / +1.6) - πŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/20/2022 - βš–οΈ 193.4 (+0.2 / +1.8) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/21/2022 - βš–οΈ 193.6 (+0.2 / +2.0) - πŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/22/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.6 (-1.0 / +1.0) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/23/2022 - βš–οΈ 193.6 (+1.0 / +2.0) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/24/2022 - βš–οΈ 194.0 (-0.4 / +2.4) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”πŸ₯…
    01/25/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.2 (-1.2 / +0.6) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/26/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.2 (+0.0 / +0.6) - πŸ“”
    01/27/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.2 (+0.0 / +0.6) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”
    01/28/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.2 (+0.0 / +0.6) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“”πŸ₯…

    01/29/2022 - βš–οΈ 191.2 (-1.0 / -0.4) Well, this is surprising. It won't stay here. I went into to work today and stopped on the way for donuts. Why? Because I wanted them. Sigh. - πŸ“” - I may have hit my 20 minutes minimum of exercise, but probably not. Actually didn't even get any real "me" time today either. Oh well.
    01/30/2022 - βš–οΈ 192.2 (+1.0 / +0.6) And there are the donuts. And wait until tomorrow. - πŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“” - I got about 15 minutes of "me" time reading today. But my daughter, Meg, and I joined a couple of friends at a concert tonight. We had pizza. Lots of pizza. The music was fun. Who knew klezmer rock was a thing? Hahahaha! The lead singer was really cute. Don't judge... I'm old, not dead, and I can and do enjoy the scenery. :wink:
    01/31/2022 - βš–οΈ 193.2 (+1.0 / +1.6) - πŸ˜…πŸšΆπŸ“šβ˜•πŸ“” - How the hell did it get to be the end of January already???? -- I got out of work late, hoofed it to the bus stop, waved down the bus driver as she was just starting to pull out of the bay. She stopped, and when I got on the bus, she actually wagged her finger at me and told me if I came running up like that again, and she was moving, she wasn't going to stop for me. Sigh. So, got my exercise in today, even if it was "slow motion" for the most part, since that bus drops me about 1/2-3/4 of a mile from home instead of right outside the complex. Bad choices again tonight.... weight will be up tomorrow.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,320 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Hi, I'm Joyce (Kurtize). I gained quite a bit the last 21/2 months when we moved and wasn't quite settled. Our place will be done in 2 months. I need to get back on track.
    🌟Lose 6 oz a week
    🌟Exercise 3 times a week
    🌟Log foods and water
    🌟Take me time (meditate and do daily devotionals)
    Jan. 1st: GO!! 187.8
    Jan. 5th: 186.4
    Jan. 8th: 188.4 (this week working on my stress eating)
    Jan 9th: 187
    Jan. 12th: 187.7
    Jan. 15th: 187.5
    Jan. 19th: 187.4
    Jan. 22nd: 189 ☹
    Jan: 26th: 188.8
    Jan: 29th: 187.9
    Jan: 31st - 187
    Progress: Lost 8 oz
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41, 5'4
    Heaviest: 180.8 (5th July '21)
    September start weight: 161.2
    February GW: 138lbs
    UGW: 130

    September challenge 9.4lbs lost
    October challenge 4.4lbs lost
    November challenge 4.2lbs lost
    December challenge 1.2lbs gained
    January challenge 2.8lbs lost
    Total 19.6lbs lost

    Dec 30 146.4
    Dec 31 144.2

    β„πŸ§€β„πŸ§£β„JANUARY β„πŸ§£β„πŸ§€β„

    Start weight= 144.2lbs
    Target to lose= 6.2lbs

    January 1β€” 146.6 (+2.4)
    January 2β€” 146.8 (+2.6)
    January 3β€” 144.6 (+0.4)
    January 4β€” 142.8 (-1.6)
    January 5β€” 141.6 (-2.6)
    January 6β€” 141.0 (-3.2)
    January 7β€” 141.0 (-3.2)
    January 8β€” 140.8 (-3.4)
    January 9β€” 141.8 (-2.4)
    January 10β€” 140.6 (-3.6)
    January 11β€” 140.4 (-3.8)
    January 12β€” 139.4 (-4.8)
    January 13β€” 141.0 (-3.2)
    January 14β€” 139.6 (-4.6)
    January 15β€” 140.0 (-4.2)
    January 16β€” 142.2 (-2.0)
    January 17β€” 141.6 (-2.6)
    January 18β€” 140.8 (-3.4)
    January 19β€” 141.6 (-2.6)
    January 20β€” 140.0 (-4.2)
    January 21β€” 141.0 (-3.2)
    January 22β€” 139.6 (-4.6)
    January 23β€” 140.2 (-4.0)
    January 24β€” 141.0 (-3.2)
    January 25β€” 140.8 (-3.4)
    January 26β€” 140.0 (-4.2)
    January 27β€” 139.6 (-4.6)
    January 28β€” 139.2 (-5.0)
    January 29β€” 138.2 (-6.0)
    January 30β€” 138.8 (-5.6)
    January 31β€” 141.4 (-2.8)

    Oops, totally forgot to post on 31st!

    Just looking at my final weigh in it seems that after losing the Christmas bloat I've been in maintenance for most of this month but because I use the Libra app I can see that my trend weight has gone from 144.2 to 140.1 and is the lowest it's been for many years so the month hasn't been totally wasted. I'm kinda disappointed that my low weights of the last few days didn't stick to the end but it's the big picture that really matters. I think I'll use my trend weight to set my next target and aim for 2.0lbs loss next month.
  • AshesSquared
    AshesSquared Posts: 131 Member
    Height 5'5"
    SW May 7, 2021: 169 lbs

    1st celebration GW: 140 lbs
    Overall GW: 130 lbs

    January SW: 144.8 lbs
    February SW: 142.8 lbs

    -2.0 lbs for January! Slowly, slowly. 140 lbs I'm coming for you!