

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,941 Member
    Do any of you do a ACV regiment? I do an Apple Cider Vinegar (with mother) and some sparkling water that I drink within my meal. It is supposed to aid in digestion, promote a healthy gut and help with your lymphatic system. I make sure to drink it with a straw (I rewash, because Lord knows when I will come across a straw lol), they say its hard on your enamel on your teeth! I rinse my mouth afterwards.
    Yesterday an odd thing happened. Its unrelated to eating so I put it in a spoiler if you don't wish to bother.


    We use Apple Cider Vinegar to try to kill wasps and change the pH in the soil in places. :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,941 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- I don't really count my crafting with the kids. Although, I do think I have a creative mind that way; it is not entirely enjoyable when I am doing it, because it is for my job. I have often thought it would be fun to be a children's party planner. Not in the sense of color coordinating deco, or cakes, etc. Just come up with crazy things to do for parties. I have a lot of ideas that I can't make happen due to space/proper setting. I do like to write/journal about my job, as well.
    KJ (Kelly) [/b]

    I worked in childcare for 2 years way back when, with a lovely girl ... the two of us has 13 or 14 two year olds in our room. We used to do monthly themes and decorate the room and everything.

    I also worked for a balloon supplier who was a florist and party planner on the side. I enjoyed the job but had the most fun setting up venues for events.

    We might get along well doing that sort of thing. :smiley:

    M in Oz

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,481 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Do any of you do a ACV regiment? I do an Apple Cider Vinegar (with mother) and some sparkling water that I drink within my meal. It is supposed to aid in digestion, promote a healthy gut and help with your lymphatic system. I make sure to drink it with a straw (I rewash, because Lord knows when I will come across a straw lol), they say its hard on your enamel on your teeth! I rinse my mouth afterwards.
    Yesterday an odd thing happened. Its unrelated to eating so I put it in a spoiler if you don't wish to bother.


    We use Apple Cider Vinegar to try to kill wasps and change the pH in the soil in places. :)

    Nice! Wasps are annoying buggers!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,941 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    I have been reading up on the vagus nerve and it's function/development for adults and children. It is funny; for so many years, I worried about my DH being around my childcare kiddos due to his poor immune system and how germy and in your face kids tend to be. Science is finding that interaction with small children can stimulate the vagus system and boost your immune system and gut health! It will also help keep your brain active. Even if you are simply holding a child and rocking and humming! It also lists things that help children develop a healthy vagus system; mouthing things, singing, humming, gargling liquids, cross body movement, spinning... Some of these things, adults try to stop children from doing (for instance, mouthing things and pacifiers); and these are the things that babies/children need to have a really healthy vagus system. Eye opening!

    KJ (Kelly) [/b]

    In some of the brain injury information I've been reading, I've come across a bit about the vagus nerve too including some about listening to Mozart (and perhaps other generally classical music) and Gregorian chants. So we listen to a lot of classical music.

    I've found music that flows at the rate of slow breathing helps me relax.

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,845 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,941 Member
    edited April 2022
    I read somewhere that a DIET isn't just what we put in our mouths - it's also who we live with, who our friends are, where we live, what we surround ourselves with, what we listen to, look at on social media etc etc. All of those have to be healthy choices, not just our food. If those choices are not the best, they can bring us down, however strong we think we are. No (wo)man is an island. We are the sum of our choices.
    Food ( :p ) for thought.
    At every moment of our lives we have choices. Stop, pause, think, 'Is this my best choice at this moment?'
    We have more agency than we think.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I like the wellness wheels ... focusing on many aspects of life ...


    Today my choices focused on:

    Physical - physical activity, sleep and diet. I slept a long time. I haven't eaten much today, but dinner is pretty good and includes snowpeas from our garden. And we've just been for a bicycle ride. :)


    Financial - Doing a bit of my (joking) part-time Legal Assistant job (joking).

    Emotional - Listening to classical music. Browsing the internet. Lots of fictional reading last night.

    Spiritual - Since last May, I've been reading a chapter in the Bible (on my phone via Bible Gateway) each night. Yep.

    It's just my husband, our cat and me. :heart:

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,225 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,067 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Easter for those who celebrate. I am celebrating that I skipped cookies last night! Yay!

    Today I am making roast lamb, and i will try to skip the Sunday ice cream so I can indulge in the lamb.

