
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,201 Member
    Beth Yay for Mom's hearing aids!

    Pip that patio is a beautiful space to relax! Good luck at the ER. Sometimes going through the ER makes the insurance easier because they will accept it as an emergency. But it still is a royal nuisance and takes patience. Hope you get a clear actionable diagnosis.

    I feel better after my exercise. I did 58 minutes of yoga, including a few seconds of side plank, a reasonable pigeon, and a wobble that was a preliminary crow without the balance. I'm finally seeing some results from all my dumbbell work. Yay! I also did 8 mins of elliptical and 6 mins of marching.Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,946 Member
    Pip,if you cant have Kirby keep us in the loop please..
    Sean,my brother went to post op
    ,all looks well but have to wait for bleeding and swelling to go down.. is going home to eat and sleep..this is alp theough my SIL.. told her to have him call me when he us up to it
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,740 Member
    edited February 2022
    Pip, thinking about you, and Allie, thinking about your brother. Sending all the good vibes in the world. Beth, so pleased your mom is cooperating so well.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,978 Member
    In the waiting area now. Gave me a norco for pain but it hasn’t kicked in yet. Kirby is in the car, took yogi for a walk around the area. They mentioned doing a ct scan and an ultrasound.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,545 Member
    edited February 2022
    Sending healing vibes wending your way, Pip.
    Hope your brother is OK Allie.

    The mobile battery change man came late in the afternoon, but it's all done. DH will be much happier leaving the car with a new battery in it. Good system and much cheaper than getting the Honda garage to do it.

    I've ordered a new black shrug to go with my summer long dress and various other sleeveless things. It should arrive tomorrow. I'm happier with my upper arms covered. ;)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Had an interesting morning so far ;)
    Started out just after midnight. DH was leaving for work, not watching where he stepped and, yep, stepped in IT- cat poop. This time I just laid in bed, pretending to sleep while he cleaned it up(coughing/gagging/making a LOT of noise). usually I get up and clean it up, especially when it happens when he is on his way to work-
    This morning, got the mail and checked my cc bill- WAY higher than it should have been. Check- three charges to DoorDash.I know for sure they are not mine. I have never used door dash, never even have food delivered plus all three are places no where near where we live. Called the cc company. Took a while to get through but I did and now have to wait to get a new cc then change my card number to the accounts I have it linked to. Such a pain but better than those false charges- They charged $50,$68,$89

    Found out last night that mom still hasn't ordered the potting soil so won't be going up there this weekend to plant the green house. Hopefully by next weekend. I told her I would come up. Spend the weekend before my birthday with her. It will be nice to spend it with her. If she doesn't have the soil, we will just do some weeding or what ever or maybe, just visit. Her friend bought her trailer so she will be moving to mom's soon. This may be the last weekend for just her and I(unless Joanne moves in before that).

    This weekend, hoping to work in my garden- get it ready to plant. May buy some of my plants and not wait for the ones we plant at mom's- some I will but not sure how much.

    Hoping the scale moves lower finally this weekend- still tracking but it isn't moving.

    Have a great weekend ladies

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Pip))) Is Kirby there with you? Ask him to give a hug from me and likely many others.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,116 Member
    edited February 2022
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Karen, so happy to hear about Josephine the ballerina, such good news!
    Pip, the patio looks great!
    Rita, sorry that things aren’t great right now, hope it turns around soon!
    Lisa, unfortunate that family members don’t always see eye to eye. Totally understand your ambivalence, I’m sometimes quite happy to have been an only child! Love the thought of the angry gopher cutting Corey’s hair, I really did lol!!
    Debbie, sure hope your hubby gets over the tree parts that landed in your yard. Living with him must be so difficult.
    I’m sure there were other comments I wanted to make, like Tracey said, I hope the comments I make in my head count!!
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

    Thank you!!
    yes, the neighbors came over the next morning. It was a lot larger than they thought so came back over with a truck, cut it up and took it away- very little sign that it had even fallen. Really nice people. Kept apologizing

    YES- living with him all these years has been hard and getting harder-Hard to believe I have put up with it this long- married almost 30 yrs. If I do not agree with him, I am wrong.

    Pip-hope they figure out what is causing you the pain and it is an easy fix.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,453 Member
    Did 45 minutes on the stairmaster and then 15 rowing. The plan for tomorrow is to do Karen Voit’s Sleek Essentials DVD

    After exercise did my thrift store run. First Brevard Charities (I thought they didn’t open until 10 but saw a car there at 9 so I stopped in. Then the SPCA, I couldn’t believe how many people were there at 9:30, then I saw that the wooden nickel special is everything in the store was ½ off (you buy a wooden nickel for $5, it’s good for all time), dropped off some Lenox to the guy I sold the crystal to because I promised I would, then went to Upscale Resale where anything that had green in it was ½ off.

    Then came home and they were installing the storm door. Well….the saga continued. The guy who installed the door installed, not only the wrong molding, the molding by using adhesive so Lowe’s couldn’t take it down since they were afraid (and rightly so) that it might ruin the outside so they put the right molding on top of the wrong molding. Honestly, it looks weird right now. Hopefully, once it’s painted it won’t look bad. The good news is that there was JUST BARELY enough room for the closer so at least that didn’t have to be sawed.

    Vince did get the other piece of the threshold up so now from the condo is only about 1/8 of an inch up to the outside

    Heather – lovely cape! And it matches the dress so well. You’ll be a hit on the cruise ship, that’s for sure

    katla – good idea to stay inside. For those days, can you do a yoga DVD?

    Beth – would a local theater be interested in the WWII uniform? Many times they are. I know I recently took a coat/jacket from someone to our local community theater

    Vicki – good luck at the doctor’s. So sorry to hear about your cards. What a pain! A lot of times when someone steals your card, they don’t charge a whole lot figuring that you’ll just dismiss or not even notice a small charge. Lots of small charges add up….

    Popcorn – I just ordered the microwave bowl to pop popcorn in!!!

    This afternoon went in the pool then walked across the street to see if the Pet Supermarket has the Nature's Miracle that I needed (they don't) then to Beal's where I got 2 pairs of sneakers that I like. I could wait and save a few $$ by buying at Hamrick's by me but H never has anything that I like and the ones I like they don't seem to be able to get in my size.

    Pot luck tonight.

    Michele now in FL reading pip's saga...sure hope they get it figured out
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,685 Member
    Pip - sending good thoughts!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,693 Member
    edited February 2022
    Pip: Sending good wishes for a satisfactory outcome. You did the right thing
    Annie: Glad the exercise cheered you up. Looking after the Oldsters can be a trial at times.
    Heather: You will look fabulous.
    Beth: We had similar problems when we moved DMiL into assisted living. It was no bother to store her treasures. I still have some of them. 😂

    Welcome to our new girls.
    (((Hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 If you need them.

    💕💖💕 to all

    ☘️ Terri
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,669 Member
    Pip, healing thoughts sent your way from Whidbey!💖Rebecca
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,669 Member
    Had a good night last night, no vertigo issues. The Benadryl works!
    Texting with eldest son this afternoon. Its 9 am there in Guam. Waking up and chatting with his momma. All seems realigned in my heart.
    Heather your sparkly shawl looks marvelous! I would not worry about the 6 lb gain, like you said the dress is stretchy fabric. No worries.💖👍
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,669 Member
    Please excuse all the swear words listed on this map. 😳😁👍
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,978 Member
    Please excuse all the swear words listed on this map. 😳😁👍

    Nahhhhhh, No need, I luv ‘em