Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    im mad at myself ive done pretty decent all week untill yesterday i went over on my calories and not on good food either it was on bad food and now i have a food hangover! well this week i gained .6
  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    im mad at myself ive done pretty decent all week untill yesterday i went over on my calories and not on good food either it was on bad food and now i have a food hangover! well this week i gained .6

    no i lied i just went back to my food log this week i actually did terrible, i went over at least 4 days this week and then the days i didnt go over i had almost 500 calories left over, my body is probably freaking out! this week along with the challenge of not looking at the scale till lext monday(hard for me) i have a goal of staying within 50 calories of my recommended and to also make sure im working out 4-5 times this week, and to stay positive not negative i have been super moody, uncle tom has been all wacky (12 days )and my hormones are a mess . so today im going to start a cleanse of all the negative! and can someone give me some pointers on how to handle going to other people houses, and family reunions with food, cause i screw up if im not incontrol!
  • So yesterday I learned something about myself, i really do like hiking. I'm just a terrible outdoors(wo)man. I have almost no balance when it comes to nature trails and things. :/ well poop, I was really excited about the opportunity to do some outdoorsy stuff not that the weather isn't trying to kill me. Anyone have ideas? My hips won't let me sit in a kayak (if you need a reference pic...I'll post one) ARGH!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    So yesterday I learned something about myself, i really do like hiking. I'm just a terrible outdoors(wo)man. I have almost no balance when it comes to nature trails and things. :/ well poop, I was really excited about the opportunity to do some outdoorsy stuff not that the weather isn't trying to kill me. Anyone have ideas? My hips won't let me sit in a kayak (if you need a reference pic...I'll post one) ARGH!
    I like fishing, hiking, there's also rock climbing (harnessed of course! but if you're a dare devil you could just climb some big *kitten* rocks without a harness and go "I'm QUEEN of the ROCK!)
  • So yesterday I learned something about myself, i really do like hiking. I'm just a terrible outdoors(wo)man. I have almost no balance when it comes to nature trails and things. :/ well poop, I was really excited about the opportunity to do some outdoorsy stuff not that the weather isn't trying to kill me. Anyone have ideas? My hips won't let me sit in a kayak (if you need a reference pic...I'll post one) ARGH!
    I like fishing, hiking, there's also rock climbing (harnessed of course! but if you're a dare devil you could just climb some big *kitten* rocks without a harness and go "I'm QUEEN of the ROCK!)

    I have no upper body strength! I need to have awesome super arms for that
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    NSV Monday!

    I put on a pair of pants this morning that no longer make me look like my basement's flooded. They hang perfectly below my ankles again. :)

    I had a total dietary lapse on Saturday. The overeating made me tired and sluggish - I haven't felt like that in a while and realized I used to feel like that *most* days. I was falling asleep with a tummyache thinking... yeah, *THIS* is why I don't want to eat like that anymore.

    Tonina (and everyone)... my weekly weigh-in day is Friday too. I promise not to peek between last Friday and this one (I usually cave on Tuesdays and have a look). I didn't manage 30 min of exercise every day last week - so I'll try a do-over of last week's challenge.

    theonlychuck - I'm sorry you've had a bad run. It's awesome that you logged everything! Don't waste energy being angry with yourself. Just let it go, and start afresh today - make today great! :)

    relicgoddess - I hear ya! I like hiking too, but have similar balance issues. So much of our balance control is about our core muscles. I *hate* core exercise - but it's making a difference! I'm getting more stable all the time!

    Hey - maybe that would be a good challenge for another week? A focus on core? Here's a slide-series from the Mayo clinic site with how-to photos and descriptions for a variety of core exercises. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/core-strength/SM00047
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Oh I am soooooooooooooooo Bad at this no scale peeking! I am going to give it to hubby to put away! I really think I NEED to do it though :) good challenge
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Well for this weeks challenge I will only look at the scale on my various days that I have to check in. My weekly check in for here is Sunday, my weekly checkin for my journey is Wednesday, and my weekly checkin for my trainer is Friday. Thats about as close as I can get to not peeking at the scale.

