🌟❄️ January Daily Log-in and Weigh-in Challenge ❄️🌟



  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    Arc2Arc wrote: »
    Get to 180 losing .5 lbs per week.
    Enter Maintenance Keeping Weight 179-183
    Log During Maintenance

    Oct. 2021 weight: 206.0
    Weight loss to date: 26.2
    Loss to Go: 0.0
    January weight loss: 4.2

    January 1: 184.0
    January 2: 183.0
    January 3: 182.8
    January 4: 182.6
    January 5: 182.4.
    January 6: 182.0
    January 7: 181.7
    January 8: 182.1
    January 9: 181.5
    January 10: 181.2
    January 11: 180.7
    January 12: 180.6
    January 13: 180.2
    January 14: 180.6


    January 15: 179.8 Reached Goal Weight!


    👏🏻 🥳 congratulations! Any advise?
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    You are doing super! I've hit the over 90 mark, looking forward to the BIG 100! And you just keep dropping too! Your an inspiration!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,280 Member
    @Arc2Arc Congrats on reaching your goal weight! Enjoy your journey into maintenance.

    @swimmom_1 Thanks!! Still pinching myself. Great result today.. you are making amazing progress as well!!!
  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    Arc2Arc wrote: »
    Get to 180 losing .5 lbs per week.
    Enter Maintenance Keeping Weight 179-183
    Log During Maintenance

    Oct. 2021 weight: 206.0
    Weight loss to date: 26.2
    Loss to Go: 0.0
    January weight loss: 4.2

    January 1: 184.0
    January 2: 183.0
    January 3: 182.8
    January 4: 182.6
    January 5: 182.4.
    January 6: 182.0
    January 7: 181.7
    January 8: 182.1
    January 9: 181.5
    January 10: 181.2
    January 11: 180.7
    January 12: 180.6
    January 13: 180.2
    January 14: 180.6


    January 15: 179.8 Reached Goal Weight!


    👏🏻 🥳 congratulations! Any advise?

    @jrortega1912 I had posted this a few days back. I hope it helps. One step at a time it’s a process.

    1. This not a race with a specific weight loss goal, it's a lifestyle change. True success is gaining insight, tools and habits that work. Once we do that the weight will come off. I promise. The road to that can be found here there are so many resources. And it won't happen instantly. It's a process and a very rewarding one if you submit to it.

    2. Deal with discouragement in a healthy way. Accept that discouragement at times is unavoidable. I got discouraged at times and I lost weight at about 2 pounds per week exceeding my target of 1 pound per week. As much as it feels like failure when the scale goes up, and it will no matter what you do, ask yourself if you've made progress building sustainable, good habits. Because that's what your success depends upon. That's the true measure. I promise.

    3. You CAN build good habits. I had terrible habits and spent most of my of my life able to eat whatever I wanted. I had to relearn almost everything. One step at a time. Be patient, this is a process.

    4. Open your mind and embrace that breakthroughs come sometimes when you don't expect them. The key is showing up and placing effort.

    5. Find self love. Want for yourself a healthy body and lifestyle and know that you deserve it. Do whatever it takes to get there. This point trumps the others.

    I don't mean to simplify this or suggest what helped me applies to everyone. But I believe in you. If you are here and read this you're showing up...and .... you can do this....
  • sunabove
    sunabove Posts: 94 Member
    Hi Jill, Happy New Year. I'm jumping in for first time. I just want to lose the two kilos that I've put on over the last few months. Hoping to drop half kilo a week.
    Jan. 16th: 59
    Jan. 17th:
    Jan. 18th:
    Jan. 19th:
    Jan. 20th:
    Jan. 21st:
    Jan. 22nd:
    Jan. 23rd:
    Jan. 24th:
    Jan. 25th:
    Jan: 26th:
    Jan: 27th:
    Jan. 28th:
    Jan. 29th:
    Jan. 30th:
    Jan. 31st:

  • tri2run
    tri2run Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi everyone!! I am excited to have found this group and challenge. I just recently started using MFP again. I am a 36 year old mother of 3 - ages 4, 6 and 8. My goal is to lose about 30 lbs and keep it off!!
    I would love friends on this journey - my username is tri2run. Please feel free to add me as a friend! 😀
    I copied and pasted the challenge info and updated it with my info:

