Lose 5 Pounds a Month September 2011 Challenge



  • hydranger
    hydranger Posts: 23 Member
    I've lost 1.5lb this week, after being on holiday I only got a coulple of weeks this month but at least I'm back on track.

    12/09/11 141.5
    19/09/11 139.00
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    2011-09-01: 148
    2011-09-06: 149
    2011-09-12: 149
    2011-09-19: 149

    Sensing a pattern here... The only thing I am consoling myself with is that I am learning to maintain, without zinging back up to my previous set point weight of 155. Let's see if I can lose a pound or two before month end, and really rock October!

    I've been eating a lot more than usual, including :embarassed: dare I say it? a Laura Secord French Mint chocolate bar (horrified with myself - this is the worst thing I've eaten in 6 weeks)... plus popcorn, a handful of crunchits, etc. All stuff I was completely avoiding before. Time to get over the PMS munchies, and get back on track. I also ate a lot of foods over the weekend that I had been limiting (thai curry with rice, pizza, quesadilla etc - but at least all homemade). One of these would have been ok but all of them - not ideal.

    I am keeping up with my running, and ran ~20 min on Saturday, and 50 min on Sunday.
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    I finally made it through a weekend without gaining! Of course, I had to be VERY mindful of eating. I usually go OFF on the weekends (and I mean like eat a burrito or two from the delicious tac shops we have here in San Diego--oh & on the same day!!!), even though I work out like mad.

    But this weekend, I ate moderatly and in fact, I woke up this morning at 151, but will not change weight stats until a few days at that weight.

    Yeah, finally!!!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Okay... SW 203
    GW 198

    Current weight as of today 197.8

    Today I weigh 196.6

    Great this thread exists or else I would think I am not dropping any weight. Phew!!
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm not worried about jinxing myself, I don't think, but the last three days I've seen a 2 at the start of my number, WOOHOO! I'm anxious to report in on Thursday!
  • AmandaB4588
    2011-09-01: 148
    2011-09-06: 149
    2011-09-12: 149
    2011-09-19: 149

    Sensing a pattern here... The only thing I am consoling myself with is that I am learning to maintain, without zinging back up to my previous set point weight of 155. Let's see if I can lose a pound or two before month end, and really rock October!

    I've been eating a lot more than usual, including :embarassed: dare I say it? a Laura Secord French Mint chocolate bar (horrified with myself - this is the worst thing I've eaten in 6 weeks)... plus popcorn, a handful of crunchits, etc. All stuff I was completely avoiding before. Time to get over the PMS munchies, and get back on track. I also ate a lot of foods over the weekend that I had been limiting (thai curry with rice, pizza, quesadilla etc - but at least all homemade). One of these would have been ok but all of them - not ideal.

    I am keeping up with my running, and ran ~20 min on Saturday, and 50 min on Sunday.

    Your running is so great!!! Good job!! Also, good job maintaining!
  • AmandaB4588
    I finally made it through a weekend without gaining! Of course, I had to be VERY mindful of eating. I usually go OFF on the weekends (and I mean like eat a burrito or two from the delicious tac shops we have here in San Diego--oh & on the same day!!!), even though I work out like mad.

    But this weekend, I ate moderatly and in fact, I woke up this morning at 151, but will not change weight stats until a few days at that weight.

    Yeah, finally!!!

    That's great!! Weekends are sometimes a problem for me, too. Breaking out of your normal routine... the weekend "feel"... all leads to overeating for me! Good job breaking that cycle.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    I finally made it through a weekend without gaining! Of course, I had to be VERY mindful of eating. I usually go OFF on the weekends (and I mean like eat a burrito or two from the delicious tac shops we have here in San Diego--oh & on the same day!!!), even though I work out like mad.

    But this weekend, I ate moderatly and in fact, I woke up this morning at 151, but will not change weight stats until a few days at that weight.

    Yeah, finally!!!

    Congrats!! The weekends are a HUGE problem for me too! I usually fall completely off the banwagon!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    AmandaB- Thanks for the encouragement! I am trying to just cut down on the EXTREMES, because that is not working for me! I say forget about the program if you dont like it and its making you hate running. DO what you can and its better than not doing anything at all!! When you feel ready to change it up, you'll do it!

    I hope everyone is having a good Monday. I am fighting the urge to stuff my face, and binge like no other. Not only has today been a very stressful day at work, but my boyfriend is at the hospital getting tests done all alone and its stressing me out, AND im just in one of those STARVING moods right now.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    I'm not worried about jinxing myself, I don't think, but the last three days I've seen a 2 at the start of my number, WOOHOO! I'm anxious to report in on Thursday!