    Monday NSV- Yesterday I wore a pair of pants that I bought back in 2004 or 05 and they fit me better yesterday then they did back then. Also I need new shoes because they are litteraly falling off of me when I walk! Guess I'm losing weight in my feet too!

    Also I haven't been keeping track of my inches at all I think I am going to buy a measuring tape and start measuring my body starting on Wednesday! I will measure once a month!
  • Hi everyone! Well my NSV for the week is that I went out an bought new pants on Saturday and they're a size smaller than what I was wearing! I'm pretty excited! :happy:

    As for the challenge this week- I'm not so sure about it. I use the scale as a barometer for how my week is going. When I dieted before and stopped watching the scale I completely fell off the wagon. I don't want to do that again. How about my personal challenge for this week is to stay with 30DS for the entire week. That'll really be a challenge for me since Jillian and I tend to have a love/hate relationship!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I am at 253.4 so I am only down .6

    All of that exercise and only .6? What is up with the universe?

    I think its in the air. I've seen quite a few people post losses they weren't expecting after busting their butts....Next week should be better :)
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm totally all for this weeks challenge, I'm such a scale addict. I usually check everyday - sometimes multiple times a day... but I generally don't let it eat me up if I'm showing temporary gains. I peeked this morning, but tonight I'm gonna put the scale up on the shelf in my closet and it will stay there until my saturday weigh-in! If you don't hear from me in a while it means I gave in and crawled up on the shelves to check my weight and fell off and hurt myself :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: jk
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hey everyone! Its great too see all the Monday NSV's! Woot! :drinker:

    I just wanted to remind everyone the weekly challenges are optional. You can pretty much skew them how you want too, or not do them at all. :laugh: So if you weigh in on Fridays, don't peek till Fridays. If you need to check in everyday for motivation, then check in everyday. Its OK.

    Last thing I want to see is the weekly challenges overwhelming anyone and causing them to regress backwards....which is what actually happened to me when I joined a monthly challenge back in August. I couldn't take the pressure of all the challenges I had to keep up with everyday, so I would stress eat...basically about week 3 I looked at my progress, and realized...it doesn't matter that I'm doing 100 push-up challenge, or walking 10 miles...because I'm eating about 7000 calories a day and beating myself up when I don't meet my own expectations for each daily challenge.

    That's why in this group the challenges are optional. :wink: Just a way to challenge yourself every week, but make it fit your needs, the goal is to move forward. I am sure some weeks we will have super easy challenges, and other times we might have really difficult ones.
    im mad at myself ive done pretty decent all week untill yesterday i went over on my calories and not on good food either it was on bad food and now i have a food hangover! well this week i gained .6
    no i lied i just went back to my food log this week i actually did terrible, i went over at least 4 days this week and then the days i didnt go over i had almost 500 calories left over, my body is probably freaking out! this week along with the challenge of not looking at the scale till lext monday(hard for me) i have a goal of staying within 50 calories of my recommended and to also make sure im working out 4-5 times this week, and to stay positive not negative i have been super moody, uncle tom has been all wacky (12 days )and my hormones are a mess . so today im going to start a cleanse of all the negative! and can someone give me some pointers on how to handle going to other people houses, and family reunions with food, cause i screw up if im not incontrol!

    I can't even tell you how many times I've done that (just more proof of why logging your food is almost necessary). I will swear with very serious conviction that I was good all week except one day....and be mad I didn't lose...but when I actually look back, my week was all over the place...and its like..."oh...well...fine then..."

    You will do better this week. A positive outlook will help a lot! As for handling food at family reunions and other outings. Here are my suggestions. Eat before going. If you know there is going to be almost nothing healthy there, eat a full meal before you go. Make yourself a nice plate of chicken, with a side of veggies...you can even spruce up and roll the chicken in bacon bits or something, make it "taste" bad...but actually be really good for your calories. This way when you go to the party, you won't be hungry, and temptation won't be AS bad (I'm not gonna lie, it won't go away completely, but its kind of like eating before going grocery shopping, the temptation to put all the junk into your basket is greatly reduced).