    🌟❄️January Challenge❄️🌟

    My goals…

    🌟Get back into the 160’s and stay there!
    🌟 Plan meals and track in advance
    🌟Drink more water
    🌟 Drink less alcohol (once a week or not at all)
    🌟Stay positive and don’t fall into an all or nothing mindset

    Current weight: 172.4
    Goal Weight 140
    January Goal 169
    January weight lost so far: 0

    January 16— 172.4
    January 17—
    January 18—
    January 19—
    January 20—
    January 21—
    January 22—
    January 23—
    January 24—
    January 25—
    January 26—
    January 27—
    January 28—
    January 29—
    January 30—
    January 31—
  • susiemcmac
    susiemcmac Posts: 356 Member
    I'm ready to get back to healthy habits and a healthier weight starting tomorrow!

    My goals…

    🌟Lose .5 pounds each week… 26 pounds this year
    🌟Work out 3-5 days a week
    🌟Drink less wine
    🌟Log consistently
    🌟Eat at or under my calorie goal
    🌟Move 30 minutes a day

    Highest weight:214.5
    Current weight:214.5
    January Goal Weight: 209

    January 3—214.5 - well - that's a number I never want to see again. Let's do this!
    January 4—213
    January 5— 213.4 - had sushi last night. Hit my exercise goal, plus 10,000 steps and only 1 glass of wine - so I think it's the sodium.
    January 6—212.7 workout done
    January 7— 213.4 - hmm - I see some tweaks I need to make
    January 8— 211.9 - weight loss is weird - yesterday I had too many chips, had pizza for dinner with wine and I lose this - so bizarre!
    January 9—213.4 - there's the pizza! Did better yesterday and got my workout done for today.
    January 10—213.4 - not bad for the first week - down 1.2. Now for some tweaks for this week.
    January 11—211.9
    January 12— 211.9
    January 13— 211.4 - a loss and I've stuck with this for 10 days - taking it one day at a time and reminding myself slow and steady wins the race.
    January 14— 211.2
    January 15—211
    January 16—212.1 - pizza on Friday and burgers last night. All good - got my workout in today.
    January 17—
    January 18—
    January 19—
    January 20—
    January 21—
    January 22—
    January 23—
    January 24—
    January 25—
    January 26—
    January 27—
    January 28—
    January 29—
    January 30—
    January 31—
  • SantiagoAlverez
    SantiagoAlverez Posts: 88 Member
    🌟Drink a smoothie everyday.
    🌟 NO BINGING on candy/night eating.
    🌟Drink 100+oz of water/dry/no pop.

    Highest weight: 236
    Jan starting weight: 214.6
    Jan GW: 206lbs

    January weight lost so far: 3 lbs

    January 1—214.6
    January 2—214.2 (-.4)
    January 3—212.6 (-1.6)
    January 4 --211.2 (-1.4)
    January 5- 210.6 (-.6)
    January 6- 211.2 (.6)
    January 7- 211.4 (.2)
    January 8- 212.4 (1)
    January 9- 213.4 (1)
    January 10- 213.4 (0)
    January 11- 211.6 (-1.8)
    January 12- 212.2 (.6)
    January 13-212.4 (.2)
    January 14- 213.4 (1)
    January 15- 212.6 (-.8)
    January 16-211.6 (-1)
  • SammyW103
    SammyW103 Posts: 45 Member
    January 2022
    With any luck I’ll be going to the Bahamas at the end of this month. My goal is to reach my goal weight well before then. Goal is 125, 4.8 lbs. I’m also doing dry January so hoping to combine the benefits of not drinking with more exercise and better food choices! Get the cookies and chocolates out of my kitchen! It’s 2022 and that’s so last year!

