Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Went to church, had lunch and then read a book. Found the inside of my eyelids for awhile. So yeah typical Sunday.

    Got my eye candy yesterday watching soccer....

    Waking up 15 min earlier so I can strap on the tennis shoes and walk to work. I used to do it before my schedule had me leaving home in the dark. Not dark for awhile time to burn some more calories. Feet will not be my friend tomorrow but I can soak them.

    Alexandra welcome to our group. Open board and recipes are appreciated. I made Hamburger casserole last night to use a square pyrex pan (lady at church was giving away her uncles who collected things....) and so 4 servings instead of 6 which I have a better chance of eating before I have no clue what they are in my freezer.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I always label single meals that go into the freezer, because I won't remember. I do a lot of precooking and prep because I have chronic pain due to doing bad things to a foot in an auto accident in my twenties. Yep, the doctor was right, it's arthritic now. If I can break up prep into fifteen minutes here and fifteen minutes here, that's way easier on me.

    I also do five week menus, which helps because three of the four of us are autistic and knowing what we will eat helps overall life anxiety. If anyone wants to know how I do it, I'll talk about it.

    Tonight I am making streudel muffins to have for breakfast. I can spend that 350 any way I want, and for a change, this will be nice. If they don't work more than occasionally, I'll pop them in the freezer and just have them now and then.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    *** April 11 ***

    Hey y'all~~

    Just getting us started.....

    Time to make a big salad for lunch.


    262.0 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,420 Member
    Hope everyone has had a good Monday and it wasn’t to manic. Mine was pretty steady but mellower when comparing routine manic Mondays. Still have a slight headache from yesterday. Think I didn’t drink enough water this weekend and interrupted sleep. Oldest dog got me up multiple times Saturday night having to go outside and threw up. Or maybe I’m just not used to be relaxing lol.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Rained early this morning and I had no clue until I went outside to walk to work. Have almost 5k and that every day I work will add up.

    Manic Monday - things not working especially computer software. I took 4 of my little stone penguins to work to help keep me happy.

    Rain in forecast this week which is encouraging.

    Ready to pass out on the couch. If you hear snoring, its me.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    *** April 12 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - you are getting some walking in! That is great 💗

    Missy - how is that pupper doing today? So sorry they were throwing up 😥

    Waves to all who stop by later.....

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Colder here and wind is making it feel worse. Dental cleaning early and if I get my to do list done I will have time to do fun things tomorrow. What that is I do not know.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    *** April 13 ***

    Good morning ☀️

    Sara - I do hope that you do some fun things today!!

    I am in trouble this week. I ate things a couple of days ago that were so self destructive and generally bad for you. Now the scale is showing me numbers I thought I was done with. I am going to be brave and post them here, even thought I don't want to. I hate this human condition of doing stupid things (emotional eating) and expecting to get away with it. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    *sulking in corner of Cabana Club 🌴*


    267.2 today, ugh
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I'm up a pound, but I'm not going to stress because I'm eating right and I've been a lot more active, and I'm at the midpoint of my cycle, when I generally retain water anyway. I'll just make sure to drink a little more today, and it will slide off in due time.
  • Leighwixo
    Leighwixo Posts: 17 Member
    I'd love to join this discussion! Lifelong yo-yo-er and now back up to 210# AGAIN!!! I'm struggling with my back and I KNOW it is just the extra weight the last 2-3 years. I don't even have a really lofty goal. I would just like to get to 180 and stay there because I can be VERY active at that weight. Activity has gotten hard lately and it hasn't been that way since for many years. I am super inspired by your conversation and connection, which will help me move toward my goal.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Leighwixo -- welcome!! open group so post when you can and activity is hard. Covid has changed our habits and I just started my walking again,

    Lana - go sulk on the couch and then get up and walk this week.

    All errands done (sweet potato fries (baked) with chili and cheese is dinner will make 2 servings so tomorrow is a reheat dinner. Summer is coming with all the yummy fruits and I look forward to it,

    Lunch and oh yes a nap.

