Mommy Challenge Part 3: Hot Mummies for Halloween!!!



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Most of you on here know me, but for those that dont...

    Im Kristyn, 25 year old, stay at home mom of 2. Colton 4 years old, and Easton 6 months old. Married to my husband Danny for almost 6 years, been together for almost 8 years.

    I like the idea of everyone introducing themselves and setting personal goals :happy:
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi Ladies!! Starting Weight as of today is 161.4. I am so close to the 150's i can taste it!! For the newcomers....welcome! My name is Angela and I am 33, a full time accountant, married 7 years this Oct 30th (perfect to have another 8 lbs or more gone!) we have been together 16 years, and mother of two beautiful children - Nicholas and Olivia. I recently purchased myself a treadmill becuase my husband has been traveling alot with work and i was finding it very difficult to continue with my workouts. Best investment i made next to my heart rate monitor. I had set a personal goal for myself to lose 60 lbs by 11/1 so this challenge is just what i need - thank you Latoya for keeping us going! Good luck to everyone and i look forward to the next two months with you:smile:
  • Hi!!!

    I'm in! :))

    I'm a fulltime working mom, with 21 month old twins! I have been struggling to get back to my pre-pre pregnancy weight....I had gained about 20lbs trying to get preggers, then gained some after my sweethearts.

    My weight PRIOR to all of this was 120....I am now 156.5 lbs. So! I am excited to get back on this bandwagon, and LOVE challenges!

    Thanks so much for letting me join.

    My goal is 20 minutes of cardio start.....primarily this month I am focusing more on changing my eating habits....cutting out the whitestuff (sugar, flour, salt...etc).

    Cheers to us all!

    Ps: I am still not sure what I want to be for Halloween..... :))
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    I see some of us are introducing ourselves for the sake of those who dont know... lol.. so I wont be left out of that! :tongue:

    I am Nicole.. and I'm a single mother of two kids.. both from separate relationships.. My son, Che, is 17 and my daughter, Celina, is gonna be 3 in October. I live on an island in the Caribbean called Trinidad and I am in the process of an entire transformation of my life... wanna finally take ME down the paths that I've always dreamed of!

    Feel free to add me, those who don't have me as a pal here..... I think support is great here on MFP and I have met some really wonderful people who are slowly but surely becoming friends!

    :drinker: :drinker: <
    here's to our Mummy for Halloween challenge!! (that's water of course) :tongue:

    ps.... Angelcasey... Oct. 30th is my Celina's birthday.. nice little coincidence there! Great date!
  • Annetinkerbell
    Annetinkerbell Posts: 36 Member

    I would love to join you all. I am a mum to Olivia (2) and Sebastian (6months). I have just rejoined the gym and start tomorrow! My goal is to swim once a week and keep walking places despite the rubbish British weather.

    Starting weight 130lbs
    Mini goal 120lbs
    Final goal 110lbs
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Good morning!!!! What is your starting weight??? I will gather and summarize by Wednesday. Lets do this ladies...8 pounds by Halloween; we can do it!!! Lets get creative with our challenges and check in!!!! We have to stay motivated to meet our goals. This weeks challenge is our holiday week challenge: aim for 2 hours of cardio this week. That is my personal goal and i want to share it with all of the mummies:wink::wink: As usual, if you want to share a weekly challenge just chime in at anytime. For now lets get our starting weights in and do some cardio!! HAPPY LOBOR DAY!!

    Hello! I'm excited about this! My starting weight for this challenge is 211. My ultimate goal is to be somewhere in the 150's! I usually do 2 hours of Zumba a week, but of course, they cancelled tonights class due to the holiday, and I'll miss Wednesday's class because my husband has to work late. But, I'll find a way to get 2 hours of cardio in. Thanks, Latoya!
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Fellow Mommies!

    I'm super excited to see so many new mommies. I love making new friends:flowerforyou: I guess everyone is doing introductions..

    My name is Nicole(like nicolerah) I am happily married(5 yrs) to my best friend of the last 10 years, and we have 2 young boys, 18 months apart - the youngest is 9 months old. I am active-duty in the U.S. Navy for the last 4 years. I will be going to my next duty station, a ship in Japan, in early-December. I started my weight loss journey in March, 3 months after having my youngest & have not looked back since. It is really motivating for me personally to be on this journey with other mommies who have decided to get serious about fitness/health. As moms, we tend to put ourselves last(first=kids, work, husbands, housework, playdates, etc). I do not think we should be forced to choose one over the other & this challenge is proof that we CAN do it all!!

    Let's get HOT for HALLOWEEN, "MUMMIES"!!!:wink:

    Starting Weight:141.6lbs(yesterday). I think that the cardio challenge will be great!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    ps.... Angelcasey... Oct. 30th is my Celina's birthday.. nice little coincidence there! Great date!
    It is a great date :-)
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 718 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm a 34 yr old Canadian Mom to a very active 3yr old boy. My ultimate goal is to be 150, however, my first mini-goal is 199. Only four more pounds to go woot. I like this challenge as Halloween is my boy's 4th bday and mine is the next day. Eight pounds off will be a great birthday gift to myself :)
  • Syds_Mom
    Syds_Mom Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! I want to join this challenge!
    My name is Doris, I'm 32, and just had a baby in Juiy. i just rejoined MFP. My current weight is 220 and I will stick with the goal of 8 lbs by Oct 31st. Baby steps. I'm running a 5K mid-October so I have to get my fitness back on track soon! My profile pic is where I was fitness wise last Halloween - around 194. My ultimate weight goal is to be back at 168, 170. PLEASE add me as a friend on here, I need some accountability! :)
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    I am so in.

