

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie— DH corrected me regarding the poodles he fancies. He says they are Moyen Poodles, not Moyden. They will be middle sized. Our most recent dog was Schooner, a Keeshond, and he passed away last fall. We both still miss him. We’re ready to adopt a new puppy when it is ready to come home with us.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    edited February 2022
    When I log I only have a very few things that are itemised. Most of the time I use Quick Add. I know the calorie value of everything, and have for over for 60 years, so I weigh stuff, and total up each meal in my head. Sometimes I just add them together for lunch and snack. I'm not interested in values etc, because my meals are all very healthy and made from scratch. Lots of veg, fruit etc. Not much sugar apart from one toffee.
    It makes life much easier and I log it all every day. My current calorie deficit is 550-600 calories a day plus the 400 that MFP factors in. That way I lose a pound a week, because I am OLD. My exercise takes me between 135 and 150 active minutes a day. Includes machines, yoga,, pilates, weights, running.

    Tonight is 500 calories of cauliflower cheese. Very fattening, but I am not drinking at the moment and not snacking. :D

    My shopping trip to the pharmacy resulted in getting most of what I needed. Just paracetamol to get now. I also bought frozen artichokes from a Mediterranean store. My favourite thing of all time. Plus bags of fresh spinach for tomorrow dinner.

    My friend G went to the doctor about her swollen knee. At the hospital she heard them say 'rheumatoid arthritis '. Scared her witless. The doctor told her it was 'reactive arthritis '. LISTEN UP FOLKS! :*>:)
    Probably caught some bug in Singapore.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx and WELCOME new women! :drinker:
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    edited February 2022
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Kylia- it is great to see you post- thanks for the update- Missed seeing you post.
    I had cataract surgery on both eyes at 50. Still wear glasses for astigmatism.
    Yes, still had dull ache/pain after drops were done.

    CICO- I have no problem at all with CI- many days I am under 1000 a day, I grab a little snack to get it to 1000-1100. I did 1000 cal a day for almost 2 yrs then took a few months break then got back. Still stick closer to 1000 because I worry about if I am tracking correctly(like yesterday- had imitation crab salad from the deli- tracking it could be 110 cal up to 350 cal. I have asked dh to find out as it came from his deli but he hasn't or if I forget to put something in. My problem is CO- I used to do well but never 1000 cal. out. I do zumba two nights a week and then some gardening sometimes(not much during the winter but it will pick up soon but still not 1000 calories worth). I need to find my motivation.
    Intermittent fasting is pretty easy- don't eat until noon most days with no problem- yesterday it was almost 3PM before I ate anything- just plain black tea before that.

    Pip- milk of magnesia works great for that- DH went 10 days without going after his first hip replacement surgery- He still has "issues" because of waiting so long- he made sure he had a bottle here after the second(and third and forth) surgeries.

    Watching church now and then plan to clean out both refrigerators- really clean out, not just dump the old left overs, so I have room for stuff and can find what I need.
    Other house cleaning to do but not sure how much will get done.

    Napa Valley,CA

    A good portion of CO is existing. We burn calories just being and most of us will burn at least 1000.

    So if you're eating 1000 calories and remaining the same weight, your CO is 1000 calories.

    Things like standing rather than sitting will burn a few more calories. Walking burns more than just standing. Climbing stairs burns more than walking. But all those things increase your CO.

    M in Oz

    I was just going by the actual exercise that I track and was wondering how you all could work out that much to be more than what you ate.

    I've discovered I can maintain on about 1500 calories a day doing basic daily stuff. Nothing I would actually call exercise.

    I prefer to eat about 1800 calories a day. So if I am going to eat 1800 calories a day and maintain weight, I need to exercise at least 300 calories a day.

    1800 - 1500 = 300 exercise calories.

    If I want to lose weight, I need to exercise to burn more calories like 350 for a really, really slow weight loss or more for a faster weight loss.

    Or I need to eat less. Or some combination of the two.

    For example if I ate 1600 calories, I'd need to exercise to burn 100 calories to maintain and more to lose.

    As for the calorie burn ... for me, I seem to burn about 200 calories per hour walking and about 350/hour cycling.

    M in Oz

    I wish I could figure this out for me. I can only guess that I need to exercise more because I can't eat much less(won't let me track if I go under 1000) and I can not seem to loose any weight.

    I have tried to eat a little more but that is hard to get my mind to allow that. Don't want to gain more weight. I can't even remember eating more than 1200 in a day. Maybe during those six months after covid/dad passing when I quit everything but even then, only gained a pound or two.
    I tend to stick at 1000 on days I don't do any exercise and 1100 -1150 on days I do zumba or walk for 90 min. Scale is just not moving. Even if I could loose 2lbs and be under 150 that would be wonderful- just to see it move.

    Barbara- yes. Dh had both hips replaced and less than 5 yrs later they had both failed and had to have them replaced and damage repaired from the faulty hips(Cobalt/Cromium poisoning destroyed some of the bone)
    Your birthday is the same as my mother in laws and a week before mine.

    Heather- have you tried the Sea Bands for sea sickness? They seem to really help me. Amazing how those little bands really help. Just make sure to put them on early enough. The first time I didn't and I paid for it- super sick in my cabin the whole first night. I learned my lesson. The next cruise, those things went on right when we got on the ship.

    Tina- I am one of the few that can NOT take Benadryl to help me sleep- as mom says, her and I are "wired backwards"- that is like a few cups of coffee for me. Found out the hard way that Tylanol PM, the PM is Benadryl- sure wasn't good beings I was hoping to get some sleep that night. Mom can't take Nyquil for that reason and I have never tried it.

    Rita- I hope you find your son and lessen your stress. HUGS
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,525 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    LEAH & ALL OTHERS ~ Welcome and keep coming back. We are a great group of women.

    REBECCA ~ You and your sisters look lovely in that photo. I think you have your father's smile.

    CI/CO ~ I have found that pastas for dinner really pile on the weight. I will eat a meal with pasta and have to spend 2 or 3 days to overcome the gain.

    Carol in GA

    He was a great guy, laughed like a donkey! Good memories.💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,525 Member
    Had a good workout session. Walked for 2 miles at 2.7, on the treadmill. After checked my blood pressure and it was 122/76 99 bpm. So happy about that.👍

    Yesterday I made a nice square pan of lasagna for Lee. I did well building the thing, 6 layers/rotated the pan even. So today there's some leftover lasagna noodles, and I am going to create lasagna soup. Cooking up a couple meatballs in onion, mushrooms and garlic paste. Adding a spoonful of red pepper bruschetta and a handful of shredded cabbage. After it wilts a bit, I will add a spoonful of the leftover spaghetti sauce, chicken stock, and noodles and simmer. It should be heaven!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Debbie - I have never been seasick. Even in a bad storm I just feel a bit 'full in the head'. I have taken Kwells in bad swells as a precaution since I was a child. Usually I only take a couple at most per trip. It's DH who gets dizzy and feels bad. Kwells do help him from actually being sick, but he has to retire to his bed in a heavy swell. My worry is that he has not been on a ship since he banged his head nearly two years ago now. He had vertigo for a year. I'm crossing my fingers for a calm Bay of Biscay. It's notorious for bad weather. :o He is also worried about going to the toilet in the night if it's rough. He has to get up three or four times a night.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2022
    Just got a flood watch message here on the Lower Columbia River. It isn’t scary so far. On the plus side, I just had the privilege to watch two Bald Eagles fly past our windows. I am thrilled to see them.


    (ps- The Bald Eagle is a symbol of the United States of America. I saw them before, a couple of years ago in high water conditions. Bald Eagles are fish eaters.)
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    Tina- I am one of the few that can NOT take Benadryl to help me sleep- as mom says, her and I are "wired backwards"- that is like a few cups of coffee for me. Found out the hard way that Tylanol PM, the PM is Benadryl- sure wasn't good beings I was hoping to get some sleep that night. Mom can't take Nyquil for that reason and I have never tried it.

    Benadryl doesn't make me sleep either. Most things that help people sleep don't work for me. In Fiji, I had Kava again (I usually don't partake) and it is supposed to help with sleep. I was wide awake all night.

    Tina in CA
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    On family and friends.... that is a hard one. Yikes. Family is a given and we make it work if we can. Friends are a choice. This group is a support and fills a need for me that family can't and doesn't.

    Rita, hope you have luck finding your son and then feeling less concerned.
    My husband's oldest son has cut us out of his life and we don't know why. He lives across the country from us and just kind of went off the deep end. In October 2020 he came to visit for ten days. He told us he was taking two weeks off from work to visit us. During the visit he was very distant and didn't want to eat at the table with us or go hiking with me. He played games continually on his phone and didn't really engage in conversation or shared time with us. He quit showing up for work when he went home after the visit and after several "second" chances was fired from his job. He hasn't worked since and according to his mother (Jack's ex-wife) he refuses to even look for work saying he is afraid of catching Covid.It breaks Jack's heart, this son he raised from the time the boy was 5. Mark missed Jack's 80th and 81st birthday. He knows Jack's heart failure is severe but still doesn't have the decency or courtesy of communicating with his dad.

    We are close to my sister and her family ... but my brother not at all. Families grrrr.....

    Betsy in NW WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Just checking in.. waiting on Carmine,stayed after for extra help.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    I wish I could figure this out for me. I can only guess that I need to exercise more because I can't eat much less(won't let me track if I go under 1000) and I can not seem to loose any weight.

    I have tried to eat a little more but that is hard to get my mind to allow that. Don't want to gain more weight. I can't even remember eating more than 1200 in a day. Maybe during those six months after covid/dad passing when I quit everything but even then, only gained a pound or two.
    I tend to stick at 1000 on days I don't do any exercise and 1100 -1150 on days I do zumba or walk for 90 min. Scale is just not moving. Even if I could loose 2lbs and be under 150 that would be wonderful- just to see it move.

    When you log do you measure, with a food scale, everything you eat/drink that has calories? If you are doing that, I really don't have any advice for you, sorry. If you aren't logging that way, I would recommend that.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    edited February 2022
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Barbie— Thank you for the information about your wonderful poodles. We have been looking at Moyen Poodles. DH says Moyen means middle. We met a medium sized gray poodle at the breeder’s home and were charmed by her. She will be having puppies at the end of March. DH is hoping that we will be able to get one of those puppies. We live in a neighborhood with lots of good places where we can walk & play with a dog. We have a lawn area for a dog at home and local parks close by. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for one of those puppies. 🐕‍🦺 🐩. Wish us luck.

    Moyen is a French word for middle or medium.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    I wish I could figure this out for me. I can only guess that I need to exercise more because I can't eat much less(won't let me track if I go under 1000) and I can not seem to loose any weight.

    I have tried to eat a little more but that is hard to get my mind to allow that. Don't want to gain more weight. I can't even remember eating more than 1200 in a day. Maybe during those six months after covid/dad passing when I quit everything but even then, only gained a pound or two.
    I tend to stick at 1000 on days I don't do any exercise and 1100 -1150 on days I do zumba or walk for 90 min. Scale is just not moving. Even if I could loose 2lbs and be under 150 that would be wonderful- just to see it move.

    When you log do you measure, with a food scale, everything you eat/drink that has calories? If you are doing that, I really don't have any advice for you, sorry. If you aren't logging that way, I would recommend that.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    Also try adding in a 30-60 min walk on the days you don't do Zumba or other exercise .
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did Cathe Drill Max DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Firm Low Impact DVD

    Debbie – I don’t keep track of exercise calories. I just try to eat at 1250 calories and anything else I consider a bonus. I only use measuring cups. Not sure why. I’m just not much of a meat eater so I’m not really concerned about that

    Making this lap blanket for this lady here at the condo. She’s real nice, remembers MIL. I would guess she’s in her late 80’s. She gave me a mug (I think it was one she had) with some candies in it. Personally, I didn’t care for most of the candies and just threw them out. But I wouldn’t tell her that. Anyway, I ordered more of the yarn from Amazon and it should be here tomorrow or Wed.

    After exercise helped Vince by cleaning the molding so he could paint it. I was wanting to help him but he told me (and this is true) that there really isn’t room for two people. So I went to a pickleball thing here. I know this one lady is trying to start it here.

    Leah – welcome

    Went to the pool – I REFUSE to go home white! Then I needed to change my voicemail password so did that. Made brownies for Vince and stuffing for him for dinner tonight and the next few nights while I finish the sweet potatoes.

    On the box for antihistamine it says “can cause drowsiness. Does just the opposite for me. At 3am I’m watching reruns of Mary Tyler Moore...lol

    Michele glad to be in FL
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Went to pick Carmine up from school and she said at 3:15 that came and went and texted her at 3:30 and she said it was 3:40 so i sat some more...
    Tracy and I have found that to get Miles to sleep after feeding we are using the swing.. its finally starting to work..
    No more pacifier...he sure is becoming a little porker he will be 2 months Friday and he is in 3-6 month clothes
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,525 Member
    Well, my soup worked. Couldn't find the meatballs in the freezer so I guess I must've eaten them last month! I just sauteed the onions, garlic paste and mushrooms in butter, with the spoonful of red pepper bruschetta, 1/4 cup spaghetti sauce, and 2 cups of chicken broth. I boiled water and had some sausage ravioli that you just boil for 4 min, so that was good. Just mixed it into the sauce.
    Opened my eating window at 11:30 am and shut it at 1:30 pm. Easy peasy.

    Thought about me joining TOPS and though socially it might be good, I do recall the rollercoaster ride I put myself on weekly with the scale. Also they probably wouldn't be as accepting with me being an intermittent faster. So I will look into other avenues for social interaction.👍💖
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
    Stats of the day-

    Short walk w/family- 20.20min, 170elev, 3.42ap, 96mhr, 112mhr, 1.16mi= 109c
    Strava app= 140c
    Walk w/family- 1hr33min 38sec, 35elev, 3.27ap, 94ahr, 107mhr, 5.08mi= 437c
    Strava app 614c

    Total cal 548

    Weird, close to no pain. Hmmmm.