Mommy Challenge Part 3: Hot Mummies for Halloween!!!



  • Twin22twin
    Hi guys !:smile:

    I am so excited! Thanks L for getting this thread up!

    I am doing a lower carb approach, so far it has been going fine. I am not doing a no carb, but cutting out the sugar, flour, salt, and drinking more water has helped +++. :drinker:

    I am looking forward to my week one weight in. I am hoping to lose a little more than 8 lbs by Halloween. Lets see how this goes.

    Good luck to all the wonderful mommies on this thread. I am not sure how to add a pic etc....I will try to figure that out...along with writing stuff in my siggy!!
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning, Mummies! I am at work right now so can't stay on here long (BOO)! I will be doing L1D4 of 30DS tonight after Back to School night for my first grader. Can hardly believe that they are all in school now. They grow up so fast! Makes me feel really old! Oh well as long as I don't look old I will be!

    I will check back later! Have a great day!

  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member

    Nicole your awesome!! Wednesday and you are almost done with the weekly goal, awesome!! I had no clue you were in like the ocean view for you is awesome! I like your drink idea for the weekend..i have a drinking filled weekend as well, im thinking rum and coke, diet that is, lol....anyone have anymore low cal drink ideas for nicole and I in case we want variety?

    thanks chica.. I lapsed for too long so I have to make up!! lol... and yeah, my "ocean view" is fantastic... the building I work in is just next to the port in the capital city... and I'm on the 20th floor so I get an absolutely amazing view when I walk past that side of the building... I sit directly in the middle so I dont see it all the time, but when I go to the kitchen or copiers I make sure to pass on the side that faces the water!! From my home as well, I have an obscured vision of the ocean... development has taken place at the detriment of the view I used to get when I was a child! Oh well!

    As for the drink... I hope my plans dont get squashed... date said he might have to cancel cause he's a record producer and one of his clients wants to come in on Sat evening!! :ohwell: keep fingers crossed for me ok! lol Have a great day ladies!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    more than half way done with the 2 hours of cardio. And it's only Wednesday. Yeah!!!

    Great job Sam!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi Mummies!! Im glad to see everyone is getting their cardio in. I binged yesterday, no clue why. I ate every slice of pizza i could:explode: why did i not just eat 2!?!?!?! It got me to thinking....i really need to focus and make this my priority. I make excuses and put everything else before it. I will put a birthday party, vacation, date, etc before my weight loss journey. Life is going to happen, but i am going to have to learn how to survive off of 1300 calories in this situation (or exercise for a little more) or i will never lose weight! I have my babies 1st birthday party on sunday, my moms birthday dinner at red lobster on monday, and then i go on a girls trip to vegas next weekend for a 30th birthday bash!!! Lots of fun, but i instantly think of what i will eat!! I cant take a break from this, there will always be something to do and then bam the holidays will be here!! this is so hard :mad: anywho, thats my vent for the day. moral of my story: EFFECTIVE TODAY LOSING WEIGHT IS MY #1 PRIORITY UNTIL I REACH 135!!!!!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Hi Mummies!! Im glad to see everyone is getting their cardio in. I binged yesterday, no clue why. I ate every slice of pizza i could:explode: why did i not just eat 2!?!?!?! It got me to thinking....i really need to focus and make this my priority. I make excuses and put everything else before it. I will put a birthday party, vacation, date, etc before my weight loss journey. Life is going to happen, but i am going to have to learn how to survive off of 1300 calories in this situation (or exercise for a little more) or i will never lose weight! I have my babies 1st birthday party on sunday, my moms birthday dinner at red lobster on monday, and then i go on a girls trip to vegas next weekend for a 30th birthday bash!!! Lots of fun, but i instantly think of what i will eat!! I cant take a break from this, there will always be something to do and then bam the holidays will be here!! this is so hard :mad: anywho, thats my vent for the day. moral of my story: EFFECTIVE TODAY LOSING WEIGHT IS MY #1 PRIORITY UNTIL I REACH 135!!!!!

    My dear Toya... I wish you all the strength and determination in the world!! Know that you deserve to achieve your goals and know that only you stand between where you are now and where you want to be! But also know that you are a human being who will make mistakes sometimes... just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and STAY AWAY FROM THE PIZZA!!! :tongue: lol... We'll be here cheering you on girl, knowing that you can do it!
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Hello fellow Mummies,

    This week hasn't been so great eating-wise. We went to a local fair on Sunday and had lots of junk including mini donuts, ice cream, fries etc etc. I went out for drinks with some co-workers on Tuesday and went over my calories by about 600 (four drinks). I made it to the gym last night and will definately be going again tonight. I better see a loss of at least one pound this week. I sure would like to be on an island right now with a cold drink in my hand. I guess I'll have to settle for the great view from my office window.
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Latoya - If I didn't know better I would have thougth that I wrote your last post. I have a birthday dinner tomorrow night (plus my friend at work is making me pineapple upside-down cake for my birthday...yummo). Then at the end of this month I am going to Vegas for a girls weekend with some friends. Nothing to celebrate (other than the fact that I am a hard working Mom and deserve a little break :laugh: ). But I feel the same way. That is the first thing I thought about was what am I going to eat (at dinner, in Vegas, etc...). I am so tired of food ruling my life. I completely believe that it is an addiction and unlike say an alcoholic or someone that abuses drugs we still have to eat to live. Would be so much easier if we could just give it up all together!:explode:

    P.S. Pizza is my Kryptonite! (oh, I forgot about
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    Hey all --
    Traceylee and Latoya I am SOOO with you about the pizza. We used to order in every couple of weeks, but I cannot stick with one or two pieces. I eat, like 4. I still make frozen once in a while for a fix (easier to reisit that 4th piece!lol) But mostly I just try to avoid being in the same room with it. (fortunately my little kids are just so-so about it, and my big ones have moved out to go to college)
    I got to the gym on Tuesday and today (skipped Wednesday to go shopping -- walking around the mall as cardio?)
    Diet is going ok, as long as I am home and cooking. Went to the local farmer's market today and stocked up on lots of fresh veggies -- now I have to figure out how to get them all cooked before they spoil. I love this time of year!
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi fellow mommies!!

    I hope everyone has had a great week thus far, I know I will be very happy to see Friday tomorrow!

    Latoya and fellow pizza lovers... I'm definitely guilty of an addiction to pizza:blushing: I use my "free" meal day (Saturdays) to indulge in any cravings that I might have during the week. Something you might consider, if you have enough willpower.:wink: It really helps me a lot during the week to stay totally committed to eating clean. I just think ahead to my Saturday.. death by chocolate cake, pepperoni lover's pizza, champagne/beer/shots. When I first started my "lifestyle change," I totally overindulged every Saturday. As I've lost more weight and gotten more used to healthy eating, I found that I don't need quite as many drinks or slices of pizza/cake to satisfy my craving. A great trick when you're eating "bad" stuff is to eat very slowly so that you are actually tasting/enjoying the food & your body has time to realize that you are getting full. I know that the free day concept doesn't work for everyone, but it REALLY keeps me honest all week long... Good luck!! I am certain that you & everyone here is capable of making losing weight a top priority. Just stay strong, & you'll be to your goal in no time. That Vegas trip sounds awesome too!

    Tracylee, I agree that being mommy is plenty of reason to take a vacation!:laugh:

    Let's finish out this week & weekend really strong mommies!! We ARE worth the extra effort that it takes to reach our weight loss goals:flowerforyou:
  • Annetinkerbell
    Annetinkerbell Posts: 36 Member
    I managed to swim 40 lengths of fast front crawl I think that's known as freestyle too. Quite proud as first bit of exercise for about a year. I have also been doing 40 kettlebell swings every morning before breakfast, whilst my daughter looks at me whilst I'm crazy! I don't know whether that counts as cardiovascular but is does raise your heart rate.

    I have been doing well with food and managing not to snack on unhealthy food but struggling for ideas of what to eat at lunch. I am going out for lunch with a friend tomorrow and hope I can stay strong when ordering! Wish me luck...