    I am excited :)

    My name is Ally. I have 3 kids. I work full time and devote a ton of time volunteering for our local Girl Scout organization.

    Starting Weight is 191.
    Goal Weight is 135.

    Bigger goal is to maintain it. I have lost the weight so many times. I am ready to learn to eat right and exercise regularly. Instead of the frustration of "serious" dieting every couple years. I am on a good track. I have been working 6 days week. I actually miss working out on my rest days - like today. :)

    Good Luck to everybody
  • bailey390
    bailey390 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join the challenge:) I am a mother of two amazing kiddos. My son just turned 5 and my daughter is 21 month old. I just signed up on the site yesterday and am hoping I am able to loose 25lbs so that I can be at a healthy weight. My starting weight is 155. I would love to lose 8 lbs by Halloween and am hoping this is what will get me there:)
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    I would like to join! My starting weight is 230!
  • AbbyFlower
    AbbyFlower Posts: 4 Member
    Hello All! I hope you have room for one more! I am Mom to Abby, wife to Firefighter Steve and work at the local University. I am trying to reclaim my body after fighting cancer (twice). I just joined MFP and love the support and shared wisdom, I so look forward to being part of this challenge with all you wonderful women!

    I haven't figured out all the fancy tickers yet, so here are all my stats:

    Age = 45
    CW = 166
    GW = 148

    Wishing everybody the best!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Ok for all of the new mommies my name is Bridgette, I'm a full time working mom (accountant also) of a beautiful 9 month old baby girl. I've been married for 3 years this past May. I gained a ton of wait before getting pregnant mainly due to hormone treatments and then gained more being home for 3 months after the baby was born. Didn't gain anything from the actual pregnancy though. My goal weight is 145, for now. I'm at 164 right now so I can see the light at the end of tunnel!! :bigsmile:

    Nice to see so many new faces!! Welcome!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Hi! Can I join too? I'm Julia, 27 y.o. mom to 2 cuties and I work 2 part time jobs.

    Lots of transitions in the past year and somehow I picked up 15 extra pounds along the way, though I've been exercising and eating healthy-ish (keyword: usually) the whole time. Go figure. I'm 5' tall so it really makes a difference.Consistency is what I'm really needing so I'm hoping you ladies will be able to help me out with that!

    8 pounds would be a great start! And my birthday is right around Halloween so great time frame for me.
    My goals are tracking daily, no night snacking, and exercise at least every other day- I'm into running, Zumba, yogalates and if all else fails, Jillian Michaels DVDs.

    I'm also thinking about eating less carbs and sugar, but not sure how to do that since I live on Luna bars, grilled cheese and pasta!

    Wishing success and results to all of you and looking forward to getting to know you guys.

    Thanks for doing this Latoya!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Julia- welcome, and Latoya has recently started a low carb low sugar diet. She may have some good tips for you to help you with that. It has really helped her to get out of a rut she was stuck in!

    Welcome to all the new Mummies!!!

  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    Hi to all the mommies.

    A bit about myself. I'm married and mom of a 2.5 year old boy. I also work full-time which leaves me with not enogh time for anything. And exercise has been the last tin on my long to-do-list. Well, I'm ready to change this and slowly it's actually happening. However, this long wekend was not good for me at all.
    So my starting weight is 165.8 pounds. I'm a slow looser (even without long weekends) so 8 pounds by Halloween will be a challenge for me.

    Let's go, Hot Mommies!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    I'm in....
    My goal is to lose the 8 lbs as everyone has said. My plan is to do 30day shred, and jog/walk three times per week. During this challenge I will also complete 2 5K's! soooo excited :)

    Week 9/5/11-- 152.6 lbs
    Week 9/12 ---
    Week 9/19 ---
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: ____lbs
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Good morning mummies! Lets make it a good one! Yesterday was not a good food day..i ate whatever and drank determined to get back on track today, so lotsa water and healthy eating today. I have not put a dent in my 2 hours of cardio this week yet so i plan to hit the pavement for 30 minutes today to start. Mimi, how is training going? I signed up for my 1st 5k on October 2nd as a motivational tool to get out there and exercise. Whats your plan for the day ladies? I have been aiming for less carbs and i go along in my journey im still pineing for cetain things so i am tweeking my diet, as i want this to be a lifestyle change. So i have added back milk, which is not used alot in low carb world, and i also am having bread on occasion (whole wheat) as i love sandwiches. Although i want to cut back on carbs, i dont want to cut them completely as that is not realistic fom me personally. Lets do this mummies!!:wink::wink: