

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    edited February 2022
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Kylia- it is great to see you post- thanks for the update- Missed seeing you post.
    I had cataract surgery on both eyes at 50. Still wear glasses for astigmatism.
    Yes, still had dull ache/pain after drops were done.

    CICO- I have no problem at all with CI- many days I am under 1000 a day, I grab a little snack to get it to 1000-1100. I did 1000 cal a day for almost 2 yrs then took a few months break then got back. Still stick closer to 1000 because I worry about if I am tracking correctly(like yesterday- had imitation crab salad from the deli- tracking it could be 110 cal up to 350 cal. I have asked dh to find out as it came from his deli but he hasn't or if I forget to put something in. My problem is CO- I used to do well but never 1000 cal. out. I do zumba two nights a week and then some gardening sometimes(not much during the winter but it will pick up soon but still not 1000 calories worth). I need to find my motivation.
    Intermittent fasting is pretty easy- don't eat until noon most days with no problem- yesterday it was almost 3PM before I ate anything- just plain black tea before that.

    Pip- milk of magnesia works great for that- DH went 10 days without going after his first hip replacement surgery- He still has "issues" because of waiting so long- he made sure he had a bottle here after the second(and third and forth) surgeries.

    Watching church now and then plan to clean out both refrigerators- really clean out, not just dump the old left overs, so I have room for stuff and can find what I need.
    Other house cleaning to do but not sure how much will get done.

    Napa Valley,CA

    A good portion of CO is existing. We burn calories just being and most of us will burn at least 1000.

    So if you're eating 1000 calories and remaining the same weight, your CO is 1000 calories.

    Things like standing rather than sitting will burn a few more calories. Walking burns more than just standing. Climbing stairs burns more than walking. But all those things increase your CO.

    M in Oz

    I was just going by the actual exercise that I track and was wondering how you all could work out that much to be more than what you ate.

    I've discovered I can maintain on about 1500 calories a day doing basic daily stuff. Nothing I would actually call exercise.

    I prefer to eat about 1800 calories a day. So if I am going to eat 1800 calories a day and maintain weight, I need to exercise at least 300 calories a day.

    1800 - 1500 = 300 exercise calories.

    If I want to lose weight, I need to exercise to burn more calories like 350 for a really, really slow weight loss or more for a faster weight loss.

    Or I need to eat less. Or some combination of the two.

    For example if I ate 1600 calories, I'd need to exercise to burn 100 calories to maintain and more to lose.

    As for the calorie burn ... for me, I seem to burn about 200 calories per hour walking and about 350/hour cycling.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    The rain awakened me in the middle of the night. It is 1:31 am. I hope to get a bit more sleep before morning.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,834 Member
    Kim- My preferred protein sources are: Greek Yogurt, cottage cheese, and egg whites. I am not big on meat, either. KJ
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,098 Member
    Betsy Yay for good surgery results!

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,497 Member
    It's just dawn here, woke up again about 3:30. I did hope that sleeping 7 or 8 hours a night would continue, but I also said I wanted my old life back. And in my old life, I slept between 5 and 6 hours a night. Ah well. Be careful what you wish for and all that.

    We broke our Keurig coffee maker yesterday - well, Corey broke it. That's what I'm telling him anyway. :smiley: I honestly have no idea how it broke. He decided he wanted a small percolator, so I got one ordered for him on Amazon. The small electric ones are surprisingly expensive, but finally found one where he liked the 4-cup size, as there's less waste, and I like the way it looks, and it won't bust the budget. In the meantime, he gets coffee set up the night before in the Coleman stovetop drip coffeemaker. It comes in handy when the electricity is out, too. :smiley: I'm drinking decaf tea these days, so I use the electric kettle anyway.

    Looks like my daughter and the grands will be coming for spring break, so the 10th to the 14th. Tyler's birth father will pick him up here, we're about halfway between where Kelsey lives and his father's Texas home, so easier on everyone. It's sad we won't see much of him, but glad to see them at all.

    Thinking about doing some furniture moving in my office. Now that I'm no longer in it for ten hours a day, I need less workspace. Not sure I can get it all done today, but I should be able to get some of it done. :smile: If I have things measured correctly, I should be able to get the dining table and chairs accessible in what was, after all, the dining room originally. Right now, they're shoved against a wall. It will all be incremental, work when I can and sit when I must, but then again, I have plenty of time. :smile: It also makes it much easier for the grands to have a table to sit at while they're here - but they honestly prefer the barstools at the kitchen counter so they can add to the chaos. :wink:

    Can't believe March is already tomorrow - for those that this is their first month in the thread, Barbie will post a link to the March thread this evening. Clean start for all each month.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Machka would you point me to the other calendar you use? As I was looking for Mindful March was thinking the Action for Happiness.org calendars were getting stale, no longer resonating with me as they once did. Then I opened tomorrow’s message: “Set an intention to live with awareness and kindness.” Thunk. Speaks directly to something I’ve been pondering lately. What is it about me that attracts hyper-sensitive people? Or do my self-involvement and obliviousness lead me to tromp on perfectly reasonable people’s toes? Maybe…
    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie— Thank you for the information about your wonderful poodles. We have been looking at Moyen Poodles. DH says Moyen means middle. We met a medium sized gray poodle at the breeder’s home and were charmed by her. She will be having puppies at the end of March. DH is hoping that we will be able to get one of those puppies. We live in a neighborhood with lots of good places where we can walk & play with a dog. We have a lawn area for a dog at home and local parks close by. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for one of those puppies. 🐕‍🦺 🐩. Wish us luck.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,525 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Chose well: Joe, 19 mins wii, BP, readings, livestream church, steps >7400, CI<CO, CI<250<CO, active 5:00
    Bonus: 26 mins grooming Tumble, Freddie’s
    Workin’ on it: 142.4, H20x5.
    Friendly February 2022
    27: Call a friend to catch up and really listen to them. C?
    28: Give positive comments to as many people as possible today.

