

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,458 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Irene - you're doing great!

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Nighty nighty ladies
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    Barbara - Troy is in my prayers.

    Heather - my daughter tells me that you can make playlists on Spotify to share.
    I am impressed that you have those mementos. I think the only thing I have that came from any ex whatsoever is my first boyfriend Chris. He and I are still friends and I adopted myself into his family. His Mother was called Mom by me and Grammie by my girls. His sisters and I are best friends and her three children are my Godchildren.

    Kelly - when my daughter held the baby shower last month she found a playlist for that. Every song had the word baby in it. It was actually a nice playlist all genres and generations represented.
    We’re still waiting for that baby, Mama was due yesterday. I’m a surrogate Grandmother:)

    Lisa - how fortunate the tree didn’t cause damage.
    I was aghast at the cost of the prescription. It’s great that they are making these incredible advances in medicine but something needs to be done about the exorbitant prices. There was a campaign this winter for a little two year old boy that needed an injection of some sort that would save his life, the cost was $1 million. The government ended up paying for it but it caused some upset as that is really taxpayer money and how can you do that for one and not all?

    Carla - love the pocket kisses story.

    Had a doctors appointment today, check up for my blood pressure med change. Had her look at my arm that has hurting, I have tennis elbow. She has ordered an anti inflammatory cream . The pharmacist won’t have it ready until tomorrow. I am also icing it.
    My exercise therapist thought that was what was wrong and told me once it was diagnosed she would give me some exercises for it.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Chose well: Joe, readings, BP, dogs to powerline, steps >7400, CI<CO, CI<250<CO.
    Bonus: Azalea park walk with Joe and the pack, call shelter about chip & meds, register Gino’s chip, pre-register for MRI, one load laundry. Just one thing: back to bupkes
    Workin’ on it: 144.2, H20x5, active 4:30
    Active April
    6: Do a body scan meditation and notice how your body actually feels.
    7: Get natural light early in the day. Dim the lights in the evening (and walk away from the screen).

    Nephew resting comfortably after surgery, thanks for all the prayers. More later as it is known. His sister, who has been with him throughout this ordeal, came out to find a $100 parking ticket on her car. Yes she was parked in visitor’s parking, had moved her car from emergency parking lot earlier in the day. She said other cars parked in the same lot were “booted” and there were no signs about time limits, citations or booting. SMH.

    Morning dog report. When Joe left this morning for a Freddie’s run, Gino whined, went to each door and even to the front window trying to will Joe back. Great joy at Joe’s return, even more when he took us all to Azalea Park. Pooped out on dog group, tried going down the drive to the powerline instead. Achy but no lightning bolts, yay.

    Yikes! Just realized Palm Sunday is NEXT Sunday! That means Passover is next week too! Time to make Maztoh Roca for the (Messianic Christian) goddaughter and her family.

    Noticed BP back up, wondering what brought it down last month, could it have been the antibiotics?

    Ginny, good luck with the appeal. Bravissima for first year smoke-free!
    Heather I absolutely remember those compilation tapes, especially the one Joe played for me on our courtship camping trip. :heart: Do wooers now exchange playlists? Ah, KJ says so. ;)
    Machka “…garden done” LOL!
    overloaded electric sockets? Is that a hypo on the table?
    Door left opened/projecting into room?
    Annie can you back off the yoga series/go back to the level that didn’t inflame your knees? Later saw you ARE taking your time, brava! Slow and sure… Sad to hear your mom’s scary CT scan results, but at least it helps to understand some of her issues.
    KJ it stinks that soon as you get some time off you get sick. Could you have been fighting it off and now that you can relax,,, it hit?
    Margaret thank you for the powerful visualization, that’s the one we used decades ago on my BFF after her auto accident. Her recovery astonished all her caregivers.
    Rebecca I used to take apple cider vinegar daily (not Braggs, but Solano Gold). No ill effects, but I’d caution you to rinse your mouth out with water after, the acid can weaken your teeth’s enamel. Mama handled my request to taste her highball similarly, she gave me a teaspoon of straight bourbon. YUCK! She and Papa both always had a preprandial beverage and shared a sip of their beer or wine with me, but I never wanted their highballs again. ;)
    Vicki thanks and hugs right back atcha.
    Lisa thankful the remainder of the new roof tree fell so gracefully. Is some kind of memorial in order? Also glad you have alternative power stove, gas? Propane? Our propane stove burners would work in an outage we’d just have to light a match. Unfortunately the oven temp is electronically controlled :P Really wish Aunt Elsie’s stove was workable.
    Beth ((hugs))
    Carla :love: your daughter’s pocket kisses and boot camp story.
    Michele Brava for so kindly developing relationship with Jerry. You are a gift.
    Carol “…just trying not to be More” Amen, sister AMEN!
    Irene take advantage of every day of that authorized PT, so glad your MD ok’d it. Brava on your progress thus far.
    Tracey thank you. You are so right about the exorbitant prices for medications and who ultimately pays. Understand research is expensive and must be funded, but there has to be a better way. :rage:
    Katla sorry yoga was postponed. Delighted DH will be able to poke himself less with new monitoring system and that the video conference with Dr and DD went well. Will your DD be there for your next appointment? Yours, yes yours. Katla I fear you’ve been putting your healthcare second to your DH’s. Time for you to get some help and attention.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,341 Member
    Tracey-thanks for sharing the experience you had after quitting. It has been similar for me and makes intuitive sense.