    5’5” - 52, goal is 125

    Dec 31 - 129.8
    Jan 1 - holiday!
    Jan 2 - in Boston couldn’t weigh
    Jan 3 - 131, not weighing in daily always does me in! Now I have 6 lbs to go…
    Jan 4 - 131 ugh, I’m stuck
    Jan 5 -131
    Jan 6 - 131
    Jan 7 - missed
    Jan 8 - missed
    Jan 9 - 130.2
    Jan 10 - 131.1
    Jan 11 - 132
    Jan 12 - 132
    Jan 13 - 132
    Jan 14 - 130.2 better but I’m not even where I started. But I am 14 days AF. Finally warm enough to walk in the morning but next week is looking too cold in CT
    Jan 15 - 130.2
    Jan 16 - 129.5. 4.5 lbs left and less than 2 weeks before I need to put on a bathing suit. My shorts and summer clothes will just barely fit if I stay this weight.
    Jan 17
    Jan 18
    Jan 19
    Jan 20
    Jan 21
    Jan 22
    Jan 23
    Jan 24
    Jan 25
    Jan 26
    Jan 27
    Jan 28
    Jan 29
    Jan 30
    Jan 31
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Hello Everyone from before and Newbies!
    I'm Mary 64, 5'4" from Pennsylvania. My goal is to get back down AGAIN to 122 lbs. Kept it off for about 5 years and then got lazy. My body just stores Carbs too easily. I work long hours and exercise on my 3 off days/week, making up for my 4 work days. I started this challenge in November and will continue through December and January. Great group of motivating members! Thank you Jill! My goal is 5 lbs for January. My other goal is 15 lbs for Nov, Dec and Jan. Welcome back everyone! JOIN US!

    January Challenge

    Highest weight: 255 lbs 9/14/20 (twice) :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs. Started a new job without a micromanager.
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs Emergency Gallbladder surgery
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs. Started MFP and low carb and calorie restricted diet.
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212 lbs
    9/1/21-200 lbs
    10/1/21-191.4 lbs
    November 1 weight-181.8 lbs
    November goal-5 lbs
    November loss-5.6 lbs :-)
    December 1 weight-176.2 lbs
    December goal-5 lbs
    December weight lost so far -8.2 lbs :-)
    January goal-5 lbs
    January weight loss so far. -6 lbs. :-)
    Current weight today-162 lbs A New Low Since I Started Trying To Lose & MFP 5/14/21!!!!!! :-)
    January 1 weight-168 lbs
    Nov/Dec/Jan weight loss so far (Goal-15 lbs): -19.0 lbs :-)
    Loss since 9/14/20-93 lbs of 132 lb goal to lose. :-)

    1/1/22-168 lbs-Went out to eat Tuesday 12/28 at Texas Roadhouse and gained. Assuming its still Sodium water weight taking it's good old time to come back off. :-( Did my Elliptical today, 240 minutes for 16.5 miles.
    1/2/22-168 lbs- I'm sure it's water weight from Pork & Sauerkraut. :-( Did my Elliptical today, 240 minutes for 16.55 miles.
    1/3/22-169 lbs :-( Not good. I lose weight over Thanksgiving and Christmas and gain over NY! Need to get back in the groove! I'm off tomorrow so will be back on my Elliptical.
    1/4/22-169 lbs. :-( Elliptical 240 minutes for 16.15 miles.
    1/5/22-168 lbs :-) Heading the right way again, Finally!
    1/6/22-168 lbs. :-| Elliptical 240 minutes for 16.25 miles
    1/7/21-168 lbs. :-( I'm not used to this! Hopefully a drop soon!
    1/8/22-165.8 lbs! :-) Finally water weight gone!! Nov/Dec/Jan goal of 15 lbs achieved-16 lbs! Now I just have to maintain it but I'm still striving for more.
    1/9/22-164.6 lbs. :-) YESSSSSS! Finally a New Low! Lightest I've been in 6-7 years! Did my Elliptical today 244 minutes for 17.1 miles.
    1/10/21-165.8 lbs
    1/11/21-165.8 lbs My usual uptick or could be the crab pretzel I ate Sunday! 244 minutes on my Elliptical for 17.1 miles.
    1/12/21-165.8 lbs
    1/13/21-165.8 lbs
    1/14/21-165.8 lbs- Been a looonnng 3 days of work. Pretty beat without more than 5 hours sleep each night. Did almost 16 hours each day, except 14 hours today. I can sleep Saturday till I wakeup without an alarm. :-) 5 days same weight too, hoping for a decent drop tomorrow or Sunday. Stayed on track so maybe not enough rest time for my body to recover.

    1/15/22-162 lbs! :-) A BIG WHOOSH, FINALLY! Did 247 minutes on my Elliptical for 17 miles.
    1/16/22-162 lbs. :-) 253 minutes on my Elliptical for 16 miles. Longer time but obviously slower pace.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,800 Member
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.
    71 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    I workout w/my trainer 3X a week and walk the other 4 days
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 147.1
    Challenge Goal: 140
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0
    January 01 -147.1 at 8:15 a.m. ...6.96 miles in 123 mins
    January 02 -147.5 at 9:00 a.m. ...nothing...told myself it was too cold, it turned beautiful and warm...sigh.
    January 03 - 147.1 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 04 - 148.7 at 7:30 a.m. ...6.36 miles in 110 mins
    January 05 - 148.2 at 6:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 06 - 148.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...nothing...too cold and windy
    January 07 - 148.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 08 - 148.0 at 8:15 a.m. ...5.42 miles in 96 mins
    January 09 - 146.9 at 8:45 a.m. ...6.22 miles in 108 mins
    January 10 - 148.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    January 11 - 146.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    January 12 - 147.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.98 miles in 104 mins
    January 13 - 147.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.53 miles in 97 mins
    January 14 - 146.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...nothing!!
    January 15 - 149.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...5.44 miles in 97 mins
    January 16 - 147.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.49 miles in 97 mins
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,280 Member
    Highest weight: 293
    Current weight: 184.4
    January weight lost so far: 6.2

    December 30—190.6
    December 31—188.6
    January 1—190.6
    January 2—188 (First day of 2022 was mostly spent in the car driving the 11+ hours to my Dad's. I had gotten up before the drive to ride my Peloton and got a PR on my 45 minute time. I have to be more creative while I'm here to get my exercise in but you can bet I'll be doing just that!)
    January 3—188 (Enjoyed the second day of 2022 at my Dad's house. It's cold here but I got my 10K steps by walking inside. I also did a short dumbbell workout and yoga session. He cooks lots of veggies with his meals so that's been great.)
    January 4—186.8 (Finding ways to stay active at Dad's. We had supper at my Aunt and Uncle's house last night - homemade lasagna. Finding ways to stay on track despite being out of my normal routine.)
    January 5—188.2 (Back on the road today, heading home from Dad's. Last meal was Chinese food and I ate a little more than planned. Back to normal routine tomorrow. Overall my weight is down on this trip which is great.)
    January 6—187 (Great drive home yesterday, did my longest Peloton ride ever when I got home. Back to normal routine but not back to work until tomorrow.)
    January 7—186.8 (Work day flew by, Peloton ride on my lunch break, video chat with my mother-in-law tonight. Happy weekend!!)
    January 8—185.2 (Up early but hoping to doze a bit more as I had a poor sleep which is unusual for me. We shall see what fun we get up to today!)
    January 9—185.4 (Had a nice and relaxing day around home yesterday but did also manage to get outside for my first walk of 2022 - the cold had finally settled just enough to make it bearable! Looking forward to the same again today.)
    January 10—184.8 (Yesterday my husband and I went out to trying snowshoeing for the first time. Had a blast! Busy day at work today but I had my 100th Peloton ride live before I started and got a shout out... fun milestone for me!)
    January 11—184.6 (Good day of eating, sun was out, walked and biked, showered and planning to read and rest up for the rest of the evening.)
    January 12—183.4 (My days seem to have a rhythm to them this week - work, Peloton, supper, MFP, a bit of TV/reading, bed. Whatever works!)
    January 13—184.6 (Broke the pattern and started the day with the bike instead. Work has been tough this week. Looking so forward to the weekend.)
    January 14—183.2 (At last Friday is here. The weekend is going to be a welcomed break. Lazing around in bed this morning before work so my workout will have to be right after work.)
    January 15—182.2 (Up to drive just over an hour north to get our dog groomed. Husband and I will have a great breakfast at a cute little tea house nearby.)
    January 16—184.4 (Ate just above maintenance yesterday as my husband made some special food for the Bills playoff game. Today we got out to the mountains to snowshoe and I'll hop on the bike right after this. It was a lovely weekend and I feel recharged and ready for another work week.)
    January 17—
    January 18—
    January 19—
    January 20—
    January 21—
    January 22—
    January 23—
    January 24—
    January 25—
    January 26—
    January 27—
    January 28—
    January 29—
    January 30—
    January 31—
  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 1,031 Member
    In another "community" group I'm a member of we have the option of editing our posts. Wondering why that option is available to some groups and not to others. It would be so much easier to stay connected if we could edit/update one post rather than re posting nearly daily.

  • Br00klynbaby90
    Br00klynbaby90 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm trying to stay consistent but logging in daily 🙃