Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Daily check-in I have started the 30 day shed with Jillian Michaels and it sure is a butt kicker. Hope to see progress. Wish me luck!

    Me too! I'm on level 1, day 4! :bigsmile:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I hope you do not mind I added a formula at bottom so we could as group in total how much people have lost.

    I think that's an awesome add!! :happy:
  • Hi everyone!! i am down to 272.2 that is a loss of 1.2lbs!

    This week as been up and down. I have been doing Zumba A LOT! I love it!! it is so much fun to shake my booty and sweat it up and get a good burn! I have been trying to get some weights in too!

    But this week I went to my podiatrist to look at why my toe was hurting, I guess I had a really bad ingrown toenail, so he took it out right there! well, this took a dump on my workout plans. I still met the goal (assuming its a m-f goal?) of getting 30mins exercise a day, I just had to walk and take it easy the last two days.

    I am really happy for everyone's losses this week! lets keep it up or....Down I guess :)
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    Daily check-in I have started the 30 day shed with Jillian Michaels and it sure is a butt kicker. Hope to see progress. Wish me luck!

    Me too! I'm on level 1, day 4! :bigsmile:

    Me three! I am 2 weeks in. It still kicks my butt but I am really seeing the results. I'll check the inches at the end of he month though :)
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    my normal weigh in day is Sunday, so Im waiting to post my weight until tomorrow....just checking in! You alll are doing a great job~!
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    had a bad weigh in today :( i usually weigh in on sundays though so i will post tomorrow what my weigh in is. hopefully its better tomorrow
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    A few suggestions from me, one I weigh myself every day because it keeps me accountable it is part of my daily routine and it keeps me on this journey. This is the longest I have ever stuck with anything so I am not going to mess with my routine by not weighing in every day. Two because I weigh myself in every day I have no idea how much I've lost til after I put my weight in so if the formula on the spreadsheet has you put in how much you lost that wouldn't work for me it would make more sense for the formula to have you put in your weigh in and it calculates how much you lost or gained. There was one more but I can't really remember it. lol oh well. My weigh in at the beginning of this was my Sunday weigh in so I will post my weight tomorrow.

    Sorry I didn't really check in yesterday I was literally on the road all day. I had to travel from my house to Midland where my mom was staying which is a 1 1/2 hour trip then help her get everything packed up and loaded in my car. I also got to cuddle the niece while there too cause she was staying at my sisters. then I had to drive my mom from there to Detroit which is about a 2 hour drive or more. Get her settled into her hotel room for the night before her flight out early this morning. Then I had to travel back to Mount Pleasant to meet my hubby for a Lewis Black Concert which is a 2 1/2 to 3 hour trip ( got stuck in traffic). It was a really long day. oh and one more thing I think this never ending TOM may have finally taken a hike!!!!!
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on! Modem conked out on us, so I'm using a computer whenever I can find one. But just checking in to say I'm still here... I know I've got lots of catching up to do... modem is shipping out on Monday, so... It'll be next week before I can really get on and get back into the swing of things! Hope you're all doing well and I've been thinking bout ya'lls and sending you good skinny vibes!!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    208 pounds today! Down a pound from last week! Mid week I weighed in and was disgusted that I had gained a pound and was 210, today I had lost that, plus one! Down 22 pounds overall... Little by little, step by step!
  • 246.4 pounds today. Down 2.6 from last week.
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Well done to everyone good work this week. Here is my weekly report in..

    Weigh In: - 221.

    Last week was a mixed bag...

    Positives : -

    Stayed same weight did not gain anything ;)
    Stayed within calories for all but one day of the week (assuming I am good today)

    Negatives: -

    Not very much exercise work and lack of energy must try harder...
    Not lost any weight but considering lack of exercise this week that probably a win ;)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Official Weigh in for the group is 273.6 this week. I've been sitting there for a couple of days now. I had gotten down to 272.4 but then went up to this and have stayed there. Probably due to some poor food choices and a lack of exercising. I've been in a bit of a funk this week. Tomorrow though I am back to the Gym! Got to get in my two workouts before my trainer kicks my butt on Friday!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hey, how's everyone's weekend going? Sorry I haven't been on much. Busy during the weekends a lot more than I am during the week. lol

    I'm posing next weeks challenge early. Remember the challenges are optional.