    Go figure. Wearing velour “running” suit instead of pjs, and despite last evening’s yoghurt, chocolate and peppermint stick, down 1.1 lbs this morning. :astonished:

    Ginny fingers Xd the plumber finds no issues with the toilet/platform.
    Karen, Kylia, Terry, Mary, Kay so happy to see you popping in! 
    Heather con very VERY grats! And ditto what KJ said about knowing you anywhere, any color. ;)
    Lisa and Julie hope the insomnia eases.
    Margaret ((hugs))
    Debbie were all four of your DH’s surgeries hip replacements? I feel ya about the fridge purge.
    Rebecca Tucker is beautiful!
    KJ your and your son’s comments about us friends who haven’t met IRL made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Thanks both! Afraid Joe would be clueless on how to let y’all know if something happened to me. Maybe I’ll ask my god daughter.
    Pip glad you decided not to wait. Prayers for swift action and complete healing.
    Allie saw those mini apples at Freddie’s today, but passed them up for a bag of clementines. Let me know how you like the apples?
    Betsy hooray for clarity and good luck St. Patrick’s day!
    Kim, like you I lost 20+ pounds back in the day but have stabilized at 35 lbs above goal and do not like how I look. Haven’t been a veg since I broke my wrist in 1980. Back then I was an “ovo-lacto” vegetarian, meaning I’d eat animal products if it didn’t mean killing the animal. When my protein is low for the day I’ll have some fat free Greek yoghurt to boost it up. Or a devilled egg. You have to eat a lot of calories worth of beans, seeds and nuts to hit those protein goals but the fiber and nutrition are worth it, right? ;)

    Raining pretty good so didn’t take the dogs to the powerline. Got steps in by shopping and marching in place watching Journeys in Japan. Tomorrow meeting my friend D for coffee. Rain will prevent our usual stroll/n/chat.

    Joe has to go to Medford Tuesday for eye pressure check. Means I’ll have the house all to myself for my 72nd birthday. Planning an indulgent day, starting with crème caramel coffee and a cro-nut, finishing with steak, baked potato, home made coleslaw with currants and spicy pecans. Oh and yes red wine ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.

    He is! And he kinda knows it.💖😋😁
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Re Calendars — Our county electricity provider sends everyone a calendar with beautiful local sites. Each month we see a new lovely photo that has been taken by a local citizen. I like those photos!
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Good day, Ladies. I had a busy-ish weekend. Went on a difficult hike Saturday, then tried a new restaurant. Good sandwiches, crappy beer. Sunday, kayaking in the morning and finally got around to washing wetsuits after our vacation. Cooked up all the food that is getting close to spoiling. Then tried a new restaurant for dinner. Good value, which made the *meh* food better. We are trying to find restaurants that have good food that aren't horrifically expensive. That has meant more takeout and casual places that don't have a good beer and wine selection. But, getting mediocre food for $20 feels a whole lot better than mediocre food for $100.

    Annie-Programming jobs are in high demand right now. It’s possible you could write your own ticket and even get full time work from home.

    CICO-The problem I have with it is that I make most of my meals at home. This means that every recipe I make has to be entered into the program to get a close count of CICO. I also don’t often make the same dish more than a few times, so that just complicates it, but is also my own issue. I like to eat a lot of different things and I like to cook. CICO is much easier, not healthier, if you eat a lot of pre-packaged stuff because the calories are right on the package. I just won’t do that.

    Lisa-Thanks for the mention of the recipe app. I do have some recipes I love and would be crushed if I lost them because the website went dark. I have copied/pasted them, but would love something where I can put all my favorites together…forever. I assume there will be a time I just want to take the complication of cooking out of my life and will make the same things repeatedly. I’ll take a look.

    Pip-Good thoughts sent your way. I have something like that too, but pain comes and goes. It flared up a few days ago after being very quiet for months.

    Kay-Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, but many people use Benadryl to sleep. Most people I know get sleepy with just 10 mg. Perhaps that will help your dad sleep, if he can take diphenhydramine. Hugs to you.

    Kim-I have never been able to hit protein numbers without eating meat, unless I use protein supplements. There are some liquid ones that are 50-100 calories that work best for me.

    Hugs to those who need them. I know I missed a lot of you.

    Tina in CA
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,098 Member
    I did my 8 mins elliptical, 6 mins marching and two yoga videos for 58 mins. Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,355 Member
    LEAH & ALL OTHERS ~ Welcome and keep coming back. We are a great group of women.

    REBECCA ~ You and your sisters look lovely in that photo. I think you have your father's smile.

    CI/CO ~ I have found that pastas for dinner really pile on the weight. I will eat a meal with pasta and have to spend 2 or 3 days to overcome the gain.

    Carol in GA