    Wishing all a good day, Stay safe and sane out there.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Dinner's served and mostly cleaned up. It was crab cakes and rice pilaf and pan-seared asparagus and homemade rolls. It was tasty.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Hi Ladies,
    Just stopping by at the end of the day. Welcome to Leigh!!

    Sara - I can't do walking just yet. My achilles tendon has healed up quite a bit, but I think it's got another 20% to go. I have been moving though - cleaning and sorting and chucking unwanted stuff.

    I tried to make a healthy dinner, but mis-read the packet for Knorr's Bearnaise sauce to go on the plain chicken breast with fresh veggies. It's not 100mg of salt for the whole pkg - there are 10 servings, and I used 80% of it. Gah. No wonder it tasted so good.

    Sara - I bet you enjoy some of the very best fruit in the whole country! Good for you!

  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Hi Ladies,
    Just stopping by at the end of the day. Welcome to Leigh!!

    Sara - I can't do walking just yet. My achilles tendon has healed up quite a bit, but I think it's got another 20% to go. I have been moving though - cleaning and sorting and chucking unwanted stuff.

    I tried to make a healthy dinner, but mis-read the packet for Knorr's Bearnaise sauce to go on the plain chicken breast with fresh veggies. It's not 100mg of salt for the whole pkg - there are 10 servings, and I used 80% of it. Gah. No wonder it tasted so good.

    Sara - I bet you enjoy some of the very best fruit in the whole country! Good for you!


    This is why I keep learning new recipes and techniques; I'm sensitive to fructose and I didn't grow up eating a lot of salt, and I don't now, so most premade things taste way too salty to me these days.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Good evening, Cabana Crew!

    I'm still around. Moose travel is out of hand this month. We did not get good pictures at the Stud Strut, but we did raise $959.00 in 15 minutes. Total money of all fundraisers was $5500. That money along with a trailer load of supplies was donated to the Carl Perkins Center for Abused and Neglected Children.

    April 9th &10th was our District meeting in Lexington, TN. We stayed there rather than driving three hours round trip each day.

    April 15th-17th, I have to go to Knoxville for a meeting. Then go to Franklin on the 19th for a doctor's appointment.

    After that, I leave on another work trip to New Orleans. We will be gone from April 23rd-29th.

    Eating properly is not even an option right now. I'm lucky if I manage to do enough laundry for clean underwear. :D

    Do the best you can in your situation.

    Tracy in Tennessee
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    *** April 14 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Tracy - Life has been exciting lately! Good for you! Loving that clean underwear 😁👍🏻

    Alexandra - I somehow missed that you made crab cakes - how yummy!

    Sara - I will try to get in a little bit of walking today. I will pretend I have a walking date with you!

    Waving to all who stop by later on 🌸


    266.2 today
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Went to the store today and am now doing all sorts of precooking. I just did onions and peppers for a Mexican quichecake for breakfasts for Boyfriend, and have bacon in the oven for a second quichecake that will be bacon, grilled onions, and Swiss cheese. There's also some chicken needing to be cut up and frozen in various marinades. And I need to make bread, but I suspect that will get pushed to Sunday.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,420 Member
    *** April 12 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - you are getting some walking in! That is great 💗

    Missy - how is that pupper doing today? So sorry they were throwing up 😥

    Waves to all who stop by later.....


    Pupper is doing much better. She throws up every so often. Probably ate too much grass.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,420 Member
    Hi all,

    This week got away from me between work and family in. Looking forward to the weekend!

    Welcome to @Leighwixo
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Rain most of today - I keep an umbrella at work for this reason - it wasnt raining when I walked to work.

    I could pull something from the freezer, but I have a yogurt and banana and that is enough for dinner. The cafe made baked potato soup and that was too good to pass up.

    I was humming "tip toe through the tulips" by Tiny Tim. A youtube must see to believe....coworker about my age came by and asked if that was what I was humming. Not too people who remember him the first time so that was worth a chuckle.

    Tracy - you are one busy person. All the places you get to go!

    Nice day to stay inside and read.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.