    I'm cheering for you!!! 2-ville here you come!!!! Stay strong!!!
  • wagreen
    wagreen Posts: 76 Member
    Hi am almost there.! SW 205.9 and today 203.6...I will be under 200 lbs by the end of the month...I am the Ruler!
  • isherryb
    isherryb Posts: 47 Member
    6 lbs lost so far, made it under the 200 mark, yay!:bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    3.5 lb lost in 2 weeks for the moment... But I'm loosing slower and slower, so I will probably just be at -5lb at the end of the month :)

    I have read that the closer you get to your goal the slower the weight comes off. Hang in there you are doing great!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sept 1st SW: 193.8
    Sept 9th 195.8
    Sept 16th 193.6
    Sept 23rd
    Sept 30th

    It's finally a loss and I'm happy but at the same time, still feeling blah til we get things under control here. :/

    A loss is always great!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    9/2/2011 ~ 193.6

    9/9/2011~ 192.4

    9/16/2011~ 188.8



    Okay! Doing better than I thought! 3.6 pounds this week! Not quite sure how I pulled that off! lol!

    3.6 in one week. Great job!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    urgh... I have even added an extra workout class (or 3) to my weekly exercise regimen. I now do purebarre and gentle flow yoga mon, wed, fri, with just purebarre on sun and Hot vinyasa yoga tues, thurs, with short form ashtanga on sat.... I would be thinking that I would be losing instead of gaining!... Getting very frustrated

    On a side note.. (sorry, a little gross note, also) I feel very... :embarassed: uhm, stopped up. Any quick remedies? Yes, I have been eating veggies, and activia... and drinking about 4-6 cups of water a day... So, I am a little confused as to why..... thanks in advance!

    High fiber. Sometimes when you are cutting back being backed up can be a side effect. Drink more water. Metamucil works wonders and my doctor has me taking dose every day.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sep 01: 191.4 lbs
    Sep 09: 192.4 lbs
    Sep 16: 190.6 lbs
    Sep 23:
    Sep 30:

    Finally the scale is going in the right direction, but I never would have dreamed it would be after the week I've had. I'm not getting any time to do my workouts and only got a run in Saturday & Tuesday - 5K both times. Other than that I've been SO freaking busy & emotional. A very dear friend had an aneurysm on Tuesday and the visitation is today, with the funeral tomorrow. Then right after the funeral I have to go to a wedding that is over 2 hours away. Plus TOM is here so the scale going DOWN really is a shocker! I've been eating treats pretty much every day - you know the sweet cravings are here! I really need to get running since I have to run the last 6.2 miles of a marathon with my friend Jen next Sunday (25th) for support to get her to the finish! I was hoping to get a long run in today of at least 6 or 7 miles, but since I have the visitation, I don't forsee that happening. I just hope I'm ready to run with her next Sunday!

    Also I haven't seen CJ all week with our schedules & he's been extra busy with the sherriff's office and his regular chief job, then he had a board meeting and I did too....so anyway its just been one heck of a week. Then he calls me last night & knows I'm wearing a dress to the wedding tomorrow, but he really wants to wear jeans & a polo shirt - I'm like :noway: REALLY? I've never known him to EVER be difficult, but this week I cannot take it. I finally gave in & told him to wear his new jeans and a dark blue button down long sleeved shirt. Do you think that will be ok at a wedding? I personally don't, but what do you ladies think?

    Great job on the weight loss.

    I guess it would depend on the wedding. Is it at a fancier place? I learned long ago clothes and some guys just don't care about clothes.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Trying to read and comment on everyone since Thursday just don't have the time. We are dealing with the stomach flu here at my house and lack of sleep and time for exercise are getting in the way. I have had kids home from school at least 1/3 of the school year already. My daughter started throwing up at 2:30 last night and after that there was not a lot of sleep.

    Keep up the good work!

  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Quick post, been busy - today is my daughter's 3 year old birthday! Let's hope the terrible-two's are officially over! :drinker:

    Tomorrow is my work retreat. I will need to be sure to pack at least a few snacks, so that I am not completely caught off-guard with the menu. I think I'll bring some green tea, as well. And my workout clothes, so that I can go for a run. Not saying that I "will" go for a run, but at least bring them so I 'can'...
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Quick post, been busy - today is my daughter's 3 year old birthday! Let's hope the terrible-two's are officially over! :drinker:

    Tomorrow is my work retreat. I will need to be sure to pack at least a few snacks, so that I am not completely caught off-guard with the menu. I think I'll bring some green tea, as well. And my workout clothes, so that I can go for a run. Not saying that I "will" go for a run, but at least bring them so I 'can'...

    How cute!!! Hope she has a good birthday : )

    This weekend was probably not good, I haven't weighed in yet cause im scared of what it will say. I didn't walk at all last week and ....Sunday was my daughters 2nd birthday :love: and then one of the boys at the boys home had a birthday and we had cake and icecream and pizza and monday we had my daughters birthday party and I had two more pieces of cake.

    Oh and dmg my son is almost 4 and still has a bad case of the terrible twos hahahaha