    Carol-John Legend is from my home town.

    Lisa-drug prices are insane. There is no rhyme nor reason to it.

    M13irene-physical therapy can indeed take time. I think we often give up on it sooner than we should and never get full recovery from some things.

    Not much new here. Working on final plans for wedding next weekend. AZ kids coming in on Wednesday. Will be good to have us all together.

    Need to hit the shower and get ready for work (more fun keeping up on here!).

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well my son in law tested positive for covid with the at home kit.. im glad he is vaxxed but he isn't boostered and he got super sick when he got both vaccines.. I just hope he doesn't get to sick,I worry more about Tracy who isnt vaccinated..even though she is nursing no matter.. Carmine is vaxxed also but he wont be able to go to school either I think for like 5 days.
    Tracy wont be able to work until he is better and gets the all clear so I am off the hook for a bit.. but worry about all of them..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Allie - Has Carmine changed 'they' to 'he'? I find the grammar for non-binary really frustrating in English. In French you can now say 'iel', which is easy.(combo of il and elle)

    Late last night we got a phone call from DSIL to tell DH that their aunt had died. DSIL had only spoken to her that afternoon, so, fortunately, it was quick. She was in a nursing home, 95 years old. In and out of hospital, but compos mentis.
    Strangely, that very same day, her elder son, their cousin, had died in Canada. Whether he died before or after her, she did not know about it, which is a blessing. She knew he was very ill with oesophagial cancer. (Ex smoker and alcoholic) I found myself hoping that her will was watertight, could be complicated. Luckily, her younger son, who we know well, is not a greedy man.

    I don't know if DH will go to the funeral. I haven't asked him.

    DH has gone off to the cricket in a very cold wind. I hope he will be sensible and not tough it out. He is very susceptible to the cold. Plus he had his 2nd booster yesterday. Oh well. The journey is about an hour and three quarters each way. I will have a hot stew ready for him when he gets home.

    I had a lovely, indulgent, won ton soup for lunch with chilli. >:)

    Waitrose delivery after lunch.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,038 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    MACHKA I agree it's good to like one's body. I'm fine with mine overall.
    Now losing is more about health. When I was younger it was more about appearance and also balanced well-being I thing.

    So I have been very tired of late. I have gained about 17 pounds in 5 years. That's about + 15% that I'm carrying around every day. I think that is what is tiring me. it's more tiring to walk around. I'm not really much more muscular... So presumably if I lose at least some of this I will be less tired. Generalists have tended to say I was not overweight since I was just at the top of average BMI, and it could be worse. no point having a complex for no reason. Now I'm at 25.5 BMI. Not easy though, as some of us have seen.

    I lost an inch more or less over the years. As a young teen I was 5 2 then went up to about 5 3 and am now back down to 5 2.
    "on average, women lose two inches of height between ages 30 and 70. By age 80, that number is three inches"

    Two inches ! by 70! that's a lot!

    I'm not crazy about that! I liked the extra inch. it brought me closer to average!
    But it's hardly the worst thing in the world. In France and also in the USA average female height is 5'4" so I was quite close to average here and I guess in the USA too, all told.