  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Daily check-in I have started the 30 day shed with Jillian Michaels and it sure is a butt kicker. Hope to see progress. Wish me luck!

    Me too! I'm on level 1, day 4! :bigsmile:

    I want to start 30 day shred again...but I just can't seem to muster up the energy. But even halfway through last time I was feeling results! Good luck to you both! Can't wait to see your results :)
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Checking in - It's been a busy weekend and I haven't been on a whole lot. I lost 4.5 lbs last week (granted, most of that is water weight from being off track for a couple weeks). Yesterday was a total cheat day (I had frybread... so evil and yummy, but I promised myself that I wouldn't have it again until next month). Today was off track too, but I did yard work for a good 4 hours today so I was in no mood to cook.

    I went through my diary from a couple years ago when I had lost 25 lbs in a couple months trying to figure out how I did it. Well for one, I wasn't eating frozen tv dinners for lunch (ie: Smart Ones, Lean Cuisines) I was having sandwiches and leftovers from dinner the night before... and I was eating a home cooked meal every night... and walking every night. So that is my plan for this week... I've got 3 days of tuna sandwiches & 2 days of salad lined up for work lunches along with some fruit to snack on, and a great week of home cooked dinners... and I'm going to try my best to walk a lot this week. I also was eating breakfast everyday, even if it was just as simple as a banana.... I'm going to have to slowly work that back in. I'm definitely not a breakfast eater... my tummy rebels when I try. Slow & steady on that one I think. I'm going to try to replicate those couple months as best as I can and see what happens!

    Everyone has had great losses this week. I entered into that cool spreadsheet thing (thanks whoever made that!) and as a group we've lost 27.5 lbs last week! Thats amazing!! :flowerforyou:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Checking in - It's been a busy weekend and I haven't been on a whole lot. I lost 4.5 lbs last week (granted, most of that is water weight from being off track for a couple weeks). Yesterday was a total cheat day (I had frybread... so evil and yummy, but I promised myself that I wouldn't have it again until next month). Today was off track too, but I did yard work for a good 4 hours today so I was in no mood to cook.

    I went through my diary from a couple years ago when I had lost 25 lbs in a couple months trying to figure out how I did it. Well for one, I wasn't eating frozen tv dinners for lunch (ie: Smart Ones, Lean Cuisines) I was having sandwiches and leftovers from dinner the night before... and I was eating a home cooked meal every night... and walking every night. So that is my plan for this week... I've got 3 days of tuna sandwiches & 2 days of salad lined up for work lunches along with some fruit to snack on, and a great week of home cooked dinners... and I'm going to try my best to walk a lot this week. I also was eating breakfast everyday, even if it was just as simple as a banana.... I'm going to have to slowly work that back in. I'm definitely not a breakfast eater... my tummy rebels when I try. Slow & steady on that one I think. I'm going to try to replicate those couple months as best as I can and see what happens!

    Everyone has had great losses this week. I entered into that cool spreadsheet thing (thanks whoever made that!) and as a group we've lost 27.5 lbs last week! Thats amazing!! :flowerforyou:

    Wow 27.5 lbs. And that's no including some people are probably still going to chime in tomorrow! That's awesome :) I might follow your idea and look back to see what I was doing then, that I'm not doing now.... :0/ Good luck on the home cookin & exercise. Hope this week goes well!
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    I am at 253.4 so I am only down .6

    All of that exercise and only .6? What is up with the universe?
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    ***** ************************** Need your weigh-ins for this week ***********************************************

    Hey everybody. Please post your weigh-in for this week between Friday & Monday (Monday before noon please).

    Also, Thanks to Nikki we also have this nifty chart that anyone can enter data in. You put in how much you lost and it will automatically update your weight and everything. Pretty neat right?

    So just follow this link, and you can enter this weeks weigh in:


    This is so cool! Thanks! Unfortunately after a bad weekend, I don't have much to report - but am looking forward to changing that this week :)
  • Hey all sorry, started out this week at 280. Ready to kick this week in the butt~
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Hey, how's everyone's weekend going? Sorry I haven't been on much. Busy during the weekends a lot more than I am during the week. lol

    I'm posing next weeks challenge early. Remember the challenges are optional.


    But I weigh in on Fridays... Is it okay if I check it on Friday but no other day (I was totally going to get on the scale this morning but then I'm all "Nah, it's not that important!")