    I'm still resting my knee. I used it once going up the stairs and it hurt. Back to using the left leg to lift. I'm hoping to start yoga again tomorrow morning.

    Annie in Delaware
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Hi just popping in! Hello to all!
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,331 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,941 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,583 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,263 Member
    Hi all. :D
    We met the family at our favourite Persian restaurant and had an absolutely delicious lunch. The lamb there is the best ever. Even Bea ate lamb chops.
    Of course, between us we spent a normal family's weekly food budget, so I had a bit of a pang of guilt. Still, my guilt is not going to help anyone, so I got over myself. It was a lovely time. The kids loved the decorated chocolate bars I bought them.
    We went back to their house and they showed me the details of a house they might like to move to nearby. They are booked for a viewing in a week's time. At the moment they have plans to remodel their house, which would involve moving into rented accommodation for six months next spring. And very expensive. So they are wondering if a move would be better. Unfortunately, there is a dire shortage of local properties with off street parking and 'done up' to their standard. So, who knows. If they can find the right house, I definitely think that is the better option. I hope they don't move beyond walking distance for us.
    While we were there, my son booked a new brunch place for his birthday in June. Should be fun. The menu sounds amazing.
    Their house will be fabulous when it is done, but the disruption to all their lives is huge.
    Plus a mortgage to make your eyes water. :# I worry.

    Love you 😍 Heather UK xxxxxx
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! For the first time EVER, I forgot to plan/buy food for an Easter dinner! I even knew that Easter was this weekend, I wished my families a "happy Easter" as they picked up their kids on Friday, spoke to my daughter about her plans for an Easter brunch she was planning for Saturday (since her DH has to work 4pm-4am all weekend). Our meal just never entered my head this year! :o I got home from shopping and got busy making another batch of chicken soup for DH (he is still battling the cold), and I got some rice cooked in the IP so that I can use it in recipes later this week. DH walked into the kitchen just as I was hanging up from speaking with my daughter as she prepared her brunch and I looked at him and moaned, "I forgot to get a ham and all of the ingredients for an Easter dinner!" He just said, "Skip it! I wouldn't be able to taste any of it, anyway." Whew! DYS won't miss it, as he has never been a "holiday meal" person. By that, I mean, he would rather I make stir fry or tacos than make ham, potatoes, veg, soups, etc. SO...I will just make some stuffed peppers with that rice; add some enchilada sauce and cheese and we will be good.
    Rebecca- Love the way you handled the person from your past! Big hugs to you! Not easy having the past brought back into the light. It's like having the cat throw up on the carpet, and it is the first thing you step in, in the morning. Ugh.
    Machka - Cross continental party planners! B) lol Not sure when either of us would fit THAT in...
    Michele- My son and I would probably try the Flaming Hot ones. We love our spicy things. I am not a Peep fan. I am not a big sweet eater, but I will eat a marshmallow or two once in a while. But I really, REALLY dislike the crunchy sugar coating on Peeps. It is like eating a marshmallow you have dropped in the sand. :s I saw some dill pickle peeps. Now those, I would like to try. I love pickle flavored everything.
    ACV- There was a time in my life (childhood through about age 30) when I craved ACV. I drank about a shot glass of it every day, because I craved it. I don't drink it daily anymore; but I do eat more acidic things daily. Yogurt is one. Lemon in my water, Nakano rice vinegar on my salads. IF I do have tummy issues, I will have a bit of sauerkraut. It works for me.
    Toxicity. I have had, and still have, toxic people in my life. I have had well meaning siblings and friends tell me to dump my DH. I have never thought of him as toxic; he is simply a pessimist/depressed person. He is the yin to my yang, shadow to my light, anchor to a balloon. As we have gotten older, this divide has gotten larger. We still agree on the same basic foundations of life/marriage/love. But we disagree on pretty much everything else. It used to bother me. But then I realized that I can't change him; I can only change the way I react to him. Now, when we disagree and he looks like a thundercloud, I say, "I know you really hate me right now; but I also know you still love me." I say it with a big, *kitten* eating grin and he usually storms off... but he always returns a few minutes later, calm and smiling. My toxic brother in law, however, I am polite to; but keep him at arms length.

    Well, I got sidetracked with a couple of emails and a text conversation with my sibs (drama, drama, drama). lol Hugs to all who need them! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)