    And even though you are eating before, leave some calories left over that way you can have something there. If its a buffet kind of party its actually easier, because no ones going to want to "force" food on your plate. If everyone is sitting at the table, and you feel obligated to eat (even though we all shouldn't feel that way, not going to pretend its not there). Make yourself a small plate with the healthiest looking food available. They have a salad? Then only make yourself a salad. If people keep pushing food towards you, just say your not really hungry. (and you don't have to tell them its because you ate before you came, its really non of their business).

    Another suggestion is bring your own sweets. Make calorie friendly cupcakes, or cookies etc. And bring them to the party (depending on the party or family, you can ask first...I know most my friends family would not turn away free cupcakes though lol). There is a ton of really good tasting recipes that no one can tell that they aren't full of sugar and calories, so you don't even have to say anything. Watch the looks you get when someone who knows your watching your food sees you eat the cupcake, its priceless!

    Ok...that concludes the BOOK. haha.
    I like fishing, hiking, there's also rock climbing (harnessed of course! but if you're a dare devil you could just climb some big *kitten* rocks without a harness and go "I'm QUEEN of the ROCK!)
    I have no upper body strength! I need to have awesome super arms for that

    I want to go rock climbing, (the kind with the harness and no cliffs! lol). A girl I went to high school with started taking classes at a local rec center, and she got BUFF arms (in a good way, no flab!). But that was after like 6 months of going 3 times a week. But I have to admit that sounds like a much funner way to work out my arms than lifting weights. :laugh:
    How about my personal challenge for this week is to stay with 30DS for the entire week. That'll really be a challenge for me since Jillian and I tend to have a love/hate relationship!

    Good luck, I hope you like it :) I think there is quite a few people starting 30DS in this group? Maybe you can all keep each other motivated to do it each day.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I must have missed this weeks' weekly challenge... based on everyone's input it must be to stay off the scale, right?
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    I am NOT having a good Monday!

    I am up 3 lbs, and started TOM 12 days early... Maybe the 3 lbs is mostly water?

    I am down to do the scale diet til next Monday.... gulp........

    My goals are to drink 64 oz of water every day!
    and to Log EVERYTHING!

    Happy Day Pals!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Checking in! Great to see all the NSVs! I had one today...a guy I work with, but hadn't crossed paths with in a while was outside at lunch when I was coming back. He saw me and said..."Oh, Becky - that's you? I thought that you were one of the new hires and was thinking that there was a fine-looking woman!" He's a major flirt anyway - but I'll take it...lol!

    Especially after this weekend - huge festival in my home town....and I splurged on some no-no festival food.....Thinking I'm going to use this challenge to my advantage. I normally weigh-in on Tuesday's and last Tuesday's weight was the one I posted - so....I'm not weighing in again until the 26th!

    @mrssavvysteve - I'm up anywhere from 3-5 pounds when I start TOM. Annnd..I noticed that the last 4 months ish it went from every 28 days to every 24 days...uurgghh!!
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    I am having a bad Monday my TOM is here and my weigh is back up to my SW! Not loving it
  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    man ive heard of toms being the same as the women in your house but on a online group?? weird lol i think all of us have uncle tom in town, lol i am trying to be super positive well as much as i can be im moody lol ive done pretty good today, and im trying to make sure i dont screw up anymore!!! ive got this and i feel like i need to make up for this weeks gain for next weeks loss! im going for 5-6 lbs loss i wanna loose 2.5-3 lbs a weeks!! i know its seems pretty big?? im trying though!! ive logged everything!!! woot
  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    NSV...... i just completed the whole tae bo workout for the very first time!!!!!! i feel great maybe i should start doing my workout in the am!!!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    man ive heard of toms being the same as the women in your house but on a online group?? weird lol i think all of us have uncle tom in town, lol

    Uh oh... maybe I should stay away from the group for a little while, I don't need mine coming early! LOL
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'm sorry for all you ladies starting TOM....I really hope I don't get mine anytime soon, it was long and miserable enough last time....

    On a more random note.... I really want to go to six flags.... I'm in the mood to go on some roller coasters. lol