    It's great to read how everyone is doing, keep up all the good work
  • Syds_Mom
    Syds_Mom Posts: 6 Member
    I had a run in with a KFC two piece at dinner :grumble: :sad: . I hang my head in shame.
    Today was just kind of rough overall. Kind of going through the 6 week craziness with my LO, and hubby is training for a marathon so I couldn't go to the gym today. I should have just gone out with the stroller earlier, but it was a little windy...excuses, excuses. Le sigh. Guess I'll start over again tomorrow, that's all I can do!
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    Wow --anntinkerbell! Good for you. I think MFP lets you enter "strength training" as a cardio exercise, but they warn that the calories won't be accurate. I entered it a couple of times, but I stopped -- seemed like cheating! Syds_Mom -- "tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it" (Anne of Green Gables I think)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Latoya - If I didn't know better I would have thougth that I wrote your last post. I have a birthday dinner tomorrow night (plus my friend at work is making me pineapple upside-down cake for my birthday...yummo). Then at the end of this month I am going to Vegas for a girls weekend with some friends. Nothing to celebrate (other than the fact that I am a hard working Mom and deserve a little break :laugh: ). But I feel the same way. That is the first thing I thought about was what am I going to eat (at dinner, in Vegas, etc...). I am so tired of food ruling my life. I completely believe that it is an addiction and unlike say an alcoholic or someone that abuses drugs we still have to eat to live. Would be so much easier if we could just give it up all together!:explode:

    P.S. Pizza is my Kryptonite! (oh, I forgot about

    lol we do have a similar month!! i think with a little focus we will be fine in vegas ( i hope)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    I had a run in with a KFC two piece at dinner :grumble: :sad: . I hang my head in shame.
    Today was just kind of rough overall. Kind of going through the 6 week craziness with my LO, and hubby is training for a marathon so I couldn't go to the gym today. I should have just gone out with the stroller earlier, but it was a little windy...excuses, excuses. Le sigh. Guess I'll start over again tomorrow, that's all I can do!

    lol, food is so evil!!!! today is a new day!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    I managed to swim 40 lengths of fast front crawl I think that's known as freestyle too. Quite proud as first bit of exercise for about a year. I have also been doing 40 kettlebell swings every morning before breakfast, whilst my daughter looks at me whilst I'm crazy! I don't know whether that counts as cardiovascular but is does raise your heart rate.

    I have been doing well with food and managing not to snack on unhealthy food but struggling for ideas of what to eat at lunch. I am going out for lunch with a friend tomorrow and hope I can stay strong when ordering! Wish me luck...

    It's great to read how everyone is doing, keep up all the good work

    its good to see that some of us are winning in the food battle lol!! good burn and healthy choices!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    So I decided to step on this scale this morning to see where I was holding before this weekend. 270.1! SO SO SO close a 30 pound loss. I can taste it!!! This was the kick in the pants I needed for this weekend. I have been having a problem with my knee the last two days so I am really hoping it wont interfer, actaully i wont let it interfer!

    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and can make great choices!!! I am so hoping that when i step on the scale monday for the weigh in itll say 260something.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Sorry for being so quiet lately Mummies! This last half of the week has been PreK, Sister turning 21, and Thursday is my husbands random day off, he works 4 10s, so i havent been around much. I have done my shred everyday, today is L1D5, but other then the cardio in that I havent even touched the additional 2 hours i wanted to get in :grumble: Maybe today after my shred Ill jump on my bike. Anyhow, Off to get Colton ready for PreK. Hoping Mondays weigh in will be good since this month I am commiting to logging EVERYTHING i eat. There fore I am less likely to eat like a crazy this weekend!! :laugh: Happy Friday Mummies!!!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    So I am a pretty big country fan and just got great seats to see Miranda Lambert and Justin Moore. The concert is Oct 13th, so I have a little over a month. I have decided to challenge myself to lose 8-10 pounds before the concert and hopefully that will put me into my smaller jeans. right now I can wear them but its not attractive at all muffin top would be putting it nicely. LOL

    So if i count this morning I am 1.1 pounds towards my goal! And when I reach that goal by Oct 13 I will have already met our challenge goal too and still have a couple weeks left! (im trully hoping for 15-20 by halloween with atleast 10 being ok.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    So I am a pretty big country fan and just got great seats to see Miranda Lambert and Justin Moore. The concert is Oct 13th, so I have a little over a month. I have decided to challenge myself to lose 8-10 pounds before the concert and hopefully that will put me into my smaller jeans. right now I can wear them but its not attractive at all muffin top would be putting it nicely. LOL

    So if i count this morning I am 1.1 pounds towards my goal! And when I reach that goal by Oct 13 I will have already met our challenge goal too and still have a couple weeks left! (im trully hoping for 15-20 by halloween with atleast 10 being ok.

    woot woot!!! so happy for u!!