Mommy Challenge Part 3: Hot Mummies for Halloween!!!



  • Hello all!;-) I would love to get in on this! I will weigh in on Monday. This is such a great idea, love it!;-)
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Good Morning Mummies!! I was shocked to say the least when i got on the scale this morning. After a great loss the week before - this last week was very stressful, no excercise, and traveling most of the weekend to attend a wedding. I fully anticipated no so great results this morning but was overjoyed!! Anyway - here goes.....

    SW - 161.4
    9/12 - 158
    9/19 - 154.8!!! (I literally got on and off the scale 6 times just to be sure my eyes werent playing tricks on me!)

    Loss so far.....6.6 lbs!
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Happy Monday Mummies....weighing in this morning

    Week 9/5/11-- 240 lbs ----SW
    Week 9/12 --- 237 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 235lbs
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 5 lbs

    I am happy with the 2lbs this week because I did NOT work out like I was suppose to this week. So to still lose 2 lbs feels great....slowly but surely going down :smile:
  • zsesteacher
    zsesteacher Posts: 106 Member
    HI to all the beautiful mummies out there...hope you all have a great week!!!!

    Here's my weigh in results...I lost but not what I wanted but still good can't complain..its seems like I losing more inches than weight which is fine with me...

    Week 9/5/11-- 250 ----SW
    Week 9/12 --- 249 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 248 lbs
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    total loss : 2 lbs.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Week 9/5/11-- 164
    Week 9/12 --- 163
    Week 9/19 --- 160
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    I pleasantly surprised with this drop especially after indulging in birthday cake and some not so healthy food over the weekend. Maybe my new workout routine is catching up with me. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    Week 9/12 --- 153.6 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 152.4
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total loss: 1.2lb for this challenge

    Not to bad . I was 151.8 on friday but had had a really bad meal friday for lunch at Zinburger ( I've been waiting a year to try it out and I wanted to try the kobe burger not the turkey on the first trip) for a coworkers birthday. Then a party Saturday night.
    Tonight is day 5 of 30 DS and that is coming along well.
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Good morning beautiful Mommies!

    I see we've been doing well! I totally missed Toya's great "smiley face" chart last week but skimmed through the thread today and caught up to speed! lol..

    It's been pretty crazy for me since last week... been trying to get my apartment into a live-able state... not to sure how much longer before we actually move in but I'm hoping its soon.. I cant wait to sit on MY sofa and watch MY TV and cook dinner on MY stove! lol...

    So exercise has been down to a minimum but I've been doing plenty cleaning up of the place as all of our stuff have been in storage for more than two years.. and added to storage dust, there's construction dust and gunk to clean up! So yeah, I have my work cut out for me! I did a lot of it by myself last week but yesterday I had the help of my son... so it was all good.

    I have here my stats for this week, which are no good.... cause it seems like all the cleaning is for naught... maybe its all the snacks I eat while cleaning! :tongue:

    Week 9/5/11-- 135.5 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 133.5 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 133.5 lbs

    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total loss : 0 lbs
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Looks like i have a lot of reading posts & catching up to do, had a super busy long weekend but Im still here. After i get Colton dropped at school I will come home and catch up and post weight. Happy Monday Mummies!!
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Ladies, looks like some great losses so far! Keep up the good work. I am happy to report a loss as well! I recently started the 30 Day Shred and a walking/running group so I hope the loss continues out of the 150's!!!! Have a great day!

    9/12 156.8
    9/19 153.2
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Week 9/5/11-- 211 lbs ----SW
    Week 9/12 --- 210 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 210 lbs
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 0. Bleh. No change from last week.

    Guess I need to do it like this :)
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    Scale isn't showing me any thing; however,I went this weekend and bought a pair of size 16 jeans that fit me like a glove. I have not worn a 16 jeans since the late 80s. I literally stood in the dressing room and cried. :-)

    Week 9/5/11-- 220 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 220 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 219 lbs
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __1__lbs
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Well I am up a bit from what I was on thursday for my shred weigh in, but I am still down from last mondays weigh in so I will gladly take it!!! Especially after all the cupcakes, wine and wedding food I had over the weekend!

    Week 9/5/11-- 149.1 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 149.0 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 146.9
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __2.2__lbs
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    Wow... all you Mommies out there are doing fantastically!

    Week 9/5/11-- 191lbs ----SW
    Week 9/12 --- 189.6 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 188.0 lbs
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total Lost: 3 lbs Woohoo!
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    That dang scale just isn't moving!!! Went to the gym everyday, stayed (mostly) under calories STILL no loss. SOOO frustrating. I'm leaving for a trip on Sunday, and will have a hard time keeping to any kind of healthy eating while we are gone (the comment in out itinerary beside breakfast is "more bacon" -- yikes!)
    I'm frustrated because the first 10 pounds came off pretty well, about a pound or so a week. Every week. Now I've been hovering at 155 for 3 weeks. Sheesh. at least it's not going up.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Kristen11joy.... we all hate the 155 area... we have all gotten miserably stuck there. but stick with it, i was stuck a long time and now im stuck in the mid 140s haha always stuck i guess!
  • Syds_Mom
    Syds_Mom Posts: 6 Member
    So I started bootcamp mile time was 12:29 and I did about 20 regular pushups, 20 assisted pushups, 16 situps, and 18 dips. I'm okay with my time - it's waaay better than the first time I did this program. I got on the scale this morning since it's the last day I can, so
    Week 9/19: 219.4
    I won't weigh again for four weeks, but today my eating has been much better (even though I found myself at Olive Garden again...) My goals for the week will be to get at least 64 oz of water and at least one fruit and vegetable per day.
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Fellow Mummies!!

    Sorry to check-in sooo late - super busy Monday for me...

    Week 9/5/11-- 141.6 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 139.6 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 138.0lbs
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 3.6 lbs

    I just skimmed the boards real quick, but it looks like everyone has had progress. Angelacasey & Bhurley- WOW!!! Nicole, good luck getting settled in, and I'm sure you'll get the scale down as soon as you're done with all the extra stress & grab-and-go eating.
    Let's do great things to keep the scale moving in the right direction this week!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Great job everyone!

    Week 9/5/11-- 143.3 ----SW
    Week 9/12 ---144
    Week 9/19 --- 141.8
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 1.5 lbs
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    ok! breaking 150 steadily is a huge challenge, last week my lowest weigh was 148.9 but not this morning, I weight in right back at 150lb... oh weekends, you really like to hang on and not let go!!! it's ok. Next Monday, MILESTONE! I will break the 150's officially!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    p.s. Ive been slacking on the treadmill! I must get on it tonight. NO EXCUSES! make it a wonderful week everyone.

    Week 9/5/11-- 152.6 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 150.0 lbs
    Week 9/19 --- 150.0 lbs
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __2.6__lbs
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Good morning Mummies!
    Week 9/5/11-- 144.8 lb
    Week 9/12 --- 141.7 lb
    Week 9/19 --- 141.8 lb
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: __3.0__lbs

    Not thrilled about the bump but I just need to keep an eye on that bottom line. The last two weeks have been busy busy at work but this week looks to be a little slower so I hope I can kick it into gear. I so want to be in the 130's!!