    It must be good for women who feel they are too tall. I don't think it's SO common but I had an acquaintance that was about 6 feet back in the day and was uncomfortable with that at the time.

    So losing an inch means my BMI goes up at same weight. But also I gained weight.

    On height ...

    How You Can Avoid Losing Height as You Get Older
    It's never too early to prevent bone loss with diet, physical activity


    "Losing a little height as you get older is normal. Over the years, the discs between your spine’s vertebrae flatten, your muscles start to lose mass and the spaces between your joints narrow.

    However, a significant loss in height can signal osteoporosis, says rheumatologist Abby G. Abelson, MD, FACR."

    "Your diet and lifestyle are two important risk factors that you can control to prevent osteoporosis. That means eating a diet rich in calcium throughout your life and regular physical activity can help a lot. Dr. Abelson adds that it’s also important to stop smoking if you do and to avoid excessive alcohol intake.

    You should aim to get 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day to help prevent bone loss, Dr. Abelson says. Exercises that make your muscles work against gravity, such as walking, jogging, aerobics, and weightlifting, are best for strengthening bones."

    Aging changes in body shape

    "The tendency to become shorter occurs among all races and both sexes. Height loss is related to aging changes in the bones, muscles, and joints. People typically lose almost one-half inch (about 1 centimeter) every 10 years after age 40. Height loss is even more rapid after age 70. You may lose a total of 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.5 centimeters) in height as you age. You can help prevent height loss by following a healthy diet, staying physically active, and preventing and treating bone loss."

    I've lost about one-half inch (about 1 centimeter). Used to be 5'6" and now I'm 5'5.5".

    But since being told I slouch when I stand and walk, and since really noticing what I looked like in a mirror when I did that back in 2015, I started making an effort to stand tall and walk tall.

    I could be wrong, but I think standing tall and walking tall make me look slightly more slender.
    Doing those things also makes me feel slightly more confident.
    So it's possible, perhaps, that I still look 5'6" when I try to make myself tall. :smiley:

    I also tend to wear shoes with just a slight heel.

    I'm about 2 kg heavier in this photo than I am now, but I'm standing tall and I think I look slimmer than I've been feeling the last couple days!! :smiley:


    Then there's the exercise factor. As stated above, "walking, jogging, aerobics, and weightlifting, are best for strengthening bones."

    Cycling doesn't do much, and knowing that years ago, I started walking and walking and walking. More recently I've added occasional jogging and stairclimbing. Plus I do some weightlifting.

    I do need to find a GP ... and talk to her about getting a bone density test.

    Last time I talked to a GP about that, it was a University GP in Alberta. I would have been in my early 40s but she informed me I was way too young to start thinking about bone density tests ... she said they wouldn't do a test on me for another 10-15 years.

    Given that the tests can start in our mid to late-40s ladies, I don't think she realised I was 41 or 42 years old!!

    But now I'm a lot older than that, so I should get on it. I wonder if I look 40 now. :wink:

    Machka in Oz

    My hip and back issues that started out as an injury progressed downhill as a result of my poor posture. My exercise therapist and a physiotherapist both told me the best way to keep proper posture is to “suck it in”. You hold your belly in like you would for a tighter pair of paints, but don’t hold your breath. It strengthens your core, and forces you to have proper posture.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Yes ...

    And also one of my physiotherapists told me to think of it like being a marionette doll with someone pulling up on the string that comes out of the middle of your head so that the feet just barely touch the ground. Dropping the shoulders, lifting the rib cage a bit, sucking in the stomach, stretching the spine, etc.

    I do that in the mornings in front of the bathroom mirror now. I go into the bathroom and more or less uncurl and stretch to my fullest height in front of the bathroom mirror ... then try to hold that throughout the day. Especially in situations where I want to appear confident.


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,038 Member
    Speaking of dolls ...

    Last night I dreamed I left the world of databases behind ... and became a ventriloquist.

    Only it wasn't going well - there were thousands of us trying to make it big being ventriloquists.

    At first, my act was received well, but then it became like everyone else's. I went around from venue to venue along with everyone else trying to convince them to let me in and do a show.

    That's when I woke up.

    I'm not usually thrilled about waking up, but this time I was kind of glad. And kind of glad I hadn't left the world of databases. :)

    Odd dream. Very "real".

    Machka in Oz